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Kansas Green Guide Your Bi-Weekly Guide to Sustainable Living

WORKS! Conference Recap March 30, 2012

KDHE Bureau for Waste Management hosted the 18th Annual WORKS! Conference this week in Dodge City at the Magouirk Conference Center. The conference theme was Blazing New Trails in Sustainability. Sessions focused on recycling, composting, household hazardous waste and renewable energy. Highlights included hands on workshops, such as a waste characterization audit in which participants sorted and studied what is in the Dodge City waste stream. In addition, the conference hosted bus tours to Dodge City area facilities such as the Ford County Landfill and the Forget-Me-Not Dairy in Cimarron. KDHE Secretary and State Health Officer Robert Moser, M.D., was present to induct Bill Eberle to the Kansas Solid Waste Hall of Fame and to present the Kansas Environmental Steward Award to Nick Benson. It was an educational and fun week! Next year, WORKS! will be held in Manhattan, Kansas March 26 28.

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Kansas Green Guide March 30, 2012

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