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Group Members: 1. 2. 3. 4. Phua Wan Jien (D20091035127) Norharyan Erdayu Bt Sahar (D20091035078) Salmiza Bt Zainal Abidin (D20091035074) Nor Awaathif Bt Mohd Ghazali Lee (D20091035070)

To identify the relationship between the amount of baking powder with the texture of the pancake. To analyze the effect of baking powder in the taste of pancake.

What is Baking Powder?

Baking powder is a dry chemical leavening agent used to increase the volume and lighten the texture of baked goods such as muffins, cakes, scones and American-style biscuit. Baking powder is baking soda with acid added. This neutralizes the base and produces more CO2 according to the following equation:

NaHCO 3 H Na H 2O CO 2

Variable of the experiment

Control : amount of salt, sugar, flour, egg, milk and margarine Manipulate : Amount of baking powder Responding : Texture of pancake

Best Method (Recipe)

1 cups of flour 1 tablespoon of baking powder 1 teaspoon salt 1 tablespoon sugar 1 cups of milk 1 egg (lightly beaten) 2 tablespoon margarine

Mix well part A and B in different bowl. Mix both part in a bowl. Cook in a non-stick frying pan ( with a small fire) When the mixture become bubbled, turn the pancake to the other side. After cooked, it is ready to be served.

Sugar Salt Baking Powder


Egg Margarine


Amount of Baking Powder 2 tbs

Condition / Texture


Too fluffy

Not tasty

1 tbs

Not fluffy

Tasty Very nice

Just nice

How does the baking powder make the pancake rise?

Baking powder and baking soda both produce carbon dioxide. Carbon dioxide is a gas that will push the batter side-ways and upward. They raise baked products. Flat cakes and biscuits dont look very tempting! Baking soda works best with an acidic ingredient. Baking powder contains both baking soda and a dry acidic ingredient, which raises the cake or biscuits even more than baking soda alone.

Effect of Using Too Much Baking Powder

If too much baking powder is used in the recipe, this produces big bubbles that run into each other, rise to the surface and pop. There goes the leavening, and the result is that the muffins, cakes or quick breads become heavy or sunken.

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