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The Graciosa Project

Adios supertankers, ahoy energy autonomy

Basel, 21 February 2012 Martin Rder

Graciosa Island (Azores)

Inhabitants: 4500 Area: 67 km2 Peak load: ~ 3 MW

Electricity consumption: ~14 GWh Energy supply: Fossil fuels (85%) Wind power (15%) Local Utility: EDA

Graciosas current power system

Power station

4200 kW

(Fuel consumption ~ 4 Mio. l/a)

Adios supertankers, ahoy energy autonomy

Project Graciosa: 70-80% renewables

Island Test Site

To address technical issues in island projects, we set up the Island Test Site to simulate up to 100% renewable energy systems. The grid based system can be configured to use wind, irradiation and load measurements from anywhere.

Potential for wind and solar energy

14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 J F M A M J J A S O N D

Wind speed @ 15 m estim. yield > 9 3.0 m/s MWh/kW




5 4 3 2 1 0 J F M A M J J A S O N D

Solar radiation
daily average estim. yield 3.3 1.3 kWh/m2d MWh/kW


Expected Results:

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