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Role of Data Structures in Programming languages

SUBMITTED TO: Tajinder Mam SUBMITTED BY: Sachin Raj A34 G(A) RD3901


I would like to acknowledge and extend my heartfelt gratitude to the following persons who have made the completion of this Term Paper possible: Our Chancellor, Mr. Ashok Mittal for his vital encouragement and support. Our Executive Dean, Mrs. Rashmi Mittal for her understanding and assistance. Tajinder Mam(Lecturer) for the help and inspiration he extended. Most especially to my family and friends for assisting in the collection of the topics for the term paper. and to God, who made all things possible.

Table of Contents Table of Contents........................................................................................................ 2

Data Structures A data structure is an arrangement of data in a computer's memory or even disk storage. An example of several common data structures are arrays, linked lists, queues, stacks, binary trees, and hash tables. Algorithms, on the other hand, are used to manipulate the data contained in these data structures as in searching and sorting. Many algorithms apply directly to a specific data structures. When working with certain data structures you need to know how to insert new data, search for a specified item, and deleting a specific item. Commonly used algorithms include are useful for: Searching for a particular data item (or record). Sorting the data. There are many ways to sort data. Simple sorting, Advanced sorting Iterating through all the items in a data structure. (Visiting each item in turn so as to display it or perform some other action on these items) Characteristics of Data Structures Data Structure Array Ordered Array Stack Queue Linked List Advantages Disadvantages Quick inserts Slow search Fast access if index Slow deletes known< Fixed size Slow inserts Faster search than Slow deletes unsorted array Fixed size Last-in, first-out Slow access to acces other items First-in, first-out Slow access to access other items Quick inserts Slow search Quick deletes

Data Structure Binary Tree

Red-Black Tree

2-3-4 Tree

Advantages Quick search Quick inserts Quick deletes (If the tree remains balanced) Quick search Quick inserts Quick deletes (Tree always remains balanced) Quick search Quick inserts Quick deletes (Tree always remains balanced) (Similar trees good for disk storage) Very fast access if key is known Quick inserts Quick inserts Quick deletes Access to largest item Best models realworld situations

Disadvantages Deletion algorithm is complex

Complex to implement

Complex to implement

Hash Table

Slow deletes Access slow if key is not known Inefficient memory usage Slow access to other items Some algorithms are slow and very complex



Data structure used in Language Assembly languages and some low-level languages, such as BCPL, generally lack support for data structures. Many high-level

programming languages, on the other hand, have special syntax or other built-in support for certain data structures, such as vectors (one-dimensional arrays) in the C language, multidimensional arrays in Pascal, linked lists in Common Lisp, and hash tables in Perl and in Python. Many languages also provide basic facilities such as references and the definition record data types, that programmers can use to build arbitrarily complex structures.

Most programming languages feature some sort of library mechanism that allows data structure implementations to be reused by different programs. Modern languages usually come with standard libraries that implement the most common data structures. Examples are the C++ Standard Template Library, the Java Collections Framework, and Microsoft's .NET Framework.

Modern languages also generally support modular programming, the separation between the interface of a library module and its implementation. Some provide opaque data types that allow clients to hide implementation details. Object-oriented programming languages, such as C++, .NET Framework and Java, use classes for this purpose.

With the advent of multi-core processors, many known data structures have concurrent versions that allow multiple computing threads to access the data structure simultaneously.

Data structure used in c++ and c language In c++ datastructure are used: Linear Data Structure



STACK QUEUES RECURSION Non-linear Data Structure

TREES GRAPH Array Linear Arrays: A linear array is a list of a finite number n of homogeneous data elements( Data elements of same type) such that: The elements of the array are referenced respectively by an index set consisting of n consecutive numbers. The elements of the array are stored respectively in successive memory location. The number n of elements is called the length or size of an array. Length=UB-LB+1

UB=Upper Bound LB=Lower Bound Example: A[5],A[10] A[1],A[2],A[3],A[4]---------------,A[10] Representation of linear Arrays A[0] A[1] A[2] A[3] A[4] A[5] A[6] A[7] 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

LOC(LA[K]=Base(LA)+w(K-Lower bound) 1) LOC(LA[K]=address of the element LA[K] of the array LA 2) Base(LA)= Base Address of LA 3) W=number of words per memory cell for the array LA. Operation on arrays Traversing Insertion

Deletion Searching Sorting Inserting in Linear Array INSERT(LA, n, k, Item) 1. [Initialize counter] Set j=n 2. Repeat steps 3 and 4 while j>=k. 3.[Move jth Element Downward] Set LA[j+1]=LA[j] 4. [Decrease Counter ] Set j=j-1 [End of step 2 loop] 5. [Insert Element] Set LA[k]=Item 6. [Reset n] Set n=n+1 7. Exit Deleting from linear Array 1. Set Item=LA[k] 2.Repeat for j=k to n-1 [Move j+1st element upward] Set LA[j]=La[j+1] [End of loop] 3. [Reset n] Set n=n-1 4. Exit

Sorting of Array in Data Structure Sorting: Let A be a list of n numbers. Sorting A refers to the operation of rearranging the elements of A so they are in increasing order, i.e. A[1]<A[2]<A[3]<<A[n] EXAMPLE8,4,19,2,7,13 After Sorting, 2,4,7,8,13,19 Types of Sorting techniques: Bubble sort Selection Sort Insertion Sort Merge Sort Quick Sort Heap Sort Bubble Sort:

Suppose the list of numbers A[1],A[2],..,A[n] is in memory. The bubble sort algorithm works as follows: Step 1: Compare A[1] and A[2] and arrange them in desired order, so that A[1]<A[2], then compare A[2] and A[3]and arrange them such that A[2]<A[3] continue until we compare A[N-1] with A[N] and arrange them so that A[N-1]<A[N]. Note: Step 1 Involves n-1 comparisons. When step1 will complete A[N], will contain the largest element. Step 2: Repeat Step 1 with one less comparison; that is now we stop after we compare and possibly rearrange A[N-2] and A[N-1].( Step 2 involves n-2 Comparisons) Step N-1: Compare A[1] and A[2] and Arrange them so that A[1]<A[2]. The process of sequentially traversing through all r part of a list is frequently called a Pass. Example: 30,55,20,82,63,19,13,57 PASS1: 1) Compare 30<55 No change. 2) Compare 55<20(interchange) 30,20,55,82,63,19,13,57

3) Compare 55<82 no change. 4) Compare 82<63 (interchange) 30,20,55,63,82,19,13,57 5) Compare 82<19(interchange) 30,20,55,63,19,82,13,57 6) Compare 82<13 (interchange) 30,20,55,63,19,13,82,57 7)Compare 82<57(interchange) 30,20,55,63,19,13,57,82 At pass 1 82 reached it correct Nth position.( N-1 Comparison) 30,20,55,63,19,13,57,82 Pass 2:

Compare 30<20( Interchange) 20,30,55,63,19,13,57,82 Compare 30<55 No change Compare 55<63 no change

2) 3)

Compare 63<19 (interchange)30,20,55,19,63,13,57,82 Compare 63<13 (interchange) 30,20,55,19,13,63,57,82 Compare 63<57(interchange) 30,20,55,19,13,57,63,82



At pass2 2nd largest no reach N-1 position(N-2 Comparison) The same procedure will repeat till n-1 no of passes and after n-1 pass the data will be sorted. Selection sort: Suppose an array A with n elements A[1], A[2], .,A[N] is in memory. The selection sort algorithm first find the smallest element in the list and put it in the first position. Then find the second smallest element in the list and put in the second position and so on. Pass1: find the location loc of the smallest in the list of N elements. A[1],A[2],,A[N] and then interchange A[LOC] and A[1]. Then A[1] is Sorted. Pass2: find the location LOC of the smallest in the sublist of N-1 Elements. A[2],A[3].A[N], and then interchange A[loc] and A[2]. Pass N-1: find the loc of the smaller of the elements A[N-1],A[N] and then interchange A[LOC] and A[N-1] then A[1], A[2]A[N] is sorted Example: Selection Sort for 8 elements 77,33,44,11,88,22,66,55


A[1] A[2] A[3] A[4] A[5] A[6] A[7] A[8]

K=1,LOC=4 77 K=2, LOC=6 K=3 ,LOC=6 K=4 ,LOC=6 K=5 ,LOC=8 K=6, LOC=7 K=7, LOC=7 11

33 33

44 44

11 77

88 88

22 22

66 66

55 55









































Insertion Sort: Suppose an array A with n elements A[1],A[2], ..,A[N] is in memory. The insertion sort algorithm scans A from A[1] to A[N], inserting each element A[K] in to its proper position in the previously sorted sub array a[1],A[2], ,A[K-1] i.e. Pass1 : A[1] by itself is trivially sorted. Pass2 : A[2] is inserted either before or after A[1] so that: A[1], A[2] is sorted. Pass 3 : A[3] is inserted into its proper place in A[1], A[2] that is before A[1], between A[1] and A[2], or after A[2]. So that A[1],A[2],A[2] is sorted. Pass N: A[N] is inserted in to its proper place in a[1],A[2],., A[N-1]

Merge sort: Merging(A,R,B,S,C) 1.[Initialize] Set NA=1, NB=1 and ptr =1

2.[Compare] Repeat while NA<=R and NB<=S if A[NA]<B[NB], then a) [Assign Element from A to C] Set c[PTR]=A[NA] b) [Update pointers] Set ptr=ptr+1 and NA=NA+1 Else a) [Assign Element from B to C] Set c[PTR]=B[NB] b) [Update pointers] Set ptr=ptr+1 and NB=NB+1 [End of if Structure] [End of loop] 3. [Assign Remaining Elements to C] If NA>R then Repeat for k=0,1,2,..S-NB; C[PTR+k]=B[NB+k] [End of Loop[] Else: Repeat for k=0,1,2,..R-NA; C[PTR+k]=A[NA+k] [End of Loop[] [End of if structure] 4. Exit

Merge Sort Example 66,33,40,22,55,88,60,11,80,20,50,44,77,30 Each pass of the merge-sort algorithm will start at the begning of the array A and merge pairs of sorted sub arrays as follows: Pass 1: Merge each pair of elements to obtain the following list of sorted pairs. 33,66 22,40 55,88 11,60 20,80 44,50 30,70 Pass 2: Merge each pairs of pairs to obtain the following list of sorted elements. 22,33,40,60 11,55,60,88 20,44,50,80 30,70

Pass 3: Merge each pair of sorted elements to obtain the following two sorted sub arrays. 11,22,33,40,55,60,66,88 20,30,44,50,77,80 Pass 4: Merge the two sorted list 11,20,22,30,33,40,44,50,55,60,66,77,80,88 LINK LIST

List: List refers to a linear collection of data items. Link-List: A linked list or a one way list is a linear collection of data elements called nodes,

Where the linear order is given by means of pointers. Each node in the list is divided in two parts: The first part contains the information and the second contains the address of the next node in the list called link field. The Linked List contains a list pointer variable called start pointer which contains the address of the first node in the list. The null pointer signals the end of the list. A special case is the list that has no nodes such a list is called the null list or empty list. Representation of Linked lists in memory. Start=4 So info[4]=M Link[4]=2 so info[2]= C Link[2]=8 so info[8]=A


Operation on link-list: Traversing Insertion Deletion Searching Sorting Traversing a link-list Algorithm:

Let LIST be a linked list in memory. This algorithm traverse LIST, applying an operation process to each element of LIST. The variable PTR points to the node currently being processed. 1) Set PTR:=Start [Initializes pointer PTR]

2) Repeat Steps 3 and 4 while PTR!=NULL. 3) Apply Process to info[ptr]. 4) Set PTR=link[ptr] node] [End of step 2 loop] 5) Exit Searching in Link List: 1) Set PTR=START. 2) Repeat Step 3 While PTR!=NULL 3)if item = INFO[PTR] then Set LOC=PTR; Else Set PTR=Link[PTR]. 4) Set LOC=NULL 5) EXIT Insertion in to Link List: Three insertion can be done: [now points to the next

Inserts a node at the beginning of the list. inserts a node after the node with a given location. insert a node in sorted list Insertion at the beginning of a list: INSFIRST(INFO,LINK,START,AVAIL,ITEM) 1) [Overflow ] if Avail =Null, then write :overflow and Exit. 2) [Remove first node from Avail list] Set New=Avail and Avail=Link[Avail]. 3)Set Info[New]=Item [Copies New data into new node] 4)Set Link[New]=Start [New Node now points to original First Node] 5)Set Start=New[Change Start so it points to the new node] 6)Exit. Inserting into Sorted Link-List: FINDA(INFO,LINK,START,ITEM,LOC) 1.[LIST empty] if Start=Null, then Set LOC=NULL and return. 2.[Special Case] if Item<Info[Start], then Set LOC=Null and Return.

3. Set Save=Start and PTR=Link[Start] 4. Repeat Steps 5 and 6 while ptr!=null 5. if item<info[ptr] then: set Loc=Save and return [end of if] 6. Set Save=Ptr and Ptr=link[Ptr] [end of step 4 loop] 7. Set loc=Save. 8.Return Deletion From a link list: Deleting a node with a given item of information: Find B( Info, Link, Start, Item, Loc, Locp ): This procedure finds the location LOC of the first node N which contains ITEM and the location LOCP of the node preceding N. if item does not appear in the list then the procedure sets LOC=NULL and if item appears in the first node then it sets LOCP=NULL 1. If Start=NULL then Set LOC=NULL and LOCP=NULL and return 2. [Item in First Node] If INFO[Start]=ITEM then Set LOC=Start and LOCP=NULL and Return.

3. Set Save=Start and Ptr=Link[Start] 4. Repeat Steps 5 and 6 while Ptr!=Null 5. If Info[PTR]=Item then Set LOC=PTR and LOCP=Save 6. Set Save=PTR and ptr=link[PTR] Loop] 7. Set LOC=NULL 8.Return [End of Step 4

Header Link-List: A header link list is a link list which always contains a special node, called a header node at the beginning of the list. The following are the two kinds of widely used header lists: 1.A grounded header list is a header list where the last node contains a NULL pointer. 2.A Circular header list is a header list where the last node points back to the header Node. Circular header lists are frequently used instead of ordinary link-lists because many operations are much easier to state and implement using header lists. 1) The Null Pointer is not used and hence all pointers contain valid addresses.

2) Every node has a predecessor, so the first node may not require a special case. Stack A Stack is a list of elements in which an element may be inserted or deleted only at one end called the top of the stack Lists( LIFO (Last In, First Out) ) Basic operations of stack Push is the term used to insert an element into a stack. Pop is the term used to delete an element from stack. etc. Array Implementation Need to declare an array size ahead of time Associated with each stack is TopOfStack for an empty stack, set TopOfStack to -1 Push (1) Increment TopOfStack by 1. (2) Set Stack[TopOfStack] = X Pop (1) Set return value to Stack[TopOfStack] (2) Decrement TopOfStack by 1

These operations are performed in very fast constant time

PUSH(STACK, Top, MaxStk, Item) 1.[Stack already filled] if top=MAXSTK then print: overflow and return 2) Set TOP=TOP+1 [Increases top by 1] 3) Stack[TOP]=Item. 4) Return. POP( Stack, Top, Item) 1.[Stack Empty] if top=0 then print: Under flow and return 2) ) Item =. Stack[TOP] [Assign top element to item] 3) Set TOP=TOP-1 [Decreases top by 1] 4) Return.

Application of Stacks: Postponed Decisions Quick Sort. Arithmetic Expressions(Polish Notation)

Polish Notation: 1) For most common arithmetic operations, the operator symbol is placed between its two operands: Example: A+B,C-D 2) This is called infix Notation. With this notation, we must distinguish between (A+B)* C and A + (B*C). By using parantheses or some operator-precedence convention. 3) Polish Notation: Refers to the notation in Which the operator symbol is placed before its two operands example: +AB,-CD Quick Sort: Quick sort is an algorithm of the divide and conquer type.that is the problem of sorting a set is reduced to the problem of sorting two smaller sets using two Stacks Lower and Upper. Example: 44,33,11,55,77,90,40,60,99,22,88,66 1.Use the first element (44) . Beginning with last number 66 scan the list from right to left comparing each number with 44 and stopping at the first number less than 44. the number is 22 interchange 44 with 22. 22,33,11,55,77,90,40,60,99,44,88,66

2.Beginning with 22 next scan the list in the opposite direction from left to right comparing each number with 44 and stopping at the first number greater than 44. the number is 55 interchange 55 with 44. 22,33,11,44,77,90,40,60,99,55,88,66 Recursion: Suppose P is a procedure containing either a call statement to itself or a call statement to a second procedure that may eventually result in a call statement back to the original procedure P then P is called a Recursive Procedure. A program will not continue to run indefinitely a recursive procedure must have the following two properties: 1) There must be certain criteria, called base criteria for which the procedure does not call itself. 2) Each time the procedure does call itself, it must be closer to the base Criteria. A recursive procedure with these two properties is said to be well defined. Queue Like a stack, a queue is also a list. However, with a queue, insertion is done at one end, while deletion is performed at the other end.

Accessing the elements of queues follows a First In, First Out (FIFO) order. Like customers standing in a check-out line in a store, the first customer in is the first customer served. Basic operations: enqueue: insert an element at the rear of the list dequeue: delete the element at the front of the list Queue Insert This procedure Inserts an element ITEM into a queue. [Queue Already Filled?] If FRONT=1 and REAR=N or if FRONT = REAR +1 then write overflow. 2) [Find New Value of Rear] If FRONT=NULL then [QUEUE Initially Empty] SET FRONT=1 and REAR=1 ELSE if REAR=N then Set REAR=1 ELSE Set REAR=REAR+1 [End of if] 3) Set Queue[REAR]=Item.

4) Return. There are several different algorithms to implement Enqueue and Dequeue Queue Implementation of Array Nave way When enqueuing, the front index is always fixed and the rear index moves forward in the array. Dequeue A deque is a linear list in which elements can be added or removed at either end but not in middle( Left ,Right pointer). There are two variation of a Deque- namely an Input Restricted and an output-Restricted deque. An input restricted deque is a deque which allows insertions at only one end of a list but allows deletions on both the ends of the list

An output restricted Deque is a deque which allows deletions at only one end of the list but allows insertions at both the ends of the list. Tree

Arrays, linked lists, stacks and queues are used to represent linear and tabular data.

These structures are not suitable for representing hierarchical data. In hierarchical data we have ancestors, descendants, superiors, subordinates, etc Introduction to Trees Fundamental data storage structures used in programming Combine advantages of ordered arrays and linked lists Searching can be made as fast as in ordered arrays Insertion and deletion as fast as in linked lists

Tree characteristics

Consists of nodes connected by edges

Nodes often represent entities such as people, car parts etc.

Edges between the nodes represent the way the nodes are related. The only way to get from node to node is to follow a path along the edges.

Tree Terminology

Root : node at the top of tree and without parent (A) Internal node: node with at least one child (A, B, C, F) External node: (leaf) node without children (E, I, J, K, G, H, D) Ancestors of a node: parent, grandparent, grand-grandparent, etc Height of a tree: maximum depth of any node (4) Descendant of a node: child, grandchild, grandgrandchild, etc

Degree of an element: no. of children it has Subtree : tree consisting of a node and its descendants Path: traversal from node to node along the edges that results in a sequence

Binary Trees Every node in a binary tree can have at most two children. The two children of each node are called the left child and right child corresponding to their positions. A node can have only a left child or only a right child or it can have no children at all.

Application on binary Tree arithmetic expressions decision processes

searching Complete Binary Trees It is that binary tree in which every level is fully occupied except, possibly, for the bottom level which is filled from left to right.

complete B-Tree

Not complete B-Tree Binary search tree(or ordered binary tree) It is a node-based binary tree data structure which has the following properties: The left subtree of a node contains only nodes with keys less than the node's key. The right subtree of a node contains only nodes with keys greater than the node's key.

Both the left and right subtrees must also be binary search trees.

Searching and Inserting in BST Suppose an ITEM of information is given. The following algorithm finds the location of ITEM in the binary search tree T, or inserts ITEM as a new node in its appropriate place in the tree. a) Compare ITEM with the root node N of the tree. (i) If ITEM<N, proceed to the left child of N (ii) If ITEM>N, proceed to right child of N b) Repeat Step (a) until one of the following occurs: (i) (ii) We meet a node N such that ITEM=N. In this case the search is successful. We meet an empty subtree, which indicates that the search is unsuccessful and we insert.

Graph Definition A graph is a datastructure consisting of: _ a set of vertices (or nodes). _ a set of edges (or links) connecting the vertices. ie, G = (V, E) where V is a set of vertices, E = set of edges, and each edge is formed from pair of distinct vertices in V If we represent our problem data using a graph data structure, can use standard graph algorithms (often available from code libraries) to solve it. Graph Algorithms Graph algorithms that we will look at include: Searching for a path between two nodes. Can be used in game playing, AI, route finding, .. Finding shortest path between two nodes. Finding a possible ordering of nodes given some constraints. Example: finding order of modules to take; order of actions to complete a task.

A Graph ADT: Operations Need to define: Operations for modifying and inspecting graph. Data structure for graph itself. For simple undirected, unlabelled graph, a small set of operations is enough, to: Create a graph. Add and remove edges to the graph. Check if an edge exists. If we assume all nodes are indentified by a number, following C++ functions can be used: graph(); graph(); // constructor // and destructor // (may be empty) void addedge(int n1, int n2); void removedge(int n1, int n2); logical edgeexists(int n1, int n2);

A Simple Graph ADT using C++ Classes Using above representation we can have following

very simple class definition: class graph() { public: graph(); graph(); void addedge(int n1, int n2); void removedge(int n1, int n2); logical edgeexists(int n1, int n2); private: logical g[MaxSize][MaxSize]; } This uses a fixed size array. Not ideal as may want graphs of varying size. May use pointers to allow variable sized arrays. Also can improve with private variable to denote size of graph, and constructor argument to set size. Graph ADT: Implementation Adjacency matrix method. Use N x N array of boolean values: 0 3 1 2

0 F 1 F 2 T 3 F




(or can just use integer, and 1/0) If array name is G, then G[n][m] = T iff edge exists between node n and node m.

Refrences ctures_Algorithms_Introduction.shtml Data structure notes on UMS BOOK: DATA STRUCTURES(Seymour lipschutz)

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