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Lectia nr.

2: Pronumele personal The Personal Pronoum

Persoana I II III m III f III n I II III Nominativ I You He She It We You They Dativ (to) me (to) you (to) him (to) her (to) it (to) us (to) you (to) them Acuzativ me you him her it us you them

Pronumele personal la persoana I sg. (I) se scrie intotdeauna cu litera mare oricare ar fi locul lui in propozitie.

Pronumele personal are functia de subiect sau nume predicativ in Nominativ. He knows the rules. subiect Who is it ? It is I! nume predicativ Pronumele in cazul Acuzativ este folosit cu functia sintactica de complement direct sau indirect. I see him. complement direct I work for him. complement indirect I dont want to talk to her. complement indirect Pronumele personal in Dativ are functia sintactica de complement indirect. I give a book to him. complement indirect I give him a book. C indirect (trece in fata CD dar dispare prepozitia). Pronumele personal it se foloseste: Pentru a inlocui substantive ce denumesc lucruri, animale: The book is interesting. It is on the table. In expresii care denumesc timpul, vremea, distanta, temperatura: It is five oclock. How far is Bucarest ? It is 180 Km. It is cold. temperature It snows. - vreme

Pronume si adjective demonstrative

Forma de apropiere de departare Singular this that Plural these those

Adjectivele demonstrative sunt singurele care se acorda in numar cu substantivul.

Adjective si pronume cantitative: some; any; no (folosite ca adjective);none (folosit doar ca pronume); much (folosit pentru a exprima cantitatea);many (folosit pentru a exprima numarul).

se foloseste in propozitii cu verbul la afirmativ.I have some books. Any se foloseste in propozitii cu verbul la negativ sau interogativ. Have you any books ?
Some No se foloseste in propozitii cu verbul la afirmativ, acest adjectiv avand sens negativ In limba engleza intr-o propozitie nu pot exista doua negatii. I have no books. Adjective si pronume posesive Forma I II III m III f III n I II III Adjective my your his her its our your their Pronume mine yours his hers its ours yours theirs

Pronumele posesive sunt folosite pentru a inlocui adjective posesive si substantivele lor:This in limba engleza adjectivele posesive se acorda in numar si gen cu posesorul:

is my pencil. It is mine.

A boy loves his mother. A girl loves her father.

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