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2000 Offense:
General Information

Table of Contents
Trinity H.S. Offensive Philosophy The Unconquerable Soul Huddle Huddle Tempos 6 Second Rule Emergency Calls Basic alignments Cadence At the Line of Scrimmage Identifying defenses: Fronts Coverages Formations
11 Group 4 Wide Other Groups/Calls

Motion & Shifts

23 Group Term Summary


The THS Offense is built on three basic principles:

Attack with multiple personnel groups, formations, and movement. Gain leverage, create good matchups and blocking angles. Make full use of all skilled players, showcase what they do best!


Control and dictate game tempo by sustaining first down after first down with consistent, relentless play. Use a complete toolbox that allows us to capitalize on any defensive weakness and play downhill with high-percentage plays Understand each situation and play smarter than our opponent.


Expect to score each time we take possession of the ball! Dictate to the defense, make them uncomfortable! Use all parts of the field, sideline to sideline, short and deep. Make use of a complete arsenal that includes Power, Misdirection, Perimeter runs, Screens, Play Action, and Tricks.
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THE UNCONQUERABLE SOUL - a poem about mental toughness & trinity footballOut of the night that covers me, Black as the Pit from Pole to Pole, I thank My God for the Strength in me, For my Unconquerable Soul. In the fell clutch of Circumstance, I have not winced nor cried aloud. Under the Bludgeonings of Chance, My head is bloody, but unbowed. Beyond this place of wrath and tears Looms but the Horror of the shade, And yet the menace of the years Finds, and shall find, me, unafraid. It matters not how strait the gate, How charged with punishments the scroll, I am the master of my fate: I am the Captain of my Soul.

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The Huddle:
A brief, efficient business meeting
How we conduct and break the huddle sets the tone for how we will play once the ball is snappedit must be disciplined, focused, and unified! The Center sets the location of the huddle, then calls the business meeting to order by giving the down and distance situation. Sprint to it and out of it! Create TEMPO! Once the quarterback enters the huddle, he assumes COMPLETE control of the business meeting. NO ONE else talks!

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The Huddle:
A brief, efficient business meeting
1. Center sets the huddle, calls down and distance . 2. Substitutions sent from sideline, incoming subs call out personnel group or name of person being subbed for. Replaced player exits ONLY when he sees his replacement approach the huddle! 3. Quarterback enters and takes control of the huddle, saying eyes up. All ten men make eye contact with the Quarterback! 11! 11! 4. Quarterback calls formation, motion, and play . 5. QB does NOT give a cadence; it is Z Y F H X Standing, shoulder to shoulder, hands behind back. understood to be on SET HIT unless he calls False. Hands on thigh pads. R R L C G L 6. If anyone is unclear on the play at T G T all, they ask the QB to repeat himself by saying Check . Q First 7. QB prepares to break the huddle . Right Out, Z5, 16 Counter Trey

and 10

8. All eleven players break the huddle on ROCKS! and sprint to the line of scrimmage .

Ready... Ball
8 yards

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Huddle Tempo
We have two types of huddle tempo, and also two kinds of no-huddle tempo! Each do a particular job in certain situations in a game! Our HUDDLE tempos are Normal Huddle, and Four Minute Huddle
Normal Huddle: Designed to keep us in normal game rhythm. We generally should be out of the huddle by :15 on the play clock. Brisk, business-like pace. Four Minute Huddle: Designed to protect a lead and run clock. Emphasis on staying in bounds, protecting the ball, making first downs, no penalties! We will be out of the huddle on normal time, but the QB will slow the pace of getting set, starting the cadence with approximately :07 on the play clock!

Our NO HUDDLE tempos are On the Line and Speed.

On the Line: All calls are made on the L.O.S., but were not in a hurry. We can take
our time and manipulate defenses with the threat of running a play at any time. Receivers move in to hear the play, then move out to their positions.

Speed: Used to speed up the game and conserve time. All calls at the L.O.S., NO
dummy calls, NO motion! We can huddle if the clock is stopped if we choose.
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From the Huddle to the Line:

The Six Second Rule
The most important six seconds of a football play happen BETWEEN the huddle and the line of scrimmagehow you prepare yourself during this time will determine the success of the play! The Six Second Rule is a simple mental routine that each position has that allows them to do their thinking before the play so that they can be prepared, confident, and aggressive once the play begins, and be ready for anything that might happen! The actual routine varies by position, but its basic elements are:
WHAT IS MY JOB (or basic assignment) on this play? What, if anything, should I do with my ALIGNMENT to help me do this job? What is the DEFENSEs basic alignment? Based on the defense I see, what will my FIRST 2-3 STEPS off the ball be? What ADJUSTMENTS might I have to make, based on the defense, to get my job done?
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Basic Alignments
## 2 2
X H 4

2 2

4 Y

6 F
Offensive Line: 2 foot splits! X: Wide Receiver position on the left, ON the ball, on the numbers Z: Wide Receiver position on the right, ON the ball, on the numbers H: Inside Receiver position on left, 4 yards outside T, OFF the ball Y: Inside Receiver position on right, 4 yards outside T, OFF the ball F: Fullback position, straight behind QB, 6 yards deep
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The Cadence: Basic Information

The cadence is a critical way for us to gain an edge! The team that gets off the ball usually wins each play! Basic formula: Number/Number, Number/Number, Set, Hit!
Example: 1-22, 4-661-22, 4-66Set, HIT! QB must call each set of numbers clearly to both sides! There will be a slight pause between Set and Hitoffensive linemen and backs must anticipate HIT right after set, and get off the ball on the H sound in Hit! Receivers always move only when they see the ball move!

We can change or check to plays using a live number in the first digit
In the above example (1-22, 4-66), if 1 were our live digit that week, the play would be changed to 22if 4 were our live digit, the play would be changed to 66. If neither were live, then we have made a dummy call and the play is unchanged.

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The Cadence: Types

Basic cadence:
*Unless we use a False cadence (see below), our plays will always be run on Set Hit! The quarterback may use the number call prior to the Set Hit either as a dummy call or to change the play, or he may go without the numbers and simply go on Set Hit. These two possibilities would sound like this:
Without number calls: With number calls (live or dummy) Set, Hit 2-17, 4-64 - 2-17, 4-64 - Set, Hit

False cadence:
No play called in the huddle - just the formation and False We DO intend to run a play, but only after trying to draw the defense offside first! QB goes through normal cadence sequence with two Hit calls, then starts the cadence over QB will then go through a normal cadence sequence, using a live number to call the play. Ball is snapped on the first HIT of the second cadence! Example (Assume 3 is the live number of the week) 1-65, 4-40 - 1-65, 4-40, Set HIT! HIT! 6-21, 3-74 - 6-21, 3-74, Set HIT!

**Ball is snapped, 74 is run!

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At the Line of Scrimmage





1a. Offensive Linemen get in their stance and ready to get off the ball immediately! 1b. Quarterback gets to the line quickly, gets hands under center to force the defense to lock into final position 2a. Center calls basic front structure (Even, Odd, Split, Bear); Guards call techniques over them 2b. Receivers make coverage calls 3. Linemen make calls specific to the play being run 4. Quarterback begins cadence
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Gap Identification
Most all defenses base their schemes around the idea that they will defend gaps, or potential holes between offensive linemen. Those gaps are labeled using letters, beginning with A and working out in the following fashion:


A GAP B GAP C GAP D GAP E GAP - C l I c k h e r e t o

Between Center and Guard Between Guard and Tackle Between Tackle and Tight End Between Tight End and Wing Outside the Wing
t o t a b l e o f c o n t e n t s -

r e t u r n

Defensive Front Techniques

When identifying the location of players in the defensive front, we describe them in terms of the technique theyre playing. Understanding these different locations, or techniques is critical to us for a number of reasons:
*It provides a very strong clue as to what gap a man is responsible for, as well as the defenders around him *It determines for linemen, in many cases, what their first two steps will be and how theyll go about doing their job *Often, it determines which way well check a play to insure the best chances of success!

6 4 2 0 2 4 6
*Special note: Defenders aligned in a linebacker position have a 0 added as a second digit to their technique. For example, a linebacker aligned 4-5 yds deep over a guard would be called a 20 technique, or a Deep 2

7 4i 1 1 4i 7
4 Technique 5 Technique 7 Technique 6 Technique 9 Technique 8 Technique
t o t a b l e o f

9 5 3 Shade3 5 9
0 Technique Head up on the Center 0 Cheat or Shade - Aligned on one of Cs shoulders 1 Technique Inside shoulder of Guard 2 Technique Head up on a Guard 3 Technique Outside shoulder of a Guard 4i Technique Inside shoulder of Tackle
- C l I c k h e r e t o r e t u r n

Head up on a Tackle Outside shoulder of tackle Inside shoulder of Tight End Head up on a Tight End Outside shoulder of a Tight End Head up on a Wing player
c o n t e n t s -

Defensive Cores
The next step in identifying defenses is to classify the front structure in terms of its core. The core refers to the how defenders are aligned within the A and B gaps. There are only four basic cores, as identified by the Center at the line of scrimmage, and they provide a great deal of information as to how the rest of the defense is being played around it and how we want to block! The cores are named and identified as follows:




-Center has a down lineman on him (0 or Shade) -Either one or both of the guards does NOT have a down lineman on him. --------------------------------

-Center has a down lineman on him (0 or Shade) -Both Guards also have a down lineman over them (usually 2 or 3 tech). --------------------------------

-Center has no down lineman on him, but both guards do*. -There is only ONE player aligned at LB depth from B gap to B gap. --------------------------------

-Center has no down lineman on him, but both guards do*. -There are TWO players aligned at LB depth from B gap to B gap. --------------------------------

Core is Odd
- C l I c k

Core is Bear
h e r e t o r e t u r n t o

Core is Even
t a b l e o f

Core is Split

c o n t e n t s -

Default or Base Formation and Personnel Group


Our basic personnel grouping is 4, meaning 4 wide receivers. They line up as follows unless a word tells one of them otherwise!
X: Wide Receiver position on the left, ON the ball Z: Wide Receiver position on the right, ON the ball H: Inside Receiver position on left, OFF the ball

Y: Inside Receiver position on right, OFF the ball

F: Fullback position
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Moves H or Ywhichever is away from the callover to the middle position on the side opposite their normal alignment
Example 1: TRIPS RIGHT moves H to the middle position on the right

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Moves H or Ywhichever is away from the callover to the middle position on the side opposite their normal alignment
Example 1: TRIPS RIGHT moves H to the middle position on the right Example 2: TRIPS LEFT moves Y to middle position on left

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Same as Trips, except the man coming over (H or Y) is ON the ball, and the outside receiver steps OFFall three receivers Bunch within 1-2 yards of each other, with the widest man being 4-5 yards outside the tackle.
Example 1: BUNCH RIGHT H on the ball in the middle on the right, Z off, all receivers bunch.

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Same as Trips, except the man coming over (H or Y) is ON the ball, and the outside receiver steps OFFall three receivers Bunch within 1-2 yards of each other, with the widest man being 4-5 yards outside the tackle.
Example 1: BUNCH RIGHT H on the ball in the middle on the right, Z off, all receivers bunch. Example 2: BUNCH LEFT Y on the ball in the middle on the left, X off, all receivers bunch.
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Default or Base Formation


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RON and LOU Calls


Moves H or Ywhichever is to from the callto a position on the ball, and their partner to the outside (X or Z) off the ball
Example 1: RON--Y aligns ON the ball, Z aligns OFF.

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RON and LOU Calls


Moves H or Ywhichever is to from the callto a position on the ball, and their partner to the outside (X or Z) off the ball
Example 1: RON--Y aligns ON the ball, Z aligns OFF. Example 2: LOU--H aligns ON the ball, X aligns OFF.

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X H X H 3 Y Z Z

3 Y

Moves X the inside receiver position, 3 yards off the tackle but still on the ball, and H to the outside position, split to the numbers, off the ball! Moves Y up on the ball, and Z off, while staying in the same relative positions.

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Moving the Fullback




We can also add words that move F from his base position
To move him to an inside WR spot on the right, we say SCAT To move him down to a wing, 1 yard by 1 yard off the Right Tackle, we say STUD To move him over to a wing, 1 yard by 1 yard off the Left Tackle, we say SLOT To move him to an inside WR spot on the left, we say SLIP To offset him behind the tackle on the left, we say SOFT. To offset him behind the tackle on the right, we say STRONG.

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Tight End Groups / Sets / Calls


To substitute a TIGHT END in at the Y position, we will call for 11 personnel group (1 TE, 1 back) prior to the play being signaled As a basic rule, this substituted Y will align as a Tight End, ON the ball, on the RIGHT side Z aligns in his normal spot, except off the ball F & X are unaffected, unless another word is added to move them We call this basic alignment RIGHT
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Tight End Groups / Sets / Calls


To keep everyone in the same place as RIGHT, but flex the Y out into a Nasty split position of 8 to 9 feet, we call ROCK instead of RIGHT. ROCK alignment shown Exact same as Right for everyone except Y!

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Tight End Groups / Sets / Calls





We then add a word to tell H where to align:

If we dont say anything after RIGHT, he lines up right behind the QB, 4 yards deep To set him 1 yard by 1 yard off the Left Tackle, we say SLOT To set him halfway between the left tackle & X, we say OUT To set him outside of X, we say OUTSIDE To set him 1 yard by 1 yard off Y, we say WING To set him halfway between Y and Z, we say WIDE To set him outside Z, we say WIDER To put him in the backfield, offset left, 4 yards deep, we call UNDER To put him in the backfield, offset right, 4 yards deep, we call OVER
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Tight End Groups / Sets / Calls




We can also add words to move Z...

To move him down to a spot 1 yard by 1 yard off Y, we say CLOSE To move him over to a spot 1 yard by 1 yard off the Left Tackle, we say ZIP To move him over to a spot halfway between the left tackle & X, we say FLIP To move him all the way over to a spot outside of X, we say FLOP

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Tight End Groups / Sets / Calls




or X

To put him in a tight end position on the left, in a three-point stance, we say TIGHT To move him over to the right, ON the line as a Split End BIG

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2 Back - 3 Wide Group / Sets / Calls


To substitute a RUNNING BACK in at the H position, while leaving a RECEIVER at the Y position, we will call for 23 personnel group (2 back, 3 WR) prior to the play being signaled

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2 Back - 3 Wide Group / Sets / Calls


X is off the ball in Lex



Z is off the ball in Rex

In this grouping, Y is moved with a series of R and L words:

To set him in the inside position on the Right, off the ball, we call RAY

To set him in the inside position on the Left, off the ball, we call LARRY
To set him in the inside position on the Right, on the ball, with Z off, we call REX To set him in the inside position on the Left, on the ball, with X off, we call LEX

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2 Back - 3 Wide Group / Sets / Calls

Split: Weak: F on Ys side, H away H on Ys side, F away



The two backs (H & F) are then arranged as follows:

By default (if we dont give them a word), they align in a SPLIT set, with F in a halfback position to the call (same side as Y) and H in a halfback position away from the call (opposite Y) *Halfback position means 4 1/2 to 5 yards deep over the tackles inside leg! To exchange them and put H on Ys side with F away, we call WEAK

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2 Back - 3 Wide Group / Sets / Calls

Additional calls can move H and F as follows:
*Note: Unlike Split & Weak, these calls are not relative to Y. They are the same regardless of where Y aligns!

BLUE call

BROWN call

UNDER call

OVER call


H lines up in right halfback position, 4 1/2 yards deep over the inside leg of the T, uses a 3 point stance. F lines up in his norml spot, 6 to 6 1/2 yards deep

H lines up in Left halfback position, 4 1/2 yards deep over the inside leg of the T. F lines up directly behind Center, 4 1/2 yards deep Both backs: 2 pt stances!
- C l I c k

H lines up in Right halfback position, 4 1/2 yards deep over the inside leg of the T. F lines up directly behind Center, 4 1/2 yards deep Both backs: 2 pt stances!
h e r e t o r e t u r n

H lines up in left halfback position, 4 1/2 yards deep over the inside leg of the T, uses a 3 point stance. F lines up in his norml spot, 6 to 6 1/2 yards deep
t o t a b l e o f

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X & H, Y & Z Squeeze together. Inside most receivers (H & Y in this case) align at 3-5 yards off the tackle/TE, and X & Z align one yard outside of them.

Example 1: Basic formation with SQUEEZE call



Tells anyone in a Wide Receiver position to reduce their split to within 1 yard of each other starting at 3-5 yards outside the tackle.

Example 2: Trips Left SQUEEZE

H & Z are the inside most receivers on their side, and align 3-5 yards off the T/TE. X & Y squeeze their alignment down to within 1 yard of the next guy inside them.



Tells anyone in a Wide Receiver position to reduce their split to within 1 yard of each other starting at 3-5 yards outside the tackle.

Example 3: Right Wing Soft Flop SQUEEZE

X is the inside most receiver, sets 3 yds off tackle. Z squeezes down 1 yard off him.



Tells anyone in a Wide Receiver position to reduce their split to within 1 yard of each other starting at 3-5 yards outside the tackle.

Example 4: Right Wider SQUEEZE

Z is the inside most SPLIT receiver, sets 3-5 yards off tackle. H squeezes down a yard outside him.


Tells anyone in a Wide Receiver position to reduce their split to within 1 yard of each other starting at 3-5 yards outside the tackle.

MOTION: Moving Players to Spots on the Field

9 7 5 4 6 8

The way we do this is to simply say WHO we want to go in motion (H, Y, F, X, or Z) and WHERE on the field we want him to end up. The spots on the field we can send motion men are numbered IN CONJUNCTION WITH OUR HOLE NUMBERS as follows:

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MOTION: Moving Players to Spots on the Field


For example, if the phrase H4 is added on to the end of a formation, we are literally saying, H, line up as the formation calls, then go in motion to the 4 spot.

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MOTION: Moving Players to Spots on the Field


Or, if the phrase Y9 is added on to the end of a formation, we are literally saying, Y, line up as the formation calls, then go in motion to the 9 spot.

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MOTION: Moving Players to Spots on the Field


*Technique note: On most motion, the motion man should use a shuffle technique as he completes his course. In other words, as he gets to the final 2-3 steps prior to reaching his spot, he squares his shoulders to the line of scrimmage and shuffles, allowing him to attack defenders more effectively and maintain the timing of plays.

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2000 Offense: Running Game

Table of Contents
Run Game Families
Assignment Summary 18-19 Option 21-22 23-24 25-26 44-45 Stretch

12-13 Draw 16-17 Trey 2 Back Blast/Lead Series: 28-29 Jet 42-43 Zone 46-47 Counter 48-49 Toss

Perimeter Blocking Calls

WR Calls 1 WR Calls 2 H-B/OL Adjustments


The easiest way to learn the running game is to understand that all of our runs basically fall into one of 4 families, or schemes, or basic ways we assign people to block! These basic families are: Gap, Zone, Reach, and Base. If you know which of these families a play falls into, you have a pretty good idea how were going to get defenders blocked!
In GAP family plays, frontside blockers block back one Gap, looking for the opportunity to double team combo on defensive linemen back to linebackers. We will pull one or two blockers from the backside to kick out and/or lead through the hole frontside.
46-47 Counter and 16-17 Counter Trey are our Gap plays

In ZONE family plays, covered and uncovered linemen work together to get movement on a defensive lineman, working up to the nearest linebacker, stepping frontside to do so.
42-43 and 18-19 Option are our Zone plays

In REACH family plays, all linemen reach one gap to their frontside, looking to Reach and Overtake a down lineman in front of him, or Reach, Rip, and Run on a wide railroad track to intersect a flowing linebacker.
44-45 Stretch, 28-29 Jet, and 48-49 Toss are our Reach plays

On BASE blocked plays, linemen drive block the lineman or linebacker over them. It is generally a man on man scheme. Generally, the H-Back is assigned to block a linebacker frontsidethe lineman whose LB is taken by H blocks backside, potentially using a Slam and Slide on his way.
12-13 Draw, 21-22 Blast, 23-24 Blast, and 25-26 Lead are Base plays.
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RUN GAME Summary Table

12-13 12-13 DRAW DRAW
16-17 16-17 CTR TREY TREY
18-19 18-19 OPTION

FS Tt End
Pass set/ Base
GAP: Arc if T unc.

FS Tackle
Pass set / Base Gap Far LB FSLB or Zone Base

FS Guard
Pass set / Base Gap Far LB Zone Base

PS/Base Fold if unc

BS Guard
PS/Base Fold 1tech Long Trap Zone Base

BS Tackle
PS/Base Poss T & G Pull & Lead Zone Base

Rec. rules Seal BS E Support Blast FSLB Kick EMOL

Throw & Go Fold QB

Gap Far B: Dead if unc

Zone Base

Arc Dbl Lock

Back Zone Lock Reach

25-26 25-26 LEAD 28-29 28-29 JET

Rip down to FSLB Base

21-22-23-24 21-22-23-24 BLAST

Slam & Slide Slam & Slide

All Perimeter calls


Down or S/S to FSLB

Reach Zone Reach Gap-Near LB Reach

Base or Down to FSLB

Reach Zone Reach Gap-Near LB Reach






Reach Zone Reach Gap-Near LB Reach

Reach Zone Reach Dead Reach

Reach Zone Reach Long Trap Reach

Reach Zone Reach Punch Alert Chop Reach

Support Seal BS E Support Seal BS E Support

42-43 42-43 ZONE



44-45 44-45 STRETCH


46-47 46-47 COUNTER 48-49 48-49 TOSS


All Perimeter calls

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12-13 DRAW
Base Family
12 & 13 Draw take advantage of linebackers who get into their pass drops too deep too quickly, opening up running lanes in front of them! This is primarily a play we will run against 5 defenders in the box, unless the 6th defender (a LB) really removes himself quickly! The basic rule for all linemen is to show pass for one count by raising their chest and showing their hands, then to go drive block the DL or LB over them in whatever direction that defender wants to go. Any time we get a 1 technique or a heavy 2 technique, the Center and Guard will execute a Fold block to handle that defender and the Middle or Frontside LB! The Draw will be a good 1st down or 2nd and long call against people who play heavy coverage on those downs! KEYS to a successful play:
The QB does a GREAT job selling pass with his eyes on 1st 2 steps! FB stays low and does NOT raise up prior to taking ball! Linemen SHOW HANDS to help give LBs the wrong key! Linemen use wide splits and good drive blocks to create running lanes!
-t o t a b l e o f c o n t e n t s -t o

Fold (C & G) Throw & Go (BST) Bob (H-B on BSLB) QB

m a I n play d I a g r a m -

12-13 DRAW
12 DRAW v. Split
FS Outs: Release inside, Recognition Stalk. Use Roadrunner technique to get him upfield past you, then reset your hips and stalk him. FS Ins: Release inside, Recognition Stalk. Use Roadrunner technique. FS TE: Pass set, then Base.

Throw & Go Fold

Roadrunner technique



*Block the man on you whichever way he wants to go. If uncovered, release to the first LB over to inside you. Use his leverage & movement against himblock becomes an A, B, or C DRIVE. *You cannot be wrong unless you LOSE CONTACT! Drive your feet and finish the block! This is true one-onone blocking!! FS T: Pass set, then Base. FS G: Pass set, then Base. MUST dig your man out of the hole! CENTER: Pass set, then Base. In an even defense, call Fold with G covered by the 1 or 2 technique, Dead Step back to seal the 1 while the G Folds around to the LB. BS G: Pass set, then Base. If covered by a 1 or 2 technique, you should get a Fold call, which tells you to step tightly around the Cs block on the DL, keeping your shoulders square and blocking the first LB frontside . BS T: Pass set, then Base. If you get a Split call, make a Throw and Go call, telling other linemen that you will club the E after pass-setting and work up to the extra LB on your side. BS TE: Pass set, then Base. BS Outs: Release inside, Recognition Stalk. Use Roadrunner technique.

Step out low, show pass set

BS Ins: Release inside, Recognition Stalk. Use Roadrunner technique. FB: Step backside, staying low, showing a pass set. As the QB turns to you, give him a good pocket and eye blocks on LBs. Take ball, press the block on the 1st down lineman, make 1 and only 1 cut off blocks on LBs, then get North & South!.

QB: Take two full pass drop steps, making eye contact with the backside LB as you do. As you take your third step, turn to find the FB, who will be sliding underneath you. Look ball into his stomach, follow with your eyes, then set up for pass convincingly.
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16-17 Counter Trey

Gap Family
16 & 17 Counter Trey is a meat and potatoes play that gives us good blocking angles on the frontside and power through the hole with two pullers from the backside at the point of attack! We generally like to run this play to a 3 technique side to allow us to get a strong double team to open up the hole! This play will always be successful if we do two things: Get MOVEMENT on frontside double teams, and SHUT OFF backside penetration! We can and will use a variety of sets and motion to get different people in a position to help SEAL the backside! This play should be very good on any down, at any spot on the field if we execute!

KEYS to a successful play:

Frontside blockers are patient on double teams and get movement. The C and backside Slot shut down penetration! Pulling linemen run full speed courses! The Fullback stays in the cheeks of the pulling tackle and makes a strong L cut!
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Double (FS) Double Lock (FS) Arc (TE) Solid

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16-17 TREY
16 COUNTER TREY v. Split
BS TE: Punch C gap to EMOL. FS TE: Gap rules far LB. 6 or 9 doesnt count as covered. If T is uncovered call Arc (Arc to support player) or Lock to tell G & T to lock on Dbl b/c youre coming down to LB.

L cut off outside foot! Stay in the cheeks of the T...


GAP RULES: Far Backer

*Frontside linemen responsible for the GAP inside them! First step will always be a 6 flat step to that gap! *If Im uncovered, I call Double and look to try to Double Combo with the lineman inside me to the 2nd LB inside us! We will stay on the combo until the LB threatens the hole vertically! If the DL over my man to the inside disappears inside by alignment or movement, then my block becomes a Down block to the 2nd LB. *If Im covered by an inside shade, I B Drive him down! If he slants away from me, I work up to a LB! *If Im covered by a head-up player or an outside shade, I expect a Double call from the man outside of me! He and I will Double Combo to the first LB inside us! If my man slants inside, it becomes a B Drive block for me!
**If I also have a DL on my inside gap, I must call B, B, B ! to the man behind me to wave off the Double and tell us both to B Drive the man inside us!

Dead Gap Gap Double

*The Center, if uncovered, will always DEAD block with a flat step back to Backside A gap. He must ensure that the 1st DL backside does not get penetration!
FS Outs: Inside stalk man on. Alert for Bomb call! FS Ins: Inside stalk man on. BS Outs: Convoy, cut off deep middle 1/3 saf. TD Block! BS Slot: By alignment or motion, seal off E.M.O.L. backside! FB: Step laterally backside, gather on 2nd step, take handoff deep over top of QB and get in phase with pulling tackle. L cut and explode off kickout, make final break if needed off Ts block on LB, get North & South as quickly as possible. QB: Step 5 or 7 oclock opposite call, get depth, turn and hand ball to FB. Follow handoff with eyes 1-2 steps, boot out and find E.M.O.L. backside!
- C l i c k h e r e t o r e t u r n

FS T: Gap rules far LB. 4 or 5 doesnt count as covered. FS G: Gap rules far backer CENTER: Gap rules. If covered, can stay part of Dbl Combo unless A or B gap is threatened by a DT or DE. If gap is threatened, make Down call to FSG & Dead block. BS G: Pull through hip of C,Long Trap E.M.O.L. frontside. Use inside-out head position & DIG HIM OUT of the hole. BS T: Pull and lead through first available hole on the frontside to frontside LB. Should maintain a 1 x 1 relationship with G to keep from being knocked off. Eyeball LB on your course for run-throughs. Keep shoulders on an angle through hole, do not square up!
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18-19 Option
Zone Family
18-19 Option is an all-purpose, simple Option play that allows us to improve our blocking angles by optioning a defender (the End Man On the Line of Scrimmage) instead of blocking him! This is a very useful play against any type of man-under coverage, and will be one of our #1 checks at the line of scrimmage away from an overloaded sideit gives us an easy way to take advantage of defensive mistakes! We can use 18-19 in a number of situations depending on what were seeing defensively, but it can certainly be an effective Red Zone play, Goal Line play, and is a great tool on any blitz down!

KEYS to a successful play:

Penetration is shut off from the frontside guard back! The FS Tackle or TE gets a good rip & takes a good angle to seal the FS LB! The QB gets depth and takes a good attack angle at the DE! The Fullback stays in pitch phase on his Tether!
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Crack Door Reach (Block just like 44-45, option support defender)

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18-19 OPTION
18 OPTION v. Split
FS Outs: Outside stalk man on. Alert for Bomb call! FS Ins: Outside stalk man on. KEY block! Must maintain! FS TE: Rip inside E.M.O.L., waddle up, pick off 1st LB inside you. If you think youll have trouble cutting off his pursuit, call Back to tell FS T/G that youre going to the 2d LB back!

Team Lock

Team 4-5 yd TETHER

*If Im covered, and the next man back is covered, I call SOLO and drive block the man over me. My first step will be 6 inches! *If Im covered, and the next man back is uncovered, I call TEAM... he & I work together to block the down lineman on me and the nearest LB. My first step will be 6 inches! *If Im uncovered, I expect a TEAM call from the man in front of me! My first step will be 12 inches!
*TEAM blocks stop penetration! *Frontside TEAM blockers must combo to the first LB behind the one the TE is blocking! Be alert for a BACK call which puts you on the frontside most LB!


FS T: If no TE is outside you, rip through DL over you, pick off first flowing LB that shows insde you at the 2nd level. Alert BACK call v. wide or fast 1st LB (see TE rules). If you have a TE outside you, use Zone rules, alert BACK. BS WR: Convoy, cut off deep middle 1/3 saf. TD Block! BS Slot: Inside cut off the man over you.. FB: Pause, get in and stay in option phase with QB, as if tied to him on a 5 yard tether, slightly out in front. Upon getting pitch, think hash-numbers-sideline off the block on the CB. If you dont get it early, stay in pitch phase until the whistle blows. QB: Pre-read E.M.O.L to know where your option key is. Check step back, getting depth on 1st step, then attack downhill to outside shoulder of E.M.O.L. We WANT to pitch the ball! If you get him pinned or drawn to you, step off the impact line, make a good pitch with eyes and wrist snap. If he feathers, turn N/S decisively, cover ball, drop shoulders.
- C l i c k h e r e t o r e t u r n


Zone rules. Alert BACK call!

CENTER: Zone rules. If TEAMING w/BSG, call LOCK if no LB to combo back to and stay on the double team! BS G: BS T: BS TE: Zone rules, alert to make or receive a LOCK call. Zone rules, alert to receive LOCK call. Zone rules, alert to receive LOCK call.

H (BF/Wing/Slot): Get on the next RR track outside the T /TE and block support. Attack his outside shoulder, maintain contact, drive to sideline if he widens .Crack tells you to block the CB.
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21-22-23-24 BLAST 25-26 LEAD

Base Family
21-22, 23-24, and 25-26 are all hardball plays that employ man-on-man drive blocking, and allow us to control the game physically! They are run from 2-back sets or singleback sets where a man in motion acts as the second back! 21-22 and 23-24 are referred to as Blast plays because the H-Back leads up on the frontside Linebacker; 25-26 is known as aLead play because H kicks out the End Man on the Line of scrimmage. We will run 21-22 to a 3 technique; 23-24 to a 1 technique; 25-26 anytime we feel a Def. End is playing too wide and/or upfield and giving us a good kick out angle. Anyone whose normal Base assignment is taken by a Blasting or Leading H-Back works back to the first LB backside! Anyone working back to a LB can Slam a DL on his way back to help his buddy! This is NOT a combo as he Slides off to the LB after one good punch! KEYS to a successful play: CALLS/VARIATIONS
The offensive line makes this play a very personal matter and drives each of their men downfield until the whistle blows! The leading H-Back takes the proper course, plays with a low pad level, and gets movement with his Lead or Blast block. The Fullback picks his hole, lowers his pads, and finishes the run!
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Fold Slam & Slide Wham (Y takes on Hs job)

21-22-23-24 BLAST d I a g r a m -

-t o

25-26 LEAD d I a g r a m -

21-22 23-24 BLAST

21 & 23 BLAST v. Split
ONE cut, DROP your pads, FINISH the run North & South!

FS Outs: Inside stalk man on. Alert for Bomb call! FS Ins: Inside stalk man on. FS TE: Base.


Possible Slam & Slide


*Block the man on you whichever way he wants to go. If uncovered, release to the first LB over to inside you. Use his leverage & movement against himblock becomes an A, B, or C DRIVE. *If the man in your Base rule happens to be the man the H-Back is blocking (FSLB in 21-22-23-24; E.M.O.L. in 2526), work back to the next LB backside! *Any blocker working back to a LB should take a 6 step inside first! If the lineman inside you has a head-up or outside down lineman on him, Slam that lineman and Slide off to your LB! This is NOT a Combo for movement! *You cannot be wrong unless you LOSE CONTACT! Drive your feet and finish the block! This is true one-onone blocking!! FS T: Base. Base.

LEGEND Courses for 21-22 Courses for 23-24 FB: Deepen as much as your speed allows. Follow the course of the H-B into the hole, make one cut off his block on the LB, drop your pads and finish the run North & South. Do NOT get cute. Steps for 23-24 are exactly like 43-42. First step for 21-22 is a drop step in place with your frontside foot. QB: Get the ball to the FB as deep as possible, look it into his pocket, follow for 1-2 steps, boot out. Steps on 23-24 are the same 5oclock/7 oclock steps you use on 43-42; on 2122, step almost straight behind you to 7:30 or 5:30 to clear a path along the midline for the H-B and FB.
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CENTER: Base. Can call Fold to a Backside 1 technique if you think the angle is better. BS G: Base. Can request a Fold from the Center if youre having a tough time digging the 1 technique out. BS T: BS TE: BS Ins: Base. Base. Inside stalk the man over you. Cut him off.

BS Outs: Convoy middle 1/3. Alert for BOMB situations.

H: BLAST the FS LB out of the hole! Course on 21-22 is right off Cs hip; off Gs outside hip in 23-24. Lower pads, deliver a blow through your hips, finish with your feet!
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25-26 LEAD
25 LEAD v. Split
Possible Slam & Slide

FS Outs: Inside stalk man on. Alert for Bomb call! FS Ins: Inside stalk man on. FS TE: Base. Your man could well be the H-Bs.



Possible Slam & Slide


Man in base rule is Hs! Go to LB!

L cut off Hs block just as you would on 46-47!

*Block the man on you whichever way he wants to go. If uncovered, release to the first LB over to inside you. Use his leverage & movement against himblock becomes an A, B, or C DRIVE. *If the man in your Base rule happens to be the man the H-Back is blocking (FSLB in 21-22-23-24; E.M.O.L. in 2526), work back to the next LB backside! *Any blocker working back to a LB should take a 6 step inside first! If the lineman inside you has a head-up or outside down lineman on him, Slam that lineman and Slide off to your LB! This is NOT a Combo for movement! *You cannot be wrong unless you LOSE CONTACT! Drive your feet and finish the block! This is true one-onone blocking!! FS T: FS G: Base. Your man could well be the H-Bs. Base.

FB: Deepen as much as your speed allows. Lateral step, crossover, attack Hs inside leg, eye block on FSLB as you do. Make a strong L cut off Hs block up into the hole, cutting straight up if no one crosses your face, or back one lane if FSLB crosses you. Explode through the hole & finish the play! QB: Get the ball to the FB as deep as possible, look it into his pocket, follow for 1-2 steps, boot out. Steps on 23-24 are the same 5oclock/7 oclock steps you use on 43-42; on 2122, step almost straight behind you to 7:30 or 5:30 to clear a path along the midline for the H-B and FB.
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CENTER: Base. Can call Fold to a Backside 1 technique if you think the angle is better. BS G: Base. Can request a Fold from the Center if youre having a tough time digging the 1 technique out. BS T: Base. BS TE: Base. BS Outs: Convoy middle 1/3. Alert for BOMB situations. BS Ins: Inside stalk the man over you. Cut him off. H: LEAD the play through the inside earhole of the E.M.O.L! Take a tight course right off FST/TEs outside hip, keep inside leverage on EMOL, kick him out, finish with feet, work your butt out of the hole!
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Slot Rt Split (Gun) 26 Lead J C M WE T S

v. Split Right Wide Y5 25 Wham J C C E W T N T S E

v. Bear








Lex Under 23 Alley

v. Odd I Larry 21 Blast

v. Even

28-29 Jet
Reach Family
28-29 Jet is a FAST way to attack the perimeter and get an athlete running in open space! The pace of the play makes blocking for frontside linemen much easier! The angles involved make pursuit for enemy linebackers much harder! Ball carriers must recognize that, while blocked like other Reach family plays, this is different for them because it is a true SPRINT to the corner! We do not want to cut up on this play until weve reached the edge of the field! We can use a number of formation variations and perimeter blocking adjustments to shorten the defensive edge and help the outside blockers do their jobs more effectively! Crack, Door, and Ed schemes are examples of this, as are different types of Squeeze sets. Anytime we face a team that relies on interior blitzes, doesnt pursue well, or has limited team speed, we will run this play heavily. It can be used from Goalline to Goalline, and on virtually any down and distance up to 3rd and Long! KEYS to a successful play:
The FS Tackle or TE takes a GREAT 1st step and shuts off any upfield push by the E.M.O.L.! Perimeter blockers time blocks and maintain contact! The QB times his motion and snap effectively! The ball carrier trusts his speed and doesnt try to cut up early!
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Crack Door Ed Cross 48-49 (Jet to F)

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28-29 JET
29 JET v. Split
FS Outs: Outside stalk man on. Alert for Bomb call! FS Ins: Outside stalk man on. KEY block! Must maintain! FS TE: Reach rules!


*Basic premise is to REACH one gap in front of us! *If Im uncovered, I plan to REACH and OVERTAKE the down lineman in front of me. If that man slants away to the railroad track of the blocker in front of me, I stay on MY wide railroad track and RUN up to a linebacker. *If Im covered, I first identify whether theres a down lineman the gap in front of meif he is, then I plan REACH and OVERTAKE him. If not, then I will REACH, RIP through the man over me, and RUN on my railroad track up to any 2nd or 3d level player that first shows up on my course! *COVERED linemen should cut their split if possible! *All linemen: LOSE ground to GAIN an angle! *Stay on your RAILROAD track on a wide angle!

FS T: Reach rules! FS G: Reach rules! CENTER: Reach rules! BS G: Reach rules! BS T: Reach rules! 5 tech doesnt count as covered! FB: Run a 42-43 course right through the inside leg of the offensive tackle. Roll over the ball HARD as the QB passes you, get tackled. YOU must adjust your course to the QB, not the other way around. If Offset to playside in Strong, Soft, or Split, use Hs Backfield arc blocking rules! QB: Give BS slot the heel, time up snap so that hes getting to the BST as the ball is snapped. Step to 6 oclock with backside foot, look ball into Slots stomach, step tight to FB then set up behind FS guard exactly as you would for play action, eyeing the Dig and Post area.
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BS TE: Reach rules! 9 tech doesnt count as covered. Get downfield! BS WR: Convoy, cut off deep middle 1/3 saf. TD Block! Ball Carrier: Jet motion on QBs heel, get to full speed by the snap. Take handoff and SPRINT for the cornerTRUST YOUR SPEED! Read block on CB. May use dip to set up.
*Ball Carrier is the inside most receiver off the ball by formation. Jet motion is understood and doesnt need to be called!

H (Backfield): Cheat alignment up & outside; arc to block support. On Crack call, arc to block Cornerback
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Zone Family
42-43 is a true Inside Zone play in which covered and uncovered linemen team to double and get movement on a down defensive man, and step off to a linebacker late! This allows us to push the line of scrimmage back and give the ball carrier running lanes! This is a persistence playit forces the linebackers to be perfect every time. Many times it will go for 3, 4, and 5 yards a number of times in a row, then suddenly start to break for big chunks as we wear people down! The ball carrier must be patient initially to let the play develop! The longer he can press the play into the L.O.S., the longer the double teams have to get movement, and the more the LBs will move and create running lanes! However, once he makes his cut the running back must explode into another gear and get through the hole!. The simplicity of the blocking rules allows us to run this play against any front we see with minimal adjustmentsit also means we can run it from any formation! KEYS to a successful play:
OL talks at the L.O.S. & gets married up to defenders properly! Linemen get movement on down linemen and dont step off double teams too early! FB presses the L.O.S., has great vision, is patient to the L.O.S., then explodes through the hole!
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Team Solo 79

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43 v. Split
EXPLODE through it!

FS Outs: Inside stalk man on. Alert for Bomb call! FS Ins: Inside stalk man on. FS TE: Zone rules. Alert to 79 call: Block out to the 9, bring T to 7


Solo Team SLOW to the hole...


*If Im covered, and the next man back is covered, I call SOLO and drive block the man over me. My first step will be 6 inches! *If Im covered, and the next man back is uncovered, I call TEAM... he & I work together to block the down lineman on me and the nearest LB. My first step will be 6 inches! *If Im uncovered, I expect a TEAM call from the man in front of me! My first step will be 12 inches!
*COVERED linemen: Reduce split! Aiming point is outside armpit! MUST maintain contact! *TEAM blocks get movement, stay on double team until LBs threaten the window vertically up into the hole! *BACKSIDE linemen must WALL down defenders & not let them cross your face!

FS T: Zone rules. Alert 79 call by TE, telling you to inside drive block the 7 technique. FS G: Zone rules. CENTER: Zone rules. If covered, maintaining contact is the keydrive man past hole if you cannot reach him! BS G: Zone rules. Backside blocks are a BIG deal! They can be the difference between 4 yards and 20! BS T: Zone rules. 5 tech doesnt count as covered. BS TE: BS Ins: Zone rules: 9 tech doesnt count as covered. Inside stalk the man over you. Cut him off. BS Outs: Convoy middle 1/3. Alert for BOMB situations. H (Backfield/Slot): Hard fill in backside C gap right off OTs cheek; Seal the end defender on the L.O.S. inside out
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FB: Align at 6 1/2 yds. Lateral step with your frontside foot, crossover, then step and attack the inside leg of the offensive tackle. Slow to the hole, explode through the hole. Cut back one lane for each man that crosses your face, but dont cut until youre up into the line of scrimmage. QB: Front out to 7 or 5 oclock, get ball to FB DEEP. Look the ball in, you are responsible for the mesh. Hesitate & follow ball with your eyes, then boot out hard, snap head to find EMLOS as you do for possible Boot/Naked.
- C l i c k h e r e t o r e t u r n

44-45 Stretch
Reach Family
44-45 is one of our core or bread and butter plays! It gets us to the edge of the field with a lot of power! The basic premise of the play is to get our entire backfield and line on a wide railroad track, force the defense to stretch quickly, then either beat them to a corner with a show of force or cut up into a lane that they create when they pursue incorrectly! We can use a number of formation variations and perimeter blocking adjustments to shorten the defensive edge and help the outside blockers do their jobs more effectively! Crack, Door, and Alley schemes are examples of this, as are different types of Squeeze sets. We can also use special Wing calls with the HBack to help secure the End Man on he Line to get the play started (Clamp, Chip) 44-45 is effective to wide field or the boundary, and if we find a DE or perimeter force player thats weak, we will pound him with this ball play over and over! KEYS to a successful play:
Uncovered linemen overlap their partner in front of them to keep from being split by penetrating defenders! Linemen stay on WIDE railroad tracks! The FB SPRINTS to his sprint spot and stretches the defense! Wide blockers make good use of different calls, maintain contact!
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Perimeter calls: Door, Crack, Alley, Bomb, etc.

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45 STRETCH v. Split
FS Outs: Outside stalk man on. Alert for Bomb call! FS Ins: Outside stalk man on. KEY block! Must maintain! FS TE: Reach rules!



2 yds outside TE

*Basic premise is to REACH one gap in front of us! *If Im uncovered, I plan to REACH and OVERTAKE the down lineman in front of me. If that man slants away to the railroad track of the blocker in front of me, I stay on MY wide railroad track and RUN up to a linebacker. *If Im covered, I first identify whether theres a down lineman over the man in front of meif he is, then I plan REACH and OVERTAKE him. If not, then I will REACH, RIP through the man over me, and RUN on my railroad track up to any 2nd or 3d level player that first shows up on my course! I only run once my buddy from behind takes over and yells GO! *COVERED linemen should cut their split if possible! *All linemen: LOSE ground to GAIN an angle! *Stay on your RAILROAD track on a wide angle!


Reach rules!

FB: Lateral step & sprint to a spot 2 yds outside where the TE is or would bekey the blocks on E.M.O.L & support. Stay on a sprint to the sidelines unless he skates across your face. If he crosses face, plant sharply on outside foot and cut up North & South. This is a cut up play, not a cut back play! QB: Depart at approximately 4 oclock or 8 oclock, sprint to meet the FB, ball extended. YOU are responsible for the exchange so he can eye his readlook it in and follow his path 1-2 steps before you set up behind the OT as you would on play action.
- C l i c k h e r e t o r e t u r n

FS G: Reach rules! CENTER: Reach rules! BS G: Reach rules! BS T: Reach rules! 5 tech doesnt count as covered! BS TE: Reach rules! 9 tech doesnt count as covered. Get downfield! BS WR: Convoy, cut off deep middle 1/3 saf. TD Block! BS Slot: Inside cut off the man over you.. H (BF/Wing/Slot): Get on the next RR track outside the T /TE and block support. Attack his outside shoulder, maintain contact, drive to sideline if he widens .Can act as a lineman & use zone rules at times from Wing & Slot. Crack tells you to block the CB. Clamp tells you to double with T/TE on the outside shoulder of the E.M.O.L.
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46-47 Counter
Gap Family
46-47 Counter is our ATTITUDE play! It is the run that we will establish against any defense each game no matter what they try and do to us! We will be so good at this play that we can impose it on any defense! The basic idea of the play is to block down one gap on the frontside to get good angles and create a wall, and pull from the backside to kick out the defensive end to divide the defense! The running back must set up the block on the end, use the down blocks on linebackers, and make a strong cut North and South through the hole! Because of the angles involved, we prefer to run this play to the 1 technique! This is a goalline to goalline play! It is most effective against LBs who overreact to their initial key, and D Ends who play too far upfield. We can run it from virtually any of our sets, 1- or 2-back! KEYS to a successful play:
Frontside linemen take a GREAT 1st STEP to their gap to shut off penetration! The pulling guard runs a full-speed course INTO THE LINE and digs out the E.M.O.L.! The FB sets up the trap block, sees lanes, & makes a great L cut!
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H Bob Chop

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47 COUNTER v. Split
FS Outs: Inside stalk man on. Alert for Bomb call! FS Ins: Inside stalk man on. FS TE: Gap rulesnear LB. 6 or 9 doesnt count as covered.


If BSLB causes problems, C calls CHOP


GAP RULES: Near Backer

*Frontside linemen responsible for the GAP inside them! First step will always be a 6 flat step to that gap! *If Im uncovered, I call Double and look to try to Double Combo with the lineman inside me to the 1st LB inside us! We will stay on the combo until the LB threatens the hole vertically! If the DL over my man to the inside disappears inside by alignment or movement, then my block becomes a Down block to the 1st LB. *If Im covered by an inside shade, I B Drive him down! If he slants away from me, I work up to a LB! *If Im covered by a head-up player or an outside shade, I expect a Double call from the man outside of me! He and I will Double Combo to the first LB inside us! If my man slants inside, it becomes a B Drive block for me!
**If I also have a DL on my inside gap, I must call B, B, B ! to the man behind me to wave off the Double and tell us both to B Drive the man inside us!


Gap GapDead


L cut off outside foot!

*The Center, if uncovered, will always DEAD block with a flat step back to Backside A gap. He must ensure that the 1st DL backside does not get penetration!
BS TE: BS WR: BS Slot: Punch C gap to EMOL. See BST technique. Convoy, cut off deep middle 1/3 saf. TD Block! Inside cut off the man over you.. FS T: Gap rules near LB. 4 or 5 doesnt count as covered. FS G: Gap rules near backer CENTER: Gap rules. CHOP call to T if you need to work up to BSLB after your initial Dead step. BS G: Pull through hip of C,Long Trap E.M.O.L. frontside. Use inside-out head position & DIG HIM OUT of the hole. BS T: Punch blockcut your split & step FLAT inside to stop B gap penetration. If a DL from either direction or stunting LB shows in that gap, lock & cut him. If nothing shows, turn back to pick off the E.M.O.L. Alert for a Chop call which tells you that you must clip the 3 tech.
t o t a b l e o f c o n t e n t s -

FB: Turn your shoulder & pick up your BS leg to simulate fake backside, keeping FS foot anchoredtake handoff from QB deep, press block of Guard, then L cut off outside foot suddenly to get under block and explode N/S through hole! QB: Step 5 or 7 oclock opposite call, get depth, turn and hand ball to FB. Follow handoff with eyes 1-2 steps, boot out and find E.M.O.L. backside!
- C l i c k h e r e t o r e t u r n

48-49 Toss
Reach Family
The Toss is an effective companion to the 44-45 Stretch play. The blocking is exactly the same up front, but the method of delivering the ball different! It allows us to challenge the edge of the defensive front just a bit quicker! This play is an excellent way to attack LBs who do not fast flow and/or read keys well! Like 28-29 Jet, Toss can use a number of formation variations and perimeter blocking adjustments to shorten the defensive edge and help the outside blockers do their jobs more effectively! Crack, Door, Cross, and Ed schemes are examples of this, as are different types of Squeeze sets. Receivers must make use of these for the play to be successful!

KEYS to a successful play:

RB gets ON THE EDGE in a hurry! Linemen stay on a wide railroad track and get to flowing linebackers! Receivers match the best perimeter blocking scheme to what they see and EXECUTE it!
-t o t a b l e o f c o n t e n t s -t o

Express Ed/Eddie Crack Door

m a I n play d I a g r a m -

48-49 TOSS
48 TOSS v. Split
FS Outs: Outside stalk man on. Alert for Bomb call! FS Ins: Outside stalk man on. KEY block! Must maintain! FS TE: Reach rules!



2 yds outside TE

*Basic premise is to REACH one gap in front of us! *If Im uncovered, I plan to REACH and OVERTAKE the down lineman in front of me. If that man slants away to the railroad track of the blocker in front of me, I stay on MY wide railroad track and RUN up to a linebacker. *If Im covered, I first identify whether theres a down lineman over the man in front of meif he is, then I plan REACH and OVERTAKE him. If not, then I will REACH, RIP through the man over me, and RUN on my railroad track up to any 2nd or 3d level player that first shows up on my course! I only run once my buddy from behind takes over and yells GO! *COVERED linemen should cut their split if possible! *All linemen: LOSE ground to GAIN an angle! *Stay on your RAILROAD track on a wide angle!


Reach rules!

FB: Pre-read alignment of E.M.O.L. and support. trappers arc, look toss in & sprint to a spot 2 yds outside where the TE is or would bekey the blocks on E.M.O.L & support. Stay on a sprint to the sidelines unless he skates across your face. If he crosses face, plant sharply on outside foot and cut up North & South. This is a cut up play, not a cut back play! QB: Reverse out tightly and make a soft, end-over-end toss into the FBs outside armpit, following the toss with your eyes until the back has secured it and taken a step. Boot out deep, find E.M.O.L.
- C l i c k h e r e t o r e t u r n

FS G: Reach rules! CENTER: Reach rules! BS G: Reach rules! BS T: Reach rules! 5 tech doesnt count as covered!

BS TE: Reach rules! 9 tech doesnt count as covered. Get downfield! BS Outs: Convoy, cut off deep middle 1/3 saf. TD Block! BS Ins: Inside cut off the man over you.. H (BF/Wing/Slot): Get on the next RR track outside the T /TE and block support. Attack his outside shoulder, maintain contact, drive to sideline if he widens .Can act as a lineman & use zone rules at times from Wing & Slot. Crack tells you to block the CB. Clamp tells you to double with T/TE on the outside shoulder of the E.M.O.L.
t o t a b l e o f c o n t e n t s -



BOMB adjustment

CRACK call
*If man youre cracking disappears, work to safety level.

CROSS call

3. 2. 1/2way rule 1. 1.




INSIDE Stalk shown *Only possible v. a two safety look (0, 2, 4) Used by outside receiver normally assigned a 1. Release hard on an angle to Stalk block to blow up a gain the inside or outside leverage you want. run supporter filling from the safety position. 2. HALFWAY RULE. Break your *Basic job is to block man over you inside or outside. *Recievers block the short defender on or inside the next man inside them.
1. Push up 1-2 steps if possible to soften the man over you. How far you can push up depends on how tight & how fast the guy is that youre cracking..the tighter/faster he is, the quicker you have to turn inside! 2. Come inside under control, find your man, square him up with shoulders perpendicular to L.O.S. Deliver a blow up through your hips & light him up! t o t a b l e o f

*Recievers Cross and take the others guy. Outside receiver cracks defender over inside receiver, inside man tries to hook CB. A good way to get the ball outside.

1. ID 2-safety look pre-snap. hips down when the defender has Possible BOMB situation. closed 1/2 the distance between you. Anticipate this! Keep 2. Release at C as normal. If he adjusting your course to keep the sits/closes, Stalk him! leverage you want. 3. If C retreats, it often means the 3. FINISH the blockdeliver a Safety is supporting. Break off blow up through your hips, your course, find safety as you maintain with good choppy steps! do, come inside and blow him up!
- C l i c k h e r e t o r e t u r n

c o n t e n t s -


DOOR call ALLEY call ED call (2 man) EXPRESS call EDDIE call ED (3 man)

*Secure the block on the low man before you step off!




*EDDIE call tells outside man to Inside Stalk instead of Crack!


*EXPRESS tells receivers the exact same thing as EDDIE. The only difference is for TE/OL!



over him, insures against inside penetration. Outside receiver comes down to his outside shoulder to secure & move him. 2. Both blockers eye CB. As one takes over the block on the force man, the other steps off to block CB when he closes up.

*Combination block by two *Same idea as Door, applied to *Inside man, from 2-3 yard *Inside man, often from alley safety support. Can be receivers to get the play split, steps flat and seals motion, blocks CB, middle done with the two outside started by double teaming E.M.O.L., outside man cracks. receiver executes ED on DE, receivers or the middle & inside the force defender initially at Often used from Squeezed outside receiver Cracks. receiver in Trips. Double the the point of attack. sets to shorten the edge. Outside man cracks, Middle man steps flat to block E.M.O.L... 1. DOUBLE THE FORCE: Inside man over inside receiver, step Inside man: Step flat, shoulders off to safety when he fills. receiver inside stalks the man should be perpendicular to L.O.S.,
1. DOUBLE THE LOW MAN: Inside rec. inside stalks the man over him, insures against inside penetration. Outs. receiver comes down to his outside shoulder to secure him. 2. Blockers eye near safety; the one not taking over the block steps off, blocks him when he fills. h e r e t o r e t u r n shield E.M.O.L., dont allow upfield penetration or pursuit underneath you. Use his momentum against him.

Inside man (can be stationary or in motion to 4-5), step tightly around Crack block, eyeing CB as you do. If you can get outside leverage on him, Hook him as you would in Cross... If CB keeps outside leverage, kick him out, drive him out of hole with short, choppy steps!

- C l i c k

t o

t a b l e

o f

c o n t e n t s -


**Perimeter blocking adjustments by the Wide Receivers, whether made in the play call or at the line, can have an impact on the assignments of other players, particularly an H-Back in a Backfield, Wing, or Slot position, as well as frontside linemen! Following are illustrations of receiver calls that also change the jobs of other people.

Alerts for H: BONUS



1 2


*When youre assigned is to block Force *TE blocks down to first down from the backfield or motion, AND two other lineman inside him. Step flat & receivers are on that same side, you can redirect him! sometimes become a BONUS player. *T pulls around TE & WR block to Bonus means that, since the outside 2 kick out first thing that shows WRs are blocking the 2 outside defenders outside the DE. (Stalk, Door, or Cross), your original assignment is being blocked. *G pulls deep, turns inside Ts block, stays on wide RR track to pick off *As a BONUS player, take a course to the outside leg of the support player, first pursuing LB. cleaning him up if he beats his block. *H, from the backfield or motion, Continue on your course, looking next arcs around the block on the DE, for pursuing LB or filling safety inside, becomes a BONUS player! then looking for a CB outside.
- C l i c k h e r e t o r e t u r n t o t a b l e o f c o n t e n t s -


**Perimeter blocking adjustments by the Wide Receivers, whether made in the play call or at the line, can have an impact on the assignments of other players, particularly an H-Back in a Backfield, Wing, or Slot position, as well as frontside linemen! Following are illustrations of receiver calls that also change the jobs of other people.

CRACK call

ALLEY call

ED call

EDDIE call







*CRACK leaves CB unblocked, so H now leads off hip of the outside Crack block and blocks the CB!

*ALLEY leaves CB unblocked, so H now leads off hip of the outside Crack block and blocks the CB!

*ED scheme accounts for the *EDDIE accounts for DE, but man the T would normally not the next man outside. T reach, as well as the next deepens around the block on defender outside the DE, so T the DE and looks to kick out widens/deepens his RR track the next defender outside slightly, blocks CB or whomever along his RR track. shows first off the outside of the *If we also had H leading from widest Crack block! the backfield, he would *If we also had H leading from become a bonus player the backfield, he would leading for whatever shows become a bonus player inside Ts course! leading for whatever shows outside Ts course!
t o t a b l e o f c o n t e n t s -

- C l i c k

h e r e

t o

r e t u r n







2000 Offense: Passing Game

Table of Contents
Terminology/Play Calling Backside Rules Pattern Summary 0 Route 3 Route 6 Route 9 Route 1 Route 2 Route 4 Route 5 Route 7 Route 8 Route Structural Tags

Named Route Series 90 Series 50 Series: Boots Play Action (Frontside) 90 Green/Gold 80 Series: Screens Scramble Rules Protection -Summary- -50- -60/70-90-


Protection Modifier(s) (Tags)

Protection QB Drop Frontside & Backside

Route Package Number Assigns Receivers their routes

t o t a b l e o f

Route Modifier(s) (Tags)

- C l I c k

h e r e

t o

r e t u r n

c o n t e n t s -


60 Half roll Right Frontside Right 70 Half roll Left Frontside Left 90 3 step drop
0 Vertical 1 Go 2 Smash 3 Read 4 Option 5 Bend 6 Choice 7 Switch 8 Snag 9 Slant

STRUCTURAL TAGS: Switch - Swap Special - Mirror Opposite Horn - Utah INDIVIDUAL TAGS: I.e., X Post

Protection Modifier(s) (Tags)

Protection QB Drop Frontside & Backside

Route Package Number

Route Modifier(s) (Tags)

- C l I c k

h e r e

t o

r e t u r n

t o

t a b l e

o f

c o n t e n t s -


0 Vertical 60 STRUCTURAL 1 Go Half roll Right TAGS: EXAMPLE #1: 64 2 Smash Frontside Right Switch - Swap 3 Read 70 to use half-roll drop to right, 6 tells QB Special 4 Option Half roll Left 5 Bend Receivers on the right that they are frontside, and INDIVIDUAL Frontside Left 6 Choice TAGS: Receivers on the left that they7are backside. 90 Out I.e., X Post 3 step drop 9 Slant

4 tells all players that we will use the rules for the 4 or Option package:
Frontside Outside - Go Pocket Frontside Middle - Seam to Thin Frontside Inside - Out Backside Outside - Go Read Backside Inside - Seam Read

EXAMPLE #2: 75 Protection Protection, Route Package Route 7 tells QB toof half-roll drop to left, Number Modifier(s) Direction use Modifier(s) Receivers on the left that they are frontside, and (Tags) frontside (Tags) Receivers on the right that they are backside. (Even-Right) 5 tells all players that we will use the rules for the 5 or Bend package: (Odd-Left) Middle - Arrow Frontside Inside - Bend Frontside Outside - Go Frontside
Backside Outside - Seam Read
- C l I c k h e r e t o r e t u r n t o

Backside Inside - Go Read

t a b l e o f c o n t e n t s -


Receivers must know all assignments/rules within a given route package, because you may be asked to execute any part of it! Receivers must know in any given formation whether they are the Inside, Outside, or Middle (if there are 3 on a side) receiver, and whether they are on the frontside or backside! They must also realize that MOTION by themselves or others can change their position!

- C l I c k

h e r e

t o

r e t u r n

t o

t a b l e

o f

c o n t e n t s -

On the backside of any route, we will always have one player working the NUMBERS area of the field... ..and a player working the HASH area. (2 yards on either side of the hash) The player working the Numbers is assigned a GO READ, and the player on the hash is assigned a SEAM READ.
8-10 yds Make your decision here!


12-14 yds Make break (if any) here

The GO READ bases his break on what the Cornerback does... ..and the SEAM READ works off the nearest Safety, whether he starts in the middle of the field or near the hash. The KEYS:
Be DECISIVE--make a decision and go! (Dont give the QB a no read!) Stay out of the other receivers area!

Rules / Reads

Great Backside routes are critical! BIG plays happen on the back side!

GO READ: Attack the outside leg of the CB over you, break his cushion, and plan on beating him deep...
at 8 yards, if you determine that you cant get deep, break back inside, working toward QBs vision, but NEVER crossing the hash! (Rule: If youre even, youre leavin...go by him deep)

SEAM READ. Must release cleanly & avoid underneath LBs. Regain verticality, read S & make decision between 8 & 10 yds
if the safety rotates away from you, leaving the middle, stay on your vertical course! if the safety stays deep over top of you, break flat across the middle (DIG) at 12-14, look for a hole if he opens quickly to you & crosses your face (most likely f/ hash), cross his--break to a Thin Post inside him
- C l i c k h e r e t o r e t u r n t o t a b l e o f c o n t e n t s -

BACKSIDE: Who Does What

The LAST digit of a play call tells the backside receivers which one has the GO READ and which has the SEAM READ! If the last digit is EVEN, (e.g., 60, 70, 62, 72, 64, 76, etc.), the OUTSIDE receiver has the GO READ... ..and the INSIDE receiver has the SEAM READ.



Rules / Reads
GO READ: Attack the outside leg of the CB over you, break his cushion, and plan on beating him deep...
at 8 yards, if you determine that you cant get deep, break back inside, working toward QBs vision, but NEVER crossing the hash! (Rule: If youre even, youre leavin...go by him deep)

SEAM READ. Must release cleanly & avoid underneath LBs. Regain verticality, read S & make decision between 8 & 10 yds
if the safety rotates away from you, leaving the middle, stay on your vertical course! if the safety stays deep over top of you, break flat across the middle at 12-14, look for a hole if he opens quickly to you & crosses your face (most likely f/ hash), cross his--break to a Thin Post inside him
- C l I c k h e r e t o r e t u r n t o t a b l e o f c o n t e n t s -

BACKSIDE: Who Does What

The LAST digit of a play call tells the backside receivers which one has the GO READ and which has the SEAM READ! If the last digit is EVEN, (e.g., 60, 70, 62, 72, 64, 76, etc.), the OUTSIDE receiver has the GO READ... ..and the INSIDE receiver has the SEAM READ. If the last digit is ODD, (e.g., 61, 71, 65, 75, etc.), the INSIDE receiver has the GO READ... ..and the OUTSIDE receiver has the SEAM READ. Rules / Reads
GO READ: Attack the outside leg of the CB over you, break his cushion, and plan on beating him deep...
at 8 yards, if you determine that you cant get deep, break back inside, working toward QBs vision, but NEVER crossing the hash! (Rule: If youre even, youre leavin...go by him deep)



SEAM READ. Must release cleanly & avoid underneath LBs. Regain verticality, read S & make decision between 8 & 10 yds
if the safety rotates away from you, leaving the middle, stay on your vertical course! if the safety stays deep over top of you, break flat across the middle at 12-14, look for a hole if he opens quickly to you & crosses your face (most likely f/ hash), cross his--break to a Thin Post inside him
- C l I c k h e r e t o r e t u r n t o t a b l e o f c o n t e n t s -

PATTERN Summary Table


FS Inside
Arrow Seam / Thin 10 yd Curl Flat Bend Choice

FS Middle

FS Outside

BS Inside
Seam Read Go Read Seam Read Drag Seam Read Go Read Drag

BS Middle

BS Outside
Go Read
Seam Read Go Read Divide Go Read Seam Read

QB: 3 step

QB: 5 step
Sm Read to Go Read

Corner Corner

Post Curl Smash Go

Arrow Smash

Post Curl to Sm Read Corner to Seam/Thin FB Flat to Curl to Drag

Seam / Thin Arrow Choice

Go Pocket Go

Flat Arrow

Go Pocket OR Sm Read Bend to Backside Choice to Sm Read to Drag Out to Corner to Backside


Seam Read

Go Read Seam Read Go Read Slant Arrow Slant / Lookie


Corner Arrow Slant (Lookie)

- C l I c k h e r e

Out Corner Snag Slant

t o

Go Read Seam Read Slant (Lookie)

t o t a b l e o f


Snag or Corner



r e t u r n

c o n t e n t s -

0 Route:

The basic premise of this play is to attack deep coverage with the threat of four people running vertical along four evenly-spaced landmarks across the field (2 hashmarks, 2 sets of numbers)in general, this allows us to outnumber deep coverage! It is one of our favorite plays against any single safety look, particularly Cover 3, because it gives us a two-on-one situation against the Free Safety! Generally, the QB works to influence the nearest safety to the frontside, which serves to isolate the backside receivers, allowing them to beat the man they work off of! We will use this route heavily in conjunction with Play Action, to hold linebackers underneath, influence the safety, and open voids for vertical receivers to run in! The 0 Route can be used anywhere, but is particularly effective as a Play Action route on first down, and an excellent all-around call on the outer edge of the Red Zone! KEYS to a successful play:
Inside receivers avoid contact underneath & get vertical! Receivers take good splits and attack along their landmark! Backside Receivers make good reads and make them decisively! QB does a great job with his eyes, is decisive, and makes his throw on time and with authority!
-t o t a b l e o f c o n t e n t s -t o

FB Slow F Slot Split 42-43-44-45 Play Action

maIn route dIagram -




60 Shown
FS INS: FS OUTS: Work hard to MOVE the safety toward the frontside hash work the backside Seam Read

Backside Go Read is an outlet

BS OUTS: GO READ. Normal even-numbered backside rules. Be decisive, NEVER come inside the hash!

SEAM READ. Normal even numbered backside rules. Pre-read safety, attack and be decisive!
SEAM. Widen your alignment, release cleanly, go HARD up the field vertically 2 yards outside the hash. GO. Outside release, accelerate vertically along the bottom of the numbers, get deep, stay on your landmark!

QB: 5-step progression Backside Seam Read to Backside Go Read as an outlet. Work hard with your eyes to try and move a single safety frontside so that you can throw the backside Seam. By game plan or game adjustment, we could potentially throw the frontside Seam as a 3- or 5-step progression if a single Safety just wont move.
- C l I c k h e r e t o r e t u r n t o t a b l e o f c o n t e n t s -

Right Wing Flip 60

v. Cov 0 Right Flop Out F8 60 H Split J

v. Cov 1




Trips Lt Y6 60 Slow

v. Cov 2 Larry Over 70-43

v. Cov 3

1 Route:

The 1 Route is our basic Curl/Arrow combination that allows us to put pressure on the flat defender in a zone defense! The basic idea behind the play is to widen the flat defender with an Arrow route from the inside, then throw to the outside receiver, who gets into the void left by that defender with a Post Curl route. A Corner route can be inserted into the middle to create a triangle and keep the cornerback off the back of the Post Curl! The built-in Switch rule on the backside gives us an important outlet, as well as a big play possibility should any safeties over-commit! We will use this route heavily in conjunction with Play Action, to hold linebackers underneath, influence the safety, and open voids for vertical receivers to run in! The 0 Route can be used anywhere, but is particularly effective as a Play Action route on first down, and an excellent all-around call on the outer edge of the Red Zone! KEYS to a successful play:
Post Curl creating space with a good, wide split! The Arrow route getting width quickly to force the flat defender to make a decision! The Post Curl must make great breaks and work himself back to the QB through an open lane!
-t o t a b l e o f c o n t e n t s -t o

Squeeze/Bunch Concept 26-27-42-43 Play Action

maIn route dIagram -



MUST see LB in front of Post Curl! Danger player!

12 yd CLEAN break! 10

4 yd Speed break to 12 SPRINT to 8!


Accelerate through break! Gain depth!

61 Shown


3d step: Drill the Arrow through the shoulder pad if he pops open at all Work the Post Curl off the 5th step to the BS Seam Read

BS OUTS: SEAM READ. Normal odd-numbered backside rules. Pre-read safety, attack and be decisive! BS INS: GO READ. Normal odd-numbered backside rules. Be decisive, NEVER come inside the hash! FS INS: ARROW. Attack defenders outside shoulder, break downhill off 2d/3d step, gain depth. Look for ball quickly! FS MID: CORNER. Push hard to a depth of 12, engaging the safety with eye contact. When you get to your depth, make a sharp, clean break to the corner, looking for the ball over your outside shoulder. FS OUTS: POST CURL. Split to the bottom of the numbers. Sprint to 8, make a 4 yard speed break toward the Post, & at 12 yards drumroll your feet and accelerate through the open lane back to a depth of 10 yards. QB: 3-step progression to the Arrow on time. Rip it through his outside shoulder if he gets any clean air at all. If the short defender runs with him, a void should open up for the Post Curl. Be alert of the LB in front of the Post Curl! Backside Seam Read is your 3rd option. By call or game plan, can throw the Corner off 5th step if CB is getting nosy on the Post Curl.
- C l I c k h e r e t o r e t u r n t o t a b l e o f c o n t e n t s -

Split Rex H6 61

v. Cov 0 Bunch Left 71-43 J

v. Cov 1




Ron H4 61

v. Cov 2

Right Slot 71

v. Cov 3

2 Route:

The Smash route is a very versatile route that, like the 7 route, puts intense pressure on the Cornerback by placing a receiver in front of him at 6 yards (the Smash by the Outside Receiver) and a man breaking behind him to the Corner (Middle Receiver). It also allows us to control rotating or hash safeties through the use of a Seam/Thin by the Inside Receiver! This is a great package for us against any Cover 2/Cover 4 shell, as well as having excellent possibilities against various forms of man coverage because of the mismatches we can create on the inside! The 2 route is a solid answer for a number of situations, including 3rd and medium, 2 minute, and Red Zone!

KEYS to a successful play:

Good release, eye contact, and snap from Corner route! QB must be persistent about throwing the Smash on time! Dont force the Corner route! Smash route uses smart splits and makes big plays after the catch through a sudden spin & attacking movement upfield!
-t o t a b l e o f c o n t e n t s -t o

Horn Squeeze/Bunch package

maIn route dIagram -



Break THIN across safetys face if he crosses yours

12 yd CLEAN break!

Smash on 3d step unless CB really jumps it! If you feel C sit on Smash, EYE HIM DOWN 2-3 steps and throw the Corner Flatten him w/ throw to most open area

6 yd


Seam/Thin should be available if Saf overrotates to harass the Corner. See in FRONT of it before you throw! BS OUTS: GO READ. Normal even-numbered backside rules. Be decisive, NEVER come inside the hash! BS INS: SEAM READ. Normal even numbered backside rules. Pre-read safety, attack and be decisive! FS INS: SEAM/THIN. Push vertically straight up the field, avoiding underneath coverage. Stay on the Seam to hold the safety as long as hes over top of or inside you. If he opens and crosses your face, break the Thin Post off inside him. FS MID: CORNER. Push hard to a depth of 12, engaging the safety with eye contact. When you get to your depth, make a sharp, clean break to the corner, looking for the ball over your outside shoulder. Be prepared for the QB to flatten you with the ball depending on where the hole is. FS OUTS: SMASH. Push to 6 yds, plant on your outside foot, and snap your head inside. Hard shoulder dip/spin for R.A.C. QB: Pre-read depth of CB. 3-step progression is Smashthrow it if you have any doubt. If the CB climbs all over him eye him down for 2 steps, throw the Corner off the 5th step, taking him to open air. Look Seam/Thin if Safety over-rotates.
- C l I c k h e r e t o r e t u r n t o t a b l e o f c o n t e n t s -

62 Shown

Trips Right Ron Z6 62

v. Cov 0

Right Wide 62-42 J

v. Cov 1





H6 62

v. Cov 2 Rt Out Flop 72

v. Cov 3

2 ROUTE from 90 SERIES

6-7 yd CLEAN break!

Read defender over Seam... If he backs up at all, hit the Smash on time on the outside shoulder If he opens and widens, rocket the ball past his earhole to the Seam.

6 yd


92 Shown

If you have a press CB who sits on the Smash, throw the Quick Corner over his head.

FS/BS INS: SEAM. Push vertically straight up the field, avoiding underneath coverage. Stay on the Seam to hold the safety as long as hes over top of or inside you. If he opens and crosses your face, break the Thin Post off inside him. FS/BS MID: QUICK CORNER. MUST gain outside leverage on the man over you. Once youve done this, push vertical to a 6-7 yds, locking eyes with any hash safety. Snap, make a clean break at 7 yds, take an angle that will get you over top of CB. FS/BS OUTS: SMASH. Push to 6 yds, plant on outside foot, and snap your head inside. Hard shoulder dip/spin for R.A.C.
QB: Pre-snap pick a side based on furthest danger player, softest corner, wide side of field in that order. Read key is the flat defender (over Seam). If he backs up at all, drill the Smash on time right to his outside shoulder pad. If he opens his shoulders quickly, throw the Seam route on a rope right behind his earhole as he leaves. Vs. a press CB, throw the Quick Corner if that CB sits on the Smash. Check out v. a Press CB if you dont have the Quick Corner route to control him.
- C l I c k h e r e t o r e t u r n t o t a b l e o f c o n t e n t s -

4 Route:

The 4 route is an ATTITUDE play! That means that we are going to impose this play on the defense and make it work regardless of what the defense does! This play takes advantage of the fundamental mismatch between an inside receiver and a LB/SS, isolating him, then breaking away from underneath coverage with room to run after the catch. The other frontside receivers play critical roles! The outside man must recognize if his CB is falling off him to cover the Flat route and exploit the Pocket for big plays if he does! The middle receiver must create an effective rub/barrier to help the Flat get open, then look for an open crease in the Seam! Again, we can literally use this route anywhere on the field, but it will be particularly emphasized for sure completions on 1st down, to move the chains on 3rd & 6 or less, going into the End zone, and even as a 4 minute possession pass to protect leads! KEYS to a successful play:
The man running the Flat must gain outside leverage, and must work vertically before sticking his man! The QB must throw on time & in such a way that the Flat can run! Frontside middle and outside receivers must do their jobs well to exploit big-play opportunities when defenders overreact to the flat!
-t o t a b l e o f c o n t e n t s -t o

Utah! Motion to, motion away, Crazy Solid protection from 23 pkg. Squeeze concept

maIn route dIagram -



MUST attack short defenders outside leg!


4-6 yd

64 Shown

Then, BEAT him. Drumroll feet, lean on him & stick him if hes tight. Backside on 5th step

If a squat C leaves you, settle into the Pocket behind him away from S

BS OUTS: GO READ. Normal even-numbered backside rules. Be decisive, NEVER come inside the hash! BS INS: SEAM READ. Normal even numbered backside rules. Pre-read safety, attack and be decisive! FS INS: FLAT. You MUST capture the outside shoulder of the widest short defender & break flat at 4-6 yards, or whenever you get the leverage you want. Snap flat out of your break & expect ball early. Drumroll your feet, push vertical, and/or lean on him prior to your break if hes pressed & hip to hip with you. If you get within 5 yd of sideline without ball, turn up sideline! FS MID: SEAM/THIN. #1 job is to pin/rub off the short defender over youattack outside his outside hip, dont be in a hurry to clear him. Once past, accelerate up the Seam, bending to a THIN Post if the near safety crosses your face. FS OUTS: GO POCKET. Outside release C and run him off. If hes squat & you feel him leave, settle in the Pocket behind QB: Pre-snap alert for a rolled CB. 3-step progression to Flat on time, alert for POCKET v. rolled CB. 5-step progression to backside Seam Read, backside Go Read outlet.
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Split Rex 64 Solid

v. Cov 0 Right Slot Flop 74 J

v. Cov 1




H6 64

v. Cov 2

Ray Squeeze H9 74

v. Cov 3

5 Route:

The 5 Route is a form of a Flood pattern that is used to overload zone coverages, but is also useful against Man coverage as well! A triangle is created to stress the defense both vertically and horizontally with a Go route (outside receiver), a Bend route (inside receiver) and an Arrow route (middle receiver). The result of this triangle, if we space ourselves properly, is that 2 defenders are forced to cover 3 of us! Spacing is the key! The Go must create width with a wide split, and then push the top off the defense by clearing out full speed! The Arrow must also create width quickly and force a decision by the underneath coverage! The Bend must use a short split and good angles to work into voids! This is a tremendous route to convert 3rd and long situationsit is also useful at certain times in the outer to middle portions of the Red Zone! KEYS to a successful play:
SPACING!!! (See above) The QB must be willing to drill the Arrow quickly if it opens! This will open the rest of the route up! The right type of release, leverage, and break by the Bend! He must have a great feel for the defense and how to beat it!
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Press (90) Motion to 42-43 Play Action. Squeeze concept

maIn route dIagram -



10-12 yd
If you feel someone chasing, stick them, make a sharp break, and accelerate away Vs. zone, roll out of your break, into the dead area


65 Shown

Accelerate through break! Gain depth!

3d step: Drill the Arrow through the shoulder pad if he pops open at all Work the Bend off the 5th step to the BS Seam Read

BS OUTS: SEAM READ. Normal odd-numbered backside rules. Pre-read safety, attack and be decisive! BS INS: GO READ. Normal odd-numbered backside rules. Be decisive, NEVER come inside the hash! FS INS: BEND. Tighter split, push vertically, get defender on your inside hip, and break outside at 10-12 yds. The type of break depends on the coverage you feel. If youre being chased (Man), make a quick stick inside, & a sharp break outside. If you feel people dropping (zone), make a controlled roll out of your break into the dead part of the zone, about 15-18 yds deep. FS MID: ARROW. Attack defenders outside shoulder, break downhill off 2d/3d step, gain depth. Look for ball quickly! FS OUTS: GO. Outside release, accelerate vertically along the bottom of the numbers, must clear your area! QB: 3-step progression to the Arrow on time. Rip it through his outside shoulder if he gets any clean air at all. If the short defender runs with him, a void should open up for the Bend. See whether hes being chased, so you know what type of throw to make on your 5th step. Work BS Seam Read as your 3rd option..
- C l I c k h e r e t o r e t u r n t o t a b l e o f c o n t e n t s -

Rex Under Squz H8 65

v. Cov 0 Right Slot H6 65-42 J

v. Cov 1




Trips Rt 65

v. Cov 2 Rt Flop Outside H5 75

v. Cov 3


10-12 yd
If you feel someone chasing, stick them, make a sharp break, and accelerate away Vs. zone, roll out of your break, into the dead area


95 Shown

Accelerate through break! Gain depth!

3d step: Drill the Arrow through the shoulder pad if he pops open at all Work the Bend off the 5th step to the BS Seam Read

BS OUTS: SEAM READ. Normal odd-numbered backside rules. Pre-read safety, attack and be decisive! BS INS: GO READ. Normal odd-numbered backside rules. Be decisive, NEVER come inside the hash! FS INS: BEND. Tighter split, push vertically, get defender on your inside hip, and break outside at 10-12 yds. The type of break depends on the coverage you feel. If youre being chased (Man), make a quick stick inside, & a sharp break outside. If you feel people dropping (zone), make a controlled roll out of your break into the dead part of the zone, about 15-18 yds deep. FS MID: ARROW. Attack defenders outside shoulder, break downhill off 2d/3d step, gain depth. Look for ball quickly! FS OUTS: GO. Outside release, accelerate vertically along the bottom of the numbers, must clear your area! QB: 3-step progression to the Arrow on time. Rip it through his outside shoulder if he gets any clean air at all. If the short defender runs with him, a void should open up for the Bend. See whether hes being chased, so you know what type of throw to make on your 5th step. Work BS Seam Read as your 3rd option..
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6 Route:

The Choice Route is one of the primary ways we have to isolate an outside receiver! He then has the freedom to choose one of two routes (Slant or Out) that give him the best chance to get open based on what his CB does! The 6 route provides an excellent counter attack vs. defenses that overload to three receiver sides! Backside receivers are critical to this playthey are very much in the QBs thought process and must use good splits and make good decisions to make themselves available! Play action is a tremendous way to vary this play, causing hesitation by the frontside linebacker(s) were attacking and opening up throwing lanes for the frontside Choice and the backside Drag! This is one of our top ways to convert 3rd and long situations with easy throws! The backside routes also make it a viable Red Zone option! KEYS to a successful play:
1. 2. Smart pre-snap work and splits by the frontside receiver. The BS Drag must release, beat LB coverage, and get in the QBs vision! The QB must have his hips ready to throw the FS route on time, & then see the BS receivers clearly as they come to him
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66-76 Slow 42-43 Play Action! 66-76 Horn Bunch concept: Weakside!

maIn route dIagram -



Keep coming into QBs vision! Replace far LB! Can stair step if being chased

10 yd

4-6 yd


Vs. Press CB (4-) Vs. Soft CB (5+) GO.. Attack his Cut split; OUT. outside leg, Attack outside leg, straighten, look for & push vertical before your break! ball over outside shoulder.

66 Shown

Pre-read CB to know what WR will run! Out or Goon 5th if LB doesnt invade...

Seam Read to Drag (5th) if he does BS OUTS: GO READ. Normal even-numbered backside rules. Be decisive, NEVER come inside the hash! BS MID: SEAM READ. Normal even numbered backside rules. Pre-read safety, attack and be decisive! BS INS: DRAG. MUST gain inside leverage quickly, explode across the field at a depth of about 4, avoiding and running past any LB traffic. Your job is to replace the far LB, so keep running, working to the QBs vision. FS OUTS:

v. Soft CB: OUT. Cut split, attack outside leverage, straighten, and snap back to QB at 10 yards. v. Press CB: GO. Must attack and gain outside leverage right now. Once inside, straighten and accelerate, look for ball over outside shoulder. WIDEN only when the ball is in the airno later than 5 yards. QB: Pre-snap read CB; know what your FS receiver will do. First part of progression is FS WR; Slant off 3rd step, Out off 5th if throwing lane isnt invaded. If LB gets in your vision, work back to Seam Read, then Drag off 5th step.
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7 Route:

This route gives us an excellent way to attack the edges of the field by putting one man in front of the CB (an Out route) and another behind him (Corner route). This is one of the best ways we have to attack man coverage, because both frontside routes are difficult to cover, and we can create mismatches by formation! This is a great 3rd and Long package, and an excellent scoring route in the Red Zone all the way down to approximately the 10 yard line!

KEYS to a successful play:

1. 2. 3. 4. Smart splits by the Out and the Corner. Sharp, clean breaks by both frontside receivers. Correct spacing by the frontside receivers so that the CB cannot be allowed to play both of them! Smart assessment by the CB and a throw on time!
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67-77 Cross

maIn route dIagram -



12 yd
Clean break! Get over top of the CB!

10 yd

Potential DANGER!
Must gain outside leverage on the man over you!

Must cut split, attack outside leg, and push vertical 1-2 steps before your break!

67 Shown
Read the CB on your 1st three steps Drill the Out on your 5th if CB is retreating at all, alert for danger

If CB is squatting or has good leverage, eye him down & hit the Corner in the void behind, then backside. BS OUTS: SEAM READ. Normal odd-numbered backside rules. Pre-read safety, attack and be decisive! BS INS: GO READ. Normal odd-numbered backside rules. Be decisive, NEVER come inside the hash! FS INS: CORNER. MUST gain outside leverage on the man over you. Once youve done this, push vertical to a depth of 12, locking eyes with any hash safety. Snap & make a clean break at 12 yds, taking an angle that will get you over top of the CB. FS OUTS: OUT. Cut your split, attack the CBs outside leg right now. Straighten and work vertical to a depth of 10 once youve done that, then stab, stick your inside foot in the ground, throw your elbow through and snap your head around to the outside. Ball should be right on top of you, have your hands ready! Try to lose depth back to QB on break! QB: Pure 5 step progressionuse your 1st three steps to read the CB and let him tell you where to throw it. If hes retreating at all, drive the Out into the outside receiver on time at shoulder height. OLB is a potential danger player! If CB really closes, eye him down, deliver the Corner on the 5th step. If neither open up, go to backside Switch.
- C l I c k h e r e t o r e t u r n t o t a b l e o f c o n t e n t s -

7 ROUTE from 90 SERIES

6-7 yd
Clean break! Get over top of the CB!

Potential DANGER!
Must gain outside leverage on the man over you!

5 yd



Must cut split, attack outside leg, and push vertical 1-2 steps before your break! Thorough pre-snap look, 3 step drop If CB is squatting or has good leverage, shuffle up and Drill the Out through shoulder pads off 3d step throw the Corner behind him. Trajectory depends on 97 Shown (no Hitch) if CB retreats at all, alert for danger... coverage. FS/BS INS: QUICK CORNER. MUST gain outside leverage on the man over you. Once youve done this, push vertical to a 67 yds, locking eyes with any hash safety. Snap, make a clean break at 7 yds, take an angle that will get you over top of CB. FS/BS OUTS: QUICK OUT. Cut your split, attack the CBs outside leg right now. Straighten and work vertical to a depth of 10 once youve done that, then stab, stick your inside foot in the ground, throw your elbow through and snap your head around to the outside. Ball should be right on top of you, have your hands ready! Try to lose depth back to QB on break! QB: Most important part of play is pre-snap. First, ID coverage. If CBs are soft, choose the side with the least threatening danger player (1st short defender). If CBs are tight and head up to inside, go to the side where the safety help is furthest away, wide side of field if in doubt. If the CBs are tight and outside (Cover 2), work the short side unless you have a compelling reason to do otherwise. Drop is normal 90 drop, three steps. Read is CB regardless of coverage. If he backs up, hit Quick Out on 3d step without a Hitch up. If CB closes/sits, hitch up and hit Corner behind him. Throw will be FIRM v. 2 or 4, LOFTED against 0, 1, 3.
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8 Route:

The Snag route attacks the underneath edge of a defense very rapidly, often from a squeezed environment. The middle receiver is used to clear things out while the outside and inside receivers cross paths and distribute themselves to pressure the flat defender inside and out, or to create a natural pick for one or the other. A wide variety of tags or small adjustments can be made to different receivers in the pattern to take advantage of defensive overreaction, or to make the Mesh useful in different situations! It can also be employed from almost any pass action in our offense (Play Action, Bootleg, etc.)! The Snag and its variations will be one of the most useful routes we have throughout the Red Zone and against any type of man coverage! It is also an excellent move the chains play on 3rd and anything up to 7. KEYS to a successful play:
1. 2.
3. 4.

25-26-42-43 Play Action Cross for BS Outside Stem for FS Middle Angle for FS Inside Wheel for FS Inside
-t o maIn route dIagram -

Receivers execute their "traffic rules" of release properly. The Arrow comes out at the proper angle so he ends up breaking at the right depth. The #2 receiver avoids getting jammed at ALL COSTS The QB gets the ball to the Shoot QUICKLY!
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He leaves, you sit & replace He sits or looks you up, attack across him, pivot, and break out

12 yd CLEAN break!



68 Shown
3d step: Drill the Arrow through the shoulder pad if he pops open at all
If Arrow is covered inside out, find Snag on 5th step

Accelerate through break! Gain depth!

Attack LB over inside rec to a depth of 7

If Arrow is covered outside in or top down, throw the Corner on 5th step (eye down optional).

BS OUTS: GO READ. Normal even-numbered backside rules. Be decisive, NEVER come inside the hash! BS INS: SEAM READ. Normal even numbered backside rules. Pre-read safety, attack and be decisive! FS INS: ARROW. You go 3rd, off the Snags hip. Break downhill off 2d/3d step, gain depth. Look for ball quickly! FS MID: CORNER. Must avoid jam, take best release to a vertical course, make a clean break at 12 yards to the Corner! FS OUTS: SNAG. You go 2nd. Pause to allow the middle receiver upfield, come right off his rear, aiming for a point 7 yards deep over the inside receivers initial alignment. Attack & read the LB over the Arrow. QB: 3-step progression to the Arrow on time. Rip it through his outside shoulder if he gets any clean air at all. If he gets covered, you must feel where the coverage comes from. If it comes from inside out, find the Snag on your 5th step, and put the ball on a shoulder away from pressure. If coverage comes from outside in or above, throw the Corner route in the hole behind on your 5th step. Pre-snap read the CB to see if this scenario is possible!
- C l I c k h e r e t o r e t u r n t o t a b l e o f c o n t e n t s -

Right Out Flop Firm 78

v. Cov 0 Right Slot Close H4 68-42 J

v. Cov 1






Bunch Rt 68

v. Cov 2 Lex Under X7 78-25

v. Cov 3

9 Route:

The Slant is a versatile route that allows us to isolate an outside LB/SS in a two-on-one situation and hit receivers on the move! It is generally used from a 90 action, meaning it will be mirrored most of the time. The Inside & Outside Slants on both sides must use good spacing, both through their pre-snap splits and the angle of their break, to ensure that we get our 2 on 1 (in other words, so the man were isolating cant cover both), and to help the QB get a clear view of his read! The Slant is designed to hold up against all coverages, but it is especially effective against Cover 2, Cover 1, and can be a deadly weapon against Blitz Cover 0! The Slant is a good way to convert 3rd and medium, get us back on schedule in 2nd and long, has potential for use near the Goalline, and can even be a way to challenge for a first down on 3rd and long without having to hold the ball! KEYS to a successful play:
1. Receivers get good spacing starting with their splits! 2. Inside WR attacks his man decisively & forces him to commit! The outside receiver gets a clean release, good leverage, and accelerates out of his break on a good angle! The QB makes a good pre-snap decision & throws on time!
-t o t a b l e o f c o n t e n t s -t o

Horn Off Green & Gold F Shoot F Snake
maIn route dIagram -


99 Shown

THIN v. outside C! Flatter release, break v. inside C Lookie adj if your man leaves


Can use a head & shoulder nod here


OUTSIDE: 2 step SLANT. Must attack the INSIDE LEG of the DB over you. Adjust angle of break based on alignment of CB. INSIDE: QB: 1 step SLANT. Must attack the INSIDE LEG of the man over you. LOOKIE adjustment if man over you widens! Pick a side - generally work wide side or side with least threatening DANGER player. 3 step drop, read defender over #2 (1st short inside CB). If his hips hang at all, hit #1 on rhythm. If he widens, snap hips & eyes to Lookie, hit him AHEAD of the danger player. Vs. PURE Cover 0, can think Lookie first & wait for him to separate!

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Route Packages
We have a series of passes that are not assigned a number, but rather, a Name. thus, we call them Named Routes. To call them we will say 60 or 70, to indicate the protection, then call the name of the route! In addition to the name, we will also add a word to tell H what to do! All Named Routes have certain things in common:

Over Curl



Back to T of C

1. They are most often, but not always used with 23 personnel, and most frequently from Gun Split Rex or Gun Split Lex formations! 2. The initial route NAME tells Y what to do! So, for example Y knows that on 60 Over, he has the Over route! 3. Routes have locked definitions for H, Y, and F. They do not change for these players no matter where the formation takes them. X and Z have to simply know whether they are frontside or backside to determine their route. 4. The FB will always check his protection responsibility, then Swing in any of these named routes! 5. The QBs drop is more nearly a straight 5 step drop as opposed to a half-roll! His progression will always start with Hs route! 6. PROTECTION changes slightly in technique, while 60-70 assignments stay the same. The FRONTSIDE T can give ground and kick-slide, while the BACKSIDE G must be much firmer than he is in normal 60-70 because of the QBs set up point!
h e r e t o r e t u r n t o t a b l e o f c o n t e n t s -

- C l I c k




Over (to 18) Drag

Post Post Crn or Post (mot) Go Clear

Check Swing Check Swing Check Swing Check Swing



H to Over to F H to Y to BS Drag, can peek at Post H to Y to F H to P-Curl to Y to F

Flat Angle Wheel




Go Clear



Post Curl





CLICK on the route name to go to a detailed diagram!

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Key Ideas
The 90 Series is a series of quick patterns that use a 3step drop! These routes should be thrown in 1.5 to 1.7 seconds! They allow us to attack defenses on fast rhythm! The pattern rules we use for the 90 series are the same as in our 60-70 package, with some key considerations:

98 97

92 99

Back to T of C

1. A 90 pass means that all routes are mirrored. In other words, both sides use frontside rules, and there are no backside Seam or Go Reads! 2. Many breaks are shortened because the ball is being thrown quicker. Any break that happens at 12 yards in the 60 and 70 series (e.g., a Corner), is run at 6 or 7 yards in the 90 series. Breaks that happen at 10 yards in 60-70 are shortened to 5 in the 90 series. Breaks normally 6 or shorter stay the same!

Following are the primary routes we will adapt to the 90 Series:

92: Outside receivers Smash, Inside receivers run Seams, possible Middle receiver Corner @6
(Also 92 Horn or Smash & Go)

95 Press: Outside receiver Go, Middle receiver Arrow, Inside receiver 6 yard Press 97: Outside receivers run Out @5-6, Inside receivers run Corner @6-7 98 Swap: Outside receivers run Snag at 4, Inside receivers run Corner @6-7 99: Outside receivers run Slant, Inside receivers run Slant with a Lookie adjustment
(Also 99 Horn)
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90 Green & Gold

BACKSIDE: Use Slant rules! FRONTSIDE: Inside most WR/SLOT Flares, everyone else Blocks!
FLARE BOX: Area from 1 yd inside Flare man to 1 yard outside 2nd to last blocker

90 Green Shown

If defenders outnumber blockers, know pre-snap that youll work the Slant side

In this example, there is 1 blocker in the box, sothrow the Flare if 1 or fewer defenders are there.

BS OUTS: 2 step SLANT. Must attack the INSIDE LEG of the DB over you. Adjust angle of break based on alignment of CB. BS INSIDE: 1 step SLANT. Must attack the INSIDE LEG of the man over you. LOOKIE adjustment if man over you widens! FS INSIDE: FLARE. Split at least 5 yards off T/TE, deepen slightly, because ball must be caught behind L.O.S. Push off inside foot (Speed skater step), keeping shoulders parallel to LOS, gain width fast. Turn head to QB on 2nd step, keeping shoulders square, find ball. R.A.C. course is just like Sweep--trust your speed, stretch it to the outside, cut up only off the block of #1! MUST FALL ON INCOMPLETE PASS - POSSIBLE LATERAL! FS OTHER: STALK. Identify the man ON to INSIDE you and stalk his OUTSIDE SHOULDER. Break down EARLY! Vs. an outside press CB (Cov 2), use quick Roadrunner technique. Can Crack across the board v. man coverage. QB: Pre-snap read the Flare Box. If blockers are equal to or greater than defenders in the Flare box, throw FLARE off 2nd step--firm ball 6 in front of Flare man. Pedal backward right after the throw. If your Flare man is covered down, work the backside Slant(s) off a 3-step drop as you normally would in 99.
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All 50 Series passes are Bootlegs, meaning we are going to fake a run in one direction, and roll the QB opposite the fake! These are excellent plays against LBs who overpursue against our best running plays! All receivers use the same route rules for all 50 series passes (Post, Over, Pin Flat, Go Pocket)! Frontside receivers are those lined up to the side of the fake (right on even last digits such as 52 and 56, left on odd last digits); Backside recievers are those aligned away from the fake even though the QB will be working in their direction! 52-53 is a fake of the 42-43 Zone play! QB & FB will carry out a great 42-43 fake! All linemen will REACH to the call! 56-57 is a fake of the 46-47 Counter play! QB & FB will carry out a great 46-47 fake! All linemen except FSG & FST will REACH to the call! FSG pulls and logs the backside End, while the FST executes a Punch technique! TAGS/VARIATIONS
56-57 H 52-53-56-57 Snag
o f c o n t e n t s -




Back to Table of Contents

KEYS to a successful play:

1. GREAT fakes! RB rolls over ball & sells it, QB follows w/eyes! 2. Linemen PREVENT PENETRATION across the board! 3. PIN FLAT is patient and handles the BSDE before releasing!
- C l I c k h e r e t o r e t u r n t o t a b l e

52-53 BOOT
53 BOOT v. Split
FS Outs: POST. Break at 10 yards FS Ins/TE: OVER route..clean inside release, go under LB if needed, get over 2nd LB, get into QBs vision at 12-14 yds. IF there are 2 receivers outside you, run a 5 yard DRAG. FS Mid: OVER route..12-14 yards. See above.

1001 1002


*Basic premise is to REACH one gap in front of us! *If Im uncovered, I plan to REACH and OVERTAKE the down lineman in front of me. *If Im covered, I first identify whether theres a down lineman the gap in front of meif he is, then I plan REACH and OVERTAKE him. If not, then I will REACH, RIP through the man over me, and RUN on my railroad track once I get a GO call from behind! *COVERED linemen should cut their split if possible!

QB: Step to normal 42-43 course, extending ball after first step. LOOK at RBs numbers where you would hand the ball, PAUSE slightly to follow the FBs course as he passes you. Snap head around and gain quick width and depth, find Pin Flat, seeing E.M.O.L.s rush course as you do. If Flat is open, give it to him RIGHT NOW for maximum R.A.C. If flat defender widens with him from inside out, Keep escaping outside, find OVER through a clear lane. If Pre-Snap look tells you Cover 2, be aware of CB squashing Flat from outside-in; if this happens, be ready to hit the POCKET!
- C l i c k h e r e t o r e t u r n

FS T: Reach rulesdont go downfield! FS G: Reach rulesdont go downfield! CENTER: Reach rulesdont go downfield! BS G: Reach rulesdont go downfield! BS T: Reach rulesdont go downfield! BS Outs: Top of #s split. Run GO POCKET. BS Ins/TE: PIN FLAT. Pin E.M.O.L. 2 counts, working to outside shoulder, then release to Flat 4-5 yards deep. Get head around! H (BF/Slot): You will be used as a backside player. Use Inside receiver rules (PIN FLAT). FB: Same steps as 42 (52) or 43 (53). SELL the run by rolling over the ball on the fake, bottom hand flat! As you come out of the original fake, spy for penetrators along your course. If you see none, continue a convincing 42-43 course, bending E-W to stay behind the L.O.S.
t o t a b l e o f c o n t e n t s -

56-57 BOOT
57 BOOT v. Split
FS Outs: POST. Break at 10 yards FS Ins/TE: OVER route..clean inside release, go under LB if needed, get over 2nd LB, get into QBs vision at 12-14 yds. IF there are 2 receivers outside you, run a 5 yard DRAG. FS Mid: OVER route..12-14 yards. See above. FS T: PUNCH. Step B gap, engage any penetrator, Hinge back to E.M.O.L. FS G: Pull and LOG B.S. E.M.O.L. Deepen course slightly. CENTER: Reach rulesdont go downfield!


1001 1002


*Basic premise is to REACH one gap in front of us! *If Im uncovered, I plan to REACH and OVERTAKE the down lineman in front of me. *If Im covered, I first identify whether theres a down lineman the gap in front of meif he is, then I plan REACH and OVERTAKE him. If not, then I will REACH, RIP through the man over me, and RUN on my railroad track once I get a GO call from behind! *COVERED linemen should cut their split if possible!


Reach rulesdont go downfield! Reach rulesdont go downfield!

BS Outs: Top of #s split. Run GO POCKET. QB: Step to normal 46-47 course, extending ball after second step. LOOK at RBs numbers where you would hand the ball, PAUSE slightly to follow the FBs course as he passes you. Snap head around and gain quick width and depth, find Pin Flat, seeing E.M.O.L.s rush course as you do. If Flat is open, give it to him RIGHT NOW for maximum R.A.C. If flat defender widens with him from inside out, Keep escaping outside, find OVER through a clear lane. If Pre-Snap look tells you Cover 2, be aware of CB squashing Flat from outside-in; if this happens, be ready to hit the POCKET!
- C l i c k h e r e t o r e t u r n

BS Ins/TE: PIN FLAT. Pin E.M.O.L. 2 counts, working to outside shoulder, then release to Flat 4-5 yards deep. Get head around! H (BF/Slot): You will be used as a backside player. Use Inside receiver rules (PIN FLAT). *56 or 57 H tells you and FB to change jobs! FB: Same steps as 46 (56) or 47 (57). SELL the run by rolling over the ball on the fake, bottom hand flat! As you come out of the original fake, spy for penetrators along your course. If you see none, continue a convincing 46-47 course, bending E-W to stay behind the L.O.S.
t o t a b l e o f c o n t e n t s -

Right Tight Outside 52

v. Cov 0 Bunch Left H Crazy 56 Snag J

v. Cov 1




Brown Larry 57 H

v. Cov 2

Right Slot 53

v. Cov 3

UTAH tag
Tells inside receiver to fake his normal route and break up the sideline after showing his hands. Also tells all frontside receivers middle or outside to run a Thin Post.

HORN tag J J C
Tells outside receiver to fake his normal route and break up the sideline after showing his hands. Also tells all frontside receivers middle or inside to run a Thin Post.


74 Utah Shown

62 Horn Shown

Tells inside and outside receivers to SWITCH jobs.

SWAP tag J J
Tells the inside receiver to take the job of the middle receiver, and vice versa.

*Inside man normally has Over on 53. SWITCH tells outside rec. to take it!


*Outside mans route does not change! *Outside man normally has Post on 53. SWITCH tells inside rec. to take it! *Middle receiver normally has a Corner in any 8 route. Inside man now takes that job!

53 Switch Shown

98 Swap Shown

86-87 SHOVEL
87 v. Split
FS Outs: Inside stalk man on. Alert for Bomb call! FS Ins: Inside stalk man on. Split must mirror BS ins in case of a check. FS TE: Gap rulesnear LB. 6 or 9 doesnt count as covered.

Gap Gap Dead & Up L cut off outside foot!


GAP RULES: Near Backer

*Frontside linemen responsible for the GAP inside them! First step will always be a 6 flat step to that gap! *If Im uncovered, I call Double and look to try to Double Combo with the lineman inside me to the 1st LB inside us! We will stay on the combo until the LB threatens the hole vertically! If the DL over my man to the inside disappears inside by alignment or movement, then my block becomes a Down block to the 1st LB. *If Im covered by an inside shade, I B Drive him down! If he slants away from me, I work up to a LB! *If Im covered by a head-up player or an outside shade, I expect a Double call from the man outside of me! He and I will Double Combo to the first LB inside us! If my man slants inside, it becomes a B Drive block for me!
**If I also have a DL on my inside gap, I must call B, B, B ! to the man behind me to wave off the Double and tell us both to B Drive the man inside us!


*The Center, if uncovered, will always DEAD block with a flat step back to Backside A gap. He must ensure that the 1st DL backside does not get penetration!
BS Slot: Deepen off the ball by alignment, split according to your speed. Come flat down the line, look pitch in, find Gs block and make a strong L cut up into the hole inside him. Get N/S at the first opportunity! FB: Your job is to fill for the guard and blow up the first down lineman backside. Pre-read whether your man is a Shade, 1, 2, or 3 so youll know how tight a course to take. Meet him and expect a collision. QB: Sell 60-70 action opposite the play 3 steps, flip the ball from your chest to a spot 1 foot in front of his. See the lane in front of the man youre pitching to! Pre-snap alert for Riverside call if an overhang exists, or numbers are better opposite.
- C l i c k h e r e t o r e t u r n

FS T: Gap rules near LB. 4 or 5 doesnt count as covered. FS G: Gap rules near backer CENTER: Gap rules. If uncovered, use a Dead and Up, insuring A gap first, then working up to BSLB. BS G: Pull through hip of C,Long Trap E.M.O.L. frontside. Use inside-out head position & DIG HIM OUT of the hole. BS T: Base the man over you. BS TE: Punch C gap to EMOL. BS WR:
t o

Convoy, cut off deep middle 1/3 saf. TD Block!

o f c o n t e n t s -

t a b l e


Trips Left 89 v. Split
FS Outs: Screen man. Take two very quick steps upfield, come back three steps behind the line of scrimmage, come and meet the ball. Build momentum and cut up into the first vertical running lane you see, North and South.


All other FS receivers/FS TE/Offset H-B: Inside-out block the defender over the next receiver outside. Kick him out of the running lane, finishing with your feet! Push up two steps if possible to get the man over you into his backpedal! Line/BS TE: Block 90 protection. Low hats! Shut off inside penetration. BS Rec: Fake Toss to your side. FB: Fake the Toss play opposite the call. Sell it! QB: Reverse pivot to a quick but exaggerated pitch fake to freeze LBs temporarily. Pivot quickly around to throwing lane, throw a firm ball to the upfield shoulder pad of the screen receiver.

- C l i c k

h e r e

t o

r e t u r n

t o

t a b l e

o f

c o n t e n t s -

Right Tight Wider 88

v. Cov 0 Right Slot H6 88 J

v. Cov 1






Y7 89

v. Cov 2

Larry Under 89

v. Cov 3

Half Roll Protection
60-70 is our basic, half-roll protection. The QB will ordinarily set up 6 yards deep behind the inside leg of the frontside tackle! The basic premise of the protection is to be Big on Big with Back on Backers. In other words, as much as possible, we want linemen assinged to block defensive linemen, and back(s) assigned to linebackers! Technique-wise, this is a Reach and Hinge protection. In other words, the frontside linemen must reach to the frontside pec of their man and be firm to give the QB a clear throwing lanebackside linemen Hinge back using a 1/4 turn because the QBs set-up point allows them to give ground as long as they maintain inside leverage! The Center acts like a frontside lineman if covered (Reach), or a backside lineman if uncovered (Hinge)!

KEYS to a successful play:

The QB gets to his proper set-up point at the proper time! The frontside stays firm and does not give ground! The Center and BS players take great first steps to insure against Slants and Stunts and establish proper leverage! The FB does a great job with his eyes and is physical.
-t o t a b l e o f c o n t e n t s -t o

Solid Zone Across Pocket Tied to 42-43, 25-26, 28-29 action

m a I n play d I a g r a m -

FS TE: Route

60 ACTION v. Split

FS T: Aggressively reach the man over you. FS G: Aggressively reach the man over you. If uncovered, step and stab frontside to insure B gap first, eyeing the LB over you. If nothing shows, maintain your B gap presence while waiting for any stunt by your LB or into your area. CENTER: You are responsible for man on to LB over you to LB backside. If covered, take a hard frontside step and lock on; you must protect vs. a frontside A gap slant. If uncovered, eye LB while stepping/stabbing toward most immediate DL threat to A gap.1/4 turn and hinge for depth once A gap is secured If you get a Zero call from QB, call Zone Across, step frontside A gap regardless and protect that gap! BS G: Block the man on/over you inside out. First step should be a hard step to frontside A gap regardless, ensure against/lock on any slanter/stunter to that gap! If you get nothing to lock onto, 1/4 turn backside to create a wall as you block your assignment. Continue to punch and disengage a down lineman in your rule; if a LB is in your rule, eye him and get faster depth. If your man leaves your route via stunt, shove him to the tackle (if a DL), call Switch, force the switch and continue getting depth as you take your eyes to the man coming to you. ZONE ACROSS call from Center means that you have no help from him, particularly on a BSLB in a Split look, and that you are strictly responsible for A gap, not necessarily the man over/on you (though it often works out the same). BS T: Block the man on/over you inside out. First step should be a hard step to frontside B gap regardless, ensure against/lock on any slanter/stunter to that gap! If you get nothing to lock onto, 1/4 turn backside to create a wall as you block your assignment. ZONE ACROSS call from Center means that you have no help from him, particularly on a BSLB in a Split look, and that you are strictly responsible for B gap, not necessarily the man over/on you (though it often works out the same).
t o t a b l e o f c o n t e n t s -




FB: You are responsible for the 9 technique to the FS LB. 9 technique means that if anyone rushes outside the tackles man, you have him. Pre-read before the snap to locate any potential 9 technique threats. Attack on a course right off the outside leg of the FS tackle, aggressively block the 9 technique rusher. If, by the 2nd step, you see no threat, break off your course to the frontside LB, getting up INTO the gap to take him on. If you get no rush out of either responsibility, help on any rusher that comes free, but DO NOT try to help an engaged OL! H-B: Run a route as the formation and play dictate. If SOLID is called, you do the same job as the FB, but on the backside!
- C l i c k h e r e t o r e t u r n

60 with SOLID call

v. Split

70 action

v. Bear













60 action

v. Odd

70 action

v. Even

2 receiver version
0 blockers in the boxcan throw Flare if no defenders in this area.


2 receiver version w/ TE


0 blockers in the boxcan throw Flare if no defenders in this area.

TE to frontside does not count in determining the Flare receiver


4 receiver version
3 blockers in the boxcan throw Flare if 3 or fewer defenders in this area.








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