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SOCIAL CHANGE PROJECT Five to six member groups are to develop a social change program hypothetically in UCP.

This could include a wide range of options, from instituting a recycling program to convincing management to provide a student council which can facilitate students in becoming more responsible individuals. While the group is to strive for building up an effective implementation plan for the program, the grade for this assignment is entirely dependent on the structure, organization, effectiveness and efficiency of the social change program proposed. The group is to give an account of their project. This debriefing is to include: (1) an overview of the social change program; (2) ethical and social reasons for its importance A single-page executive summary of the project in hard copy is required. Additionally, each group member is to keep a reflective journal, chronicling their interpretation of how the project can be linked to the theories presented in the course and texts. Group Project Paper Submission 1. Overview of the social change program This will explain what the project is about and how do you plan to implement it, that is, explain the supposed process/ plan of the program 2. Ethical and social reasons for its importance In this section focus on the reasons which you think makes the project so important to be introduced at UCP, explaining them briefly.

Individual Submission Discuss which theory specifically backs your social change program and how do they link together. For Example, utilitarian perspective or Marxism or any other theory places an emphasis on the importance of this project and you need to answer the question; How? This Part of your project should not be more than 150 words (Individually) and should be attached with the executive summary separately by each member with his/her name and student ID written at the top of the page.

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