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ByPrashant Dwivedi

It is the ability to affect the perceptions, attitudes and behaviors of other. If the person can make another person recognize that her working conditions are more hazardous than she currently believes them to be(change in perception),influence has occurred. If an individual can convince someone else that the organization is a much better place to work than he currently believes it to be (change in attitude), influence has occurred. Leadership is also considered to be the process of influencing others to get the job done effectively over a sustained period of time. Power is also described as the capacity to influence or exert influence over a period of time. e.g. in what way do the boss would like to influence his employees.

Types of Influence pattern

It occurs when people are influenced to do something against their will because they have been coerced into doing it. In other words people may obey because the cost or consequence of not doing so may be too high; as for example , having their increments stopped or receiving the bad report which might jeopardize their future career in the org.

It occurs when people do things that the leader wants them to do because they like him or her and want to put forth the effort to accomplish the things that the leader would like them to do. This could happen either because the leader is attractive or likeable or acts as a role model or has some qualities that are valued and admired by others in the org.

It occurs when followers are convinced that acting in a particular way as directed by the leader, is in their own interest. For instance, employee may be reluctant to leave his family to attend to go for a three month training course away from the home base. However, the manager might persuade the member to go for the training by convincing the prospective trainee that he would stand to benefit thereby.

Determinants of Influence
Resources & Information

Contacts Authority
Rewards & Punishment

Determinants of Influence




Influence Tactics
Leadership Behavior Follower's Behavior End Result,

Power & Influence Tactics

Commitment Compliance, Resistance

Group Effectiveness,

Followers Performance,
Followers Satisfaction

Leaders Characteristics Style


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