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Army Special Rules:

Army specialization: An Imperial guard army must choose 1 specialization: Infantry specialization: Infantry units can use the Doctrine upgrades Infantry units may add medics to their squad Infantry units may add commissars to their squad Infantry units now get Vox casters for free Infantry units may have 2 additional special weapons in the squad Mechanized specialization: Vehicles with the mechanized special rule may be in a squadron from 1-3 pr space All infantry units must take a chimera or a LVTP-40 as a dedicated transport even if they got the option or not. May use the Commander Tank May use the Commissar Tank Airborne Specialization: May have 0-3 Storm Trooper Squads as troops All Infantry units may deep strike Units may buy the Airborne assault special rule at 10 points pr unit May have 0-3 Air Striker Squads as troops Infantry unis may use Vendettas/Valkyries as decicated transports Doctrines: Light infantry: Units may infiltrate if the mission permits Units may take a sniper instead of heavy weapon team Units get the move through Cover special rule Units with this doctrine may not be mounted in a Chimera (or LVTP-40) and may not use Carapace armour Jungle fighters: May see 12 through jungle of forest Units may take a heavy flamer instead of a heavy weapon team Units armour saves are reduced to 6+ Get a 4+ Cover save when in forest or jungle terrain Move at full speed in forest or jungle terrain Units with this doctrine cannot take Lascannon Units with this doctrine may not use Carapace armour or Camo cloaks Battle hardened: +1 Weapon skill Sharpshooter: A BS3 model may re-roll the roll of 1 on to hit when shooting with any weapons except snipers and plasma weapons. Xeno Fighters: Units gain the preferred enemy special rule which is one of these: Orks Eldar (including Dark Eldar) Tyranids

Name: Company Command Squad Orders: The orders have unlimited range as long as the target and the officers squad have a vox caster. Otherwise the senior officer has a command range of 12. If the senior officer dies the junior officer will step up to take his place as the commander. Name Pts/model WS BS S T I W A LD Sv Senior Officer 50 4 5 3 3 4 3 3 10 5+ Junior Officer 25 4 4 3 3 4 2 2 9 5+ Bodyguard +15 4 4 3 3 3 1 2 8 5+ Veteran +7 3 4 3 3 3 1 1 8 5+ Guardsman +5 3 3 3 3 3 1 1 7 5+ Constrips +3 2 2 3 3 3 1 1 5 5+ Composition: 1 senior officers or/and 1 junior officer and 5-10 Squad members in any combination Equipment Laspistol Close Combat Weapon Frag and krak grenades Flak Armour Special Rules Look out! ARGH (Bodyguard) Deep strike (Airborne Specialization) Options: The Officers may exchange their Laspistol and/or Close Combat Weapon for: - Power weapon .. 5 points - Power fist .. 10 points - Lightning Claw 15 points - Hellblade.. 20 points - Boltgun .. 1 point - Lasgun Free - Bolt Pistol .. 1 Point - Plasma Pistol . 10 points - Hot-shot laspistol .. 2 points - Hellpistol 2 points - Hot-shot Lasgun . 3 points - Hellgun 3 points - Hot-shot hellgun 10 points - Autogun/ with GL 1 point /6 points The officers may take additionally: - Refractor shield 10 points - Rosarius . 20 points - Melta Bomb .. 5 points - Carapace armour . 5 points - Power armour .. 10 points - Holy Relic (see p 34 4th edition Imperial guard codex) 30 points - Bionics (see p 34 4th edition Imperial guard codex) 5 points The officers may Have their weapons master crafted at +15 points pr weapon Half of squad members (rounding down) (+2) may replace their laspistol with:

Lasgun Free Shotgun ... Free Hot-shot Shotgun 2 points pr model Hot-shot laspistol 2 points pr model Hellpistol 2 points pr model Hot-shot Lasgun 3 points pr model Hellgun 3 points pr model Hot.shot hellgun 10 points pr model Autogun/ with GL 1 point /6 points Flamer .. 5 points pr model Grenade launcher . 5 points pr model Sniper Rifle . 5 points pr model Meltagun .. 10 points pr model Plasmagun 15 points pr model Heavy flamer .. 20 points pr model

All squad members may replace their Close Combat Weapon with: Power weapon . 10 points pr model Power fist . 15 points pr model Lightning claws . 15 points pr model A squad member may be upgraded to a: Regiment Standard bearer 20 points Master Vox-Caster .10 points Vox Caster ........ 5 points The squad may take: Melta bombs . 5 points pr model Carapace armor .. 2 points pr model Camo Cloaks 1 point pr model Power packs (+1S on las weapons) ..................................... 2 points pr model Two Squad members may form a heavy weapons team armed with the following: Mortar .. 5 points Autocannon or Heavy bolter ... 10 points Missile Launcher . 15 points Lascannon 20 points A squad member may add: (Infantry Specialization) Medic 20 points Commissar ... 35+ points The squad may be upgraded with the following doctrines: (Infantry specialization) Light infantry .. 10 points Jungle fighters ...... 10 points Sharpshooter ... 20 points Xeno Fighters . 5 points

Transport: The squad may take a Chimera or LVTP-40 as dedicated transport

Name: Command tank (Mechanized specialization) Name C41000 Command Tank Composition: 1 Command tank

Pts/model 210

FA 14

SA 13

RA 12

BS 4

WS -

Wargear Smoke launchers Searchlight Vanquiser cannon Special Rules Command vehicle (can give 2 order pr turn 12 range, Vehicles within 6 ignore crew shaken results) Lumbering behemoth Options: The C41000 command tank may take: Heavy flamer . 10 points Heavy bolter .. 10 points Lascannon 25 points May add side sponsors to the C41000 Command tank with the following: Heavy flamers 10 points Heavy bolters . 20 points Multi Melta .. 30 points Plasma cannons . 40 points May add: Extra armour 15 points Hunter killer missile 10 points Dozer blade .. 10 points Camo netting 20 points

Name: Commisar tank (Mechanized specialization) Name C41000 Commissar Tank Composition: 1 Commissar Tank Wargear Smoke launchers Searchlight Vanquiser cannon

Pts/model 200

FA 14

SA 13

RA 12

BS 4

WS -

Special Rules Command vehicle (units within 12 may use the commissars leadership of 10) Lumbering behemoth Options: The C41000 command tank may take: Heavy flamer . 10 points Heavy bolter .. 10 points Lascannon 25 points May add side sponsors to the C41000 Command tank with the following: Heavy flamers 10 points Heavy bolters . 20 points Multi Melta .. 30 points Plasma cannons . 40 points May add: Extra armour 15 points Hunter killer missile 10 points Dozer blade .. 10 points Camo netting 20 points

Name: Commissars (Does not take an HQ space, max 5) Name Pts/model Lord Commissar (Max 2) 50 Commisar 35 Composition: 1 Commissar Equipment Laspistol Close Combat Weapon Frag grenades Flak Armour Frag and krak grenades Special Rules Summary execution Stubborn Aura of discipline (Lord Commissar only) Independent Character Deep strike (Airborne Specialization)

WS 5 4

BS 5 4

S T I W A LD 3 3 4 3 3 10 3 3 3 2 3 9

Sv 5+ 5+

Options: The Commissar may exchange their Laspistol and/or Close Combat Weapon for: - Power weapon .. 10 points - Power fist .. 15 points - Lightning Claw 15 points - Hellblade . 20 points Lasgun Free Shotgun ... Free Hot-shot Shotgun 2 points pr Hot-shot laspistol 2 points pr Hellpistol 2 points pr Hot-shot Lasgun 3 points pr Hellgun 3 points pr Hot-shot hellgun 10 points pr Autogun/ with GL 1 point /6 points The Commissar may take additionally: - Refractor shield 15 points - Rosarius . 25 points - Melta Bomb .. 5 points - Carapace armour . 5 points - power armour .. 10 points - Jump pack 10 points - Holy Relic (see p 34 4th edition Imperial guard codex) 30 points - Bionics (see p 34 4th edition Imperial guard codex) 5 points Power packs (+1S on las weapons) ..................................... 2 points The Commissar may have his weapons master crafted at +15 points

Name: Ministorum Priest (does not take an HQ space, max 5) Name Pts/model WS Ministorum Priest 45 3 Composition: 1 Ministorum Priest Equipment Laspistol Close Combat Weapon

BS 3

S T I W 3 3 3 1

A 2

LD 7

Sv 5+

Frag and krak grenades Flak Armour

Special Rules Independent Character Righteous Fury Deep strike (Airborne Specialization) Options: The Ministorum Priest may exchange his Laspistol and/or Close Combat Weapon for: - Power weapon .. 5 points - Power fist .. 10 points - Lightning Claw 15 points - Hellblade 20 points - Boltgun .. 1 point - Lasgun Free - Bolt Pistol .. 1 Point - Plasma Pistol . 10 points - Eviscerator . 15 points Lasgun Free Shotgun ... Free Hot-shot Shotgun 2 points Hot-shot laspistol 2 points Hellpistol 2 points Hot-shot Lasgun 3 points Hellgun 3 points Hot-shot hellgun 10 points Autogun/ with GL 1 point /6 points The Ministorum Priest may take additionally: - Refractor shield 15 points - Rosarius . 25 points - Melta Bomb .. 5 points - Carapace armour . 5 points - Jump pack (must join air striker squad with this) 15 points - Holy Relic (see p 34 4th edition Imperial guard codex) 30 points - Bionics (see p 34 4th edition Imperial guard codex) 5 points Power packs (+1S on las weapons) ..................................... 2 points The Ministorum Priest may have his weapons master crafted at +15 points WS 4 BS 4 S T 3 3 I 3 W 2 A 3 LD 7 Sv 5+

Name: Primaris Psyker (does not take an HQ space, max 5) Name Pts/model Primaris Psyker 55 Composition: 1 Primaris Psyker Equipment Laspistol Frag grenades Force Weapon Flak Armour Special Rules Independent Character Psyker Its for your own good Deep strike (Airborne Specialization)

Options: The Ministorum Priest may take additionally: - Refractor shield 15 points - Rosarius . 25 points - Melta Bomb .. 5 points - Holy Relic (see p 34 4th edition Imperial guard codex) 30 points - Bionics (see p 34 4th edition Imperial guard codex) 5 points The Ministorum Priest may have his weapons master crafted at +15 points

Name: Storm Troopers Name Storm trooper Storm trooper Sergeant Composition: 4-11 Storm troopers + 1 Sergeant Equipment Laspistol Lasgun Close Combat Weapon Frag and krak grenades Flak armour Special Rules Special Operations Deep strike Deep strike (Airborne Specialization) Options: The Sergeant may exchange his Laspistol and/or Close Combat Weapon for: - Power weapon .. 10 points - Power fist .. 15 points - Hellblade 20 points - Boltgun .. 1 point - Bolt Pistol .. 1 Point - Plasma Pistol . 10 points Shotgun ... Free Hot-shot Shotgun 2 points Hot-shot laspistol 2 points Hellpistol 2 points Hot-shot Lasgun 3 points Hellgun 3 points Hot-shot hellgun 10 points Autogun/ with GL 1 point /6 points Pts/model 8+ 13 WS 3 3 BS 4 4 S T I W 3 3 3 1 3 3 3 1 A 1 2 LD 8 9 Sv 5+ 5+

The Sergeant may take additionally: - Melta Bomb .. 5 points - Bionics (see p 34 4th edition Imperial guard codex) 5 points All Storm troopers may replace their laspistol and/or their Lasgun with: Shotgun ... Free Hot-shot laspistol 2 points pr model Hellpistol 2 points pr model

Hot-shot Lasgun 3 points pr model Hellgun 3 points pr model Hot-shot hellgun 10 points pr model Autogun/ with GL 1 point /6 points

Up to 2(4) Storm troopers may exchange their Lasgun for a special weapon: Flamer .. 5 points pr model Grenade launcher . 5 points pr model Sniper Rifle . 5 points pr model Meltagun .. 10 points pr model Plasmagun 15 points pr model Heavy flamer .. 20 points pr model A squad member may be upgraded to a: Vox Caster . ... 5 points A squad member may add: (Infantry Specialization) Medic 20 points Commissar ... 35+ points The squad may take: Melta bombs . 5 points pr model Carapace armor . 2 points pr model Camo Cloaks 1 point pr model Power packs (+1S on las weapons) .................................... 2 points pr model Two Squad members may form a heavy weapons team armed with the following: Mortar .. 5 points Autocannon or Heavy bolter .... 10 points Missile Launcher .. 15 points Lascannon . 20 points The squad may be upgraded with the following doctrines: (Infantry specialization) Light infantry .. 10 points Jungle fighters ...... 10 points Battle hardened . 10 points Sharpshooter ... 20 points Xeno Fighters .. 5 points

Transport The squad may take a Chimera or LVTP-40 as dedicated transport Name: Sharpshooters Name Sharpshooters Composition: 3-10 Sharpshooters Equipment Close Combat Weapons Sniper (long las) Flak armour Frag grenades Special Rules Stealth Infiltrate Deep strike (Airborne Specialization)

Pts/model 10+

WS 3

BS 4

S T 3 3

I 3

W 1

A 1

LD 8

Sv 5+

The squad may take: Krak Grenades . 0,5 points pr model Power packs (+1S on las weapons) ..................................... 2 points pr model A squad member may add: (Infantry Specialization) Medic 20 points Commissar ... 35+ points The squad may be upgraded with the following doctrines: (Infantry specialization) Light infantry .. 10 points Jungle fighters ...... 10 points Battle hardened . 10 points Sharpshooter ... 20 points Xeno Fighters .. 5 points

Name: Ogryn Assault squad Name Pts/model Orgyns +40 Boneead 50 Composition: 2-9 Ogryns + Boneead Equipment Frag grenades Flak Armour Ripper gun Special Rules Bulky Furious Charge Stubborn Deep strike (Airborne Specialization)

WS 4 4

BS 3 3

S 5 5

T 5 5

I 2 2

W 3 3

A 3 4

LD 6 7

Sv 5+ 5+

Options The squad may be upgraded with the following doctrines: (Infantry specialization) Light infantry .. 10 points Jungle fighters ...... 10 points Name: Psyker battle squad Name Pts/model Psyker 10+ Overseer 70 Composition: 4-11 Psykers + 1 Overseer Equipment Laspistol Close Combat Weapon Flak Armour Special Rules Psyker Psychic choir Ultimate Sanction Deep strike (Airborne Specialization) Transport:

WS 2 3

BS 3 3

S 2 3

T 3 3

I 3 3

W 1 1

A 1 2

LD 9 9

Sv 5+ 5+

The squad may take a Chimera or LVTP-40 as dedicated transport

Name: Infantry Platoon Orders: Platoon officer has a command range of 6 and can issue one order Composition: 1 Command squad, 2-5 Infantry squads, 0-5 Heavy weapons squads, 0-2 Special weapon squad, 0-5 Conscript squads Name: Platoon Command Squad Name Pts/model WS BS S T Platoon Officer 20 4 3 3 3 Veteran +7 3 4 3 3 Guardsman +5 3 3 3 3 Constript +3 2 2 3 3 Composition: 1 platoon officer and 5-10 Squad members in any combination Equipment Laspistol Close Combat Weapon Frag grenades Flak Armour Special Rules Look out! ARGH (Bodyguard) Deep strike (Airborne Specialization) Options: The Officer may exchange his Laspistol and/or Close Combat Weapon for: - Power weapon .. 10 points - Power fist .. 15 points - Hellblade . 20 points - Boltgun .. 1 point - Lasgun Free - Bolt Pistol .. 1 Point - Plasma Pistol . 10 points Lasgun Free Shotgun ... Free Hot-shot Shotgun 2 points pr model Hot-shot laspistol 2 points pr model Hellpistol 2 points pr model Hot-shot Lasgun 3 points pr model Hellgun 3 points pr model Hot-shot hellgun 10 points pr model Autogun/ with GL 1 point /6 points I 3 3 3 3 W 1 1 1 1 A 2 1 1 1 LD 8 8 7 5 Sv 5+ 5+ 5+ 5+

The officer may take additionally: - Refractor shield 15 points - Melta Bomb .. 5 points - Carapace armour . 5 points - Bionics (see p 34 4th edition Imperial guard codex) 5 points The officer may Have his weapons master crafted at +15 points Half of squad members (rounding down) (+2) may replace their laspistol with:


Lasgun Free Shotgun ... Free Hot-shot Shotgun 2 points pr model Hot-shot laspistol 2 points pr model Hellpistol 2 points pr model Hot-shot Lasgun 3 points pr model Hellgun 3 points pr model Hot-shot hellgun 10 points pr model Autogun/ with GL 1 point /6 points Flamer .. 5 points pr model Grenade launcher . 5 points pr model Sniper Rifle . 5 points pr model Meltagun .. 10 points pr model Plasmagun 15 points pr model Heavy flamer .. 20 points pr model

Up to 3(5) squad members may replace their Close Combat Weapon with: Power weapon . 5 points pr model Power fist . 10 points pr model A squad member may be upgraded to a: Standard bearer .. 20 points Master Vox-Caster . 10 points Vox Caster ..... 5 points A squad member may add: (Infantry Specialization) Medic 20 points Commissar ... 35+ points The squad may take: Krak Grenades . 0,5 points pr model Carapace armor .. 2 points pr model Camo Cloaks 1 points pr model Power packs (+1S on las weapons) ..................................... 2 points pr model Two Squad members may form a heavy weapons team armed with the following: Mortar .. 5 points Autocannon or Heavy bolter ... 10 points Missile Launcher .. 15 points Lascannon . 20 points The squad may be upgraded with the following doctrines: (Infantry specialization) Light infantry .. 10 points Jungle fighters ...... 10 points Battle hardened . 10 points Sharpshooter ... 20 points Xeno Fighters . 5 points Transport: The squad may take a Chimera or LVTP-40 as dedicated transport

Name: Infantry Squad Name Pts/model Guardsmen 5+ Sergeant 5 Composition: 4-11 Guardsmen + 1 Sergeant

WS 3 3

BS 3 3

S 3 3

T 3 3

I 3 3

W 1 1

A 1 2

LD 7 8

Sv 5+ 5+


Equipment Lasgun Close Combat Weapon Frag grenades Flak armour Special Rules Combined squad (May combine with other Infantry squads) Deep strike (Airborne Specialization) Options: The Sergeant may exchange his Laspistol and/or Close Combat Weapon for: - Power weapon .. 10 points - Power fist .. 15 points - Boltgun .. 1 point - Bolt Pistol .. 1 Point - Plasma Pistol . 10 points Lasgun Free Shotgun ... Free Hot-shot Shotgun 2 points Hot-shot laspistol 2 points Hellpistol 2 points Hot-shot Lasgun 3 points Hellgun 3 points Hot-shot hellgun 10 points Autogun/ with GL 1 point /6 points The Sergeant may take additionally: - Melta Bomb .. 5 points - Bionics (see p 34 4th edition Imperial guard codex) 5 points Up to 1(3) Guardsmen may exchange their Lasgun for a special weapon: Shotgun ... Free Hot-shot Shotgun 2 points pr model Hot-shot laspistol 2 points pr model Hellpistol 2 points pr model Hot-shot Lasgun 3 points pr model Hellgun 3 points pr model Hot-shot hellgun 10 points pr model Autogun/ with GL 1 point /6 points Flamer .. 5 points pr model Grenade launcher . 5 points pr model Sniper Rifle . 5 points pr model Meltagun .. 10 points pr model Plasmagun 15 points pr model Heavy flamer .. 20 points pr model A squad member may be upgraded to a: Vox Caster ... 5 points A squad member may add: (Infantry Specialization) Medic 20 points Commissar ... 35+ points The squad may take: Krak Grenades . 0,5 points pr model Carapace armor 2 points pr model Camo Cloaks 1 point pr model Power packs (+1S on las weapons) ..................................... 2 points pr model


Two Squad members may form a heavy weapons team armed with the following: Mortar .. 5 points Autocannon or Heavy bolter .. 10 points Missile Launcher .. 15 points Lascannon . 20 points

The squad may be upgraded with the following doctrines: (Infantry specialization) Light infantry .. 10 points Jungle fighters ...... 10 points Battle hardened . 10 points Sharpshooter ... 20 points Xeno Fighters .. 5 points Transport The squad may take a Chimera or LVTP-40 as dedicated transport

Name: Heavy Weapon Team squad Name Guardsmen HWT Veteran HWT Composition: 3 Heavy weapon teams Equipment Lasgun Close Combat Weapon Frag grenades Flak armour

Pts/model 10+ 14+

WS 3 3

BS 3 4

S T I W 3 3 3 2 3 3 3 2

A 2 2

LD 7 8

Sv 5+ 5+

Special Rules Deep strike (Airborne Specialization) Options: The squad may take: Krak Grenades . 5 points Carapace armor .. 20 points Camo Cloaks 10 points The squad may take up 6 conscripts to join them (as meat shield against incoming fire) for +3 pts pr conscript The heavy weapon teams may take: Mortar ... 5 points Autocannon or Heavy bolter .. 10 points Missile Launcher .. 15 points Lascannon . 20 points The squad may be upgraded with the following doctrines: (Infantry Specialization) Light infantry .. 10 points Jungle fighters ...... 10 points Battle hardened . 10 points Sharpshooter ... 20 points Xeno Fighters .. 5 points

Transport The squad may take a Chimera or LVTP-40 as dedicated transport


Name: Special Weapon Squad Name Pts/model Guardsmen 5+ Veteran 7+ Composition: 6 Guardsmen/Veterans Equipment Lasgun Close Combat Weapon Frag grenades Flak armour

WS 3 3

BS 3 4

S 3 3

T 3 3

I 3 3

W 1 1

A 1 1

LD 7 8

Sv 5+ 5+

Special Rules Combined squad (May combine with other Special Weapons Squads) Deep strike (Airborne Specialization) Options: Up to 4(6) Guardsmen must exchange their Lasgun for a special weapon: Hot-shot Shotgun 2 points pr model Hot-shot laspistol 2 points pr model Hellpistol 2 points pr model Hot-shot Lasgun 3 points pr model Hellgun 3 points pr model Hot-shot hellgun 10 points pr model Autogun/ with GL 1 point /6 points Flamer .. 5 points pr model Grenade launcher . 5 points pr model Sniper Rifle . 5 points pr model Meltagun .. 10 points pr model Plasmagun 15 points pr model Heavy flamer .. 20 points pr model The squad may take: Krak Grenades . 5 points Carapace armor .. 20 points Camo Cloaks 10 points The squad may take up 6 conscripts to join them (as meat shield against incoming fire) for +3 pts pr conscript The squad may be upgraded with the following doctrines: (Infantry Specialization) Light infantry .. 10 points Jungle fighters ...... 10 points Battle hardened . 10 points Sharpshooter ... 20 points Xeno Fighters .. 5 points

Transport The squad may take a Chimera or LVTP-40 as dedicated transport Name: Conscript squad Name Conscript Composition: 3-10 Conscripts Equipment Lasgun Close Combat Weapon Pts/model 3+ WS 2 BS 2 S 3 T 3 I 3 W 1 A 1 LD 5 Sv 5+


Frag grenades Flak armour

Special Rules Combined squad (may combine with other constrips squads) Deep strike (Airborne Specialization) Options: Up to 1(3) Conscripts may exchange their Lasgun for a special weapon: Hot-shot Shotgun 2 points pr model Hot-shot laspistol 2 points pr model Hellpistol 2 points pr model Hot-shot Lasgun 3 points pr model Hellgun 3 points pr model Hot.shot hellgun 10 points pr model Autogun/ with GL 1 point /6 points Flamer .. 5 points pr model Grenade launcher . 5 points pr model Sniper Rifle . 5 points pr model Meltagun .. 10 points pr model Plasmagun 15 points pr model Heavy flamer .. 20 points pr model The squad may take: Krak Grenades . 0,5 points pr model Power packs (+1S on las weapons) ..................................... 2 points pr model A squad member may add: (Infantry Specialization) Medic 20 points Commissar ... 35+ points

Two Squad members may form a heavy weapons team armed with the following: Mortar .. 5 points Autocannon or Heavy bolter .. 10 points Missile Launcher .. 15 points Lascannon . 20 points Transport The squad may take a Chimera or LVTP-40 as dedicated transport Name: Veteran Squad Name Pts/model Veterans 7+ Veteran Sergeant 7 Composition: 4-11 Veterans + 1 Veteran Sergeant Equipment Lasgun Close Combat Weapon Frag grenades Flak armour Special Rules Combined squad Deep strike (Airborne Specialization) Options: The Sergeant may exchange his Laspistol and/or Close Combat Weapon for: - Power weapon .. 10 points - Power fist .. 15 points - Boltgun ... 1 point

WS 3 3

BS 4 4

S T 3 3 3 3

I W 3 1 3 1

A 1 2

LD 8 9

Sv 5+ 5+


- Bolt Pistol .. 1 Point - Plasma Pistol . 10 points Lasgun Free Shotgun ... Free Hot-shot Shotgun 2 points Hot-shot laspistol 2 points Hellpistol 2 points Hot-shot Lasgun 3 points Hellgun 3 points Hot.shot hellgun 10 points Autogun/ with GL 1 point /6 points Flamer .. 5 points Grenade launcher . 5 points Sniper Rifle . 5 points Meltagun .. 10 points Plasmagun 15 points Heavy flamer .. 20 points The Sergeant may take additionally: - Melta Bomb .. 5 points - Bionics (see p 34 4th edition Imperial guard codex) 5 points All veterans may replace their Lasgun with: Hot-shot Laspistol 2 points pr model Shotgun ... Free Hot-shot Shotgun 2 points pr model Hot-shot laspistol 2 points pr model Hellpistol 2 points pr model Hot-shot Lasgun 3 points pr model Hellgun 3 points pr model Hot.shot hellgun 10 points pr model Autogun/ with GL 1 point /6 points Up to 3(5) Veterans may exchange their Lasgun for a special weapon: Flamer .. 5 points pr model Grenade launcher . 5 points pr model Sniper Rifle . 5 points pr model Meltagun .. 10 points pr model Plasmagun 15 points pr model Heavy flamer .. 20 points pr model A squad member may be upgraded to a: Vox Caster . ... 5 points A squad member may add: (Infantry Specialization) Medic 20 points Commissar ... 35+ points The squad may take: Krak Grenades . 0,5 points pr model Carapace armor .. 2 points pr model Camo Cloaks 1 point pr model Power packs (+1S on las weapons) ..................................... 2 points pr model Two Squad members may form a heavy weapons team armed with the following: Mortar .. 5 points Autocannon or Heavy bolter .. 10 points


Missile Launcher .. 15 points Lascannon . 20 points

The squad may be upgraded with the following doctrines: (Infantry Specialization) Light infantry .. 10 points Jungle fighters ...... 10 points Battle hardened . 10 points Sharpshooter ... 20 points Xeno Fighters .. 5 points

Transport The squad may take a Chimera or LVTP-40 as dedicated transport Name: Penal Legion Name Pts/model Penal Legionnaire 8+ Penal Custodian 8 Composition: 4-23 Penal Legionnaire + 1 Penal Custodian Equipment Lasgun Close Combat Weapon Frag grenades Flak armour Special Rules Desperados Scout Stubborn Deep strike (Airborne Specialization) Options: A squad member may add: (Infantry Specialization) Medic 20 points Commissar ... 35+ points The squad may be upgraded with the following doctrines: (Infantry Specialization) Light infantry .. 10 points Jungle fighters ...... 10 points Battle hardened . 10 points Sharpshooter ... 20 points Xeno Fighters ... 5 points

WS 3 3

BS 3 3

S T I W 3 3 3 1 3 3 3 1

A 1 2

LD 8 8

Sv 5+ 5+

Dedicated transport
Name: Chimera Name Pts/model Chimera 55 Composition: 1 Infantry Transport halftrack Transport capacity: 12 models Wargear Smoke launchers Searchlight Heavy bolter Multi-laser turret Special Rules FA 12 SA 12 RA 10 BS 3 WS -


Command Vehicle Fast Vehicle Open topped Amphibious

Options: May replace multi-laser turret with: Heavy flamer or heavy bolter . Free Chem cannon 20 points May replace heavy bolter with: Heavy flamer . Free Chem cannon 20 points May add: Extra armour 5 points Hunter killer missile 10 points Dozer blade .. 10 points Camo cloak 20 points Pts/model 35 FA 12 SA 10 RA 10 BS 3 WS -

Name: LVTP-40 Name LVTP-40 Composition: 1 LVTP-40 Transport capacity: 12(24) models Wargear Smoke launchers Searchlight Heavy bolter Special Rules Fast Vehicle Open topped Amphibious

Options: May take enclosed crew compartment for 15 points May add: Extra armour 5 points Hunter killer missile 10 points Dozer blade .. 10 points Camo cloak 20 points Extra side armor . 10 points pr point (max 12) Extra transport capacity .. 12 points

Fast Attack
Name: Air Striker Squad Name Pts/model Guardsmen 7+ Sergeant 12 Veterans 9+ Veteran Sergeant 14 Composition: 4-19 Guardsmen/Veterans + 1 Sergeant Equipment Laspistol Close Combat Weapon WS 3 3 3 3 BS 3 3 3 3 S 3 3 3 3 T 3 3 3 3 I W 3 1 3 1 3 1 3 1 A 1 2 2 3 LD 7 8 8 9 Sv 5+ 5+ 5+ 5+


Frag and krak grenades Flak armour Jump packs

Special Rules Hit and Run Combined squads (may combine with other Air striker squads) Deep strike (Airborne Specialization) Options: The Sergeant may exchange his Laspistol and/or Close Combat Weapon for: - Power weapon .. 10 points - Power fist .. 15 points - Boltgun ... 1 point - Bolt Pistol .. 1 Point - Plasma Pistol . 10 points Lasgun Free Shotgun ... Free Hot-shot Shotgun 2 points pr model Hot-shot laspistol 2 points pr model Hellpistol 2 points pr model Hot-shot Lasgun 3 points pr model Hellgun 3 points pr model Hot.shot hellgun 10 points pr model Autogun/ with GL 1 point /6 points The Sergeant may take additionally: - Melta Bomb .. 5 points - Bionics (see p 34 4th edition Imperial guard codex) 5 points Up to 1(3) Squad members may exchange their Laspistol for a special weapon: Hot-shot Shotgun 2 points pr model Hot-shot laspistol 2 points pr model Hellpistol 2 points pr model Hot-shot Lasgun 3 points pr model Hellgun 3 points pr model Hot.shot hellgun 10 points pr model Autogun/ with GL 1 point /6 points Flamer .. 5 points pr model Grenade launcher . 5 points pr model Sniper Rifle . 5 points pr model Meltagun .. 10 points pr model Plasmagun 15 points pr model Heavy flamer .. 20 points pr model For every 5(+2) models in the unit it may exchange their Close Combat weapon with: Power Weapon . 10 points pr model All squad members may replace their laspistol with: Autogun/ with GL 1 points/ 6 points pr model The squad may take: Melta bombs. 5 points pr model Carapace armor .. 2 point pr model Power packs (+1S on las weapons) ..................................... 2 points pr model A squad member may add: (Infantry Specialization) Medic (with jump pack) 35 points


Commissar (with jump pack) ... 50+ points

The squad may be upgraded with the following doctrines: (Infantry Specialization) Light infantry .. 10 points Jungle fighters ...... 10 points Battle hardened . 10 points Sharpshooter ... 20 points Xeno Fighters ... 5 points The squad may remove their jump packs for free Transport: The squad may take a Chimera or LVTP-40 as dedicated transport for free (only if they have removed their jump packs)

Name: Jeep Squadron Name Pts/model M144A Jeep 35 Composition: 1 Jeeps (1-3 with mechanized specialization) Wargear Smoke launchers Searchlight Special Rules Agile vehicle (may re-roll failed dangerous terrain tests) Mechanized Fast Vehicle Open topped

FA 11

SA 9

RA 9

BS 3

WS -

Options: Each jeep must have one of these: (mounted rear) Mortar 5 points Heavy bolter .. 5 points Heavy flamer . 5 points Autocannon 5 points Missile Launcher 10 points Lascannon 10 points Chem Cannon . 15 points Multi Melta .. 20 points Plasma cannon 20 points Each jeep may also take one if these: (mounted front seat) Storm bolter 10 points Heavy flamer 10 points Heavy stubber . 10 points Chem cannon . 15 points The squadron may take enclosed crew compartment for +10 points pr model The squadron may be upgraded to BS 4 at +20 points pr model May add: Extra armour 5 points Hunter killer missile 10 points Camo netting 20 points


Name: Armored Car Squadron Name Pts/model T234 Armored Car 100 Composition: 1 Armored Cars (1-3 with mechanized specialization) Wargear Smoke launchers Searchlight Autocannon

FA 12

SA 11

RA 11

BS 3

WS -

Special Rules Capture Vehicle (this vehicle can be used to capture tactical point & targets) Mechanized Fast Vehicle Options: The T234 Armored Car may Exchange their Autocannon with: Heavy flamer . free Heavy bolter . free Lascannon 10 points Multi laser 15 points Assault cannon 30 points Each armored car may take: Storm bolter 10 points Heavy stubber 10 points The squadron may be upgraded to BS 4 for +20 points pr model May add: Extra armour 5 points Hunter killer missile 10 points Dozer blade .. 10 points Camo netting 20 points

Name: M144A Halftrack Name Pts/model M144A Halftrack 100 Composition: 1 Halftracks (1-3 with mechanized specialization) War gear Smoke launchers Searchlight

FA 12

SA 12

RA 10

BS 3

WS -

Special Rules Healing vehicle (Units within 6 of the vehicle has Feel no pain special rule) Support vehicle (1 unit within 6 of the vehicle may fire 1 additional shot then normally allowed) Beacon vehicle (units who deep strike within 12 of the vehicle dont need to roll the scatter dice) Mechanized Options: The squadron may take: Storm bolter 10 points Heavy stubber . 10 points The squadron may be upgraded to BS 4 at +20 points pr model


The squadron must choose what kind of vehicle the halftrack is, it can only be one of the 3 vehicles. Of course of u have 3 u can take one of each The squadron may upgrade the halftracks with 4 Hydra Autocannons & Auto targeting system for free but will lose both the healing, support and beacon vehicle special rule May add: Extra armour 5 points Hunter killer missile 10 points Dozer blade .. 10 points Camo netting 20 points FA 12 12 12 SA 12 12 12 RA 10 10 10 BS 3 3 3 WS -

Name: Bane Wolf Squadron Name Pts/model Hellhound 120 Bane wolf 120 Devil dog 110 Composition: 1 vehicle (1-3 with mechanized specialization) Wargear Chem Cannon (Bane wolf) Melta Cannon (Devil Dog) Inferno Cannon (Hellhound)

Special Rules Mechanized Fast Vehicle Options: May take one of these: Heavy flamer . 10 points Heavy bolter . 10 points Lascannon 10 points Chem Cannon . 15 points The squadron may take: Storm bolter 10 points Heavy stubber 10 points The squadron may be upgraded to BS 4 for +20 points pr model May add: Extra armour 5 points Hunter killer missile 10 points Dozer blade .. 10 points Searchlight ... 1 point Smoke launcher 5 points Camo netting 20 points

Name: Vendetta Gun Squadron Name Pts/model FA Vendetta 130 12 Composition: 1 Vendettas (1-3 with mechanized specialization) Wargear Extra armour Searchlight 3 twin linked lascannons

SA 12

RA 10

BS 3

WS -


Special Rules Deep strike Grav Chute insertion Scout Mechanized Fast Vehicle Options: May exchange 2 twin linked Lascannon with: 2 Hellfury missiles . Free May add side sponsors Vendetta with the following: Heavy flamers 10 points Heavy bolters . 10 points Multi Melta .. 30 points Plasma cannons . 40 points The squadron may be upgraded to BS 4 for +20 points pr vehicle May add: Extra armour 5 points Hunter killer missile 10 points SA 12 RA 10 BS 3 WS -

Name: Valkyrie Assault Carrier Squadron Name Pts/model FA Valkyrie 100 12 Composition: 1 Valkyries (1-3 with mechanized specialization) Transport capacity: 12 models Wargear Extra armour Searchlight Multilaser 2 Hellstrike missiles Special Rules Mechanized Fast Vehicle Deep strike Scout Grav Chute insertion Options: May exchange multilaser with: Lascannon . 15 points Twin linked lascannon 30 points

May exchange the hellstrike missiles with: 2 Multi rocket pods .. 15 points 2 Twin linked lascannons 60 points May add side sponsors Vendetta with the following: Heavy flamers 10 points Heavy bolters . 10 points Multi Melta .. 30 points Plasma cannons . 40 points The squadron may be upgraded to BS 4 for +20 points pr vehicle


May add: Extra armour 5 points Hunter killer missile 10 points

Heavy Support
Name: Leman Russ Battle Tank Squadron Name Pts/model Leman Russ Battle Tank 105 Leman Russ Exterminator 105 Leman Russ Vanquisher 110 Leman Russ Demolisher 115 Leman Russ Eradicator 120 Leman Russ Punisher 135 Lemon Russ Executioner 145 Composition: 1 Leman Russ Tanks (1-3 with mechanized specialization) Wargear Battle cannon (Battle tank) Exterminator Autocannon (Exterminator) Vanquisher battle cannon (Vanquisher) Demolisher Siege cannon (Demolisher) Eradicator Nova cannon (Eradicator) Punisher Gattling cannon (Punisher) Executioner Plasma Cannon (Executioner) Searchlight Special Rules Mechanized Lumbering behemoth Options: May take one of the following: Heavy flamer . 10 points Heavy bolter 10 points Lascannon 25 points The squadron may take one of the following: Storm bolter 10 points Heavy stubber 10 points The squadron may be upgraded to BS 4 for +20 points pr vehicle May add side sponsors with the following: Heavy flamers 10 points Heavy bolters . 20 points Multi Melta .. 30 points Plasma cannons . 40 points May add: Extra armour 5 points Hunter killer missile 10 points Dozer blade .. 10 points Camo netting 20 points FA 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 SA 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 RA 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 BS 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 WS -


Smoke launcher 5 points Add extra rear armor 10 points pr point (max 11) Add extra side armor 20 points pr point (max 13)

Name: Ordnance Battery Squadron Name Pts/model FA SA Griffin 60 12 10 Basilisk 110 12 10 Medusa 120 12 10 Colossus 125 12 10 Manticore 145 12 10 Composition: 1 Ordnance Battery tanks (1-3 with mechanized specialization) Wargear Griffin Heavy mortar (Griffin) Earth shaker cannon (basilisk) Medusa Siege cannon (Medusa) Colossus Siege mortar (Colossus) Storm Eagle Rockets (Manticore) Searchlight Special Rules Mechanized Options: The squadron may take one of the following: Storm bolter 10 points Heavy stubber 10 points The squadron may be upgraded to BS 4 for +20 points pr vehicle

RA 10 10 10 10 10

BS 3 3 3 3 3

WS -

May add: Extra armour 5 points Hunter killer missile 10 points Dozer blade .. 10 points Enclosed Crew Compartment .. 25 points Medusa may take bastion breacher shells . 5 points Camo netting 20 points Smoke launchers 5 points Heavy bolter 10 points

Name: Hydra Flak Rank Battery Name Pts/model FA SA RA Hydra 60 12 10 10 Composition: 1 Hydra flak Rank Battery (1-3 with mechanized specialization) Wargear Auto targeting system 2 Twin-linked hydra Autocannon Searchlight Special Rules Mechanized Options: The squadron may take one of the following: Storm bolter 10 points Heavy stubber 10 points

BS 3

WS -


The squadron may be upgraded to BS 4 for +20 points pr vehicle May add: Extra armour 5 points Hunter killer missile 10 points Dozer blade .. 10 points Camo netting 20 points Smoke launchers 5 points Heavy bolter 10 points SA 10 RA 10 BS 3 WS -

Name: Death strike missile launcher Name Pts/model FA Death strike ML 145 12 Composition: 1 Deathstrike ML (1-3 with mechanized specialization) Wargear Death strike missile Searchlight Special Rules T-minus 5 minutes to launch . And counting Mechanized Options: The squadron may take one of the following: Storm bolter 10 points Heavy stubber 10 points The squadron may be upgraded to BS 4 for +20 points pr vehicle

May add: Extra armour 5 points Hunter killer missile 10 points Dozer blade .. 10 points Smoke launcher .. 5 points Camo netting 20 points Heavy bolter 10 points

Weapon stats
Name Autogun Hot-shot Shotgun Hellgun Hellpistol Hotshot Hellgun Range 24 12 24 12 24 Strengt h 4 3 5 5 5 Armour Piercing 3 3 Type Assault 2 Assault 2 Rapid fire Pistol Rapid fire

Autogun with Grenade Launcher Grenade Launcher A model armed with a Autogun equipped with an grenade launcher may fire both the Autogun and the grenade launcher at the same time. Each time the grenade launcher fires, the controlling player can choose which type of grenade is being used. (frag or krak) works like a normal grenade launcher.


Hellblade The Hellblade works the same way as a power weapon except that the hell blade hits with the strength of 5 regardless of the users strength


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