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To evaluate the acceptance of the public to the chevon meat.

1. Do you like chevon?



2. How frequent do you eat chevon per year? Always Some times Very rare

3. Where do you always eat chevon? Home X Feast Restaurant To observe the knowledge of chevon among the public.

4. What do you know about chevon? Tick at choices that you think. X X X Red meat White meat High cholesterol Low cholesterol High fat Low fat High calories Low calories

To evaluate the potential of chevon meat products in the market.

5. Which are these meat products of chevon that you like and want to try it? X X X Burger Sausage Oblongs Nuggets Meat balls. Frozen chevon satay Frozen roasted chevon steam bun (pau)

To identify chevon meat products that are chose by the public

6. What flavor of frozen chevon satay that you like and will try to eat it? Original BBQ Tom yam Black pepper Curry

7. What flavor of frozen roasted chevon that you like and want to try it? Original BBQ Tom yam Black pepper Curry

8. What flavor of steam bun fill ( inti pau) of chevon meat that you like and want to try? Rendang Curry Bbq

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