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1. What problems does Robin Hood have? What issues need to be addressed? 2. Do Robin Hood and the Merrymen need a new mission? new objectives? a new strategy? 3. What strategic options does Robin Hood have? Is continuing with the present strategy an option or is the present strategy obsolete? 4. What strategy would you recommend to Robin Hood to deal with the problems/issues he confronts? 5. What action steps will need to be taken to implement your recommended strategy and make it work effectively? 6. Why not try to end the campaign by killing the Sheriff9 7. What are the pros and cons of accepting the offer of the barons to assist in securing King Richard's release from prison? 8. What action plan would you recommend to Robin? 9. How should Robin implement the recommended plan? What action steps will need to be taken to make the recommended strategy work successfully?


I . What is your assessment of Steve Case's performance as chief strategist and chief strategy implementer at AOL? What has he done well? What has he done poorly? What overall grade would you give Steve Case for the job he has done as CEO? 2. What is Steve Case's strategic vision for AOL? Do you approve of the company's "strategic intent?" 3. What is your assessment of the financial and strategic objectives Case has apparently set for AOL? Do they contain too much stretch? Too little stretch? 4. What are the key elements of AOL:s strategy? 5. How well is the strategy being implemented? What are the strategy's successes so far? What problems do you see? 6. Is there an ethical problem at this company? Is the strategy ethical? Are the methods of implementation ethical? Do questionable ethical standards have anything to do with the problems AOL has had? Why are there so many lawsuits and investigations? 7. What recommendations would you make to Steve Case about how to achieve his strategic vision for AOL?

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