Progressive Era and WWI Study Guide

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Progressive Era and WWI Study Guide People or Groups: George Eastman Joseph Pulitzer Florence Kelley Womans

mans Christian Temperance Union Muckrakers American Socialist Party Henry Ford Theodore Roosevelt Bull-Moose Party William Howard Taft Woodrow Wilson Gifford Pinchot Booker T. Washington W.E.B. DuBois Susan B. Anthony Carrie Chapman Catt NAACP Triple Entente (Allies) Triple Alliance Archduke Franz Ferdinand Gavrillo Princip Legislation: Who passed it and what it established Jim Crow Laws Illinois Factory Act Elkins Act of 1903 Hepburn Act of 1906 Meat Inspection Act Pure Food and Drug Act National Reclamation Act Payne-Aldrick Tariff Clayton Antitrust Act 16th Amendment Womens Bureau Selective Service Act Espionage and Sedition Acts

19th Amendment 18th Amendment

Terms: Plessy v. Ferguson Prohibition Brandeis Brief Taylorism Square Deal New Freedom Womans Suffrage Federal Trade Commission Federal Reserve System Armistice Propaganda Great Migration League of Nations Fourteen Points Treaty of Versailles Concepts: Life at the Turn of the Century (education, discrimination, mass culture Goals of Progressivism Role of Women in Progressive Era and in the War Different Platforms of the Presidents of the Progressive Era (Roosevelt, Taft, Wilson) Impact of the Civil War within the boundaries of the U.S. How did America tip the balance of power in WWI

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