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Huge thanks to Eileen for sending me the entire chatlog - my computer/chat was on the blink and kept missing

lines and heaven only knows what else. Vielen dank, liebe. :D (19:27:34) Willie: Eileen enters the channel. (19:39:51) Willie: Kinkyclawz enters the channel. (19:40:04) Kinkyclawz: #*sneaks in* (19:41:17) Kinkyclawz: *sneaks up behind Eileen* BOO!!! (19:42:17) Eileen: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! *runs around room screaming her head off* (19:42:47) Kinkyclawz: *stands still watching Eileen running around8 Erm.. hi? (19:43:03) Kinkyclawz: Sorry about that. (19:44:21) Kinkyclawz: *keeps on watching Eileen running around* *checks her watch* (19:44:43) Eileen: *runs against a wall and falls to the floor unconcious* (19:44:47) Kinkyclawz: That's.. a good, um, workout you have going on there. (19:44:59) Kinkyclawz: Ooh, ouch. (19:45:06) Kinkyclawz: *hurries over* (19:45:06) Kinkyclawz: Are you ok? (19:45:43) Eileen: *wakes up rubbing her head* Huh? (19:46:05) Kinkyclawz: Hi. (19:46:05) Eileen: *looks at the person above her* Who are you? (19:46:07) Kinkyclawz: Are you ok/ (19:46:41) Kinkyclawz: *looks worried* I'm KC. And you're my Twister Eileen. Remember? (19:47:00) Eileen: *checks her body* Yeah, I think so. No, are you a friend? (19:47:27) Eileen: twister? I'm no storm. What are you talking about? (19:47:35) Kinkyclawz: Yep. Yep, definitely a friend. (19:47:55) Kinkyclawz: Well you were just running up a storm there Eileen. (19:48:05) Kinkyclawz: Ahem. (19:48:17) Kinkyclawz: *holds out a hand to help you up* (19:48:22) Kinkyclawz: Can you stand up? (19:48:35) Kinkyclawz: *tries not to look guilty* (19:48:44) Kinkyclawz: *fails* (19:48:46) Eileen: Oh, was i? Hmm... Okay, then I'm a twister. LOL Are you the girl that likes those furry what are they called? Weredogs? (19:48:57) Kinkyclawz: ***** (19:49:02) Eileen: *takes hand and gets up* Thank you, yeah, I can stand. (19:49:28) Kinkyclawz: Yep, weredogs are cool. and you're a Hal Gal Pal. do you remember that? (19:49:45) Kinkyclawz: Heey, there we go, you're on your own two feet again. *dusts you down* (19:50:58) Eileen: Thank you, Hal Gal Pal? What is that? (19:52:54) Kinkyclawz: that means you're a freind of a particularly nice looking vampires. Do you know what vampires are? (19:53:24) Kinkyclawz: And friends of particularly nice looking vampires are friends with furry weredog fans. (19:53:33) Kinkyclawz: ***** (19:53:46) Eileen: Hmmm... I hope they don't suck because when I'm a fan they better not suck. (19:54:05) Kinkyclawz: Oh no they don't suck. not much anyway. (19:54:44) Eileen: ah, that is okay then. (19:54:52) Kinkyclawz: would you like a picture of hal, the one you're a Gal Pal of? (19:54:54) Eileen: I like people who like vampires and weredogs (19:55:06) Kinkyclawz: Yay! (19:55:17) Eileen: yes please (19:56:11) Eileen: i was in a musical today and i think it was about vampires (19:56:22) Eileen: there was also a very nice looking half naked one (19:56:44) Kinkyclawz: Heehee, here's a picture from when he was very young. LOL 2&biw=1228&bih=582&tbm=isch&tbnid

=5pAWm7NF3PKevM:&imgrefurl= ttp:// o0zxbxh1qzbrl5o1_500.jpeg&w=432&h=540&ei=mJZ4T4eLN4fS0QXPmoW1DQ&zo om=1&iact=hc&vpx=858&vpy=180&dur=1517&hovh=250&hovw=200&tx=86&ty=1 64&sig=106452449312398408469&page=1&tbnh=169&tbnw=151&start=0&ndsp =10&ved=1t:429,r:8,s:0 (19:56:54) Eileen: are they usually half naked? i dont think so because he was the only one (19:57:28) Kinkyclawz: I think all the very best ones are. You were singing in the musical? (19:57:49) Kinkyclawz: Psst, a better link to this picture. http://thoughtsinlittleboxes.fil (19:58:13) Eileen: oh! awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww (19:58:39) Eileen: no i wasnt i was just sitting there drooling (19:58:40) Kinkyclawz: But you might remember him looking mroe like this. (19:59:06) Kinkyclawz: Noo, i didn't think you would be. *hands you a few tissues to mop up your keyboard* (19:59:10) Eileen: oh my, I think I'm starting to remember (19:59:18) Eileen: thank you, KC (19:59:48) Kinkyclawz: A picture of composure, you are. (20:00:03) Kinkyclawz: *squee's quietly that Eileen remembered her name8 (20:00:24) Kinkyclawz: *is busily amusing herslef looking at pictures of monroe form Grimm* (20:00:46) Kinkyclawz: would you like more pictures to help you to remember more? (20:01:15) Eileen: yes please (20:01:26) Eileen: oh, did you finally start to watch Grimm? (20:01:28) Eileen: awesome (20:02:20) Kinkyclawz: Its been on for nearly 2 months now (ep 8 is tomorrow) and I'm hooked. I adore Monroe. What is it about the wolf boys?! LOL (20:02:48) Kinkyclawz: A very droolsome reminder if who Hal is. *hands more tissues in advance* (20:04:02) Eileen: hmmmmmmmm thank you! *wipes drool* (20:04:59) Eileen: LOL yeah, the wolf boys (20:05:05) Eileen: i adore Nick and love Monroe (20:05:43) Kinkyclawz: Aww, yeah, nick is awesome too. seems he's not a typical Grimm, judging by how terrifying a repuatation they seem to ahve. (20:06:36) Kinkyclawz: they're a cool pairing too. Well, it is now that Monroe is always expecting his routine to be upset by random Grimm-creature events. LOL (20:07:21) Kinkyclawz: what episode/where have you seen up to? (20:07:34) Willie: Fang enters the channel. (20:07:40) Fang: Hi (20:07:59) Kinkyclawz: I've onyl just seen the one where they find the missing Blutbad girl, Holly, who was missing for 9 years. (20:08:19) Kinkyclawz: Hey Fang!! how goes it? (20:08:36) Kinkyclawz: Wait... hold on... Willie, why didn't you let us know Fang was coming in? (20:08:45) Eileen: I've seen up to epi 15 (20:08:51) Fang: dah, no Grim talk, i'm behind (20:08:52) Fang: sorry (20:08:58) Eileen: Hello Fang!!! (20:09:01) Kinkyclawz: Fang, did you sneak past the receptionist again? (20:09:10) Fang: She let me slip in the back way (20:09:12) Eileen: *hugs Fang* (20:09:56) Eileen: aww that was nice of her (20:10:04) Kinkyclawz: More Hal goodness to jog your memory Eileen. (20:10:21) Eileen: awwww the smile (20:10:32) Kinkyclawz: Err, i'm missing bits of conversation I think. what was nice of her Eileen?

(20:11:00) Fang: right I'm gonna log out and back in again as I seem to be causing trouble (20:11:01) Willie: Fang logs out of the Chat. (20:11:15) Willie: Fang enters the channel. (20:11:19) Kinkyclawz: Oh, come back Fang! (20:11:19) Fang: better? (20:11:23) Eileen: Fang was let into the back door by the receptionist (20:11:27) Kinkyclawz: Welcme back Fang! (20:11:27) Eileen: wb Fang!!! (20:11:30) Fang: did Willie announce my arrival? (20:11:50) Kinkyclawz: Aww, how nice. do you use the backdoor often Fang? *looks all innocent and stuff* (20:11:52) Kinkyclawz: He did this time! (20:11:57) Eileen: yeah he did (20:13:23) Kinkyclawz: Oh... has everyone stopped talking or is my system not playing tonight? (20:13:33) Kinkyclawz: ***** (20:13:36) Eileen: im still here (20:13:39) Fang: no I'm here (20:13:44) Fang: just wondered off for a second (20:14:05) Fang: er... so it's me not you (20:14:14) Kinkyclawz: Phew, thought you two were conversing without me. 8sniffles* (20:14:56) Eileen: lol dont worry (20:15:08) Fang: so shall we get down to business? (20:15:08) Eileen: did i tell you that I will go see Damien? (20:15:13) Eileen: not sure if I did last week (20:15:16) Kinkyclawz: i'm sure we heard that line before. i recall a laundry room in a hospital. And a rather firey yuong nurse. (20:15:19) Kinkyclawz: young also (20:15:21) Eileen: ah yeah I did (20:15:22) Eileen: lol (20:15:26) Fang: looks like Genie is being tardy and JD is back at work (?) (20:15:46) Eileen: yeah (20:15:53) Eileen: i really hope JD will be back (20:16:05) Kinkyclawz: Sadly, re JD, it seems so. (20:16:07) Fang: yeah, you're obviously excited and telling everybody you know twenty-two times (20:16:27) Kinkyclawz: I hope so too. (20:16:35) Kinkyclawz: whos escited abotu what? (20:16:39) Eileen: lol (20:16:43) Eileen: I didnt remember (20:16:45) Kinkyclawz: lemme try that again. (20:16:53) Eileen: a few minutes ago i didnt even remember KC and Hal (20:16:54) Kinkyclawz: who's excited about what? (20:17:50) Fang: Eileen excited about stalking Hal (20:18:03) Eileen: lol (20:18:07) Kinkyclawz: ahem, yeah, no idea how that could ahve happened. Its Certainly nothing to do with KC sneaking in, shouting Boo in Eileen's ear causing her to run about madly, screaming, until she bumped into a walla nd knocked herslef out. (20:18:16) Fang: just keep that L in there otherwise it would be staking Hal (20:18:18) Eileen: I have to see what he does when he's not tied to a chair (20:19:00) Fang: being tied to a chair limits what you can do as an actor, you can tie me to a chair though Eileen (20:19:10) Kinkyclawz: 8grinz slowly* i thought tied to a chair was preferred viewing for vampire loving ladies? (20:19:46) Kinkyclawz: BRB folks, must restart, see if i can stop losing lines of conversation. (20:20:04) Eileen: okay, hurry back!!! (20:20:07) Fang: I'm not sure you are (20:20:12) Fang: we're just a bit stilted

(20:20:12) Eileen: I can, Fang? Okay, come on over (20:20:13) Willie: Kinkyclawz logs out of the Chat. (20:20:35) Fang: not now silly (20:20:54) Eileen: not? Awww (20:21:15) Fang: how would I type from that posistion? (20:21:17) Willie: Kinkyclawz enters the channel. (20:21:27) Kinkyclawz: Hello? (20:21:31) Fang: Hi KC we were just talking about awkard posistions (20:21:40) Kinkyclawz: Crieky, chat's running slow tonight. (20:21:55) Eileen: yeah your right but later! (20:21:59) Eileen: wb KC!!! (20:22:04) Kinkyclawz: ah, yes, those pesky awkward positions... should I let you lvoebirds carry on? heehee (20:22:13) Kinkyclawz: thankies!! (20:22:21) Fang: right episode thoughts, go Eileen! (20:22:34) Eileen: lol (20:22:42) Kinkyclawz: should we not wait for Genie? (20:22:54) Eileen: Okay, my thought, I will miss Annie and I want a Hal tied to my chair, too. (20:23:06) Kinkyclawz: LMAO (20:23:07) Kinkyclawz: Lovely thoughts. (20:23:14) Fang: in depth analysis there EIleen (20:23:26) Fang: You've clearly given it a lot of thought! (20:23:33) Kinkyclawz: Indeed, and not at all biassed. (20:23:37) Eileen: I have! (20:23:48) Eileen: Oh and I like Alex (20:24:05) Kinkyclawz: Heh, I do too actually. (20:24:35) Kinkyclawz: she reminds me a bit of Nina, that sassy way she reacts. (20:25:18) Eileen: she reminded me a bit of pearl (20:25:18) Eileen: lol (20:25:31) Eileen: but only a bit (20:25:40) Kinkyclawz: Also not a bad thing. (20:26:15) Kinkyclawz: Heh, and the accent, a little bit Daisy? (20:26:17) Kinkyclawz: LOL (20:26:18) Fang: I think she should work well with Tom as she doesn't exactly fit his view of women (20:26:29) Kinkyclawz: so she's a combination of a vampire, werewolf anf ghost? (20:26:41) Eileen: lol (20:26:50) Kinkyclawz: LMAO nope, and she's not a barrister either. (20:27:25) Kinkyclawz: nice ot know we've already been granted a fifth series too! (20:27:48) Kinkyclawz: (Psst, and Grimm already has a second season guaranteed! yay!) (20:27:53) Fang: yeah, did I read it was six episodes? (20:28:18) Fang: shame it's probably at the expense of The Fades though (20:28:19) Eileen: yeah read the same (20:28:29) Eileen: i hope not (20:28:35) Kinkyclawz: I've not read that, but it might well be. I just heard the announcer talking over the end credits who, um, announced it. (20:28:37) Eileen: have they said more about the fades? (20:28:47) Eileen: i still dont know if there will be a new series (20:28:54) Fang: I think that might be for the best though, keep it as a tighter story (20:29:01) Kinkyclawz: Aww, no news on a new series of that? but... we have to know what happens when you mess with Ascencion. (20:29:18) Kinkyclawz: can't spell that word. (20:29:24) Eileen: yeah and I want to know how Paul will deal (20:29:28) Eileen: lol (20:29:31) Kinkyclawz: Yeah, less time to ramble as it were. (20:29:45) Kinkyclawz: oh yeah, with losing Jay. (20:30:52) Eileen: i felt so bad for him in the last epi

(20:30:53) Fang: (20:31:00) Eileen: so sad (20:31:03) Fang: the last bit of that article (20:31:59) Kinkyclawz: second_series.html (20:32:21) Eileen: awww no! (20:32:24) Kinkyclawz: *sigh* Sorry, that article is taking AGES to load. (20:32:33) Fang: I can understand not wanting to spend too much on BBC3 but with the amount they waste elsewhere it seems stupid that they target shows with a relatively low budget (20:32:44) Fang: death in paradise wasn't that good but stays and must cost more (20:32:50) Fang: the voice is 22m (20:33:01) Kinkyclawz: Crazy priorities (20:33:08) Eileen: yeah, its not fair (20:33:33) Kinkyclawz: Target good shows with a realtively low budget at that. *mourns the loss of Ideal too* (20:33:37) Fang: plust as it's a license fee they should be making things that wouldn't get on other channels but DiP and the voice are very ITV (20:33:43) Kinkyclawz: So perhaps BH S5 is only 6 episodes as a goodbye to it? (20:33:50) Fang: quality should come ahead of ratings (20:34:09) Fang: plus those shows probably should have been on BBC2 anyway, maybe even BBC1 for being human (20:34:47) Kinkyclawz: the thing is, they have the mentality that reality TV shows are cheaper which i guess they are - and they're what people want to watch since they ge high viewing figures. (20:34:54) Eileen: yeah, I had this thought, too (20:35:03) Eileen: only 6 because it could be the last one (20:35:21) Eileen: :`( (20:35:22) Fang: would be a shame after doing such a great job of replacing the entire cast (20:35:44) Fang: I don't think therenobody (realisticly) left from the first tow (20:35:46) Fang: oops (20:35:48) Kinkyclawz: I dunno, as I've always said, BBC1 would censor the hell out of BH if they got it, BBC Three has a lot more leeway in the drama shows they are happy to air. (20:36:16) Fang: I don't think there's anybody left from the first two series of being human (20:36:21) Kinkyclawz: you have caught a major dose of typonese there! (20:36:24) Fang: other than those that have no need to return (20:36:32) Kinkyclawz: no, they're all gone. (20:36:46) Fang: I'm not so sure, Luther is pretty damn brutal (20:36:48) Kinkyclawz: like Gilbert and Sykes etc (20:36:54) Eileen: you mean castvice or (20:37:02) Eileen: production team vice? (20:37:05) Fang: but yeah they'd probably want a different show (20:37:07) Kinkyclawz: Hugh is in bristol with his girlfriend so no need to go to Barry, esp as they won't know anyone there now. (20:37:33) Fang: same with Owen (no point) and Bernie (grown-up) (20:37:47) Kinkyclawz: It is, i guess, but the violence is somewhat caricatured, if you get my meaning. (20:37:52) Eileen: i guess the new cast would be cheaper,too (20:38:00) Eileen: because they are relatively new (20:38:22) Eileen: i dont watch Luther but am trying to catch up with Merlin (20:38:22) Kinkyclawz: Yeah, not as much demand for them... well, there wasn't before S aired. LOL (20:38:23) Eileen: lol (20:38:46) Fang: I'm sure Hal will go onto greater things (20:38:57) Kinkyclawz: Merlin is ace... I missed a couple of series in the middle, but watched this last one with a vengeance. Loved it.

(20:39:24) Eileen: yeah Damien is made for great things (20:39:25) Eileen: (20:39:35) Fang: if he's this good now imagine his performences when he has more expierence (20:39:38) Kinkyclawz: No doubts, and take his fan base with him. As aidan seems to have done. (20:39:43) Eileen: and I promised myself that I would try to see his plays if he continues doing theatre (20:39:51) Eileen: lol (20:39:58) Fang: yeah Merlin is great but can be a little fustrating getting set in a holding pattern (20:40:07) Kinkyclawz: it seems that Being human has this knack of finding amazing actors before anyone else. (20:40:18) Kinkyclawz: Did you get tickets to his current one eileen? (20:40:34) Eileen: yes i did (20:40:38) Fang: Merlin is another show with a good double-act, those two are hilarious (20:40:40) Eileen: on may 5 (20:40:41) Kinkyclawz: yeah, it does seem that sometimes it repeats storylines simply to draw out certain plot points. (20:40:47) Eileen: sorry to talk about it again, Fang (20:40:48) Eileen: lol (20:40:49) Kinkyclawz: Woohoo! (20:41:04) Eileen: in London (20:41:16) Kinkyclawz: Hehe, aren't they just. (20:41:28) Fang: Luther is OK but severely flawed, Alice was the best thing in it but she was barely in the last series so they just ratched up the insansity and voilence (20:42:01) Kinkyclawz: ? (20:42:11) Eileen: they show Luther here on tv (20:42:29) Fang: anyway back to bh (20:42:30) Eileen: my colleague watched it but stopped because it was too brutal for her (20:42:32) Kinkyclawz: brb gang!!# (20:42:37) Eileen: hb!!! (20:43:22) Fang: yeah the last two episodes were insane (20:44:46) Fang: what did you think of the men in grey Eileen? (20:46:37) Kinkyclawz: back (20:46:45) Eileen: creepy but interesting (20:46:55) Eileen: i really wonder if they are bad (20:47:05) Kinkyclawz: *hands out cream cakes and warm drinks to all* Thanks to my Dad. (20:47:07) Eileen: i'm not sure atm (20:47:13) Eileen: Thank youuuuu (20:47:19) Eileen: KC's Dad (20:47:39) Kinkyclawz: (20:47:48) Kinkyclawz: He makes veyr good warm drinks. (20:47:55) Fang: well assuming it was them that experimented on the zombies they can't exactly be that nice (20:48:02) Fang: but they probably have their reasons (20:48:11) Eileen: they did? (20:48:16) Fang: and aren't 1005 evil (20:48:18) Kinkyclawz: Do you think it was the same men/group? (20:48:28) Fang: thanks KC's dad (20:48:37) Willie: Aubergine enters the channel. (20:48:38) Fang: dammit 100% evil (20:48:46) Fang: not Genie the men in grey (20:48:50) Aubergine: Hello cahtmates (20:49:04) Fang: Hi (not evil but occasionly a bit bad) Genie! (20:49:07) Aubergine: oh dear typos already (20:49:12) Kinkyclawz: Hiya Genie! how goes it? (20:49:21) Kinkyclawz: Join the club. (20:49:25) Fang: it's been a tough night for typos so far

(20:49:46) Eileen: Hallo Genie!!! (20:49:48) Kinkyclawz: lmao awesome timing on your 100% evil comment fang. LOL (20:49:51) Aubergine: so what are we talking about (20:50:03) Kinkyclawz: *hands Genie a hot drink and a cream cake (20:50:03) Eileen: How do we know they experimented on the zombies? (20:50:04) Aubergine: evil bad men and possible Genie? (20:50:07) Fang: viewtopic.php?f=314&p=182157#p182157 (20:50:15) Fang: it's on their clipboard, a pic above (20:50:37) Fang: we don't know for sure but I assume it was them as well... who else would no what to do? (20:51:03) Fang: in case you haven't guessed wer'e talking about the men in grey (20:51:13) Eileen: but i thought the list were from places and things where they cleaned up (20:51:21) Eileen: doesnt mean they did the experimenting (20:51:32) Fang: it doesn't, that's just my theory (20:51:43) Eileen: how are you Genie? (20:51:46) Eileen: i see (20:51:49) Kinkyclawz: We've been discussing Grimm (Eileen and I) and when Fang arrived, we talked about the BBC. This article has a worrying final paragraph. and now we were wondering if the clean up crew lads were the same one swho were experimenting on the zombies in last series. (20:51:57) Aubergine: I'm well Eileen and yourself (20:52:17) Eileen: I'm on cloud nine, ty Genie (20:52:18) Eileen: (20:52:24) Fang: or any other thoughts on the clean-up lot (20:52:57) Fang: Oh I'm only up to cloud 7, I can't beat the end of level boss (20:53:08) Kinkyclawz: so not much. heehee. (20:53:18) Aubergine: I don't think it was the men in grey who experimented on the Zombies. Only because they already know about the Zombies (20:53:21) Eileen: LOL Fang (20:53:35) Eileen: yeah, I'm with Genie (20:53:36) Kinkyclawz: Huh? (20:53:44) Aubergine: you'll defeat that level boss one day, Fang (20:54:08) Kinkyclawz: Bugger, am i missing lines of chat again? (20:54:22) Kinkyclawz: BRB restarting again. After saving. (20:54:24) Eileen: I saw Dance of the vampired that why the cloud (20:54:36) Eileen: what are you missing, KC? (20:54:56) Aubergine: why think you're missing something (20:55:10) Willie: Kinkyclawz logs out of the Chat. (20:55:45) Willie: Kinkyclawz enters the channel. (20:55:47) Aubergine: gee I hope the non linear conversation didn't throw her off. (20:55:54) Fang: well I think it makes sense, their remit is to stop people finding out about the supernatural and they almost suceceded, I'm guessing they cleared up after sasha (20:55:58) Kinkyclawz: Baack, did I miss anything? (20:56:19) Kinkyclawz: besides the chat runnign hellishly slow (got to be my computer, right?) (20:56:22) Fang: nah just confusion over what you missed (20:56:43) Fang: yeah mine is fine so I'm gussing the issue is your end (20:56:52) Kinkyclawz: Oh, that's alright then. i leave a trail of confusion wherever I go. (20:57:04) Kinkyclawz: I reckon so. (20:57:14) Aubergine: that should do the trick (20:57:29) Eileen: lol (20:57:34) Eileen: all is well on my end (20:57:57) Kinkyclawz: *pets her computer commisseratingly* (20:58:27) Fang: oh yeah BBC also axed their most intelectual high-brow show so nothing is safe (20:58:33) Fang: (that's Total Wipeout) (20:58:42) Fang: anyway...

(20:58:57) Fang: that topic doesn't seem that popular for some reason so... (20:59:04) Fang: Genie your thoughts on the finale? (20:59:28) Aubergine: I loved it. I want more (21:00:04) Kinkyclawz: Oh dear, killed the conversation have I? (21:00:08) Aubergine: The best exit so far. Annie blowing everyone to bits (21:00:15) Kinkyclawz: What did you love? (21:00:21) Fang: oh, I thought Cutlers was better! (21:00:27) Aubergine: She is my superhero (21:00:46) Fang: but then I'm operating on the theory that the old ones can be reserected as they weren't staked (21:00:52) Kinkyclawz: Ah, goes to show what happens to uninvited vampires. (21:00:55) Eileen: Cutler had a burned arm, too (21:00:58) Fang: Annie was great though, O love the blue eyes (21:00:59) Eileen: or two lol (21:01:19) Aubergine: might take a while to get them all back in one piece, and all the piece to the right person (21:01:26) Eileen: she was badass (21:01:35) Eileen: and did you know that Hal is not a living thing? (21:01:37) Eileen: lol (21:01:51) Aubergine: I like the new ensemble of Hal Tom and Alex (21:01:52) Kinkyclawz: If they can't be resurrected, that was a very short use of what would be quite an awesome character. Yay for Annie's resolve. (21:01:55) Fang: black girl with blue eyes + being a baddass = hot it's basic maths (21:02:07) Aubergine: of course vampires are dead (21:02:19) Kinkyclawz: Well, vampires are dead so it makes sense that she should be able to Rentaghost with him, i suppose. (21:02:53) Fang: (21:03:10) Fang: I'm also going by that iinterview where Gatis mentions the possibility of returning (21:03:42) Fang: yeah I liked that part, didn't see it coming despite it being obvious in hind-sight (21:03:59) Fang: Annie explaining the rules to Alex was clunky but I still didn't catch on (21:04:03) Eileen: what was? (21:04:15) Fang: rentaghosting Hal (21:04:20) Kinkyclawz: annie sid as much in ep1, to george. But its easy to forget sometimes, details like that. (21:04:32) Fang: plus Hettie escaped, hooray! (21:04:34) Eileen: maybe Annie just remembered there and then (21:04:41) Aubergine: Alex picked up poltergeisting very quickly (21:04:49) Eileen: lol okay forget my comment (21:04:56) Kinkyclawz: Hehe, you were rooting for Hettie. LOL (21:04:59) Eileen: she's a quick study (21:05:00) Kinkyclawz: She had a good teacher, genie. (21:05:00) Fang: I'm not sure why I like her so much, I think it's just the idea of a violent little girl vampire (21:05:15) Kinkyclawz: LOL (21:05:36) Fang: sort of like hit-girl in Kick-ass (21:06:01) Aubergine: hey I liked the little girl from Kick-ass (21:06:19) Eileen: can you read my comments? (21:06:34) Kinkyclawz: I can, I've respoded... it hink (21:06:35) Kinkyclawz: think (21:06:47) Aubergine: is that a trick question (21:07:11) Eileen: what was your reply? (21:07:12) Kinkyclawz: And yep, she is (justr ealised i didn't reply. I've got Grimm on telly and monroe distracted me., LOL) (21:07:14) Fang: er I think so

(21:07:17) Eileen: maybe im missing some lines, too (21:07:26) Kinkyclawz: Hehe. (21:07:38) Eileen: okay (21:07:42) Fang: who's line is it anyway? (21:07:57) Aubergine: lol (21:08:33) Fang: I think it's all my fault for using the receptionists back door, it's messed up the chat since then (21:08:37) Kinkyclawz: Has... the conversation died off or am I missing lines again? (21:09:06) Eileen: what did you want to respond to, KC? (21:09:10) Eileen: i dont know (21:09:10) Fang: well there's not much to say about Hettie as she had no lines whatsoever (21:09:18) Aubergine: I was just reading up on the links posted (21:09:39) Kinkyclawz: *gets hold of the Prodding Stick in readiness* (21:09:48) Kinkyclawz: Ah, good. (21:10:36) Aubergine: had a busy week so I didn't get to read up on BH much (21:10:40) Fang: right then new topic... (21:10:45) Fang: er... (21:10:47) Kinkyclawz: Anyoen? (21:10:49) Fang: what haven't we covered? (21:10:51) Kinkyclawz: yes! (21:10:58) Fang: confusing prophecies? (21:10:59) Kinkyclawz: Erm.. (21:11:18) Kinkyclawz: yeah... what was with that/ (21:11:36) Kinkyclawz: didn't it specifically say that if the War Child died, the vampires would die out too? (21:11:38) Kinkyclawz: Delayed reaction? (21:12:02) Kinkyclawz: mayeb that's why S5 might eb the last? (21:12:03) Fang: did we ever get an exact version of it or just interpretations? (21:12:06) Aubergine: if the war child dies then the vampires don't take over (21:12:58) Aubergine: they stay in the shadows and people don't know about real werewolves, vampires, ghost, etc (21:13:23) Kinkyclawz: ah, is that how it was meant? (21:13:35) Kinkyclawz: It sounded more... final than that at first. (21:13:44) Eileen: I'm with Genie (21:13:49) Eileen: lol (21:13:57) Aubergine: I like how Mr. Snow explains that the parchments were presented to him as a gift when he last visit Europe (21:14:10) Kinkyclawz: (21:14:17) Eileen: and they wouldnt wait for the savior to save them (21:14:31) Fang: do you think those events were pre-deterirmed as Hal said everything on them has come true? did the humans have to lose the war, Eve go back in time and then the events of S4? (21:15:07) Aubergine: yeah as long as the war child was alive humanity didn't defend itself. They waited for her to save them (21:15:12) Fang: and if you do will that tie into the grey suited clean-up crew keeping things on track? (21:15:21) Aubergine: she was so sheltered she didn't know how to save them (21:15:54) Kinkyclawz: Orwasn't givent he oportunity to. (21:15:57) Kinkyclawz: opportunity alos (21:16:12) Kinkyclawz: damn, typos are coming thick and facst tonight. (21:16:15) Kinkyclawz: Hey, Eileen,a re youw ith us suessE/ (21:16:21) Eileen: sounds plausible, FAng (21:16:33) Eileen: yes, sorry checking my tv channels (21:16:48) Kinkyclawz: ahem, try that again in English. Hey, Eileen, are youu with us suesse? (21:16:56) Kinkyclawz: Hehe (21:16:58) Aubergine: I think the grey suited clean up crew was an interesting additon

(21:17:31) Aubergine: of course if they were as efficient as they purport why didn't they clean up the box car incident (21:17:32) Kinkyclawz: Mr Rook and co are certainly useful foilks to know. (21:17:33) Kinkyclawz: folks. (21:17:55) Kinkyclawz: Mayeb they weren't quick enough on that one. (21:18:00) Aubergine: make it look just like a train wreck (21:18:03) Eileen: i think they did (21:18:17) Kinkyclawz: Well... they did didn't they? duh, just remembered ont heir sheets. (21:18:18) Fang: shame Annie didn't wait for Mr Snow to kill Cameron before she blew them up, oh well (21:18:20) Eileen: but cutler changed that by telling the coroner to lie (21:18:33) Kinkyclawz: they didn't reckon on a rogue vamp like Cutler? (21:18:34) Aubergine: no if they did then there wouldn't have been a police investigation (21:18:40) Eileen: Cameron? (21:18:46) Kinkyclawz: Ah, great minds think alike eh Eilen? :d (21:19:00) Kinkyclawz: Cameron? (21:19:05) Fang: it does seem odd the vamps go to such lenghts to cover things up but then most don't know of the men in grey? (21:19:20) Fang: as in our primeminister, Mr Snow said he was going to kill him on TV (21:19:41) Eileen: ah lol (21:20:06) Eileen: btw GoT S2 starts today (21:20:08) Aubergine: I guess the men in grey keep an eye more on werewolves, zombies, and ghost types since they don't have their own network (21:20:08) Eileen: ok btt (21:20:26) Fang: btt? (21:20:31) Fang: butt? (21:20:33) Kinkyclawz: hee, it starts tomorrow for us. (21:20:37) Eileen: lol no (21:20:42) Kinkyclawz: back to topic. (21:20:45) Eileen: back to topic (21:21:15) Aubergine: Mr Snow reason for killing him, his tie was askew (21:21:23) Kinkyclawz: That could be true, genie. They wouldn't be expecting a vampire to falloff the wagon quite so dramatically. (21:21:33) Kinkyclawz: maybe they should, given what Hal said. (21:21:50) Fang: remember Daisy and Mitchell talking about more stories about humans finding out about vampires? (21:22:44) Kinkyclawz: Was that when they were in bed? (21:22:58) Fang: maybe it was necassary for them to allow things to unfold as they did so they didn't have a bigger issue with the old ones (vampire apocolpyses tend to be noticed) (21:23:13) Fang: hmmm maybe, or possibly in a cafe, or both (21:23:30) Kinkyclawz: Hmm, do the old Ones know about them? (21:24:01) Kinkyclawz: yeah, i guess tehy do. the men in grey would be working overtimecovering up the apocalypse. (21:24:07) Fang: I'm guessing they don't but he said that a few supernaturals know about their existence (21:24:16) Aubergine: I imagine old ones would know. Things getting cleaned up like that would tend ot get ones attention (21:24:35) Aubergine: after a fashion (21:24:58) Fang: the old ones went to great lenghts with Wyndam and possibly the cover-up (but that could have been Cutler before we knew him) (21:25:34) Fang: surely they wouldn't put so much effort in if they knew there was no need? (21:25:38) Kinkyclawz: Possibly, unless they thought they were above all those human concerns. That said, mr snow seemed to be a student of human nature so he'd possibly show some interest. (21:26:02) Kinkyclawz: hmm, perhaps. (21:26:15) Eileen: You're losing me here. LOL (21:27:24) Kinkyclawz: The men in grey, the clean-up crew, we're wondering how much the

vampries know about them. (21:27:39) Aubergine: Wyhndam showed only after the inside man (Detective) was staked by Annie (21:28:46) Kinkyclawz: so they knew to send someone senior to him to clean things up? (21:28:52) Aubergine: don't know if the detective worked for the Old Ones or just the local vampire network (21:30:23) Fang: the ones that do know may be sworn to secrecy too, if they don't comply they're "disapared" (21:31:31) Kinkyclawz: Erm.. is anyone there? Or am i losing lines again? (21:31:46) Aubergine: but someone must know about the grey suit guys otherwise how do they know when to show up (21:32:39) Kinkyclawz: I wonder what connections the greys uits have. (21:32:48) Kinkyclawz: suits have (21:33:11) Fang: yeah it's a case of who they work for (I'm here) (21:33:20) Aubergine: must have a grey suit in every branch of intelligence at least (21:33:57) Kinkyclawz: like you say Genie, the grey suit guys have an uncanny ability to turn up and sort out situations. (21:34:03) Fang: god, angels, demons, an earthly version of the men with sticks and rope, goverments, fate etc etc (21:34:18) Eileen: im here (21:34:36) Fang: they pre-date any modern goverment (21:34:50) Kinkyclawz: It seems grey suits have contacts high in government, judging by what Mr Rook said. If they are earthly versions of the men with sticks and ropes, it stands to reason that they'd know. (21:34:54) Aubergine: Wonder why they didn't wear black suits (21:34:54) Fang: and nearly all instutions (21:34:59) Kinkyclawz: WB Eileen. Are you ok? (21:35:18) Aubergine: Is it because they don't deal with extraterrestrial (21:35:39) Fang: it seems to me that the men with sticks in rope are there to ensure that everything goes to plan in the afterlife, hence the fuss over Annie turning down death and going through the wrong door (21:36:05) Fang: so this lot may be theere to keep things on track on earth (21:36:17) Fang: yeah they are a bit men in black like (21:36:27) Aubergine: wonder how they recruit for the job (21:36:43) Eileen: lol i have no thoughts on this topic (21:36:48) Eileen: its too deep for me (21:37:17) Fang: I think they must be physics as they could sense Alex (21:37:22) Kinkyclawz: yeah, they must know or have their own people in all major and monir concerns and probably not only in the UK. (21:37:41) Fang: so maybe they're part of a physic bloodline that gets passed down through the generations (21:37:51) Aubergine: well have you ever gone in a room and just sensed a presence. (21:37:59) Kinkyclawz: Its a bit like a big conspiracy theory, if you like, Eileen. These men in grey know everything and can get information form everywhere. (21:38:02) Eileen: do you mean psychics? (21:38:07) Aubergine: Besides I think he was sensing Hal not Alex (21:38:22) Kinkyclawz: now and then, yes Genie. (21:38:42) Eileen: yeah i know KC (21:38:42) Eileen: lol (21:38:48) Eileen: but I take it as they show us (21:38:51) Fang: yeah maybe they influtrate whatever organistion has power, goverment, big business, pharoes, catholic church, etc (21:38:54) Eileen: no theories from me (21:39:02) Aubergine: he kept looking beyond her to where Hal was (21:39:08) Eileen: physics? (21:39:18) Fang: yeah what you said EIleen (21:39:25) Fang: I struggle spelling such words

(21:39:32) Eileen: okay thanks (21:39:38) Eileen: had me confused. lol (21:39:59) Fang: yeah that's possible, they were keen to leave and an bloodthirsty vampire would cause that (21:40:42) Kinkyclawz: yeah, they could be psychics, tuned to supernatural events perhaps? (21:41:04) Aubergine: well they have a girl with her throat cut and drained so they know a vampire is around (21:41:21) Aubergine: he sensed they were not alone (21:41:24) Fang: they went out of their way to show that they can't see ghosts and that they had a reflection (21:41:31) Kinkyclawz: not being able to see alex... does that necessarily make them human, do you think? (21:42:18) Aubergine: they couldn't seem to sense any supernatural. So I'd say human yes (21:42:26) Fang: I think they must be, but as I said earlier that doesn't mean they don't work for a higher power (so to speak) (21:42:29) Eileen: yes (21:42:48) Aubergine: also think that put them at a disadvantage considering what they are dealing with (21:42:54) Kinkyclawz: or just another kind of supernatural... but if they were another kind of supernatural then surely they'd be able to see alex? (21:43:09) Kinkyclawz: *is confuseD* (21:43:26) Aubergine: you never know maybe he could see her. (21:43:37) Fang: true Genie but they've been doing it so long they must have some help, be that powers or who they work for (21:43:42) Aubergine: remember how the Detective in Barry pretended he couldn't see Annie (21:43:56) Kinkyclawz: Or maybe some kind of human/spuernatural hybrid/ They get some of the perks but not all? (21:44:02) Aubergine: he had me convinced (21:44:14) Kinkyclawz: hmm, so they may have sene her but pretended not to? (21:44:28) Aubergine: possibly (21:44:31) Fang: they also don't seem interested in and reconition of what they do which isn't the most human of traits (21:44:45) Fang: although not exactly unheard of (21:45:10) Aubergine: it fits with a super secret agency though (21:45:31) Fang: they don't care what hurt they cause either (21:45:46) Aubergine: maybe it's like the CIA when you get killed they just put a star on the wall. No names no photos (21:46:08) Aubergine: same for when you get an award (21:46:35) Fang: true, that fits (21:47:10) Kinkyclawz: sorry for random typings, just making sure I'm not missing anythign, or trying to. (21:47:18) Fang: and I guess with all the stories about ghosts, vamps and w.wolves they can't have been 100% succesful over 2000 years, although they must be doing something right (21:47:34) Kinkyclawz: so many possibilites. (21:47:41) Kinkyclawz: you stil with us Eileen? (21:47:58) Aubergine: she's being a lurker today (21:48:00) Kinkyclawz: depends how big their organisation is, too. (21:48:06) Fang: then there's the similarities with Kemps lot, same classifications system and everything (21:48:16) Kinkyclawz: If they're only the small groups we saw then they've done amazingly well to hide twhat they ave (21:48:16) Eileen: yes (21:48:18) Fang: oh dear we're hurting her head! (21:48:23) Eileen: just reading along (21:48:30) Aubergine: wonder why they didn't stop Kemp's lot (21:48:30) Eileen: no not my head

(21:48:39) Fang: sorry, any other areas you wanna discuss> (21:48:39) Eileen: lol (21:48:53) Kinkyclawz: yeah... I think i said on the forum, I wonder if kemp ahd been one fo them but decided to be proactive in his approach so broke away (21:48:53) Eileen: i just dont have any theories (21:49:06) Eileen: not dump (21:49:14) Kinkyclawz: (21:49:19) Fang: having to cover up your own families death would do that to a man (21:49:26) Eileen: or dumb (21:49:28) Kinkyclawz: not dump? (21:49:40) Eileen: im not dumb (21:49:44) Eileen: lol (21:49:45) Kinkyclawz: ah. huh? (21:49:57) Kinkyclawz: LOL (21:50:12) Eileen: typo (21:50:23) Aubergine: welcome to the club (21:50:30) Kinkyclawz: it might explain how Georg,e mitchell and Annie came to their notice in the first place. (21:50:35) Fang: of course your not dumb but this clearly isn't your favourite topic so I thought I'd try to move thigns along (21:51:35) Aubergine: what did you think of the way they had Hal handcuffed to the floor. Blood withdrawal is nasty business (21:51:50) Kinkyclawz: If the men in grey became aware of Becca's death in s1E1 and realised a vampire and werewolf were living together, so kept tabs on them. (21:51:54) Fang: I wonder if the BBC cna remove that werewolf vid (hairy balls LOL) and convince youtube to put up a special message from this organistion (21:51:59) Kinkyclawz: hmm, no, ignore that (21:52:35) Fang: well Kemp did say "we found them" but I expect he found out from Tully (21:52:42) Kinkyclawz: apparently so. Carl did the same with Mitchell didn't he, in the flashback. Right down to plastic sheeting on the floor. (21:52:48) Fang: who himself was obvious thanks to the scratch marks and newspaper reports (21:52:51) Kinkyclawz: LMAO (21:53:25) Kinkyclawz: I thought that after i typed. They only found them at the end of S1, maybe from Tully, maybe not. Owen seemd to eb more their source. (21:53:56) Fang: Hal was remarkably composed, even though he wanted blood he didn't want to kill for it, he prefered to eat maggots off the floor (21:54:20) Aubergine: Owen was how they pinpointed the trio, but Tully didn (21:54:22) Aubergine: t help (21:54:24) Kinkyclawz: Esp. if you take the deleted Tully scene into account, where he refused to tell them anything after he realised there was no cure but he couldn't escape. Tully died the night George killed Herrick. (21:54:25) Eileen: that scene was so sad (21:54:29) Eileen: in a way (21:54:30) Aubergine: what happen there (21:54:41) Kinkyclawz: Yeah, its a bit of a mystery. (21:54:55) Aubergine: why sad? (21:55:04) Fang: the eating off the floor? (21:55:05) Kinkyclawz: what happned where hun/ did you start losign lines of conversation too? (21:55:12) Kinkyclawz: Still with us, eileen? (21:55:13) Fang: the mighty old one reduced to that? (21:55:32) Fang: I think I'll be off to stare at a blank screen in a minute as is tradition (21:55:36) Aubergine: my sentence is cut in half (21:55:54) Fang: oh damn look at Cutlers twitter!!/lycurious (21:56:10) Eileen: no that the need for blood was so strong that he was reduced to this (21:56:35) Aubergine: he has good support. All will be well (21:57:10) Aubergine: Oh dear they are onto Cutler

(21:57:11) Fang: wait that link doesn't work does it (21:57:19) Fang: oh maybe it does (21:57:32) Fang: that's a great touch (21:57:38) Kinkyclawz: Uh oh... anyone? (21:57:39) Eileen: it does (21:57:40) Aubergine: it worked for me (21:57:58) Kinkyclawz: What's a great touch? Oh, hal eating off the floor? *shudders* (21:58:08) Fang: goodnight all (21:58:14) Fang: no Cutlers twitter! (21:58:26) Aubergine: he's an addict (21:58:33) Kinkyclawz: Oh dear, its me who's losign lines it seems. When did we get ot hal eating off the floor? (21:58:42) Aubergine: not dignified but it happens (21:58:51) Kinkyclawz: reform doesn't mean cured. (21:59:05) Aubergine: oh don't go you'll be bored staring at the blank screen (21:59:25) Fang: goodnight (21:59:33) Fang: *tardis noise* (21:59:35) Willie: Fang logs out of the Chat. (21:59:40) Aubergine: byeeeeee (22:00:06) Eileen: bye Fang! (22:00:20) Kinkyclawz: Oh dear (22:01:00) Kinkyclawz: it seems my chat has completely deserted me now. I'll save what i ahve but can any of you send me your chatlogs so we can see what was missed? (22:01:00) Eileen: and he's gone (22:01:01) Kinkyclawz: please? (22:01:07) Aubergine: Fang is apparently an addict too. A blank screen addict. (22:01:08) Kinkyclawz: Oh, erm, goodnight Fang. (22:01:16) Eileen: lol (22:01:28) Eileen: ok (22:01:44) Kinkyclawz: I'll have to go too folks, my chat simply isn't working properly tonight. no idea why. (22:01:59) Kinkyclawz: *hugz Eileen and Genie and belatedly, Fang* (22:02:08) Aubergine: good night (22:02:17) Aubergine: Have a good week (22:02:28) Aubergine: are you staying Eileen? (22:02:43) Kinkyclawz: goodnight, sleep tight and take care my Twisters. (22:02:44) Aubergine: shall we all go (22:02:56) Kinkyclawz: .. (22:03:04) Kinkyclawz: ... (22:03:07) Eileen: no i will go too (22:03:13) Eileen: i think i will watch a bit of Merlin (22:03:14) Kinkyclawz: (sorry, trying to see if the dots keep my chat updated (22:03:17) Aubergine: okay then (22:03:20) Kinkyclawz: ... (22:03:20) Eileen: good night!!! (22:03:22) Aubergine: good night (22:03:29) Kinkyclawz: so we're skeedaddling off for the night? (22:03:38) Aubergine: yep (22:03:40) Eileen: Merlin until GoT (22:03:41) Eileen: (22:03:47) Eileen: yeah (22:03:49) Kinkyclawz: *hugz* g'night Genie! have a great afternoon! (22:03:49) Aubergine: skip to the loo my darling (22:04:03) Kinkyclawz: G'night Eileen, enjoy Merlin suesse! (22:04:04) Eileen: good day, Genie (22:04:18) Aubergine: Good night Twisters

(22:04:20) Kinkyclawz: thanks Genie, that reminds me... LMAO (22:04:32) Kinkyclawz: good night! (22:04:52) Willie: Aubergine logs out of the Chat. (22:05:37) Eileen: sending you the log in a few sec, KC

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