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In-Class Essay Test Comparing "This Is What It Means To Say Phoenix,

Arizona" to Smoke Signals

Worth 75 points

You only have the block period to complete this essay, so you will need
to budget your time and work at a pace that will ensure that you have
time to finish your essay and to make corrections to it if necessary.

Neat handwriting is essential. Unreadable essays will earn only half

credit. Take the time to make your handwriting legible!

Bring to class your marked-up story, your notes, and an outline of your

NOTE: You May NOT write a full draft of the essay ahead of time—I
will take it from you if you do.

In an organized, well-written essay, compare and contrast the short story to the film. You
should choose two or three significant or important points of comparison and you should
include specific examples and textual material in your discussion.

In order to earn a passing grade, your essay must include the following elements and

1. An Introduction which contextualizes or gives important and relevant information

about your topic, and which indicates what the focus of your essay is. The
introduction will also mention the author and titles of the texts.

2. A clear Thesis Statement

3. Body paragraphs in which specific comparisons/contrasts between the two pieces

are made

4. Specific examples/evidence from the texts (story and film)

5. Clear Topic Sentences that clarify the focus of each body paragraph

6. A Conclusion which explains why these similarities/differences are important for

understanding some aspect(s) of the film or the short story. In other words, the
conclusion explains what we can learn by comparing and contrasting these two

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