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5th Grade Dear parents

September 30, 2011

Students have done:

In Science we have almost done with the book Heat and changes in materials We have done all experiments about heating and freezing different things: water, butter, chocolate and coins, and right now we are doing a nal project about the different temperatures at what the water switch to steam, liquid or ice.

We have nished our reading number 26 called En el lejano Oeste. Just four more readings to nish our book, and then we will start with fth grade book, in order to be ready for the next year. We have change three of our stations, and now in one of them we have to practice the verbs tenses, in other one we have to talk about very funny themes, and in the last one they have to make a composition using 2 characters and 1 place picked from 20 options.

We have nished with measurements and have started with algebra. We have done one 2 tests combining addition, subtraction, multiplication and division Soon we will done with it, and we will start with geometry.

5th grade

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