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Group ‘Coming of Age’ Projects

Instructions: Group members will divide the tasks for presentations.

Individual grades will be given for ‘Elements of a Novel’. Each member will
present his/her task to the class. A group grade will be given for the ‘Group

Elements of a Novel: (15 points)

Each element must be 1 to 1 ½ pages (typed, double) and presented with a visual aid.
Decide as a group who will complete each element and write their name next to the task.

A. _________________ Plot Summary

a. Give a brief plot summary of the novel
i. Inciting incident, three rising action, climax, and conclusion
b. Visual Aid: Construct a plot line.

B. _________________ Setting
a. Describe the setting and explain how it affects the plot
b. Visual Aid: Create a map of the setting.

C. _________________ Character Sketch

a. Describe the main characters and how each had a ‘coming of age’.
b. Visual Aid: Illustrate a portrait of the main characters.

D. _________________ Theme
a. Explain the theme of the story. Theme is the main idea of the story—the idea the
author wants to get across but never directly states—the moral of the story—what the
author believes to be true of humankind or society—the unwritten message.
b. Visual Aid: Design a collage that represents the theme of the story.

Group Performance: (15 points)

By using a skit, role-play, or other visual production, give a plot summary.

** To receive full credit for this category you must DRESS for the performance (with costumes or props!)
** Each performance should be between 2-5 minutes in length.

 Create and present a television commercial to advertise your product.

 Choose one scene from the book and act it out in a skit.
 Interview the main characters in the style of a news program or talk show (characters should have
a prepared script of questions and answers).
 Produce a program starring characters in your novel.
 Other ideas? Great! Just be sure to clear it with your teacher first.

Remember—it is YOUR responsibility to talk with your teacher RIGHT AWAY if a

group member is not pulling his/her weight in the group project. If you wait until the
END of the novel to voice your concerns, you will ALL be penalized with a lower grade.

Project Grading Scale: A = 27-30 B = 24-26 C = 21-23 D = 18-20

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