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Maersk Global Service Centers Pvt. Ltd. (India) Interview, Question Paper Write-up: 1.

) Which Of The Following Comes First When Written In The Chronological Order? (A) 100 A.D. (B) 50 B.C. (C) 500 B.C. (D) 10 A.D. Answer: C 2.) 0.12 X 12 X 0.012 =? (A) 0.01728 (B) 0.1728 (C) . (D). 3.) Mr. X Deposits Rs. 2000 In A Bank At 5% Interest Rate. Then In How Many Yrs. He Will Get Rs. 3000. (A) 10 Yrs. (B) 12 Yrs. (C) (D) . Answer: A

4.) As Capital Is What If A Is Having 2/3rd Income Of B And B Is Having 1/4th C, Also Total Income Of A,B And C Together Is 510. (A) 60 (B)... (C) 70 (D) Answer: A 5.) 6.25% Of X = 100. What Is X? (A) 1600 (B) 1800 (C) D) . Answer: A 6.) A Man Has To Cover A Distance Of 45 Km. He Can Run At 15kmph And Can Walk At 5kmph. If He Covers Half The Distance By Running And Half By Walking Then Find The Time Taken To Cover The Distance. (A) 6 Hrs (B) 7hrs (C) 8hrs (D) Answer: A

7.) Mr. X (Father) Is Twice His Daughters Age. How Many Yrs. Ago Was He Three Times His Daughters Age, If His Daughters Present Age Is 20? (A) 8 (B) 10 (C) 12 (D) 15 Answer: B 8.) A, B, C, D And E Are Wearing Different Colored Shirts I.E. Orange, Yellow, Green, Red, Blue Resp. They Are Coming Down A Ladder. Their Position On The Ladder Is Explained Below: (I) Yellow Is Not At The Tail End, But Is Between Those In Green & Red. (Ii) The Boy In Green Is Between Those In Yellow & Orange Who Is Behind The Boy In Blue. What Colour Shirt Is The Last Boy Wearing? (A) Red (B) Green (C) Blue (D) Orange (E) Yellow 9.) Two Poles X And Y, Each 16 Cm High, Are Planted Parallel To Each Other On A Level Ice Of Ground. Spider A Is Positioned On Top Of Pole X, Whereas Spider B Is At Ground Level Near Pole Y. Spider A Comes 2cm Down During Day Time And

Goes 1cm Up During Night, Spider B Goes 2cm Up During Day And Slips Down 1cm In Night Time. After How Much Times Will The Two Spiders Will Be At The Same Height From The Ground Level? (A) 7 Days (B) 7 And Days (C) 6 And Days (D) 8 Days 10.) A Man Goes 5kms East, Turns Right & Walks 4kms, Turns Left And Moves 5 Km. In Which Direction Is He From The Starting Position? (A) North-west (B) West (C) South-east (D) South-west 11.) Out Of Five Friends A Is Shorter Than B But Taller Than E. C Is The Tallest And D Is Little Shorter Than A. Which One Is The Shortest? (A) A (B) E (C) C (D) D Answer: B 12.) A, B, C, D Are Standing At The Corners Of The Square Field And They Walk Along The Sides Of The

Square In The Anticlockwise Direction 2 And Sides. Which Of The Following Is True (If Initially C Is North To A Not Sure) ? (A) C Is West Of B (B) D Is West Of B (C) A Is North Of C (D) C Is South Of D Answer: C 13.) 30 15 15 30 15 25 10 40 ? (A) 20 (B) 30 (C) 40 ( D) 50 Answer: B 14.) 20 25 30 15 X 35 10 5 ? (A) 40 (B) 45 (C) 50 (D) 55 Answer: A Because 5 Is Added In Clockwise Direction. 15.) 27, 64, ?, 216, 343 (A) 125 (B) (C) ..

(D) 16.)1, 27, 125, ?, 729, 1331 (A) 241 (B) 343 (C) 289 (D) 641 17.) 9, 25, 49, 81, 121, ? (A) 141 (B) 169 (C) 154 (D) 168 18.)3, 9, 27, ? , 243, 729, 2187 (A) 91 (B) 81 (C) 60 (D) 68 19.)One More Ques. On Series Like Above One With , , , , ? , ? I.E. Two Ques. Mark? 20.) Write The Following Ration In Ascending Order. (A) 5/16 , 7/18, 6/17 (B) 6/17, 5/16, 7/18 (C)

(D) 21.) Two Trains Leave For Poona From Bombay At 8:30 A.M And 9:00 A.M. And Travel At 60kmph And 70 Kmph Respectively. How Many Km From Bombay Will Two Trains Be Together? (A) 32.22 (B) 210 (C) 150 (D) 60 Answer: C 22.) A Trader Sells 100 Kgs Of Sugar Partly At 10 % Profit And Partly At 20% Profit, Gaining 12 % On The Whole. How Much Did He Sell At 20% Profit? (A) 80 Kg (B) 20 Kg (C) 12 Kg (D) 10 Kg Answer: 20 Kg I Think 23.)A Can Do A Piece Of Work In 10 Days, B In 30 Days And C In 60 Days. If A Is Associated By B & C On Alternate Days Then In How Many Days Is The Work Finished? (A) 4 (B) 5 (C) 8

(D) 12 Answer: C 24.) Male & Female Total Population In A Town Is 24,000. If .. (This Statement Is Of No Use Directly See The Options As It Contains Only One Option Which Adds Up To 24,000).. Then Total How Many Males And Females Are There In A Population? (A) 3000, 9000 (B) 4000, 6000 (C) 2000, 8000 (D) 6000, 18000 Answer: D 25.)15 Men Can Do A Job In 16 Days, 12men Will Do The Same In How Many Days? (A) 20 (B) 25 (C) 30 (D) 35 Answer: A 26 .) A Student Scores 74, 78, 64, 80 In 4 Subjects. He Scores 75 Marks As An Average In 5 Subjects Then What Is His Score In The Fifth Subject ? ( This Ques Came Twice) (A) 79 (B) 63

(C) (D) Answer: A 27.) 3/10 Th Of A Sum Of Money Is Equal To 15p Then What Is The Amount Of Money? (A) 50p (B) (C) (D) Answer: A 28.) Population Increases 5% Annually. Its Present Population Is ____ (Forgot) Then What It Was 3 Yrs. Ago ? (A) 7050 (B) 8000 (C) 8050 (D) 9000 Answer: A 29.) A Two Digit No. Whose Digits Adds Up To 9, When Added To 27 The Digits Gets Interchanged. What Is The No.? (A) 36 (B) 64 (C) (D) .

Answer: A 30.) 1440 Is The Total Income Of A, B, C Together. A, B& C Spends 80 85 And 70 % Resp. Their Savings Are In A Ration 8:9. Then What Is Their Income? Exam/Interview Date : 26-jul-2011 Type : Fresher No of Rounds : Aptitude Test Location : Mumbai Contributor Name : Ajay

These are the Some Question was Asked in Samsung Selection Written Test. I have Write the ans. Aptitude Questions With Answers:1. Value of EOF?? Ans: - 1 2.struct abc { };

Struct abc arr[10]; Struct abc *p=arr; Which will be increment the pointer to point the next array element? Ans:- p=p+sizeof(abc); 3.char *str[ ]={Samsung,india); //not remember exactly. Printf(%s,*++a); Printf(%s,*a++); Printf(%s,*++a); Ans: Samsung India 4.char *a=hello\0world\0!!; Printf(%d,strlen(a)); a=a+6; Printf(%d,strlen(a)); a=a+7; Printf(%d,strlen(a)); Ans : 5 5 1 i=0; For(;i++;printf(%d,i)); Printf(%d,i);

Ans:1 6.static int I; Main() { If(i==5) Printf(Samsung); i++; return(i=main()); } Ans: Stack Overflow 7.printf(%s,printf(Samsung)+fun()); Fun() { Return electronic //not remember exactly } Ans: Samsung IC *b={1,2,3,4,5,6,9,8}; Print(%d,(b+1)[5]); Ans: 9 i=512; Char *c=(char *)&i;

C[0]=1; Printf(%d,i); Ans: 513; 10.enum={black=2, Green=7, Red; } Printf(%d %d %d,black,green,red} Ans: 2 7 8 11.class abc { }; abc ob; cout< Ans: 1; 12.class abc { Static int I; Int a; }; abc ob; cout<cout<

13.char c=a; Printf(%d %d %d,size(c),size(a),size(A); Ans: 1 4 2; i=5,*j; Void *k; K=j=&I; Printf(%d,k+1); Ans: Compilation error (but its running on gnu); i=0; Switch(i) { Printf(samsung); Case 10:printf(some string); Break; Case 5*2:printf(some string); Break; } Ans: Error Due to Conflicting Case; 16.Define true 1 define false -1 define null 0

if(null) printf(); else if(false) printf(true); Ans: True; 18.Define sqrt(x) x*x Sqrt(3+5); Ans: 23; Data Structure :1.How Many No. of Node Will Make a Complete Binary Tree. Ans: 15; 2.Property of Heap? Ans: Every Node is Greater Than its Child; 3.Complexity of Binary. Log n; 4.In Case of Recursion Wis Overhead.

Ans : Stack Operating System :1.Which is The False Statement. Ans : (b): Smaller Page Size, Increase the Internal Fragmentation; 2.On Switch on the Computer Which Loader Come in Action First. Ans: Boot Strap Loader 3.When CPU Service Interrupt Ans : (a) after executing the current instruction 4.How to Decrease The Page Fault. Ans : locality of reference I want to keep my name anonymous and want to wish best of luck to all those appearing ! And that was all. At the end of it , 19 of us were selected. Company Name: SAMSUNG

No of Rounds: Aptitude Test, Techincal Round-1 Type : Fresher Job Interview

TCS Logo Job Interview, Question Paper: 10-Aug-2011 I. Verbal Ability (32M) [Synonyms (10M) + Antonyms (10M) + Two passages are there each carries 6M (2 X 6 = 12)] GRE Barrons is enough for this section II. Quantitative & logical (38M) Most of questions from previous papers but changed values, if you practice the questions twice or thrice before the exam it is easy to solve the questions in exam. But dont try to remember the answers from previous papers. I will try to give some questions i remember. But not in order

1. Complete the series 26, 19, 17, 13, 11,, 8, 7 Ans: 9 Sol: 26,17,11,8 these are decreasing like 9,6,3 19, 13, 9, 7 these are decreasing like 6, 4,2 2. Convert the decimal number 562 into base 7. Ans: 1432 3. If QJFBTF is coded as PLEASE then HBJO can be coded as Ans: GAIN 4. Find odd one? (a) SQL Server (b) Ingress (c) Oracle (d) DB2 (e) JAVA

Ans: Java 5. Find odd one? (a) SMTP (b) ARP (c)WAP (d)HTTP (e)BAAN Ans: BAAN because all protocols except BAAN 6. Which of the following is exact power of 4? (a) 4192 (b) 2340 (c) 4096 Ans: C 7. What is the largest prime number that can be stored in a 6 bit register?

Ans: 61 Sol: 2^6 ==64 (with in 64 largest prime no:61) 8. Which will give good standard deviation? (a). 4,0,-4,0,4 (b) 4,-4,4,-4,4 (c) 4,4,4,4,4 9. Which shape will be obtained by using the following values for X and Y X 0 10 100 1000 9999Y 0.00001 1.02 1.72 3.00 4.72 Ans: Y= log10(X) 10. What are the number of edges, number of vertices and number of faces of a planarcube among the following options? (a) 6, 6, 6 (b) 4,8,12 (c) 12, 8, 6 (d) 4,6,12 Ans: C

11. What is the value of the following expression M(373,5)+T(7.7)+R(4.4)-T(3.6) Where M- MODULAS RROUNDOFF T- TRUNCATE Ans: 11 Sol: 3 + 7+ 4 3 ==11 12. What is the value of the expression % # % (6) + # % # (6)Where % means DOUBLING and # means RECIPROCAL 13. Match the following (this type of question but not same) A B 1. Mammal, cow > a. A type of 2. Snake reptile > b. A part of 3. Roof Building > c. Not a type of 4. Mushroom Vegetables > d. A superset of Ans: 1-d, 2-c, 3-b, 4-a 14. If G(0) = -1 G(1)= 1 and G(N)=G(N-1) G(N-2) then what is the value of G(6)?

Ans: -3 Sol: g(2)=g(1)-g(0) ==1-(-1)=2, similarly g(3),g(6); 15. If A= 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 B= 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 C= 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 Then find the value of [A U C] U B and express it in decimal. Ans: 151 16. If A, B, C are the mechanisms used separately to reduce the wastage of fuel by 30%,40%, 10%.What will be the fuel economy if they were used combine? (A).68.4 (B) 62.2 (C).58 (D).27 Ans: 62.2 Sol: (70/100)*(60/100)*(90/100)*100=37.8 Eco = (10037.8) =62.2

17. Which of the following straight lines are perpendicular to each other? * 2x+y=8 * x=4 * y=6 * 2y=x+3 (a)1, 3 (b)2, 3 (c)1, 4 (d)3, 4 (e) None 18. In Madras , temperature at noon varies according to t^2/2 + 4t + 12 (Read is as: tsquare /2 +

4t +12), where t is elapsed time. Find how much percentage of temperature is increased (or decreased) between 5pm and 8pm. (HINT: substitute&subtact values from 5 to 8) 19. The size of a program is N. And the memory occupied by the program is given byM = square root of 100N. If the size of the program is increased by 1% then how much more memory is required now? (a) 1.0% (b) 2.6% (c) 0.5% (d)1.4% (e)2.7% 20. A power unit is there by the bank of a river of 900 meters. A cable is made from power unit to power a plant opposite to that of the river of 2000mts. The cost of the cable below water is Rs. 5/- per meter and cost of cable on the bank is Rs. 4/per meter. Then find out the amount to be invested to connect those two stations.

Ans: 8500) Sol: 900 X 5 == 4500 + 1100 X 4 == 4400 = 8500 21. A can copy 50 papers in 10 hours while both A & B can copy 70 papers in 10 hours. Then how many hours required for B to copy 26 papers? Ans: 13 22. A sequence of letters is given. Weve to find out how many Vs are there under the condition that, S should be followed by V and should not be followed by F V,S,F,T,W,E,L,B,V,S,L,L,K,S,M,S,V,F,L,S,D,I, Like that. 23. In a two-dimensional array, X (7, 9), with each element occupying 8 bytes of memory, with the address of the first element X (1, 1)=3000; find the starting address of the element at X (5,8). Ans: 3172

Sol: (4 X 9) + 7 = 43 X 4= 172 3000+172 == 3172 ( i.e completely 4 rows r filled , in fifth row up 7th cell is filled next cell is required address ) 24. In the word ORGANISATIONAL, if the first and second, third and forth, fifth and sixth, etc words are interchanged, what would be the 12th letter from right? Ans: A 25. A Flight takes off at 4 A.M from North-East direction and travels for 7 hours to reach the destination in the North-West direction. Some latitude and longitude of source and destination given. Find the local arrival time of destination? (I dont know how to find it) 26. Four 2X2 matrices were given. Weve to find out which of them is a singular matrix? Hint: try for which matrix det (A) becomes zero (ad bc). 27. (Momentum*Velocity)/(Acceleration * distance) (a) Newton

(b) Mass (c) Force 29. Based on a Venn diagram. 3 problems were given. All are so easy. No need to worry. (0nce go through R.S AGGARWAL) 30. A bar chart was been given. Two questions based on this. Easy ones. Dont fear. (0nce go through R.S AGGARWAL) 31. One question on curves.(iam not remembering please go through previous papers) III. Critical reasoning (12M) In critical section there are three passages, each passage carries 4 marks. Passage one: A group of 5 people A, B, C, D, and E are there. * A knows Telugu and Hindi. *

B knows Oriya and Malayalam * C knows Telugu and Malayalam * D knows English and Oriya. * E knows Telugu and Oriya With the above conditions four questions are given. Passage two: Small University and Large University problem of GRE Barrons 13th edition. This can be found in the model papers. Passage three: sorry i am not remembering, this also simply one. GRE Barrons (12th,13th &14th edit) is enough for this section This is end of written test If you are perfect in antonyms & synonyms it is very beneficial to maintain more time on Remaining sections. If you practice more number of previous it is very to do Quantitative & logical section.

My technical interview: My interview was on 10th of august 2011. In my panel one gentleman. He took the interview to me. My technical was around 30 minutes. He asked the following questions. 1. Tell me about your self? 2. What are your favorite subjects? 3. He asked two programs? ( i.e. one is on C language(pyramid ) and other is on java multithreading concepts and I write very well because I practice all simple programs) 4. What is the difference between C and C++? 5. What is DBMS? 6. What is the difference between DBMS and RDBMS? 7. What is an Index? 8. What is primary key?9. What is foreign key?

10. What is normalization? 11. He asked some queries, and I write very well? 12. He asked quires on join operation? 13. What are the OOPS concepts? 14. How many types of data structures? 15. How many types of linked lists what are they? 16. What are the different types of sorting & searching techniques? 17. Difference between over loading and over ridding? 18. Some questions on personal details.. 19. Finally he offers me to ask any question you want. I ask one question he explained very well. Finally he was given shake hand and say wait out side. The interviewer was quite impressed by my answers then I went outside with enormous joy because I answer all the questions, finally a man came and said you are selected for next round. At that moment iam very happy.

My H.R interview This is my final round in TCS; the interviewer was a young guy around 29-30 yrs of age at first he introduced him self. Next I face fallowing questions. 1. From how long you are waiting for this interview? (Actually my technical round was completed around 3.45pm & my HR was started at 8:00pm) 2. Tell me about your self? (I face this question third time in TCS) 3. What are your strengths? 4. What are your achievements? 5. How you are good leader? 6. What are your weak nesses? How u eliminate your weak ness? 7. Tell me about your project? 8. Have you done any thing for society? 9. What are the advantages of DBMS?

10. Tell about your family? 11. What you know about TCS? 12. Why you prefer TCS? 13. Where I see you after five years? 14. What steps necessary to become a project Manager? 15. How you are different from you are competitors? 16. What is the vision of TCS? 17. Do you have questions? I asks one question, how TCS giving performance to the employees and he explained very well. The key in this round is to maintain confidence and communication skills are very important, be cool and confident . Prepare the fallowing subjects for your technical interview (for CSE & IT students) C &C++ programs: Practice the fallowing programs before the interview: Factorial, Fibonacci, prime number, palindrome for strings and numbers, swap with out using temporary variables, string copy, concatenate, matrix multiplications, single double

linked list by using pointers. Fahrenheit to Celsius conversion program, and practice all simple programs Operating systems: C (perfect all concepts) , C++ , JAVA (core) DBMS: Prepare all DBMS concepts and should perfect in Normalization, SQL, Indexing, Hashing, Cursors, Triggers, Different types of joins. (Practice sql quires very well) Networks: OSI, TCP/IP reference models, topologies, Ethernet, FDDI, Token ring, Routing, ATM, and IP addressing. Switch, hub and read other protocols. Data structures, Sorting, searching, stack, queue, Linked lists, tree, BFS, DFS. Mainly we should read * All algorithom * Complexities Software Engineering: software development models, different strategies of testing (unit testing, integration testing), Types of testing (white or black box),

Project: It is very important to visit the company site before the interview Anything can be asked depending on the panel member. This is all about my written test, Tech, MR and finally miserable HR interview experiences at TCS. In every round your confidence level and communication are important for success, be cool comfortable & confident. Company Name: TCS No of Rounds: Client/Manager Interview Exam/Interview Date : 10-Aug-2011

Cisco Systems Job Interview Placement Paper: I had three rounds of Interviews which was comprising of 2 technical rounds and one HR round. The Interview was at Cisco Systems, Bangalore. Since I had applied for Electronics Job i was asked questions regarding Digital Electronics,Image Processing, Analog Electronics, Microprocessor and Microcontroller based Questions. 1. What is the difference between a flip flop and a latch??

I answered "Latch is Level triggered and Flip flop is edge triggered".... 2.Why most of the interrupts are made falling edge triggered Because .. Due to the effect of Noise the pins may get triggered if they are positive edge triggered.. So... 3.What is the difference between IIR and FIR filter?? Don't ever give the expansions of both..Answer is IIR requires larger hardware to implement whereas FIR requires simple circuits. 4.Why many people are opting for "Image processing" field these days?? This depends on you .. on how you have used it in your life.... 5.What is the function of ALE pin in microprocessor?? Answer is .. whenever it is triggered it latches the address to the latch... used for multiplexing the bus... And they might ask questions on the projects you have done in your academics (Resume).. So never

ever write something which is not true.. that is something you haven't done..

CTS Job Interview, Question Paper Section 1 - Analytical Ability No of Questions: 30 Duration in Minutes: 30 Directions for Question 1: Given below are four figures, of which three are similar and the fourth one is different. Find the odd figure. 1) A) / B) ~ C) // D) ///

Directions for Question 2 & 3: Each question has two statements and some conclusions. Choose the conclusion that logically follows: 2) Some men are weird. Some weird are students. A) All men are weird B) Some men are weird C) Some men 'who are weird are students D) None ofthe options 3) People who know Sanskrit also know Malayalam. People who don't know Malayalam know Kannada. A) People who don't know Sanskrit and Malayalam, know Kannada B) People who don't know Malayalam or Sanskrit, Know Kannada C) Both A and B D) None of the options Directions for Questions 4 & 5: Assuming the statement given in each Question to be true, choose the inference as one of the following: (A). True (B). False (C) Uncertain (D) None of the options

4) Statement: All others, apart from Persian men are not intelligent. Inference: All Persians are intelligent. A) A B) B C) C 5) Statement: All that glitters is not gold. Inference: Some things which glitter are not gold. A) A B) B C) C Directions for Questions 6 & 7: Which of the given options logically follows the given statement? 6) None of the people from America have knowledge about Indian Villages. a) Alberto has knowledge about Indian Villages. b) Alberto doesn't have knowledge about Indian Villages. c) Alberto is not an American d) Alberto is an American A) ad and cb B) ca and bd C) ac and db D) None of the options 7) I not a) I b) I c) I d) I am at my paying guest accommodation if I am in the office. am at my paying guest accommodation. am at my office. am not at paying guest accommodation. am not at my office.

A) cb B) ad C) cd D) None of the options Directions for Questions 8 & 9: In the following questions, mark 1) if statement I alone can help determine the conclusion 2) if statement II alone can help determine the conclusion 3) if statement I and II taken together can help determine the conclusion 4) if none of the statements, taken together or separately. Can help determine the conclusion 8) Conclusion: An identity card needs to be provided for a Person to open an account in HDFC bank. Statement I: Every bank has certain formalities that must be completed in order to open an account in the bank. Statement II: Josh was unable to open an account in HDFC bank because he did not produce an identity card. A) 1 B) 2 C) 3 D) 4 9) Conclusions: Matt leaves office everyday only when he finishes his work. Statement I: Matt has finished his work. Statement II: Matt left for the day soon after he finished his work.

A) 1 B) 2 C) 3 D) 4 Directions for Questions 10 & 13: Read the following information and answer the questions that follow: Brad Pitt owns four companies, namely Mysoft, Cybervision, Twilight Electricals and Synomach. The following data was obtained for the year 2004-05. The sales of Mysoft is 4 crores less than the sales of Synomach. The expense of Cybervision is equal to the profit of Twilight Electricals and is equal to 7 crores. Synomach incurred an expense of Rs.14 crores. The expense of Twilight Electricals is 5 crores more than the profit of Synomach. Mysoft sales is 2 crores more than its expense. The profit of Cybervlsion is 1 crore less than that of Twilight Electricals. The expense of Synomach is 1 crore more than the sales of Mysoft. The expense of Synomach is 3 crores less than its sales. Note: sales. expenses=profit 10) What is the total profit earned by all the four companies during the year 200405? A) Rs.15 crores

B) Rs.18 crores C) Rs.17 crores D) Rs.20 crores 11) What is the total expense incurred by all the four companies during the year 200405? A) Rs.10 crores B) Rs.30 crores C) Rs.20 crores D) Rs.40 crores 12) What is the total sales of all the four companies during the year 2004-O5? A) RS.50 crores B) RS.58 crores C) RS.55 crores D) RS.60 crores 13) Which company earned the highest profit? A) Mysoft B) Twilight Electricals C) Gybervision D) Synomach 14) In a certain code, SINGER is written as 421936, and ACTOR is written as 58076. How is STARTER written in that code? A) 4756736

B) 4056036 C) 4056796 D) 5765736 15) In a certain language, SUPERMAN is coded as TTQDSLBM. How is SPIDERMAN coded in that language? A) TOJCEONZO B) TOJCFSLBM C) TOJCOSLBM D) TOJCFONZO 16) In a certain language VICTORY is coded as YLFWRUB. How is SUCCESS coded in that language? A) VXEEIW C) VYEEHW B) VXFFIW O) VXFFHW 17) In a certain code, HARDWARE is written as 6C16F21C16G. How is SOLUTION written in that code? A) 19Q10V18K13P C) 17Q10V18K13P B) 17Ql0W18K13P D) 19Q10W18K13P

Directions for Questions 18 & 25: These are Non Verbal Question related to figure based and find the correct figure which is matches to other. Directions for Questions 26 & 28: 26) What can be the maximum number of children that could have survived after home delivery? A)19 B)20 C)10 D)29 27) Delivery in home is how many percent more than that of not delivered? A)50% B) 200% C) 100 % D) None of the options 28) The number of People who died in Delhi in institutions is what percentage of ST of Uttranchal? A) 33.33 % B) 200 % C) 100% D) None of the options Directions for Questions 29 & 30: Which of the given options logically follows the given statement?

29) If one is in love, he finds happiness all around him. a) Christopher is in love. b) Christopher is feeling happy_ c) Christopher is not in love. d) Christopher is feeling normal. A) ba B) cd C) dc D) ad 30) The bus stops only at bus-stations. a) The bus stopped b) The bus did not stop c) It is a bus station d) It is not a bus station A) ca B) bd C) cb D) ac Section 2 - Verbal Ability No of Questions: 25 Duration In Minutes: 30 Directions for Questions 31 & 32: Identify the CORRECT sentence(s) in the following Questions 31) a) We have finally solved the problem with the means of a device invented by ISRO.

b) Is it possible for you to tackle the current situation? c) They know me with my name individually. d) The salary will be given depending on the experience you have. A) a and b B) a and d 32) A) They were. annoyed with us at charging them. B) The expected cut in interest will be good for industry. C) The Export Manager is responsible about the Sales Director. D) He said he was sorry keeping me for waiting. A) Both A and B B) Only C C) Only B D) Both C and A Directions for Questions 33 & 37: Read the passage and answer the questions that follow on the basis of the information provided in the passage. It is frequently assumed that the mechanization of work has a revolutionary effect on the lives of the people who operate the new machines and on the society into which the machines have been Introduced. For example, It has been suggested that the employment of women in industry took them out of the household, their traditional sphere, and fundamentally altered their position in society.

In the nineteenth century, when women began to enter factories, Jules Simon, a French politician, warned that by doing so, women would give up their femininity. Friedrich Engel's, however, predicted that women would be liberated from the "social, legal, and economic subordination" of the family by technologic developments that made possible the recruitment of "the whole female sex into public Industry." Observers thus differed concerning the social desirability of mechanization's effects, but they agreed that it would transform women's lives. Historians, particularly those investigating the history of women, now seriously question this assumption of transforming power. They conclude that such dramatic technological innovations as the spinning jenny, thesewing machine, the typewriter, and the vacuum cleaner have not resulted in equally dramatic social changes in women's economic position or in the prevailing evaluation of women's work. The employment of young women in textile mills during the Industrial Revolution was largely an extension of an older pattern of employment of young, single women as domestics. It was not the change in office technology, but rather the separation of secretarial work, previously seen as an apprenticeship for beginning managers, from administrative work that in the 1880's created a new class of "dead end" jobs, henceforth

considered "women's work." The increase in the numbers of married women employed outside the home in the twentieth century had less to do with the mechanizations of housework and an increase in leisure time for these women than It did with their own economic necessity and with high marriage rates that shrank the available pool of single women workers, previously, in many cases, the only women employers would hire. Women's work has changed considerably in the past 200 years, moving from the household to the office or the factory, and later becoming mostly white collar instead of blue-collar work. Fundamentally, however, the conditions under which women work have changed little since before the Industrial Revolution: the segregation of occupations by gender, lower pay for women as a group, jobs that require relatively low levels of skill and offer women little opportunity for advancement all persist, while women's household labor remains demanding. Recent historical investigation has led to a major revision of the notion that technology is always inherently revolutionary In it effects on society. Mechanization may even have slowed any change in the traditional position of women both in the labor market and in the home. 33) Which of the following statements best summarizes the main idea of the passage?

A) The effects of the mechanization of women's work have not borne out the frequently held assumption that new technology is inherently revolutionary. B) Recent studies have shown that mechanization revolutionizes a society's traditional values and the customary roles of its members. C) Mechanization has caused the nature of women's work to change since the Industrial Revolution. D) The mechanization of work creates whole new classes of jobs that did not previously exist. 34) The author mentions all of the following inventions as examples of dramatic technological innovations EXCEPT the: A) Sewing machine B) Typewriter C) Vacuum cleaner D) Telephone 35) It can be inferred from the passage that, before the Industrial Revolution, the majority of women's work was done in which of the following settings? A) Textile mills B) Offices C) Private households D) Factories

36) It can be inferred from the passage that the author would consider which of the following to be an indication of a fundamental alteration in the conditions of women's work? A) Statistics showing that the majority of women now occupy white-collar positions. B) Interviews with married men indicating that they are now doing some household tasks C) Surveys of the labor market documenting the recent creation of a new class of jobs in electronics in which women workers outnumber men four to one. D) Census results showing that working women's wages and salaries are, on the average, as high as those of working men. 37) The passages states that, before the twentieth century, which of the following was true of many employers? A) They did not employ women in factories. B) They tended to employ single rather than married women. C) They employed women in only those jobs that were related to women's traditional household work. D) They resisted technological innovations that would radically change women's roles in the family.

Directions for Questions 38-42: Keats, perhaps, is the saddest example of a fine spirit hounded to death by savage criticism; because, whatever his biographers may aver, that furious attack of Gifford and Terry undoubtedly expedited his death. But no doubt there are hundreds who suffer keenly from hostile and unscrupulous criticism, and who have to bear that suffering in silence, because it is a cardinal principle in literature that the most unwise thing in the world for an author is to take public notice of criticism in the way of defending himself. Silence is the only safeguard, as it is the only dignified protest against insult and offence. 38) Why is the literary life mostly an unhappy one? A) Because a genius suffers the penalty of genius, and a talented person has so many cares and worries B) Because it is mostly a lonely life C) Because it does not pay much materialistically D) Because it is difficult to get a reading public 39) What are the ambitions of a young author? A) To be acknowledged as a new light in literature B) To be able to reveal himself C) To gain a public ear D) To get his composition published

Read the passage and answer the questions that follow on : 40) Are editors and publishers sympathetic to young the basis of the information provided in the passage. authors? Unquestionably, a literary life is for most part an unhappy life, because, if you have genius, you must suffer the penalty of genius; and, if you have only talent, there are so many cares and worries incidental to the circumstances of men of letters, as to make life exceedingly miserable. Besides the pangs of composition, and the continuous disappointment which a true artist feel sat his inability to reveal himself, there is the everrecurring difficulty of gaining the public ear. Young writers are buoyed up by the hope and the belief that they have only to throw that poem at the world's feet to get back in return the laurel-crown; that they have only to push that novel into print to be acknowledged at once as a new light in literature. You can never convince a young author that the editors of magazines and the publishers of books are a practical body of men, who are by no means frantically anxious about placing the best literature before the public. Nay, that for the most part they are mere brokers, who conduct their business on the hardest lines of a Profit and Loss account. But supposing your book fairly launches,

its perils are only beginning. You have to run the gauntlet of the critics. To a young author, again, this seems to be as terrible an ordeal as passing down the files of Sioux or Comanche Indians, each one of whom is thirsting for your scalp. When you are a little older, you will find that criticism Is not much more serious than the bye-play of clowns In a circus. when they beat around the ring. the victim with bladders slung at the end of long poles. A time comes in the life of every author when he regards critics as comical rather than formidable, and goes his way unheeding. But there are sensitive souls that yield under the chastisement and, perhaps, after suffering much silent torture, abandon the profession of the pen for ever. A) They are B) They are not C) They are anxious about placing only the best literature before the public D) They are mere brokers who conduct their business on the hardest lines of a Profit and Loss account. 41) What are the ordeals awaiting the young author from the critics? A) The critics harass him B) He has to run the 'gauntlet' oft he critics

C) He has to save his scalp, as the critics throw stones at him D) The critics are sympathetic towards him 42) What attitude should an author adopt in the face of bitter criticism? A) He should defend himself B) He should regard critics formidable and change his way of writing C) He should suffer silently D) He should take criticism as not more than the bye-play of clowns in a circus and go his way unheeding. Directions for Question 43: Identify the CORRECT statements in the following question 43) A) He boasted about his being accomplishments. B) I had scarcely begun to write than he entered the room. C) He behaved cowardly in the battle-fish. D) Nothing but books and music please him. A) A B) B C) C D) D Direction For Questions 44 & 46:

Identify the INCORRECT statements in the following questions 44) A) The revolution In art has not lost its steam; it rages on as fiercely as ever. B) Each occupation have Its own jargon, bankers, lawyers and computer professionals. C) Arrogant by nature, Jones spoke very little even to his own family members. D) Biological clocks are of such obvious adaptive value to living organisms, that we would expect most organisms to possess them. A) Only B B) Only C C) Both A and B D) Both C and D 45) A) The prime Minister Vajpayee must be priding himself on an inflating rupee. B) Stability must be perceived by Vajpayee's team as a rock that defies laws of economics and gravity. C) The BJP must be fuming over its loss of territory in fuming over exchange-rate fiascos. D) I do not know what the prime minister thinks of the recent sharp decline in the exchange rate but I got the impression that the BJP is unhappy. A) Only A B) Both A & C C) Both B & C D) Only D 46)

a) Bread & jam are the most common breakfast served in most five-star hotels. b) Mangoes costs Rs. 40 per kilo in summer even in the villages. c) They survives on just soup and noodles in the college hostel. d) How much do one-and-a half dozen strawberries cost? A) Only c B) a, band c C) band c D) a, b, c and d Directions for Questions 47-51: Re-arrange the following sentences to form a logical paragraph 47) P) Technological breakthroughs (or breakdowns) create an economic upheaval. Q) In a real revolution, civil institutions fall into crisis. R) Other changes shake the culture and the value system. S) Family and role structures change. A) PSRQ B) SRPQ C) QPRS D) QSRP 48)

A) To forgive is not to forget, B) There is no merit in loving an enemy C) The merit lies In loving in spite of the vivid knowledge that the one that must be loved is not a friend. D) When you forget him for a friend. A) ABCD B) DCBA C) ACBD D) BCDA 49) A. He felt justified in bypassing Congress altogether on a variety of moves. B. At times he was fighting the entire Congress. C. Bush felt he had a mission to restore power to the presidency . D. Bush was not fighting just the democrats. E. Representative democracy is a messy business, and a CEO of the White House does not like a legislature of second guessers and time wasters. A) CAEDB B) CEADB C) DBAEC D) ECDBA 50) A) Non-violence is not quality to be evolved B) or expressed to order. C) upon intense individual effort. D) It Is an Inward growth depending for sustenance A) ABCD B) ABDC C) ACBD D) CDBA 51)

P) People who had participated in the dance seemed to appreciate it very much. Q) The dance floor was full, and my solo was the best I'd done In a long while. R) At its end, the singer said, "Let's give Wayne a special round of applause. That's the first time he'S ever played that piece". S) One night there was magic in the air. We could do n wrong. T) I played lead guitar in a popular weekend bar band for years. U) My chest swelled with pride, until he added, "Properly, that is". A) TSQUPR B) PQRSTU C) TSQPRU D) PQRSUT Directions for Question 52: Identify the CORRECT sentence(s) in the following question 52) A) We studied by ourselves for this lesson. B) I have a book, it's my book. C) They have a truck, that's them truck. D) You must clean the room by itself. A) Both A and B B) Both C and D C) Only B D) Only C Directions for Questions 5355:

Identify the INCORRECT statements) in the following questions 53) A) Do not get tempted by these temporal pleasures. B) He is far too sensible to have been done a fatuous thing like this. C) The office wore a macabre look on Friday after the company downsized its staff strength. D) The bill was passed in the parliament with a wafer thin margin. A) Both A and B B) Only B C) Both C and A D) Only C 54) A) Because strict constructionists recommend fidelity to the Constitution as written, no one objects more than they do judicial reinterpretation. B) When a candidate runs for office, he must expect to have his personal life scrutinized. C) Einstein, who was a brilliant mathematician, used his ability with numbers to explain the universe. D) Despite the cuts, there are services the hospital has, and will continue to provide to doctors. A) Only A B) Only C C) Both A and C D) Both B and D 55)

A) When some of this waste came to India, this resulted in several explosions. B) Respiratory problems, rashes, bleeding, open sores started almost immediately. C) Independent India consciously continued the civil service after changing nomenclature to the Indian Administrative Service. D) Initially, civil servant operated the Jevers of power efficiently in line with the vision of great patrlot-statesmen like Sardar Patel and Maulana Abdul Kalam Azad in a Cabinet headed by a visionary Jawaharlal Nehru. A) A,B and C B) C and D C) B and C D) A,Cand D Company: CTS Location : Chennai Type : Fresher No of Rounds: Screeing Test Exam/Interview Date : 08-Aug-2011 Contributor Name : Balu

TCS Logo TCS Job Interview, Question Paper I am happy to share you my experiences with because I am selected in TCS in recent campus

drive on 3rd august 2011. Actually the Campus drive consists of 3 rounds 1st Round Is Written Test: SECTION1:Verbal Ability: About Synonyms, Antonyms Are Asked Along With Pick Out The Best Meaning. SECTION 2: Aptitude (Quant & logical) About 32 Questions 1. Which Is The Smallest No Divides 2880 And Gives A Perfect Square? A.1 B.2 C.5 D.6 Ans: C 2. Two Bowls Are Taken, One Contains Water And Another Contains Tea Equal Amount . One Spoon Of Water From 1st Is Added To Second Bowl And Mixed Well, And A Spoon Of Mixture Is Taken From Second Bowl And Added To The 1st Bowl. Which Statement Will Hold Good For The Above? { Thought Process : Water Bowl Tea Bowl 100 100 90w (+10w= Spoon Volume) 100tea+10water 90w+ (10*10/11)Tea+ 10/11 W 100t- (10*10/11) T + 10w- 10/11w

(1st Bowls Water Volume Is Equal To 2nd Bowls Tea Volume) 3. Form 8 Digit Numbers From By Using 1, 2,3,4,5 With Repetition Is Allowed And Must Be Divisible By 4? A.31250 B.97656 C.78125 D.97657 Ans: C 4. Rearrange And Categorize The Word Rapeteka? Ans: Bird 5. One Problem On (785^3235^3)/(785^2+785*235+235^2) Ans: You Are Free To Carry A Calculator With You But You Should Not Use It To Solve This Kind Of Problem. Because It Is Simple: A3-b3 / A2+ab+b2 Ans Is : A-b Here 785-235= 550 That's It. 6. In School There Are Some Bicycles And 4 Wheeler Wagons. One Tuesday There Are 190 Wheels In The Campus. How Many Bicycles Are There? Ans: 15 Thought Process : B*2+w*4=190 I.E. , B+2w=95 Now See U Can Not Solve 2 Unknowns From 1 Equation, So Just Plot Options Here To Get The Right Answer

And Verify If You Are Getting Integers As Values Of B And W. 7. There Are Two Persons Paul And Jay .Paul Lies On Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday And The Remaining Days He Speaks Truth. Jay Lies On Thursday, Friday, Saturday And The Remaining Days He Speaks Truth. Once They Meet Each Other, In Their Conversation Paul Says That Yesterday Is The Day One Among Those I Lie. Jay Also Says That Yesterday I Also Lie. What Is That Day? A) Sunday. B) Tuesday. C) Thursday. D) Wednesday [Thought Process: Now This Day Cannot Be Sunday Because In Monday Paul Speaks Truth And Sunday Everyone Tells Truth. So It Must Be Weekdays. Again, Tuesday Can Not Possible Because Monday And Tuesday Paul Speaks Truth. In Case Of Thrust Day, Paul Speaks Lie And Wednesday He Speaks True. And Joy Speaks Truth In Thursday And He Speak Lies In Wednesday. So, Thursday Is The Answer. 8. A Father Has 7 Pennys With Him And 1 Water Melon Is For 1p, 2chickoos For 1p, 3 Grapes Foe 1p. He Has Three Sons. How Can He Share The Fruits Equally? Ans: 1 Watermelon, 2chickoos, 1grape

9. (1/2) Of A Number Is 3 Times More Than The (1/6) Of The Same Number? Ans: 9 10. There Are Two Pipes A And B. If A Filled 10 Liters In Hour B Can Fills 20 Liters In Same Time. Likewise B Can Fill 10, 20, 40, 80,160. If B Filled In (1/16) Th Of A Tank In 3 Hours, How Much Time Will It Take To Fill Completely? Ans: 7 Hours 11. A Man Is Standing Before A Painting Of A Man And He Says I Have No Bro And Sis And His [Painted Picture] Father Is My Fathers Son? Ans: His Son 12. One Question Has Last Part Like Difference Between Two Terms Is 9 And Product Of Two Numbers Is 10, What Is The Squares Of Sum Of Numbers? Ans: Thought Process : A-b=9 And Ab = 10 A+b = Sqrt[9^2 + 4*10] = 11 A= 10 And B=1 So 101 Ans. 13. What Is The Value Of [(3x+8y)/(X-2y)]; If X/2y=2? Ans:10 {The Numerical May Change)

14. One Grandfather Has Three Grandchildren, Two Of Their Age Difference Is 3, Eldest Child Age Is 3 Times Youngest Childs Age And Eldest Childs Age Is Two Times Of Sum Of Other Two Children. What Is The Age Of Eldest Child? Ans:15 15 . In One Organization, Material, Labor And Maintenance Are In The Ratio Of 4:6:7, The Material Cost Is: Rs. 100, What Is The Total Cost? Ans: 425 16. Keywords: Density, Reluctance, Sensitivity, Voltage, Current, What Is The Resistance Formula Is r=V/I 17. In A Market 4 Man Are Standing .The Average Age Of The Four Before 4 Years Is 45, After Some Days One Man Is Added And His Age Is 49. What Is The Average Age Of All? Ans: 49 18. In A School For A Student Out Of A 100 He Got 74 Of Average For 7 Subjects And He Got 79 Marks In 8th Subject. What Is The Average Of All The Subjects? Ans: 74.625

19. In A Question ,Last Part Has, The Ages Of Two People Has The Ratio Of 6:6 And By Adding The Numbers We Get 44, After How Many Years The Ratio Would Be 8:7? Ans: 8 20. One Train Travels 200m From A To B With 70 Km/Ph And Returns To A With 80kmph, What Is The Average Of Their Speed? Ans: Use Harmonic Mean Formula: Average Speed = 2ab/A+b = 2*70*80/150 21. A Question Like A Wire Is Wound Whose Resistance Is Some 132. 44647 Ohms. If A Voltage Of 30 mv, 296 Ma Current Is Applied To It What Is The Resistance. Clue: Use Formula R= V/I. Beware Of Voltage & Current Particularly Kilo Or Millie Etc. Units. 22. In A City, There Are 100 Buildings Numbered By Corporation Between 0-100, How Many Twos Are Shown In Door, Ans: 2,12,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,32,42,52,62,72,8 2,92=(20 Twos) 23) A Hollow Space On Earth Surface Is To Be Filled. Total Cost Of Filling Is Rs20000. The Cost Of Filling

Per Mt3 Is Rs 225 .How Many Times A Size Of 3 Mt3 Soil Is Required To Fill The Hollow Space? Ans: 20000/225=88.88 88.88/3=29.62 So 30 Times Of 3 Mt3 Is Required To Fill The Space Completely 24) There Are Different Things Like P,Q,R,S,T,U,V. We Can Take P And Q Together. If R And S Are Taken Together Then T Must Has To Be Taken. U And V Can Be Taken Together Can Be Taken With P Or S. Every Thing Can Be Taken Together Except A) P B) T C) V D) S Ans: T 25) New Town Is Straight To The North Of New York. A High Way M Runs From Newtown Making An Angle Of 61 Degree South East. From New York There Is Also An High Way N Which Runs Northeast 61 Degrees. If High Ways M And N Are Straight Then Find out The Acute Angle Made At Their Intersection Point. Ans: 180-(61+61)=58 (The High Ways Make A Triangle The Addition Of 18. One Grandfather Has Three Grandchildren, Two Of Their Age Difference Is 3, Eldest Child Age Is 3 Times Youngest Childs Age And Eldest Childs Age Is Two Times Of Sum Of

Other Two Children. What Is The Age Of Eldest Child? Ans:15 26). In A Market 4 Man Are Standing .The Average Age Of The Four Before 4years Is 45,Aftyer Some Days One Man Is Added And His Age Is 49.What Is The Average Weight Of All? Ans: 49 27) Keywords: One Organization ,Material Labor And Maintenance Are In The Ratio Of 4:6:7,The Material Cost Is:100,What Is The Total Cost? Ans: 425 28). Keywords: Density, Reluctance, Sensitivity, Voltage ,Current, What Is The Resistance Formula Is r=V/I 29). Keywords: Sports Readers,10 Tables,4chairs Per Table, Each Table Has Different Number Of People Then How Many Tables Will Left Without At Least One Person? Ans : 6 30). Keywords: Die, Card, Coin, B/N 2 To 12 Ans: All Are Equal

31). In A School For A Student Out Of A 100 He Got 74 Of Average For 7 Subjects And He Got 79 Marks In 8th Subject. What Is The Average Of All The Subjects? Ans: 74.625 32). In A Question ,Last Part Has ,The Ages Of Two People Has The Ratio Of 6:6 And By Adding The Numbers We Get 44,After How Many Years The Ratio Would Be 8:7? Ans: 8 3 Angles Of A Triangle Is 180) Section 3:Critical Reasoning: Two Passages Are Given 1. Which Of The Following Best Completes The Passage Below? In A Survey Of Job Applicants, Two-fifths Admitted To Being At Least A Little Dishonest. However, The Survey May Underestimate The Proportion Of Job Applicants Who Are Dishonest, Because____. A. Some Dishonest People Taking The Survey Might Have Claimed On The Survey To Be Honest

B. Some Generally Honest People Taking The Survey Might Have Claimed On The Survey To Be Dishonest C. Some People Who Claimed On The Survey To Be At Least A Little Dishonest May Be Very Dishonest D. Some People Who Claimed On The Survey To Be Dishonest May Have Been Answering Honestly E. Some People Who Are Not Job Applicants Are Probably At Least A Little Dishonest Answer With Explanation: A Is The Best Answer. If Applicants Who Are In Fact Dishonest Claimed To Be Honest, The Survey Results Would Show A Smaller Proportion Of Dishonest Applicants Than Actually Exists. Therefore, This Choice Is The Best Answer. B Is Inappropriate Because Generally Honest Applicants Who Claimed To Be Dishonest Could Contribute To The Overestimation, But Not To The Underestimation, Of Dishonest Applicants. D Is Inappropriate Because Applicants Who Admitted Their Dishonesty Would Not Contribute To An Underestimation Of The Proportion Of Dishonest Applicants. C And E Are

Inappropriate Because The Argument Is Concerned Neither With Degrees Of Dishonesty Nor With The Honesty Of Non-applicants. 2. The Average Life Expectancy For The United States Population As A Whole Is 73.9 Years, But Children Born In Hawaii Will Live An Average Of 77 Years, And Those Born In Louisiana, 71.7 Years. If A Newlywed Couple From Louisiana Were To Begin Their Family In Hawaii, Therefore, Their Children Would Be Expected To Live Longer Than Would Be The Case If The Family Remained In Louisiana. Which Of The Following, If True, Would Most Seriously Weaken The Conclusion Drawn In The Passage? A. Insurance Company Statisticians Do Not Believe That Moving To Hawaii Will Significantly Lengthen The Average Louisianan's Life. B. The Governor Of Louisiana Has Falsely Alleged That Statistics For His State Are Inaccurate. C. The Longevity Ascribed To Hawaii's Current Population Is Attributable Mostly To Genetically Determined Factors.

D. Thirty Percent Of All Louisianans Can Expect To Live Longer Than 77 Years. E. Most Of The Hawaiian Islands Have Levels Of Air Pollution Well Below The National Average For The United States. Answer With Explanation: C Is The Best Answer. This Choice Suggests That A Significant Proportion Of Hawaii's Population Is Genetically Predisposed To Be Long Lived. Since Louisianans Are Not Necessarily So Predisposed, And Since The Louisianans' Children Will Acquire Their Genetic Characteristics From Their Parents, Not From Their Birthplace, This Choice Presents A Reason To Doubt That Hawaiian Born Children Of Native Louisianans Will Have An Increased Life Expectancy. Therefore, This Choice Is The Best Answer. Because The Conclusion Concerns People Born In Hawaii, Not The Average Louisianan, A Does Not Weaken The Conclusion. Because The Governor's Allegation Is False, It Cannot Affect The Conclusion. D Fails To Weaken The Conclusion Because It Is Consistent With The Information Given And The Conclusion About Life Expectancy. By Suggesting That Hawaii's Environment Is In One

Respect Particularly Healthy, E Supports The Conclusion. Next Round Is Technical Interview: It Was A Fine Morning Around 9:30 when My Interview Started. My Interviewer Is A Cool Person. As This Was My 1st Interview I Was Very Tensed But He Made Me Relaxed By Discussing Some Current Affairs And Then Started Asking. Tell Me About Yourself. What Is Ur Favorite Subject? My Answered To That Is C. Then He Started Asking Questions Such As 1. What Does Static Variable Mean? 2. What Is A Pointer? 3 Where Does Global, Static, And Local, Register Variables, Free Memory And C Program Instructions Get Stored? 4. Difference Between Arrays And Linked List? 5 Can We Specify Variable Field Width In A Scanf() Format String? If Possible How? 6 Differentiate Between For Loop And A While Loop? What Are It Uses?

7 What Is Storage Class? What Are The Different Storage Classes In C? 8 What The Advantages Of Using Unions? 9. In C, Why Is The Void Pointer Useful? When Would You Use It? 10 What Is Pointer To A Pointer? 11 What Is Dynamic Memory Allocation? 12 What Is The Purpose Of Realloc? 13 How Would You Use The Functions Fseek(), Freed(), Fwrite() And Ftell()? 14 What Are The Types Of File? So He Asked Me Lot Of Questions In C. And I Answered 90% Of Them. He Impressed With My Answers And Asked Some Questions On C++, DS, DBMS. *

What Is The Difference Between Class And Structure? * Define Oops? * What Is Abstraction? * What Is The Difference Between Method Overloading And Method Overriding? * What Is Difference Between C++ And Java? * What Is An Adaptor Class Or Wrapper Class? * Can You Handle Exception In C++? * What Is Sequential Search? * What Are The Advantages Of Linked List Over Array (Static Data Structure)?

* What Is Dangling Pointer And How To Avoid It? * What Are The Disadvantages Of Circular List? * What Are The Advantages Of Using A Dbms? * What Is Schema? * What Is An ER Diagram? * What Are The Properties Of Transaction?: After My Long Tech Interview Of 45min I Was Happy With My Performance And While I Am Sayinf Thank U And About To Leave The Interviewer Said Prepare For The Next Round. At That Moment I Said Many Thanks To Him And Came Out Happily My Last Round Is HR At 3:30 Pm

* Tell Me About Your Self? * What Are Your Strengths? * What Are Your Weakness? How U Eliminate Your Weakness? * Tell About Your Family? * Are U Confident Of Being Selected In TCS? If Not What Will U Do? * Are U Interested In Higher Studies? * What Is Your Greatest Achievement From Childhood? * And A Few More Questions.. *

Finally He Asked Any Questions. Then I Asked Him What Is The Impact Of Recession On TCS Employees. Does TCS Is More us Dependent In Projects? Then He Explained Me Very Well And Said All The Best. This Round Took Me 20 minutes I Said Thank U Sir And Came Out On The Next Day I Saw Our College Notice Board That I Was Selected And I Am Very Happy

Company: TCS Location : Other Type : Fresher No of Rounds: Aptitude Test, Technical Round-1, Client/Manager Interview Exam/Interview Date : 03-Aug-2011 Contributor Name : Chetana

Job Interview, Question Paper Here are the Latest Placement Papers from CTS. The sections here are Reasoning and English.

ANALYTICAL SECTION (25 questions-30min) (1-5) Venn diagram A group is divided into three. The first group is persons of 5'6 height and second and third r 6'0 and 6'6 respectively. There r totally 130 peoples, 50 of them r 5'6 and 65 of them r 6'6, 10 of them r 5'6 and 6'6, 15 of them r 5'6 and 6, 20 of them r 6'6 and 6, and 5 of them r all the three. (1) How many of them r 6 feet? Ans: 70 (2) How many of them r only 6 feet? Ans:30 (3) How many of them are only 56? Ans: 20) (4) How many of them are only 66? Ans: 30 (5) How many of them are at least two? Ans:50) 1.Verbal Ability (20 Q, 20 Min) Comprehension Find out the incorrect sentence

Find out the correct sentence Jumbled Passages -Don prepare any thing for this ..It won help u..Jumbled sent n correct incorrect sent are a little depends on ur grammer n English language skills. do the comprehension last(it is a very big passage..i didnt even read it ,jus time) 2.Attention Details (20 Q, 20 Min) Find the odd man out Analogy of figures (Simple) syllogism Puzzle Very easy compared to other sections..any one can crack it with out any preparation..If u think to prepare jus go through puzzle test n syllogism from R.S.Agarwal Verbal reasoning Analogy of figures Non verbal Reasoning Set 3 1. A. says " the horse is not black". B. says " the horse is either brown or grey." C.says " the hoese is brown" At least one is telling truth and atleast one is lying. tell the colour of horse. Ans: Grey

2. A son and father goes for boating in river upstream . After rowing for 1 mile son notices the hat of his fathe falling in the river. After 5min. he tells his father that his hat has fallen. So they turn around and are able to pick the hat at the point from where they began boating after 5min.Tell the speed of river. Ans: 6 Miles/hr 3 A+B+C+D=D+E+F+G=G+H+I=17 where each letter represent a number from 1 to 9. Find out what does letter D and G represent if letter A=4. Ans: D=5.G=1 4. Argentina had football team of 22 player of which captain is from Brazilian team and goalki from European team. For remainig palayer they have picked 6 from argentinan and 14 from european. Now for a team of 11 they must have goalkeeper and captain so out of 9 now they plan to select 3 from argentinian and 6 from European. Find out no. of methods avilable for it (2 marks) Ans:160600( check out for right no. 6C3 (A) 14C6) 5. Three thives were caught stealing sheep, mule and camel. A says " B had stolen sheep "

C says " B had stolen mule" B says he had stolen nothing.the one who had stolen horse is speaking truth. the one who had stolen camel is lying . Tell who had stolen what? (5 marks) Ans: A-Camel, B- mule, C- horse 6. a group of friends goes for dinner and gets bill of Rs 2400 . Two of them says that they have forgotten their purse so remaining make an extra contribution of Rs 100 to pay up the bill. Tell the no. of person in that group. (3 marks) Ans:8 person 7. In Acolony there are some families. Each of them have children but different in numbers. (a) Following are conditions a no of adult no of sons no of daughters no of families. (b) each sister must have atleast one brother and should have at the most 1 sister. (c) no of children in one family exceeds the sum of no of children in the rest families Ans: : 3 families 8. There are 6 people W,H,M,C,G,F who are murderer , victim , judge , police, witness, hangman. There was no eye witness only circumtancial witness. The

murderer was sentenced to death. Read following statement and determine who is who. 1. M knew both murderer and victim. 2. Judge asked C to discribe murder incident. 3. W was last to see F alive. 4. Police found G at the murder site. 5 H and W never met. The above mentioned questions are of 37 marks Directions for Questions 1-5: Read the passage and Answer the questions that follow on the basis of the information provided in the passage. Outside, the rain continued to run down the screened windows of Mrs. Sennetts little Cape Cod cottage. The long weeds and grass that composed the front yard dripped against the blurred background of the bay, where the water was almost the color of the grass. Mrs. Sennetts five charges were vigorously playing house in the dining room. (In the wintertime, Mrs. Sennett was housekeeper for a Mr. Curley, in Boston, and during the summers the Curley children boarded with her on the Cape.) My expression must have changed. Are those children making too much noise? Mrs. Sennett demanded, a sort of wave going over her that might mark the beginning of her getting up out of her chair.

I shook my head no, and gave her a little push on the shoulder to keep her seated. Mrs. Sennett was almost stone-deaf and had been for a long time, but she could read lips. You could talk to her without making any sound yourself, if you wanted to, and she more than kept up her side of the conversation in a loud, rusty voice that dropped weirdly every now and then into a whisper. She adored talking. To look at Mrs. Sennett made me think of eighteenthcentury England and its literary figures. Her hair must have been sadly thin, because she always wore, indoors and out, either a hat or a sort of turban, and sometimes she wore both. The rims of her eyes were dark; she looked very ill. Mrs. Sennett and I continued talking. She said she really didnt think shed stay with the children another winter. Their father wanted her to, but it was too much for her. She wanted to stay right here in the cottage. The afternoon was getting along, and I finally left because I knew that at four oclock Mrs. Sennetts sit down was over and she started to get supper. At six oclock, from my nearby cottage, I saw Theresa coming through the rain with a shawl over her head. She was bringing me a six-inch-square piece of spice cake , still hot from the oven and kept warm between two soup plates. A few days later I learned from the twins, who brought over gifts of

firewood and blackberries, that their father was coming the next morning, bringing their aunt and her husband and their cousin. Mrs. Sennett had promised to take them all on a picnic at the pond some pleasant day. On the fourth day of their visit, Xavier arrived with a note. It was from Mrs. Sennett, written in blue ink, in a large, serene, ornamented hand, on linen-finish paper:. . . Tomorrow is the last day Mr. Curley has and the Children all wanted the Picnic so much. The Men can walk to the Pond but it is too far for the Children. I see your Friend has a car and I hate to ask this but could you possibly drive us to the Pond tomorrow morning? . . .Very sincerely yours, Carmen Sennett After the picnic, Mrs. Sennetts presents to me were numberless. It was almost time for the children to go back to school in South Boston. Mrs. Sennett insisted that she was not going; their father was coming down again to get them and she was just going to stay. } He would have to get another housekeeper. She said this over and over to me, loudly, and her turbans and kerchiefs grew more and more distrait. One evening, Mary came to call on me and we sat on an old table in the back yard to watch the sunset. Papa came today, She said, and weve got to go back day after tomorrow. Is Mrs. Sennett going to stay here?

She said at supper she was. She said this time she really was, because shed said that last year and came back, but now she me ans it .I said, Oh dear, scarcely knowing which side I was on. It was awful at supper. I cried and cried. Did Theresa cry? Oh, we all cried. Papa cried, too. We always do. But dont you think Mrs. Sennett needs a rest? Yes, but I think shell come, though. Papa told her hed cry every single night at supper if she didnt, and then we all did. The next day I heard that Mrs. Sennett was going back with them just to help settle. She came over the following morning to say goodbye, supported by all five children. She was wearing her traveling hat of black satin and black straw, with sequins. High and somber, above her ravaged face, it had quite a Spanish randee air. This isnt really goodbye, she said. Ill be back as soon as I get these bad, noisy children off my hands. About Your self, Your Challenges, Achievements, Goals. o/infosys-logo.jpg Infosys Job Interview, Question Pattern Paper Aptitude Test: Questions = 55; Time limit = 60 minutes along with that an essay to write in the same sheet in another 10 minutes. No sectional cut off, no negative marking. Offline (paper & pen) test Directions for Questions 1-3: Choose the option which will correctly fill the blank. 1. This train travels from London ______ Paris. a) at b) to c) over d) below Ans: b 2. We stood at the back ______ the theater.

a) of b)on c)in d) for Ans: a 3. I will work _________ five o'clock. a) until b) up c)in d) to Directions for Questions 4-6: Choose the word nearest in meaning to the word in ITALICS from the given options. 4. The antidote to these problems is hard to find a) Cause for b) Result of c) Remedy for d) Consequence of e) None of these Ans: C 5. Because of a family feud , he never spoke to his aife's parents. a) Crisis b) Trouble

c) Problem d) Quarrel d) None of these Ans: D 6. The article is written in a very lucid style. a) Elaborate b) Clear c) Intricate d) Noble e) None of these Ans: B Directions for Questions 7-10: Choose the answer option which will correctly fill the blank. 7. _________ man ran into the street. A car hit ____ man. a) A, the b) An, the c) the, the d) A, the 8. The interesting thing about _____ Romans is all the roads that they built in Britain. a) A b) An c) none of these

d) The 9. Albert Einstein was ____ famous scientist. Einstein won ___ Nobel Prize in Physics in 1921.Einstein left his country and lived in ____States until he died in 1955. a) A, the, an b) A, the, the c) A, an, the d) An, an, the Ans: B 10. Are you shopping for ________ health club to join so you can get in shape? Shop wisely! You could end up choosing ___________wrong club and losing more money than pounds. a) the, an b) the, the c) A, the d) An, the Ans: C Directions for Questions 11-16: Read the passage and answer the questions that follow on the basis of the information provided in the passage. The pioneers of the teaching of science imagined that its introduction into education would remove the conventionality, artificiality, and backward-

lookingness which were characteristic;of classical studies, but they were gravely disappointed. So, too, in their time had the humanists thought that the study of the classical authors in the original would banish at once the dull pedantry and superstition of mediaeval scholasticism. The professional schoolmaster was a match for both of them, and has almost managed to make the understanding of chemical reactions as dull and as dogmatic an affair as the reading of Virgil's Aeneid. The chief claim for the use of science in education is that it teaches a child something about the actual universe in which he is living, in making him acquainted with the results of scientific discovery, and at the same time teaches him how to think logically and inductively by studying scientific method. A certain limited success has been reached in the first of these aims, but practically none at all in the second. Those privileged members of the community who have been through a secondary or public school education may be expected to know something about the elementary physics and chemistry of a hundred years ago, but they probably know hardly more than any bright boy can pick up from an interest in wireless or scientific hobbies out of school hours.

As to the learning of scientific method, the whole thing is palpably a farce. Actually, for the convenience of teachers and the requirements of the examination system, it is necessary that the pupils not only do not learn scientific method but learn precisely the reverse, that is, to believe exactly what they are told and to reproduce it when asked, whether it seems nonsense to them or not. The way in which educated people respond to such quackeries as spiritualism or astrology, not to say more dangerous ones such as racial theories or currency myths, shows that fifty years of education in the method of science in Britain or Germany has produced no visible effect whatever. The only way of learning the method of science is the long and bitter way of personal experience, and, until the educational or social systems are altered to make this possible, the best we can expect is the production of a minority of people who are able to acquire some of the techniques of science and a still smaller minority who are able to use and develop them. 11. The author implies that the 'professional schoolmaster' has a) No interest in teaching science b) Thwarted attempts to enliven education

c) Aided true learning d) Supported the humanists e) Been a pioneer in both science and humanities. Ans: B 12. The authors attitude to secondary and public school education in the sciences is a) Ambivalent b) Neutra c) Supportive d) Satirical e) Contemptuous Ans: e 13. The word palpably most nearly means a) Empirically b) Obviously c) Tentatively d) Markedly e) Ridiculously Ans: b 14. The author blames all of the following for the failure to impart scientific method through the education system except a) Poor teaching b) Examination methods c) Lack of direct experience

d) The social and education systems e) Lack of interest on the part of students Ans: e 15. If the author were to study current education in science to see how things have changed since he wrote the piece, he would probably be most interested in the answer to which of the following questions? a) Do students know more about the world about them? b) Do students spend more time in laboratories? c) Can students apply their knowledge logically? d) Have textbooks improved? e) Do they respect their teachers Ans: c 16. Astrology (line 31) is mentioned as an example of a) A science that needs to be better understood b) A belief which no educated people hold c) Something unsupportable to those who have absorbed the methods of science d) The gravest danger to society e) An acknowledged failure of science Ans: c

Directions for Questions 17-20: Read the passage and answer the questions that follow on the basis of the information provided in the passage. Furthermore, insofar as any conclusion about its author can be drawn from five or six plays attributed to him, the Wakefield Master is without exception considered to be a man of sharp contemporary observation. He was, probably clerically educated, as indicated by his Latin and music, his Biblical and patristic lore. Even today he is remembered for his his quick sympathy for the oppressed and forgotten man, his sharp eye for character, a ready ear for colloquial, vernacular turns of speech and a humor alternately rude and boisterous, coarse and happy. Therefore in spite of his conscious artistry as can be seen in his feeling for intricate metrical and stanza forms, he is regarded as a kind of medieval Steinbeck, indignantly angry at, uncompromisingly and even brutally realistic in presenting the plight of the agricultural poor. It is now fairly accepted to regard the play as a kind of ultimate point in the secularization of the medieval drama. Therefore more stress has been laid on it as depicting realistically humble manners and pastoral life in the bleak of the west riding of Yorkshire on a typically cold night of December

24th. After what are often regarded as almost ''documentaries'' given in the three successive monologues of the three shepherds, critics go on to affirm that the realism is then intensified into a burlesque mock-treatment of the Nativity. Finally as a sort of epilogue or after-thought in deference to the Biblical origins of the materials, the play slides back into an atavistic mood of early innocent reverence. In actuality, the final scene is the culminating scene and also the raison detre of the introductory ''realism.'' Superficially the present play supports the conventional view of its mood of secular realism. At the same time, the ''realism'' of the Wakefield Master is of a paradoxical turn. His wide knowledge of people, as well as books indicates no cloistered contemplative but one in close relation to his times. Still, that life was after all a predominantly religious one, a time which never neglected the belief that man was a rebellious and sinful creature in need of redemption . So deeply (one can hardly say ''naively'' of so sophisticated a writer) and implicitly religious is the Master that he is less able (or less willing) to present actual history realistically than is the author of the Brome Abraham and Isaac. His historical sense is even less realistic than that of Chaucer who just a few years before had done for

his own time ''costume romances,'' such as The Knight's Tele, Troilus and Cressida, etc. Furthermore, used highly romantic materials, which could excuse his taking liberties with history. 17. Of the following statements, which is not true of Wakefield Master? a) He and Chaucer were contemporaries. b) Wakefield Master is remembered as having written five or six realistic plays. c) His plays realistically portray the plight of the country folk of his day d) His writing was similar to that of John Steinbeck. e) He was an accomplished artist. Ans: d 18. The word 'patristic' in the first paragraph is used to mean. a) Patriotic b) Superstitious c) Folk d) Relating to the Christian Fathers e) Realistic Ans: d 19. The statement about the ''secularization of the medieval drama'' (opening sentence of the second paragraph) refers to the

a) Introduction of religious themes in the early days b) Presentation of erudite material c) Use of contemporary materials d) Return to early innocent reverence at the end of the play e) Introduction of mundane matters in religious plays Ans: e 20. From the following what would the writer be expected to do in the subsequent paragraphs. a) Make a justification for his comparison with Steinbeck b) Put forth a view point, which would take up the thought of the second paragraph c) Point out the anachronisms in the play d) Discuss the works of Chaucer e) Talk about the lack of realism in the works of the Wakefield Master. Ans: b * Section 2: Analytical Ability * No. of Questions: 20 *

Duration in Minutes: 20

21. If f(x) = (x 50), what is the value of f(-5)? a) 75 b) 25 c) 0 d) -25 e) -75 Ans: b 22. Helpers are needed to prepare for the fete. Each helper can make either 2 large cakes or 35 small cakes per hour. The kitchen is available for 3 hours and 20 large cakes and 700 small cakes are needed. How many helpers are required? A. 10 B. 15 C. 20 D. 25 E. 30 Ans: a 23. If f(x) = (x + 2) / (x-2) for all integers except x=2, which of the following has the greatest value? a) f(-1) b) f(0)

c) f(1) d) f(3) e) f(4) Ans: d 24. A perfect cube is an integer whose cube root is an integer. For example, 27, 64 and 125 are perfect cubes. If p and q are perfect cubes, which of the following will not necessarily be a perfect cube? a) 8p b) pq c) pq + 27 d) -p e) (p - q)6 Ans: c 25. A piece of ribbon 4 yards long is used to make bows requiring 15 inches of ribbon for each. What is the maximum number of bows that can be made? A. 8 B. 9 C. 10 D. 11 E. 12 Ans: b 26. If V = 12R / (r + R) , then R = A. Vr / (12 - V)

B. Vr + V /12 C. Vr - 12 D. V / r - 12 E. V (r + 1) /12 Ans: a 27. The number of degrees that the hour hand of a clock moves through between noon and 2.30 in the afternoon of the same day is a) 720 b) 180 c) 75 d) 65 e) 60 Ans: c 28. (3x + 2) (2x - 5) = ax + kx + n. What is the value of a - n + k? a) 5 b) 8 c) 9 d) 10 e) 11 Ans: a 29. If the radius of a circle is increased by 20% then the area is increased by: a) 44%

b) 120% c) 144% d) 40% e) None of the above Ans: a 30. If the area of two circles are in the ratio 169 : 196 then the ratio of their radii is a) 10 : 11 b) 11 : 12 c) 12 : 13 d) 13 : 14 e) None of the above Ans: d Directions for Questions 31-34: In each question below is given a statement followed by two assumptions numbered I and II . consider the statement and decide which of the given assumption is implicit. Give answer: * * * * * (A) if only I is implicit ; (B) if only assumption II is implicit; (C) If either I or II is implicit ; (D) if neither I nor II is implicit (E) if both I and II are implicit.

31. Statement: It is desirable to put the child in school at the age of 5 or so. Assumptions:At that age the child reaches appropriate level of development and is ready to learn. The schools do not admit children after six years of age. Ans: A 32. Statement: The government has decided to reduce the custom duty on computer peripherals Assumptions: The domestic market price of computer peripherals may go up near future The domestic manufacturers may oppose the decision Ans: d 33. Statement: " AS there is a great demand , every person take tickets of the programme will be given only five tickets". Assumptions: The organizers are not keen on selling the tickets. No one is interested in getting more than five tickets Ans: d

34. Statement: The railway authorities are decided to increase the freight charges by 10% in view of the possibility of incurring losses in the current financial year. Assumptions: The volume of freight during the remaining period may remain same. The amount so obtained may set off a part or total of the estimated deficit Ans: b 35.There are 4 boys and 3 girls. What is the probability the boys and girls sit alternately? Ans:1/35 36. Two trains are 2 kms apart. Speed of one train is 20m/s and the other train is running at 30 m/s. Lengths of the trains are 200 and 300m. In how much time do the trains cross each other? Ans: 50 seconds 37. A train runs first half of the distance at 40 km/hr and the remaining half at 60 km/hr. What is the average speed for the entire journey? Ans: 48km/hr 38. A box contains 90 mts each of 100 gms and 100 bolts each of 150 gms. If the entire box weighs 35.5 kg., then the weight of the empty box is.

a) 10 kg b) 10.5 kg c) 11 kg d) 11.5 kg e) None of the above Ans: d 39. A father is three times as old as his son. After fifteen years the father will be twice as old as his son's age at that time. Hence the father's present age is a) 36 b) 42 c) 45 d) 48 e) None of the above Ans: c 40. Which of the following is the greatest? a) 40% of 30 b) 3/5 of 25 c) 6.5% of 200 d) Five more than the square of 3 e) 1/2-4 Ans: e Directions for Questions 41-45: Follow the directions given below to answer the questions that follow. Your answer for each question below would be: A, if ALL THREE items given in the question are exactly

ALIKE. B, if only the FIRST and SECOND items are exactly ALIKE. C, if only the FIRST and THIRD items are exactly ALIKE. D, if only the SECOND and THIRD items are exactly ALIKE. E, if ALL THREE items are DIFFERENT. 41) 0427-4567324, 0427-4567154, 0427-4567324 a) A b) B c) C d) D e) E Ans: c 42)HHMKKKJKNOII, HHMKKKJKNOII, HHMKKKJKNOII a) A b)B c)C d)D e)E Ans: a 43) YXXYXXYXYY, YXXYYXYXYY, YXXYXXYXXY a) A b) B c) C d) D e) E

Ans: e 44) 7661637.8787, 7666137.8787, 7666137.8787 a) A b) B c)C d)D e)E Ans:D 45)101100110.0101, 101100110.0101, 101100100.0101 a) A b) B c) C d) D e) E Ans: B Directions for Questions 46-50: What should come in place of the question-mark (?) in the following number series? 46. 992 1056 ? 1190 1260 1332 a) 1112 b) 1082 c) 1134 d) 1092

e) None of these Ans: e 47. 15625 6250 2500 1000? 160 a) 600 b) 400 c) 500 d) 650 e) None of these Abns: b 48. 80 370? 1550 2440 3530 a) 900 b) 840 c) 750 d) 860 a) None of these Ans: D 49. 15 51 216 1100? 46452 a) 6630 b) 6650 c) 6560 d) 6530 e) None of these Ans: a 50. 24 28 36 52 84?

a) 144 b) 135 c) 148 d) 140 e) None of these Ans: c Directions for Questions 51-55: Read the following instructions carefully and answer the questions given below it: From a group of six boys M,N,O,P,Q,R and five girls G,H,I,J,K a team of six is to be selected .Some of the criteria of selection are as follows: * * * * * * M and J go together O cannot be placed with N I cannot go with J N goes with H P and Q have to be together K and R go together

Unless otherwise stated, these criteria are applicable to all the following questions: 51. If the team consists of 2 girls and I is one of them , the other members are a) GMRPQ

b) HNOPQ c) KOPQR d) KRMNP Ans: c 52. If the team has four boys including O and R , the members of the team other than O and R are a)HIPQ b)GKPQ c) GJPQ d) GJMP Ans: b 53. If four members are boys, which of the following cannot constitute the team? a) GJMOPQ b) HJMNPQ c) JKMNOR d)JKMPQR Ans: c 54. If both K and P are members of the team and three boys in all are included in the team, the members of the team other than K and P are a) GIRQ b) GJRM c) HIRQ d) IJRQ

Ans: a 55. if the team has three girls including J and K , the members of the team other than J and K are a) GHNR b) MNOGMORG c) NHOR Ans: c Company Name: Infosys No of Rounds: Aptitude Test, Client/Manager Interview Exam/Interview Date: 11-Jan-2011 Location : Chennai

TCS Logo TCS Job Interview, Placement Paper Q1: Given a collection of points P in the plane , a 1set is a point in P that can be separated from the rest by a line, .i.e the point lies on one side of the

line while the others lie on the other side. The number of 1-sets of P is denoted by n1(P). The minimum value of n1(P) over all configurations P of 5 points in the plane in general position (.i.e no three points in P lie on a line) is a) 3 b) 5 c) 2 Q2: Paul the octopus who has been forecasting the outcome of FIFA world cup matches with tremendous accuracy has now been invited to predict ICC world cup matches in 2011. We will assume that the world cup contenders have been divided into 2 groups of 9 teams each. Each team in a group plays the other teams in the group. The top two teams from each group enter the semi finals ( after which the winner is decided by knockout). However, Paul has a soft spot for India and when India plays any team, Paul always backs India. Alas, his predictions on matches involving India are right only 2 out of 3 times. In order to qualify for the semi finals, it is sufficient for India to win 7 of its group matches. What is the probability that India will win the ICC world cup? a) (2/3)^10 b) (2/3)^9 + 8/3 * (2/3)^9 c) 8/3 * (2/3)^9

d) (2/3)^10 + 8/3*(2/3)^9 Q3: A toy train produces at least 10 different tunes when it moves around a circular toy track of radius 5 meters at 10 meters per minute. However , the toy train is defective and it now produces only two different tunes at random. What are the odds that the toy train produces 4 consecutive music tunes of the same type? a) 1 in 16 b) 1 in 4 c) 1 in 8 Q4: A number when divided by D leaves a remainder of 8 and when divided by 3D leaves a remainder of 21 . What is the remainder left, when twice the number is divided by 3D? a) 13 b) cannot be determined c) 3 d) 42 (solution:c) Q5: Six friends decide to share a big cake. Since all of them like the cake, they begin quarreling who gets to first cut and have a piece of the cake. One friend suggests that they have a blindfold friend choose from well shuffled set of cards numbered one to six. You check and find that this method

works as it should simulating a fair throw of a die. You check by performing multiple simultaneous trials of picking the cards blindfold and throwing a die. You note that the number shown by the method of picking up a card and throwing a real world die, sums to a number between 2 and 12. Which total would be likely to appear more often 8,9 or 10? a) 8 b) All are equally likely c) 9 d) 10 Q6: One day Alice meets pal and byte in fairyland. She knows that pal lies on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays and tells the truth on the other days of the week byte, on the other hand, lies on Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays, but tells the truth on the other days of the week. Now they make the following statements to Alice pal. Yesterday was one of those days when I lie byte. Yesterday was one of those days when I lie too. What day is it ? a) Thursday b) Tuesday c) Monday d) Sunday (solution:a) Q7: A car manufacturer produces only red and blue models which come out of the final testing area

completely at random. What are the odds that 5 consecutive cars of the same color will come through the test area at any one time? a) 1 in 16 b) 1 in 125 c) 1 in 32 d) 1 in 25 Q8: Alok is attending a workshop How to do more with less and today's theme is Working with fewer digits. The speakers discuss how a lot of miraculous mathematics can be achieved if mankind(as well as womankind) had only worked with fewer digits. The problem posed at the end of the workshop is How many four digit numbers can be formed using the digits 1, 2,3,4 ,5 ( but with repetition) that are divisible by 4? Can you help Alok find the answer? a) 100 b) 125 c) 75 d) 85 Q9: Rearrange the following letters to make a word and choose the category in which it Ms RAPETEKA a) Bird b) Vegetable c) City

d) Fruit Q10: On planet korba, a solar blast has melted the ice caps on its equator. 9 years after the ice melts, tiny planetoids called echina start growing on the rocks. Echina grows in the form of circle, and the relationship between the diameter of this circle and the age of echina is given by the formula d = 4* (t-9) for t 9 where d represents the diameter in mm and t the number of years since the solar blast. Jagan recorded the radius of some echina at a particular spot as 7mm. How many years back did the solar blast occur? a) 17 b) 21.25 c) 12.25 d) 12.06 (solution: b) Q11: In the reading room of a library, there are23 reading spots. Each reading spot consists of a round table with 9 chairs placed around it. There are some readers such that in each occupied reading spot there are different numbers of readers. If in all there are 36 readers, how many reading spots do not have even a single reader? a) 8 b) None

c) 16 d) 15 (solution: d) Q12: Ferrari S.P.A is an Italian sports car manufacturer based in Maranello, Italy. Founded by Enzo Ferrari in 1928 as Scuderia Ferrari , the company sponsored drivers and manufactured race cars before moving into production of street-legal vehicles in 1947 as Feraari S.P.A. Throughout its history, the company has been noted for its continued participation in racing, especially in Formula One where it has employed great success .Rohit once bought a Ferrari . It could go 4 times as fast as Mohan's old Mercedes. If the speed of Mohan's Mercedes is 46 km/hr and the distance traveled by the Ferrari is 953 km, find the total time taken for Rohit to drive that distance. a) 20.72 b) 5.18 c) 238.25 d) 6.18 (solution: b) Q13: A sheet of paper has statements numbered from 1 to 70. For all values of n from 1 to 70. Statement n says ' At least n of the statements on this sheet are false. ' Which statements are true and which are false?

a) The even numbered statements are true and the odd numbered are false. b) The odd numbered statements are true and the even numbered are false. c) The first 35 statements are true and the last 35 are false. d) The first 35 statements are false and the last 35 are false (solution: d) Q14: Middle earth is a fictional land inhabited by Hobbits, Elves, dwarves and men. The Hobbits and the Elves are peaceful creatures who prefer slow, silent lives and appreciate nature and art. The dwarves and the men engage in physical games. The game is as follows . A tournol is one where out of the two teams that play a match, the one that loses get eliminated. The matches are played in different rounds where in every round , half of the teams get eliminated from the tournament. If there are 8 rounds played in a knock-out tournol how many matches were played? a) 257 b) 256 c) 72 d) 255 (solution:d)

Q15: A research lab in Chennai requires 100 mice and 75 sterilized cages for a certain set of laboratory experiments . To identify the mice, the lab has prepared labels with numbers 1 to 100 , by combining tags numbered 0 to 9. The SPCA requires that the tags be made of toxin-free material and that the temperature of the cages be maintained at 27 degree Celsius. Also , not more than 2 mice can be caged together and each cage must be at least 2 sq.ft in area. The 5 experiments to be conducted by lab are to be thoroughly documented and performed only after a round of approval by authorities. The approval procedure takes around 48 hours. How many times is the tag numbered '4' used by the lab in numbering these mice? a) 9 b) 19 c) 20 d) 21 (solution:b) Q16:There are two water tanks A and B, A is much smaller than B. While water fills at the rate of one litre every hour in A, it gets filled up like 10, 20, 40, 80, 160... in tank B.( At the end of first hour, B has 10 litres , second hour it has 20, and so on). If tank B is 1/32 filled after 21 hours, what is the total duration required to fill it completely? a) 26 hrs

b) 25 hrs c) 5 hrs d) 27 hrs (solution:a) Q17: Consider two tumblers, the first containing one litre of coffee. Suppose you take one spoon of water out of the first tumbler and pour it into the second tumbler. After moving you take one spoon of the mixture from the second tumbler and pour it back into the first tumbler . Which one of the following statement holds now? a) There is less coffee in the first tumbler than water in the second tumbler. b) There is more coffee in the firs tumbler than water in the second tumbler c) There is as much coffee in the first tumbler as there is water in the second tumbler d) None of the statements holds true. Q18: Francois Pachet , a researcher at Sony Computer Science laboratories is also a jazz musician. He decided to build a robot able to improvise like a pro. Named Continuator, the robot can duet with a live musician in real- time. It listens to a musical phrase and then computes a complementary phrase with the same playing style. If the cost of making the robot is divided between and then computes a complementary phrase with

the same playing style. If the cost of making the robot is divided between materials , labour and overheads in the ratio of 4:6:2.If the materials cost $108. the cost of the robot is a) $270 b) $324 c) $216 d) $ 648 (solution:b) Q19: A lady has fine gloves and hats in her closet18 blue- 32 red and 25 yellow. The lights are out and it is totally dark inspite of the darkness. She can make out the difference between a hat and a glove. She takes out an item out of the closet only if she is sure that if it is a glove. How many gloves must she take out to make sure she has a pair of each colour? a) 50 b) 8 c) 60 d) 42 Q20: A man jogs at 6 mph over a certain journey and walks over the same route at 4 mph. What is his average speed for the journey? a) 2.4 mph b) 4 mph c) 4.8 mph d) 5 mph (solution:d)

Q21: Spores of a fungus, called late blight, grow and spread infection rapidly. These pathogens were responsible for the Irish potato famine of the mid19th century. These seem to have attacked the tomato crops in England this year. The tomato crops have reduced and the price of the crop has risen up . The price has already gone up to $45 a box from $27 a box a month ago. How much more would a vegetable vendor need to pay to buy 27 boxes this month over what he would have paid last month? a) $27 b) $ 18 c) $45 d) $ 486 Q22: Given a collection of 36 points P in the plane and a point equidistant from all points in P, which of the following are necessarily true? A. The points in P lie on a circle. B. The distance between any pair of points in P is larger than the distance between X and a point in P a) A and B b) Neither A nor B c) B only d) A only

Q23: In the year 2002, Britain was reported to have had 4.3m closed circuit television (CCTV) cameras one for every 14 people in the country . This scrutiny is supposed to deter and detect crime. In one criminal case, the police interrogates two suspects . The ratio between the ages of the two suspects is 6:5 and the sum of their ages is 6:5 and the sum of their ages is 55 years. After how many years will the ratio be 8:7.? a) 11 b) 6 c) 10 d) 5 Q24: Susan made a block with small cubes of 8 cubic cm volume to make a block 3 small cubes long, 9 small cubes wide and 5 small cubes deep. She realizes that she has used more small cubes than she really needed. She realized that she could have glued a fewer number of cubes together to lock like a block with same dimensions, if it were made hollow. What is the minimum number of cubes that she needs to make the block? a) 114 b) 135 c) 21 d) 71

Q25: Alok and Bhanu play the following coins in a circle game. 99 coins are arranged in a circle with each coin touching two other coin. Two of the coins are special and the rest are ordinary. Alok starts and the players take turns removing an ordinary coin of their choice from the circle and bringing the other coins closer until they again form a (smaller) circle. The goal is to bring the special coins adjacent to each other and the first player to do so wins the game. Initially the special coins are separated by two ordinary coins O1 and O2. Which of the following is true ? a) In order to win, Alok should remove O1 on his first turn. b) In order to win, Alok should remove one of the coins different from O1 and O2 on his first turn. c) In order to win, Alok should remove O2 on his first turn. d) Alok has no winning strategy. Company Name: TCS No of Rounds: Aptitude Test Exam/Interview Date: 03-Jul-2011

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