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BOE-BOT Project Wyatt Kachner and Daniel Stanelle Aerospace Engineering April 2012

Introduction We began to use BOE-BOTs to study the use of autonomous vehicles in space. First we assembled our bots, and loaded BASIC stamp onto our devices. Next we took a bunch of notes in the chapter of the challenge that we were in. After, we readied the bots for one challenge at a time by adding and/or replacing parts. Finally we wrote our code onto BASIC stamp and loaded into the bots.

Challenge 1: BOE-BOT must go 3 feet forward, 90 right turn, 3 feet forward, 90 right turn, 3 feet forward. No special parts needed. Challenge 2: BOE-BOT must use whiskers to hit an object, back up, turn around. Whiskers needed to complete challenge.

Challenge 3: BOE-BOT must stay on a black line of tape in the shape of a rocket. IR parts and photoresistors needed to complete challenge. Challenge 4: BOE-BOT must travel through a maze of objects to reach the other side. IR parts needed to complete the challenge.

Sample Code:

Conclusion In this project, we learned a lot about programming and building our BOE-BOT. Throughout the project we had many problems and had to troubleshoot them many a times. By following the design process completely, we were able to make our BOE-BOT complete each challenge that was set out. We also learned to ensure there were no mistakes in the code and the hardware. Overall this project was enjoyable, but troublesome, and we gained experience in coding and hardware alike.

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