Make Do

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Make or Do? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22.

23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. What do you . . . . . . .for a living? I am a teacher. He . . . . . . .a big mistake when he changed his job. You look very tired. Would you like me to . . . . . . .you a cup of tea? What have I . . . . . . .with my handbag. I cant find it anywhere. I havent got a proper knife. Will this penknife . . . .? Why does it take them so long to . . . . . . .decisions? They . . . . . . .fun of him whenever he wore his new hat. That will . . . ., children! Youre giving me a terrible headache. Why should we . . . . . . .such a fuss of him? What have you . . . . . . .to this table cloth? Its got some kind of red liquid all over it. Dont forget to . . . . . . .your hair before you go out! Could you . . . . . . .me a favour? Please drive me to town. This car is very economical. It . . . . . . .40 miles to the gallon. He had difficulty . . . . . . .his way through the crowd. Its very important to . . . . . . .a good impression at this meeting. Please, . . . . . . .sure that youve turned off all the lights before you leave. This room could . . . . . . .with a good clean. Please sit down and . . . . . . .yourself at home. Dont have anything to . . . . . . .with him. He cant be trusted. When he was younger, he . . . . . . .a fortune selling clothes. I think the answer is 2,258. What do you . . . . . . .it? How would you like your steak . . . .? Medium, please. He . . . . . . .so much noise that he woke her up. She wasnt very happy about . . . . . . .without sugar in her coffee. The new manager . . . . . . .some changes as soon as he arrived. It doesnt matter if you dont come first as long as you . . . . . . .your best. I want to . . . . . . .a phone call. How did you . . . . . . .in your exam? Quite well, I guess. Have a nice cup of tea. It will . . . . . . .you good. What time do you . . . . . . .it? Nearly 4 oclock. Be quiet! Dont . . . . . . .a sound! I must congratulate you. Youve . . . . . . .a very good job. Try not to . . . . . . .too many mistakes! I would like to know how he has . . . . . . .so much money. Weve got a lot to do, so its time we . . . . . . .a start. Did you . . . . . . .English at school? I didnt finish my exam paper. I couldnt . . . . . . .all the questions. . . . . . . .something. Dont just stand there watching me! Youll have to . . . . . . .what you think is right. A long walk in the fresh air will . . . . . . .you a lot of good.

41. Ive . . . . . . .my suitcase lighter by removing a couple of books. 42. Dont blame me. I didnt . . . . . . .anything. 43. He is a wonderful cook, he can . . . . . . .anything out of a few ingredients. 44. It . . . . . . .no difference whether you believe me or not. 45. Everyone will . . . . . . .fun of you if you go to school dressed like that. 46. Ive . . . . . . .an appointment to see my dentist on Monday. 47. I dont want to . . . . . . .trouble for you. 48. I promise that I will . . . . . . .my best. 49. You can watch TV after youve . . . . . . .your homework. 50. . . . . . . .a step towards me. 51. Tying a knot in my handkerchief . . . . . . .me remember what to do. 52. Im just learning how to . . . . . . .the steps of the tango. 53. Smoking can . . . . . . .immense damage to your health. 54. I wonder if you could . . . . . . .me a small favour. 55. Youve . . . . . . .me a good turn and I wont forget it. 56. I wonder who . . . . . . .the gardening in his family. 57. Silly questions really . . . . . . .me angry. 58. Ive never had to . . . . . . .such a difficult choice. 59. I . . . . . . .a small profit on the sale of my car. 60. Its time for us to . . . . . . .a move. I am always ready to do you any favour Mindig szolglatodra kszen llok. I only like meat well done. Csak a jl megsttt hst szeretem. Before I start I must get a new bag and do up my things. becsomagolni Our flat has been newly done up. Laksunkat jbl renbehozattuk. He has done all the States of America. Amerika valamennyi llamt bejrta. Have you done writing? Elvgezted az rst? I did my best to remain on good terms with him. Mindent megtettem, hogy j viszonyban maradjak vele. Now I really dont know what is to be done. Most mr csakugyan nem tudom, hogy mit kellene tenni. It will do him good to spend the week end in the country. Javra vlik, hogy a htvgt vidken tlti. Some peoples principle is to do like for like. Nmely embernek az az elve, hogy hasonlt hasonlval kell viszonozni. Dont flatter you do me proud. Ne hzelegj! Elknyeztet. Boys do mischief. A fik sok bajt csinlnak. I will do all I can. Minden tlem telhett el fogok kvetni. I had to do the essay over again. t kellet rnom az rtekezst. I used to do business with him. Valamikor zleti sszekttetsben lltam vele. It will do you good. Jt fog neked tenni. It wont do any good. Nem sok rtelme van You did right in telling me. Jl tetted, hogy megmondtad nekem.

You look as if you could do with a drink. gy ltszik innl egyet. Have you done your teeth, your hair? Megmostad a fogad, megfslkdtl? Your kind invitation does me great honour. Szves meghvsa nagy megtiszteltets szmomra. I have done with you. Magval egyszer s mindenkorra vgeztem. He did 20 miles a day. 20 mrfldet tett meg naponta. He is doing well. Jl megy a sora. This will never do. Ez nincs rendjn gy. You do well to see a doctor about your problem. Jl teszed, hogy orvoshoz fordulsz a problmddal. He is done for. Kimerlt. He is a well-to-do man. Jmd ember. I cant do without my books. Nem tudok meglenni a knyveim nlkl. She has done with him. Szaktott vele. Will that do? Meg fog ez felelni? Do learn! Tanulj! How would it do for me to write him? Mit szlnl hozz, ha rnk neki? What has that to do with me? Mi kzm van nekem mindehhez? He did up the room for her. Kitakartott helyette. That has nothing to do with it. Ennek semmi kze ehhez. Will you do up this parcel for me? Lgy szves csomagold be ezt helyettem! I hope you will do me the honour to pay a visit to me. Remlem megtisztel ltogatsval. This mill makes excellent cloth. Ez a gyr (textilzem) kitn szvetet kszt. He made us write it once more. Mg egyszer leratta velnk. Dont make faces at me. Ne csinlj grimaszokat! Dont make me laugh. Ne nevettess! He could make himself understood in Hungarian. meg tudta magt rtetni magyar nyelven. Your brother would make a good actor. A te fivred sznsztehetsg. I seem to have hurt him, so I must make amands for my words. krtalant/krptol vkt vmrt We must to make up to him somehow. Valahogyan ki kellene t bktennk. Dont make a fool of yourself. Ne tedd magad nevetsgess! Make haste, my dear, or else you will miss the train. Siess drgm, vagy klnben leksel a vonatrl. I cannot make head or tail of it. Nem rtem a dolgot. What can you make of what he said? Mit rtettl meg abbl amit mondott? I can hardly make out his handwriting. Alig tudom kisilabizlni az rst. You had better make sure of his solvency [aSgLVeNSk]. Jobban teszed ha meggyzdsz a fizetkpessgrl. Make the best of your holiday. Hasznld fel jl a szniddet! I cannot make up my mind about it. Nem tudok dnteni ebben az gyben.

I have made up my mind to go to London. Elhatroztam, hogy nyron Londonba utazom. How large do you make the crowd? Hny fre becsld a tmeget? He made eyes at her. Szemezett vele. I make bold to say . . . Merem mondani . . . He made as though to strike me. gy tett, mintha meg akart volna tni. You ought to make a fire, its rather cold. Be kellene gyjtanod, mert bizony hideg van. Can you make room for me? Tudnl nekem helyet csinlni? You must make up the lost time. Be kell hoznunk az elveszett idt. The bad news made him ill. A rossz hr betegg tette. Too much wine makes men drunk. Sok bortl rszeg lesz az ember. He easily makes friends with children. Knnyen bartkozik gyrekekkel. These apples make my mouth water. sszefut a vz a szmban ha ezeket az almkat ltom. Will you make one of our club? Belpsz a klubunkba? Let us make friends. Legynk bartok. I make him out to be an Englishman. n angol embernek tartom. He made 100 dollars on the bargain. 100 dollrt nyert az zleten. What time do you make it now? Mit gondolsz mennyi lehet az id? He made such a figure yesterday. Olyan nevetsges volt tegnap. He made after him, but the thief was faster. Utna vetette magt, de a tolvaj gyorsabb volt. When the dog made for me, I hit him with my stick. Mikor a kutya nekem jtt, megtttem a botommal. Made in Hungary. Ez az ru Mo-on kszlt. The cashier made off with all the money. A pnztros megszktt a pnzzel. Merry-making dnom-dnom Make out my bill, please. lltsa ki a szmlmat. His mother made over all her property to him. Az desanyja az sszes vagyont riratta. Boys, make yourselves scarce. Fik, tnjetek el! Make the necessary provisions for the arrival of 10 guests. Tedd meg a szksges intzkedseket 10 vendg rkezsre! Two and two make four. Kett meg kett az t. He is a self-made man. nerejbl kzdtte fel magt. Make an attempt. Tegyl egy ksrletet! This cloth is of best English make. Ez a poszt a legjobb angol gyrtmny. What make is your car? Milyen gyrtmny a kocsid?

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