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International Conference on Fast Reactors and Related Fuel Cycles Challenges and Opportunities (FR09) 7-11 December 2009 Kyoto, Japan
Organized by the International Atomic Energy Agency Hosted by the Japan Atomic Energy Agency


1. INTRODUCTION Renewed interest in nuclear energy is driven by the need to develop carbon free energy sources, by demographics and development in emerging economies, as well as by security of supply concerns. It is expected that nuclear energy will deliver huge amounts of energy to both emerging and developed economies. However, acceptance of large scale contributions would depend on satisfaction of key drivers to enhance sustainability in terms of economics, safety, adequacy of natural resources, waste reduction, non-proliferation and public acceptance. Fast spectrum reactors with recycle enhance the sustainability indices significantly. This has led to the focus on fast spectrum reactors with recycle in the Generation IV International Forum (GIF) and the International Project on Innovative Nuclear Reactors and Fuel Cycles (INPRO) initiative of the IAEA. It is expected that 2009 will register major events in the domain of fast spectrum reactors, that is, the restart of Monju in Japan, the first criticality of the China Experimental Fast Reactor in China, as well as new insights through end-of-life studies in Phnix, France. New fast reactors are expected to be commissioned in the near future: the 500 MW(e) Prototype Fast Breeder Reactor in India and the BN-800 unit in the Russian Federation. Moreover, China, France, India, Japan, Republic of

Korea and the United States of America are preparing advanced prototypes/ demonstrations and/or commercial reactors for the 20202030 horizon. The necessary condition for successful fast reactor deployment in the near and midterm is the understanding and assessment of innovative technological and design options, based on both past knowledge and experience, as well as on ongoing research and technology development efforts. In this respect, the need for in-depth international information exchange is underscored by the fact that the last large international fast reactor conference was held as far back as 1991. Since then, progress in research and development, as well as in design, has not been reported in a coordinated manner, which has made planning and implementation of expensive research and technology development programmes rather difficult. There is a perceived need for an appropriate forum to achieve the twin objectives of exchanging experience and innovative ideas among experts, and of sharing knowledge and mentoring, whereby experienced scientists and technologists, as well as fast reactor programme managers, would share their perspectives with the future generation of young scientists and technologists, helping them to choose research problems of eminence and pursue their careers to meet the challenges of the development of fast reactors with recycle. After almost 20 years, this is also the appropriate time, as fast reactor programmes are currently on an accelerated growth path in many countries of the world. It is in light of this, that the IAEA is convening, on 711 December 2009 in Kyoto, Japan, the International Conference on Fast Reactors and Related Fuel Cycles Challenges and Opportunities (FR09), hosted by the Japan Atomic Energy Agency. This conference aims at promoting the exchange of information on national and multinational programmes and new developments and experience, with the goal of identifying and critically reviewing problems of importance, and stimulating and facilitating cooperation, development and successful deployment of fast reactors in an expeditious manner. 2. CONFERENCE BODIES The Conference General Chair and Co-Chair and Honorary General Chair are Messrs Toshio Okazaki (JAEA President), Jacques Bouchard (Advisor to the CEA Chairman and GIF Chairman) and Yoichi Fuji-ie (Former Chairman, Japan Atomic Energy Commission), respectively. The International Advisory Committee is chaired by Mr. Massimo Salvatores, and consists of the following senior representatives from Member States having fast reactor programmes (from both R&D and industrial organizations) and from international organizations:
Xu Mi, China Institute of Atomic Energy (CIAE), China Yu Hong, China Institute of Atomic Energy (CIAE), China Jean-Louis Carbonnier, Commissariat lEnergie Atomique (CEA) Saclay, France Jean-Michel Delbecq, Electricit de France (EDF) R&D, France Massimo Salvatores, Commissariat lEnergie Atomique (CEA) Cadarache, France Joachim U. Knebel, Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe GmbH, Germany Anil Kakodkar, Atomic Energy Commission, India

Baldev Raj, Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research (IGCAR), India Srikumar Banerjee, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre (BARC), India Shreyans Kumar Jain, Nuclear Power Corporation of India Limited (NPCIL), India Yutaka Sagayama, Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA), Japan Satoru Tanaka, University of Tokyo, Japan Takashi Nagata, Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA), Japan Yuji Takahashi, Federation of Electric Power Companies of Japan (FEPC), Japan Keizo Okada, Mitsubishi FBR Systems, Inc., Japan Moon Hee Chang, Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute (KAERI), Republic of Korea Soon Heung Chang, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST), Republic of Korea Vladimir S. Kagramanyan, State Scientific Center Russian Federation - Institute for Physics and Power Engineering (SSCRF IPPE), Russian Federation Mikhail N. Lysenko, Rosatom, Russian Federation Vladimir M. Poplavsky, State Scientific Center Russian Federation - Institute for Physics and Power Engineering (SSCRF IPPE), Russian Federation Anatoly V. Zrodnikov, State Scientific Center Russian Federation - Institute for Physics and Power Engineering (SSCRF IPPE), Russian Federation Phillip Finck, Idaho National Laboratory (INL), United States of America Sal Golub, US Department of Energy, United States of America Roland Schenkel, European Commission, EU Thierry Dujardin, Nuclear Energy Agency, OECD/NEA Alexander Stanculescu, NE/NENP, FR09 Scientific Secretary, IAEA Chaitanyamoy Ganguly, NE/NEFW, FR09 Scientific Secretary, IAEA

The International Scientific Programme Committee is chaired by Mr. Toshikazu Takeda, and consists of the following senior experts from Member States having fast reactor programmes (from both R&D and industrial organizations), as well as from international organizations:
Yijun Xu, China Institute of Atomic Energy (CIAE), China Lixia Ren, China Institute of Atomic Energy (CIAE), China Bernard Boullis, Commissariat lEnergie Atomique (CEA) VELRHO, France Yannick Guerin, Commissariat lEnergie Atomique (CEA) Cadarache, France Christian Latg, Commissariat lEnergie Atomique (CEA) Cadarache, France Jacques Rouault, Commissariat lEnergie Atomique (CEA) Saclay, France Jean-Paul Serpanti, AREVA NP Lyon, France Gian-Luigi Fiorini, Commissariat lEnergie Atomique (CEA) Saclay, France Alain Zaetta, Commissariat lEnergie Atomique (CEA) Cadarache, France Concetta Fazio, Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe, Programm NUKLEAR, Germany Werner Maschek, Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe, Institut fr Kern- und Energietechnik, Germany Perumal Chellapandi, Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research (IGCAR), Kalpakkam, India Raigiri Narayana Jayaraj, Nuclear Fuel Complex (NFC), Hyderabad, India Hattandadi Suresh Kamath, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre (BARC), Mumbai, India Jyesthraj Joshi, Institute of Chemical Technology, Mumbai University, India Tarun Kumar Mitra, Prototype Fast Breeder Reactor (PFBR), Kalpakkam, India Toshikazu Takeda, Osaka University, Japan Hirotake Moriyama, Kyoto University, Japan Toshio Wakabayashi, Tohoku University, Japan Masaki Saito, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan Kazumi Aoto, Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA), Japan Tomoyasu Mizuno, Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA), Japan Takashi Namekawa, Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA), Japan Akira Yamaguchi, Osaka University, Japan Naoto Kasahara, University of Tokyo, Japan Hideki Yagi, Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO), Japan Do-Hee Hahn, Korea Atomic Energy Institute (KAERI), Republic of Korea Joo-Hyun Moon, Dongguk University, Republic of Korea

Kee-Chan Song, Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute (KAERI), Republic of Korea Yury M. Ashurko, State Scientific Center, Russian Federation - Institute for Physics and Power Engineering (SSCRF IPPE), Russian Federation Alexander V. Bychkov, Scientific Research Institute for Atomic Reactors (SSC RIAR), Dimitrovgrad, Russian Federation Yury S. Fedorov, Khlopin Radium Institute (KRI), St. Petersburg, Russian Federation Boris A. Vasiliev, Federal State Unitary Enterprise OKB Mechanical Engineering (OKBM), Nizhny Novgorod, Russian Federation Tim Abram, University of Manchester, United Kingdom Robert Hill, Argonne National Laboratory (ANL), United States of America Kemal Pasamehmetoglu, Idaho National Laboratory (INL), United States of America Andrew Siegel, Argonne National Laboratory (ANL), United States of America John Sackett, Argonne National Laboratory (ANL) (consultant), United States of America Earl Saito, GE-Hitachi Nuclear Energy Ltd., United States of America Georges Van Goethem, European Commission, EU Didier Haas, European Commission, EU Claes Nordborg, Nuclear Energy Agency, OECD/NEA Alexander Stanculescu, NE/NENP, FR09 Scientific Secretary, IAEA Chaitanyamoy Ganguly, NE/NEFW, FR09 Scientific Secretary, IAEA

The Local Organizing Committee is chaired by Mr. Yoshiaki Oka and consists of the following senior representatives from academia, research institutes, vendors, utilities, as well as from local organizations in Japan:
Yoshiaki Oka, University of Tokyo, Japan Kaichiro Mishima, Kyoto University, Japan Tsutomu Yanagisawa, Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA), Japan Nobuo Ishizuka, Japan Atomic Industrial Forum, Inc. (JAIF), Japan Takaya Ito, Mitsubishi FBR Systems, Inc. (MFBR), Japan Hiroshi Uetsuka, Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA), Japan Kazutoshi Oba, Mitsubishi Materials Corporation, Japan Yoshinori Ogata, Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA), Japan Hiroshi Ozaki, Fuji Electric Systems Co. Ltd., Japan Toshihiro Oshibe, Kansai Electric Power Co., Inc., Japan Hisao Ojima, Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA), Japan Katsumi Kuruba, Wakasa Wan Energy Research Center (WERC), Japan Masahiko Kobayashi, Toshiba Corporation Power Systems Company, Japan Yutaka Sagayama, Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA), Japan Toshiyuki Zama, Japan Nuclear Fuel Limited (JNFL), Japan Shusaku Sawada, Hitachi-GE Nuclear Energy Ltd., Japan Yoji Shibata, Japan Electrical Manufacturers Association (JEMA), Japan Hisashi Ninokata, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan Kenichiro Sugiyama, Hokkaido University, Japan Shigemitsu Suzuki, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd. (MHI), Japan Masayoshi Takahashi, Japan Atomic Power Company (JAPC), Japan Yoshihide Nishikawa, Kansai Atomic Conference, Japan Tsuyoshi Noura, Kobe Steel Ltd., Japan Akira Fujita, JGC Corporation, Japan Hiroyasu Mochizuki, Fukui University, Japan Akira Yamaguchi, Osaka University, Japan Hayaichi Yokoyama, Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industries (CRIEPI), Japan Yusaku Wada, Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA), Japan Koji Sato, Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA), Secretariat, Japan Takuya Kitabata, Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA), Secretariat, Japan

3. MAIN TOPICS Topics to be addressed at the conference: Advanced and innovative reactor concept designs and associated objectives and driving forces Recycle strategies for fast reactors and associated technologies Proliferation resistance and physical protection Economics and performance (including reliability, availability, service life, public acceptance) Transition scenarios: the path to fast reactor deployment Fast reactor safety: Design and assessment approaches, issues and requirements Special emphasis on severe accidents Licensing issues Advanced fuels for fast reactors: Fuel concepts, targets, high burnup fuels Performance Manufacturing Irradiation experiments Structural materials: new challenges, manufacturing and performance Coolant technologies and instrumentation In-service inspection and repair Advanced and innovative fast reactor component and system design, and technologies (primary system, balance of plant, handling systems, simplification in plant layout, etc.) Past 20 years experience with fast reactors, lessons learned and perspectives: design, construction, commissioning, operation, decommissioning Fundamental issues, new experiments and requirements (basic data, reactor physics, thermohydraulics, etc.) Advanced simulation, modelling and verification/validation/qualification in various areas Availability and capability of experimental facilities Human resources, education, infrastructures and knowledge management 4. PROGRAMME STRUCTURE The conference programme will consist of an Opening Plenary Session, a General Plenary Session, several Technical Plenary Sessions, several parallel Technical Sessions, a Poster Session, two Panels, a special Young Generation Forum, a special Tsuruga/Monju Session (with technical visit), and a closing Plenary Session. 5. PARTICIPATION Wide participation from public and private sectors, including research institutes, academia, regulatory bodies and industry is expected. Attendance by young professionals is strongly encouraged. All persons wishing to participate in the conference are requested to register in advance online www5 In addition, they must send a completed Participation Form (Form A, available on aforementioned web page) to the appropriate government authority for subsequent transmission to the IAEA. A participant will be accepted only if Form A is transmitted to the IAEA via one of the official channels (see Section 15). 6. CONTRIBUTED PAPERS AND POSTERS All papers other than invited review papers must present original work and must not have been published elsewhere. (a) Submission of extended synopses Persons who wish to present a paper or poster at the conference must submit an extended synopsis (in English) of two single spaced pages (including a maximum of one table or figure) on one of the topics listed under Section 3. The extended synopsis should give enough information on the contents of the proposed paper to enable peer review by the International Scientific Programme Committee. Introductory and general matters should not be included. The extended synopsis should be in line with the attached instructions and uploaded to the FR09s web browser based, password protected file submission system which is part of the FR09 web page ( The file submission system will be operational from 1 March to 30 April 2009 for extended synopsis submission. Instructions on using this system are given on the FR09 web page. A copy of the extended synopsis must be submitted, together with the completed Form for Submission of a Paper (Form B), available on, and the Participation Form (Form A), to the competent national authority (see Section 15) for official transmission to the IAEA. The deadline for receipt by the IAEA is 15 June 2009. (b) Acceptance of Papers for Oral Presentation and Poster Presentation In order to provide ample time for discussion, the number of papers that can be accepted for oral presentation is limited. If the number of relevant and high quality papers submitted for selection exceeds the acceptable number, some of them will be selected for poster presentation. Authors will be informed by end June 2009 whether their paper has been accepted by the International Scientific Programme Committee on the basis of the extended synopses submitted. At the same time, authors will be advised if their paper has been accepted for oral presentation or for presentation as a poster. Furthermore, those authors who are asked to prepare full papers for publication in the proceedings will receive guidelines for their preparation (posted on the conference web page) and will be asked to upload the full paper using the FR09s web browser based, password protected file submission system which is part of the FR09 web page. The deadline for uploading the full paper is 6 November 2009. However, all of the accepted

extended synopses will be reproduced in unedited form in the Book of Extended Synopses, which will be distributed at registration. 7. EXPENDITURES No registration fee is charged to participants. As a general rule, the IAEA does not pay the cost of attendance, i.e. travel and living expenses, of participants. However, limited funds are available to help meet the cost of attendance of selected specialists, in particular young scientists, mainly from developing countries with limited economic resources. Generally, not more than one grant may be awarded to any one country. To apply for a grant, please complete and send the Grant Application Form C through your appropriate government authority (see Section 15) together with the Participation Form A, and the Paper Submission Form B and other relevant material. All forms must reach the IAEA by 15 June 2009 at the latest. Grant requests will only be considered from authors of accepted papers. Incomplete or late applications will not be considered. The grants will be lump sums usually covering only part of the cost of attendance. 8. KEY DEADLINES Submission of extended synopsis: 30 April 2009 (submission system of the FR09 web page Submission of officially designated grant application and Form B: 15 June 2009 Notification of paper/poster acceptance: by end June 2009 Submission of full papers: 6 November 2009 (submission system of the FR09 web page 9. PROCEEDINGS It is intended that the proceedings of the conference will be published in the IAEA Proceedings Series. 10. DISTRIBUTION OF DOCUMENTATION A preliminary programme of the conference will be sent to participants in advance. The final programme and the Book of Extended Synopses will be distributed at registration.

11. EXHIBITIONS A limited amount of space will be available for commercial vendors displays/exhibits during the conference. Interested parties should contact the Local Organizing Committee by email ( as soon as possible. 12. WORKING LANGUAGE The working language of the conference will be English. All communications, abstracts and papers must, therefore, be sent to the IAEA in English. 13. ACCOMMODATION Detailed information on accommodation and other conference related information will be sent to all designated participants well in advance of the conference. This information will also be available on the conference web page ( 14. VISA Designated participants who require a visa to enter Japan will apply for it at the diplomatic representation of Japan in their country. 15. CHANNELS OF COMMUNICATION The Participation Form and, as applicable, the Form for Submission of a Paper/Poster and the Grant Application Form, should be sent to the competent national authority (Ministry of Foreign Affairs, National Atomic Energy Authority) for official transmission to the IAEA. 16. SECRETARIAT International Atomic Energy Agency PO Box 100 Wagramer Strasse 5 1400 Vienna, Austria Telephone No.: (+43 1) 2600 0 Telefax No.: (+43 1) 2600 7 Email:

(a) Scientific Secretaries of the Conference: Mr. Alexander Stanculescu Division of Nuclear Power IAEA Email: Tel. No.: (+43 1) 2600 22812 (b) Administration and Organization:
Conference Services Section International Atomic Energy Agency Telephone No.: (+43) 1-2600-21311 Fax No.: (+43) 1-2600-7

Mr. Chaitanyamoy Ganguly Division of Nuclear Fuel Cycle and Waste Technology IAEA Email: Tel. No.: (+43 1) 2600 22766

Email: 17. CONFERENCE WEB PAGES Please visit both the IAEA web page at and the FR09 web page at regularly for new information regarding this conference.

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