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Disclosure- System Failure

This is not the disclosure that many are looking forward to but it is perhaps even more important. This is disclosure about the collapse of earths old operating system and what it means. I receive information through visions and need to interpret these visions the best I can. Please use discernment. But first a few words are needed about the new unity grid which is new earths fully functioning operating system. The new system is an alternating current system that has no positive or negative current flow. It has an alternating current flow. There is no top down hierarchal structure in the new operating system and all living things are on a level playing field. The new system deals only with individual energy generated through intense personal effort. It does not deal with the manipulation of mass consciousness. Those that put out effort will gain and those that do not put out effort will not gain. As this years energies pour into the new operating system those still plugged into the old system will experience dramatic system failure as their world no longer operates the same way. This will continue until the earths ascension process is complete. The harder they try to do the old things, the more urgent and desperate they will become. It is the sheer number of people affected that needs to be brought into the open. If possible these people need to be helped into their heart centers where they can find some stability. Earths old operating system is the holy kabbalah. It started out as a structure that allowed spiritual light from source to pour down through ten stations or sephiroth until the energy manifested as physical events. The basic idea was the formation of a spiritual hierarchy and each hierarchy transmuted the energy down into a lower energy where is could be of use by living physical things. Light from source was too pure to be of use to ordinary mortals. This light descended through ranks of beings like archangels, angels, dominions, cherubim and so forth before reaching humans. This system was a top down/trickle down system and it was male/patriarchal meaning that it was only one way. Light flowed from the top down and that was it. It was direct current with spirit as positive and earth as negative. The way back to source was long, arduous and difficult. It was called the path of the serpent. This operating system was created for good intent but it was hacked like modern computers are hacked. Beings of evil intent used this same system in reverse. Instead of light they used the lowest common denominator energy of the human collective and moved it upward to single individuals for self-empowerment. They found a way to run this system in reverse and learned how to use it to control and manipulate humanity. That which began as good turned into evil.

One must realize that this is normal. In every age a new operating system is established and it works well for a while and then is compromised and turned to evil purposes by the end of an age. That is why each age requires a new operating system to return balance and justice to the world. Those highly spiritual beings tried to fight the evil ones by pouring more spiritual energy through the operating system but that only increased the flow of evil energy as well since the evil energy was locked in place with the good energy. The operating system was created to keep these energies balanced. This is how the struggle of good against evil stands today with no side having the ability to win. They are locked in a stalemate. That is until now. Now the new unity grid has broken the old system and it has completely collapsed. It is a dead system and no longer carries energy, no longer manifests things. The entire Western world has been influenced by the Holy Kabbalah and its collapse will affect them all. The Jewish religion, the Islam religion and Christianity along with most of the western mystery traditions such as Free Masonry will be severely affected. Spiritual and wellintended believers will be affected as well as those evil doers intent on enslaving the entire world. The system has become obsolete. Those that follow the teachings or any of these religions will find that the teachings no longer have the power to bring change that they once did. The universe no longer supports those doctrines and beliefs. In particular, the Holy Kabbalah was a top down system meaning that those at the top, those with the highest mental and spiritual capacities would be given power over those that were not as smart. The energy came down from the higher energy centers and the power lay in those higher centers. This is no longer the case. The power now lies in the earth itself. It streams out of the ground into our feet and upwards through our crown chakra back to the light as an alternating current. The point of power is in the moment, in the present, in acting at the physical level. Those that put forth effort are now empowered. The point of awareness and peace is at the heart level and life is much more emotional. No salvation can come through logic and reasoning. Those higher centers must now serve the heart and not the heart serving the higher centers. IN fact the higher centers now have no power at all unless they are integrated into the physical reality. Religious fanaticism or religious head tripping has now become a very dangerous thing to do and will not lead to success. It is not supported by the new operating system. Only by going through the heart will these things be successful. The danger is the rise in religious fanaticism by those increasingly desperate to manifest things in their lives.

The solution is simple but extremely difficult. Reach out to embrace each other in love, heart love, and keep ones mouth shut! Talking of religion will only make things worse. IT is an intellectual exercise. Please realize that many good and innocent believers will be affected but will also be able to find the solution to their distress by turning to their own heart centers. If possible we can reach out to them in love and show them how it is done.


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