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Strategic Marketing Management


Resource person: Miss Ayesha Zahid

Presented by: Group Beacons
Danish Ali Fatima Bilal Nizam Sabri Naveed ul hassan (Roll # 9344) (Roll # 9379) (Roll # 9324) (Roll # 9243)


Superior university

Strategic Marketing Management


All praise is due to Allah, the lord and cherisher of the university. May his peace and blessings be upon prophet Muhammad (PBUH), his household, companions and all followers of the right Guidance till the Day of Judgment? First of all we are thankful to ALLAH Almighty who has created us, gave us the power to understand and the power to gain knowledge. Without His kind guidance I would have not been able to complete any task given to us. We are great full for the guidance which has been allotted to me from Allah Almighty to understand and gain knowledge.

Allah, the Exalted, says: " Say: Are those who know equal to those who know not? It is only men of understanding who will remember."

We give honor and privilege to our respected resource person who helped us in thinking in the right direction by giving us this challenging task.

Superior university

Strategic Marketing Management



we would like to dedicate this project to our parents who have always encourage us throughout in our academic career and make possible for us to stand where we today.

Superior university

Strategic Marketing Management


We become able to complete this project by blessing of our God and the help of our teacher which give us guiding in every aspect of our project. And sure us that he is available when we need assistance. We would also like to thanks our family as specially our parents for being a patent and encouraging and motivating us. We dedicate this project to our respected teachers Ayesha Zahid.

Superior university

Strategic Marketing Management


Should education be locally controlled nationally controlled?

What is education?
Natural learning environments inspire a burning desire to learn, the key to a productive lifestyle. What is education; knowledge in basic skills, academics, technical, discipline, citizenship or is it something else? Our society says only academic basics are important and that is based on collecting knowledge without understanding its value. How about the processing of knowledge, using inspiration, visionary ambitions, creativity, risk, ability to bounce back from failure, motivation? Most education institutions dont consider these skills. These skills are associated with understanding the value of knowledge. There is a huge disconnected gap and this is a problem for high school students in particular. Thomas Edison, Henry Ford and many other super achievers never finished grade school. They succeeded because they knew how to research, collect information for a selected project and process knowledge. Classroom environment does not work that way, it focuses on the collection of knowledge without a clear purpose, other than high-class grades. If the purpose does not motivate, other than to please the teacher, then there is nothing to process outside of memorizing answers for test. The typical student is academic challenged while being motivation starved. Lack of motivation is lack of knowledge processing skills. The typical college graduate will have a professional skill that supplies lifes basic needs, thats all. What is education? The answer is, all elements in the opening paragraph and more, relate to education and all should be considered. This would be ideal and sounds good, but "all" is not

Superior university

Strategic Marketing Management


possible where performance must be measured. Only what can be measured will be selected and the measuring tool is the written test. Anyone who does not have the ability to put clear thoughts on paper is labeled a failure. All natural skills, including knowledge processing, does not count. The fact is, what is exercised grows stronger, what is ignored stays dormant. The classroom exercises the collection of academics leaving all other natural skills in the closet.


Problems causes and solutions:

IN our opinion education should be controlled nationally. We believe that our educational system can be made a lot better. However, we dont believe we can do this by trying to imitate the educational system in countries that are a great deal different than our own. So national study have a different standard and student can understand easily about the teaching method and methodology .problems are every were but main thing is that how to solve problem easily so the local education are facing many problems and the national education can solve many problems. Because the national study have solution of all these problems.

1. Quality of Education
Poor quality regarding building structures school funds school teachers responsibility, syllabus etc. The popular press and perhaps a majority of people want just a very few "simple" measures. Corrupts people and irresponsible people of government also play the major role in maintained of bad quality. No one can take the action against the teachers, when teachers wants Then they come to school take their own personal duties of students. One one fans in whole class of 75 to 60 students no exose fans are running. No

Superior university

Strategic Marketing Management


one repairing mechanic in schools when one thing was stop due to fault no one repair. Government schools have science labs but unfortunately the lab was not working due to lake of experiment materials because head masters teachers quality measure officer all is involve in corruption they full fill our pockets with school funds. In break (half time) students jump the walls and go to the outside of the school. Estimating the value of education, the Government should take solid steps on this issue. Implementation instead of projecting policies, should be focused on. Allocation of funds should be made easy from provinces to districts and then to educational institutes. Workshops must be arranged for teachers. Foreign states are using LSS system. This should be inducted in Pakistani schools to improve the hidden qualities of children. Technical education must be given to all the classes. The education board of Punjab have projected a plan to give tech- education to the children of industrial workers. Promotion of the primary education is the need of time. Teachers, professors and educationists should be consulted while devising any plan, syllabus or policy.

2. Teaching Methodology:
Teaching process was not good in government schools. Teachers not know how to teach us the students they beats the students in some government school unfortunately

government made up very strict policy (mar nai piar) but unfortunately this concept was not apply in some rural areas. Teachers not know how much learning capacity of students. Teachers have not known how to use body gesture in teaching. How to speak with students. How to behave with students. Students were great fear on teachers. So the students cannot ask any question. Where students not under standing any concept. They not tell on teachers.

Superior university

Strategic Marketing Management


Teachers must use technology during their classes and improve their skills. Prepare a comprehensive school self-improvement plan. Give training on teachers hire the high qualified teachers.(no beat just love)concept strictly apply in all places.

3. Children Education
Every person with children should be able to drive less than 30 minutes and be able to freely speak to every person who has any input whatsoever in their children's education, from teachers up to decision makers at the highest level This would, of course, imply the dissolution of the Department of Education, but since they don't actually educate anyone, what's the point of keeping it around. Useless bureaucrats need to be cut, so that money can be used in an actually productive manner. So children education is become the causes of local education because when Childs completed their education from school and go for national study they faced the problems regarding the method of local study. If they get education according to national method they will not face this problem in future.

4. Educational Blog:
The purpose of Education Blog is to encourage and facilitate people working to improve informal and formal education at all levels and in all discipline areas. A unifying theme is that education empowers the educated and improves their quality of life. Readers are encouraged to add comments. An Education Blog for will provide an education according to international standard. So under the Education Blog teaching method would be different that have a positive effect on national education. In this case the local school

Superior university

Strategic Marketing Management


and colleges on national level will change their methodology .and international study can control easily. As well as the performance of local school will improve

5. Different Standards:
We like the top down approach; it keeps everyone on the same page and holds everyone to the same standards. Also, with technology growing so much it just makes more sense. Imagine how much easier it would be to have students learn with kids across the country using online courses. You can't do that as easily with locally run schools because they will have different standards. so when all students comes on single platform they learn different things across the nation it becomes the big causes that the national study have different standard as compare to local education.

When teachers studied under national standard of education its qualities and abilities will also improved and they will provide standard educations to the students. it has a positive effect on student education because if teacher is good then student will learn good that have direct effect on student education .so if education controlled nationally the teacher quality would different and student learning will improve..

Superior university

Strategic Marketing Management


7. Different Education Program;

The choices on national level is specific and their is problems for student that can not go for different program even when they completed their master, they have to go national study thats the main problem of them because they get study according to locally level and they have no idea about the national teaching or methodologys if education controlled by nationally, these problems will solve easily and student have different choices in Math, science, biology, business etc.

If education compressed only on locally level the student is restricted only in their country rather then international education can linked then to the world. In this case their education will limited and even they have no more choices to select the different courses for hire study. This problem can remove be getting education nationally and collaboration with international institute. So the student can get education.

Locally Education can understand only in one sector and national education can be understandable nationally or world wide. so if education controlled on national level the understanding of education will increase and the problems which are facing by the students they can solve it.


Superior university

Strategic Marketing Management




The education which only provided locally schools or collages can cause the problem for students when they go for jobs it can provide only in the country rather then .national education can provide jobs for the students. So this problem can solve if study controlled nationally because in this way every student have equally chances to search a job and have a opportunity for a job even in a locally level and national level.


Education standard on locally level can be different according to the geographic statistically or political issues but if the education controlled on national standard . These issues will not of matter so it becomes easy for the student to be attached with their studies whole heartedly. So if education controlled by nationally then no doubt education have a world wide standard.


The local education is limited so researches in different subject will also be limited when searches become national by following national standard of studies researches will be expand in different subject. And improve their research abilities and enhance their skills


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Strategic Marketing Management


regarding personal and professional life and in locally education students have limited resources so that they can not improve their skills. ..


By national education you can aware to the national issues which locally education will not provide you.

14. Education System on local level

The education system on local level is not up to the mark. Because students came from home for study but not get the class and not enter into the school. So its all effect on children education who does not attend the classes properly. if education controlled on national level this can remove easily and education system controlled properly.

15. Lack of facilities

The students who get study on local level they faced problem regarding science lab, disciplined, classes, clean water, transport, etc so if education controlled on national level .these problems can solve easily


Superior university

Strategic Marketing Management


So in this topic we reached in that conclusion that national education is more effective rather than local education. That what we should be interested in is whether students in this country are getting a good education relative to their current and future needs, and relative to the needs of various other stakeholder groups. We should carefully examine proposals designed to improve the education our students are getting. Many of the changes being made lack credence. They lack good evidence that they will succeed in improving the education of students. We believe that our educational system can be made a lot better. However, I dont believe we can do this by trying to imitate the educational system in countries that are a great deal different than our own. Spend a bit of time reflecting on what we have just read. How does the information fit in with your current knowledge, beliefs, and activities? How can we make use of the information to help improve our informal and formal education? In brief summary, we should be very suspicious of any major educational change being suggested in this country because students in some other country outscored us in math and/or science at various grade levels. There are too many other quite important variables that are not being taken into consideration.


Superior university

Strategic Marketing Management


Of course, we know all of this. Now, how does one design valid, reliable, fair tests that can be used throughout the world, where students have different languages, different cultures, different levels of Socioeconomic Status (SES) within the world or within their countries, different levels of general health and medical care, and etc so national study have lot of benefits and student who go for national study they get a good job and respect from society ,so finally we conclude that education should be controlled by nationally.


Superior university

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