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01/06/2013 All Sales Staff Head Office Downturn in sales

This financial year our records show that we are currently suffering from a significant downturn in sales. This is due to essential sales targets not being met. To compensate for this financial shortfall we require each of our retail outlets to make an extra $5000.00 in sales each day until the end of this quarter (30 June 2012). This figure is in addition to the projected sales targets for June. When broken down this 'catchup' figure can be achieved by selling three additional holiday packages for a family of four (2 adults, 2 children) per store, each week. We are offering an incentive for staff to help achieve these targets. Each store will reward the employee with the highest sales figures for June a complimentary travel voucher to the value of $500.00 For further information, contact your store manager. Regards Management

Sales Budget 2012/2013 Quarter 4 Budget April-13 May-13 June-13 $27,000,000.00 $23,400,600.00 $20,600,000.00 Actual $26,820,000.00 $23,340,600.00 Shortfall Difference $180,000.00 $60,000.00 $240,000.00

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