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Irrigation Management Using Tensiometers l.

What is a tensiometer
What is a tensiometer?
A tensiometer is a moisture measurement tool that measures how hard the plant is working to extract water from the soil. It directly measures the physical force that the root system must overcome in order to access water held in the soil (also known as matric potential). Tensiometers read in kilopascals (kPa). The higher the reading on the gauge, the harder it is for the plant to extract water. A working tensiometer consists of a sealed tube filled with water, a porous ceramic tip and a vacuum gauge. Vacuum Gauge


The tensiometer is inserted into the soil so that the ceramic tip is at the depth of soil that is to be monitored. The ceramic tip of the tensiometer must be in contact with the soil in the active root zone in order to obtain useful information. As the soil dries out, water is sucked out of the tensiometer through the porous ceramic tip. This creates a partial vacuum in the tube, which registers on the vacuum gauge. Conversely, if irrigation or rainfall occurs and the soil around the ceramic tip becomes wet, water is sucked into the tube and the vacuum is reduced. Readings should be taken at least 2-3 times per week during summer.

What do the readings mean? Reading


Sealed tube


Ceramic tip

Tensiometers can be used to predict crop water demand and therefore irrigation requirement.

Soil is very wet. Reduced crop growth will result 8 Field capacity 8 - 35 Best conditions of soil moisture for crop growth 35 - 50 Mild stress on well-drained soils 50+ Soil is very dry. Yields will be affected * readings may vary depending on soil type

For more information, please ring your local Rural Water Use Efficiency Officer. The Rural Water Use Efficiency Initiative is a joint venture between BSES, CANEGROWERStensiometer work? Government through the How does a and the Queensland Department of Natural Resources and Mines.

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