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Copyright Just About Instantly Online...


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Copyright Just About Instantly Online...


Authors Note This book contains information material for those of us interested in protecting our copyright material. Later, I also include information on my company, ipCOip. This is a copyright storage and registration facility that we established in 2008. I also include a true story that happened in my life, that caused me develop the ipCOip copyright registration system and patent the process, Copyright over Internet Protocol (CoIP) If what we do is of interest to you, by buying this eBook you qualify for a free Test Drive of the system, wherein you can create your own, passwordprotected, ipCOip Copyright Suite and create up to three Berne Convention-compliant, ipCOip Copyright Verification Certificates. Theres no charge for this, nor do you have to provide any credit card or other financial details. If you decide you want to give it a try, youll find a link on the last page of this book. Just click. Please DONT print this eBook. It REALLY screws up the Rain Forest I like sitting under trees - and itll cost you an arm and a leg in printer cartridges. (Now, theres a rip-off!!! Did you know that printer cartridge ink costs about 5 cents a 3 |
How to Copyright Just About Instantly Online... Anything

gallon to make? So how come once it ends up inside a little, plastic cartridge, the price has gone up to about $8,000 a gallon?) Just right-click and save a copy onto your computer. If youre unhappy in any way with your purchase, please drop me a line at Send me proof of purchase, and Ill refund your money. This eBook mentions US dollar$ for convenience. If youre reading this in the UK, Ireland, Europe, Oz or Kiwiland, or anywhere else, you know how much your pounds, euros of Oz-dollars are worth against a US greenback. Or not worth, as Im writing this in 2012 and the entire world is currently going down the toilet, according to ALL the TV News Channels. Dont believe them. Believe in YOU. NM, 2012. Copyright by CoIP Verification: VWXGO200312063207 by Norman MacLeod & KatJamMedia Publishing. All rights reserved. To learn how to create your own, private, ipCOip Copyright Suite - FREE - just go to:

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Copyright Just About Instantly Online...


Facsimile of ipCOip Copyright Registration Certificate

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Copyright Just About Instantly Online...


ipCOip is an Intellectual Property Copyright Registry. All data is handled and stored using military-level, security protocols and in accordance with The Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works and all other relevant International treaties, conventions and agreements. All data is subject to all protection acts worldwide. Core data protection Protection Act. is relevant international the Swiss data Data



Copyright packages are available from simple, singlecopyright suites for private users to comprehensive packages for more prolific, copyright creators. This Book is for guidance only. ***

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Copyright Just About Instantly Online...


The Revolutionary Copyright Solution

Hiya. My name is Norm. Im an author, writer and musician. Ive discovered a way that you can copyright your creations online, instantly, with the click of a PC mouse or a tap on an iPhone screen... Me? I got one piece of copyright material ripped off. They reckon it cost me about $225,000 US. Big deal. Not YOUR problem, right? Hey - if youre a creative person, it IS your problem look at this: In a CNN Report broadcast in late 2011, it was revealed that... Copyright Theft in the USA alone is now running into $250,000,000,000 annually. (All those 000s mean $250 billion, by the way. Arithmetic was never my strong point.) Extrapolate that figure to include the rest of the world, and youre looking at $1.25 trillion. Hmmm... $1,250,000,000,000... Hard to figure? Well, that equates to about $40,000 of every second of every day, 365 days a year - a LOT. Then I found a report commissioned by the giant broadcaster, NBC, that made my jaw drop - it hit the spacebar on my keyboard............ and....... made........... big............. gaps........... like............. this. You can find the report online: theyve now discovered An estimated 23.8% of ALL Internet Traffic infringes copyright. In other words, nearly a quarter of all Internet content is ripping off somebodys work - yours and mine. 1 |
How to Copyright Just About Instantly Online... Anything

Staggering numbers! Just in case youre interested, heres my story... Back in 95, I had written a little Country Rock song, called A Country Mile. Id responded to an ad Id seen in whats called a Tip sheet, where record labels, producers or directors can place kind-of Wanted ads for songs. (This was in the 90s, when use of the Internet for this kind of thing wasnt common.) This one was an ad for upbeat, country-rock tunes with a humorous theme, specifically for the then-popular Line Dance craze. My little song fitted the bill, as the tagline was I can smell bull from A Country Mile. So I ever-optimistically sent it off to the label in Nashville. (This was my Homer Simpson moment. DOH!)

The Sting
About 3 months later, I received a contract through the mail, offering to record the actual demo recording itself. I had my lawyer check it out - it was all cool, kosher and hunky dory - so I signed and sent it back.

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Copyright Just About Instantly Online...


About 6 months later, I received my first royalty check. $68. Didnt exactly wow me, I have to tell you. You didnt hear me shouting Yee-HARR! But, they assured me, there would be more to come. There wasnt. Not a cent. Nothing. Nada. Zilch. Diddley squat. Zero. Yee-harr... Now, remember this was in 1995? Well, in 2006, (!) I got an eMail from a friend in Scotland. (My home stomping ground. I was in Spain at the time.) I had worked with John in a trio, playing pop & rock stuff in the early 80s. John contacted me to say that he had bought a CD in a supermarket and noticed my credit on the label as the songwriter. Asked if it was the same Norm MacLeod. Now, after 11 years, I was intrigued: so I asked which label it was. It was a label Id never heard of - and based in the UK, not the States! Long story short: we found that the song had been recorded on at least 6 different CDs which had been selling well in Country Music clubs and circles and in those supermarket Bargain Bins - for at least 10 years. I got legal advice, and to cut another long story even shorter, I ended up with $68 and an embarrassingly small settlement after the legal bills. I had been stung! In my case, proof of copyright was a problem. Stupidly, Id used whats sometimes referred to as Poor Mans Copyright which, in my court case, was 3 |
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thrown out just about as fast as you throw your junk mail in the trash can. (BTW, did you know that the sign no longer means anything? Just thought you should know...) As youll guess, having lost enough dough to have paid off my mortgage, I became just a teensy, weensy, wee bit obsessed with copyright after that, and when I became a regular Internet user, I saw the dangers of how simple it is to just rightclick, then copy text, music, photos, designs, images, virtually ANYTHING from a website and steal it... I mean, its SO easy - anyone might be tempted.

An Epiphany By Skype
Then one day, I was talking to a friend in Sacramento, California, on Skype. (Again, I was in Spain at the time.) We were jawing for ages, and the subject of copyright theft came up: she had had a load of coaching materials lifted after a convention, where she had revealed a web resource to the attendees. Some @#?!#&%## had not only boosted her years of work, but was actually selling her work online as an eBook. Then I told her my tale of woe... you know how it goes. Anyway, after we exchanged virtual kisses and hugs, I 4 |
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hung up and it suddenly struck me Skype, Vonage, iTalk, GoogleChat, all of these VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) phone lines use encrypted, coded security to let us talk over the Internet and NOT be hacked into: I thought, Why cant I copyright my stuff in a similar way? Well, as I said, obsessed I had become. I was like a copyright stalker - stalking my own copyrights, following them around all day and all night, watching from the shadows, monitoring their phone calls... (okay, Im getting carried away here.) So I started talking to some of those clever, webhead people who work out long lines of code on computers - and actually enjoy it!!! It took the best part of two years, but we perfected a way of creating copyright online, using encrypted data, kinda like VoIP - in fact, its so similar in concept, we decided to call it CoIP - short for Copyright over Internet Protocol*. (*USA/World Patent Pending.)

So What Good Is That To YOU?

Theres a lot of confusion about copyright and how you copyright your stuff correctly, so let me take a minute of your time to clear something up really quickly... First, are you a citizen of, or do you live in, one of these countries? Next page... >>> 5 |
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A - Albania - Algeria - Andorra - Antigua and Barbuda - Argentina - Armenia - Australia Austria - Azerbaijan. B - Bahamas - Bahrain - Bangladesh - Barbados Belarus - Belgium - Belize - Benin - Bhutan - Bolivia - Bosnia and Herzegovina - Botswana - Brazil Brunei - Bulgaria - Burkina Faso. C - Cameroon - Canada - Cape Verde - Central African Republic - Chad - Chile - China - Colombia Comoros - Congo, Democratic Republic of - Congo, Republic of - Costa Rica - Cte d'Ivoire - Croatia Cuba - Cyprus - Czech Republic. D - Denmark - Djibouti - Dominica - Dominican Republic. E - Ecuador - Egypt - El Salvador - Equatorial Guinea - Estonia. F - Fiji - Finland - France. G - Gabon - Gambia - Georgia - Germany - Ghana Greece - Grenada - Guatemala - Guinea - GuineaBissau - Guyana. H - Haiti - Honduras - Hong Kong - Hungary. I - Iceland - India - Indonesia - Ireland - Israel Italy. J - Jamaica - Japan - Jordan - Kazakhstan - Kenya Korea, North - Korea, South - Kyrgyzstan. L - Latvia - Lebanon - Lesotho - Liberia - Libya Liechtenstein - Lithuania - Luxembourg.

M - Macau - Macedonia - Madagascar - Malawi Malaysia - Mali - Malta - Mauritania - Mauritius Mexico - Micronesia, Federated States of Moldova - Monaco - Mongolia - Montenegro Morocco. N - Namibia - Nepal - Netherlands - New Zealand Nicaragua - Niger - Nigeria - Norway - Oman. P - Pakistan - Panama - Paraguay - Peru Philippines - Poland - Portugal. Q - Qatar. R - Romania - Russia - Rwanda. S - Saint Kitts and Nevis - Saint Lucia - Saint Vincent and the Grenadines - Samoa - Saudi Arabia - Senegal - Serbia - Singapore - Slovakia Slovenia - South Africa - Spain - Sri Lanka - Sudan Suriname - Swaziland - Sweden - Switzerland Syria. T - Tajikistan- Tanzania- Thailand - Togo - Tonga Trinidad and Tobago - Tunisia - Turkey. U - Ukraine - United Arab Emirates - United Kingdom - United States of America - Uruguay Uzbekistan. V - Vatican City - Venezuela - Vietnam. Y - Yemen. Z - Zambia. *List correct @ March 2012

All of these countries have signed up to The Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works. This International Agreement was first established in Berne, Switzerland, in 1886 and its been 6 |
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continuously updated ever since, to include recording copyrights on everything from wax drums, to tape, to vinyl, to your PC, Mac, iPhone or on your Blackberry. So Switzerland, home of The Berne Convention, is the natural home of your copyrights, no matter where you are. Now, if youre reading this in the USA or Canada, youre going to be thinking, Whoa, back up - weve already got a Copyright Office... El correcto! But understand this: The Berne Convention establishes copyright as a natural, human right that you, as an author, are entitled to in 164 countries simultaneously. But Im not an author! I hear you yell.

Oh Yes, You Are.

Because under the convention, the word author means creator - so no matter what you create, whether its... The next New York Times bestseller; The next N1 Hip Hop smash; A little logo design; A piano concerto; A line of computer code; Maybe a cartoon drawing; Your latest blog post photo; A love song or a little poetry; Your idea for an invention; A website design or content; Your dog chasing a policeman on YouTube; A killer design for the Paris Fashion Week... 7 |
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...YOU are, by law, the author of that copyright and as such, your RIGHT, by International Law, is to be recognized as the owner of the copyright to that piece of work. (In 164 countries.) You can check it out here if you want to know more:

Heres How You Prove Your Copyright

Got one of these? You CAN prove it

This brings us neatly back to the US and Canadian Copyright offices. USA/Canada copyrights comply with Article 2:2 of The Berne Convention by issuing a dated, paper certificate, effectively witnessed by the copyright office with a registration number, that you can wave victoriously in the air when your stuff gets ripped off. (Remember Yee-HARR! ???) 8 |
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But get this: YOU can comply with Article 2:2 by producing your OWN paper certificate. And how would it be if that certificate was not only dated, but time-stamped to the exact SECOND of copyright? AND witnessed by a credible Third Party ? AND created with just a click of a mouse on your PC or Mac, or a tap on your iPhone, Tablet or Blackberry? Guess what? You ALREADY have that facility, right in front of you, right now, staring you in the face. Take a peek inside the machine youre reading these words on...

You dont need to download anything. Its already there. Youve ALREADY got Copyright over Internet Protocol at your fingertips, right now, in this machine. 9 |
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If youd like to create your own private, passwordprotected, ipCOip Copyright Suite... If youd like to create up to 3 Berne ConventionCompliant, Internationally-registered, time-stamped Copyright Certificates, completely free and at no obligation... If youd like to download the full version of this eBook, again, free and at no obligation... Just click on this link -
...and tell me which eMail address youd like your ipCOip Copyright Suite sent to - and you can create your own Copyrights with a click, using this machine, in a few minutes. *Please note this is for Scribd users only and the Free Trial is limited to 500 users max.* Catcha later! - Norm. Norm MacLeod, CEO & Founder, ipCOip Group. PS Youll also receive the unabridged version of this eBook, free of charge. PPS You dont need to enter credit card details, and you dont need to make any payments. Its just F-R-E-E. PPPS Remember to pick up your ipCOip Copyright Suite Free Trial...
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Publishers Notice
No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, mechanical or electronic, including photocopying or recording or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the author* or publisher (except by a reviewer, who may quote brief passages and/or show brief video clips in a review.) *See final page for permission to forward. Disclaimer: The Publisher and Author make no representations or warranties with respect to the accuracy or completeness of the contents of this work and specifically disclaim all warranties, including without limitation warranties of fitness for a particular purpose. No warranty may be created or extended by sales or promotional materials. The advice and strategies contained herein may not be suitable for every situation. The work is sold with the understanding that the Publisher is not engaged in rendering legal, accounting, or other professional services. If professional assistance is required, the services of a competent professional person should be sought. Neither the Publisher nor the Author shall be liable for damages arising therefrom. The fact that an organization or website is referred to in this work as a citation and/or a potential source of further information does not mean that the Author or the Publisher endorses the information the organization or website may provide or recommendations it may make. Further, readers should be aware that the Internet websites listed in this work may have changed or disappeared between the time this work was written and when it is read. Published by KatJamMedia Publications

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