Room For Two Rule List

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Room For Two Rule List Objective: Do not lose.

There are three players and the

fallout shelter only has room for two, so there will be no winner, only a loser. The object is to flee the incoming nuclear holocaust using either the motorcycle, helicopter, or by foot. Each class is randomly selected at the beginning of the game and have their own abilities based on the dice roll. 1. The motorcycle can only move if the first dice roll is three or over. It can then move whatever the second dice roll is. 2. The helicopter can only move if the dice roll is five or over. It can only move one space at a time(special choice space can double amount of spaces moved for helicopter) 3. Player by foot can move whatever the dice roll is. 4. Choice spaces give the player the choice to negatively affect the other players, enhance abilities or do nothing. Beware attacking other players may put you in a negative light amongst fellow players. This may backfire when other players decide what to do on their choice spaces. Also while doing nothing may prevent bad blood between players, other players may not play as nicely as you think they should. 5. There is a 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Choice space. The 1st choice gives you the decision to punish another player, the 2nd choice gives you an ability and the 3rd choice is the final space and allows you to punish one player for the last time. 6. You can only land on each type of choice space once per game(applies to foot and motorcycle since they have more then one 1st and 2nd spaces. 7. When the player reaches the end of the board, they get once last final choice. Since the player has already won, he/she can help or hurt whichever player he/she chooses. Again be careful who you decide to punish with choice cards. It may bite you later.

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