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Unit 5 Test Remediation-Astronomy Role Audience Format Topic Superhero 5th Grader Newspaper Article HR Diagram Alien Non-science

teacher Top Ten List (humorous) Groups of Stars/Classifying Stars Compare Student Boss Substitute teacher plans Sun Red Supergiant Star Peer Rap or Song Lyrics Hydrostatic Equilibrium Describe Explain Summarize White Dwarf Star Parent Letter Main Sequence Star Astronomer Informational Brochure

Learn Verb Procedure 1. 2. 3. 4.



Pick one from each of the categories above except you must pick THREE topics. Circle them and turn this page in with your final product. You must write about the three topics you choose and in the role that you choose. You must write to the audience you choose. Your writing must follow the learning verb that you choose.

Example You are a Superhero that is writing a poem explaining innerplanets, outer planets, and meteors, asteroids, and comets to a group of 5th graders.

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