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Hanif Uddin #300690014 EAPP 097002 Intructor: Maryam Mosaffa Feb 15, 2012

My Best Day

It is my best day because it is my birthday. I will finally get a computer from my parents. They promised to get it for my 20 th birthday. It will help me with my assignments and homework. I can write notes on my new laptop during lectures. I can also play games on it, but I will limit my time. I will email my friends and tell them about my computer. I can also shop on line. I cant wait to see it.

Hanif Uddin #300690014 EAPP 097002 Intructor: Maryam Mosaffa Feb 15, 2012

My Classmate

The name of my classmate is Harbindar Singh. He is from Chandigarh. Chandigarh is in India. Harbindars favourite movie actor is Shahrukh Khan. His favourite colour is blue. He also likes green. His best friend is Nitu Singh. She is his girl friend. She is also from Chandigarh. She is a college student in India.

Hanif Uddin #300690014 EAPP 097002 Intructor: Maryam Mosaffa Feb 15, 2012

My Morning Routine

It is not easy for me to get ready for the day. Because, I have to do many things in the morning. Generally, I get up at 7:00 a.m. First, I go to wash room and finish my natural works and brush my teeth and take wudu. After that, I finish my prayer. I wake up my kids. I prepare breakfast for us. Sometimes, my wife prepares breakfast. Then we have breakfast at 8:15 a.m. At 8:40 a.m. I walk my kids to their school. It is very near to my house. After that, I come back to my house. Then I put my books and other necessary things in my backpack. Finally, I start to go to school for my 10:30 a.m. class. That is my busy morning routine.

Hanif Uddin #300690014 EAPP 097002 Intructor: Maryam Mosaffa Feb 15, 2012

My Friend

I want to tell you about my friend Yasmin. She lives in Seattle, Washington. She is young and single. She is twenty four years old. She works in a womens clothing store. It is a nice place to buy clothes. Yasmin likes her job. Clothes are very important to her. She loves to shop. She spends her money on new clothes and shoes. She has a plan to open a clothing store. She wants to have her new business. It is a good idea.

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