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I) The positive form of the present continuous.

- Remember to use the Subject (this can be a subject pronoun or a noun -LESSON 1 Click AQUI) plus (+) the verb to be in the present tense (am/is/are) and complement (optional). The following is the table of the positive form of the present continuous / progressive. Table #1 ositive Form

Common mistakes: - Students forget to use the verb to be Example: a) My father working (INCORRECT) > My father IS working. (Correct) - Sometimes students do not use the -ing form. b) Robert is play with my sister (INCORRECT) > Robert is playING with my sister. (CORRECT) Recuerden de no omitir el sujeto. En espaol Esta comiendo esta usando un sujeto tcito. En ingles siempre debemos decir quien hace la accin (salvo en el imperativo) Entonces en esta comiendo el sujeto puede ser el, ella, o ello. En ingles seria He/she /it is eating dependiendo del contexto. II) The negative form of the present continuous The negative form is used by adding not after the verb to be in the present tense form. You may use contractions. Table # 2:The negative form.

Common mistakes: -Some students place the negative first. REMEMBER TO USE THE S+V+C !!! a) Not working my father (INCORRECT) > My father isnt (is + not) working (CORRECT) - Students use the dont/doesnt to do the negative: b) She doesnt playing (INCORRECT) > She isnt playing (CORRECT) III) The question form of the present continuous. We have to put the verb to be + the subject + -ing form + the complement.

Are you watching TV?

Remember that we can use the Question words before the structure: Examples: - What are you doing? Answer: I am studying English with my virtual teacher. - Where is Pedro going? Answer: He is going to the shopping mall. Table # 3: Question form

Common mistakes: - Students do not change the order of the verb to be with the subject: a) He is working? (INCORRECT) > Is he working? (CORRECT) - Students use do or does in questions: b) Do you studying? (INCORRECT) > Are you studying? (CORRECT) IV) Lets practice ! (Ejercicios de practica)

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