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Puzzle Set I

Solutions Can Be Mailed to Please include your name, college, and mailing address with your solutions. Deadline for submitting your entry is Tuesday, 01.09.2009, 2359 hrs.
1. Consider the way the numbers 0,1,2,5,6,8,9 appear on a 7 led display. Place these numbers in a 3X3 matrix such that the sum of the numbers in the first two rows gives the number in the third row and if the paper on which this is written is inverted, the sum still works. In other words, the inverted second and inverted third row add up to give the inverted first row. 2. Mike, Steve, Dilbert, Charlie and Stuart gathered in a farm house at the outskirts of the city to divide the loot and plan the next robbery. However, they came to know that it could be dangerous for them to venture into the roads that night. Since they were anyway going to stay, they decided to sleep and discuss the next day. Mike woke up at night. He casually inspected the items and among other things, notices a huge sack of gold coins. He wanted to get his share right then. So he divided the coins into five sets, but one coin was left. He added the extra coin to one set and hid that for himself. He went back to sleep. Steve woke up (without knowing what had happened) after Mike. His attention also was drawn to the sack. He divided the rest of the gold coins evenly into five sets, but one coin was left. He added the extra coin to one set and hid that for himself. He went back to sleep. Dilbert woke up (without knowing what had happened) after Steve. His attention also was drawn to the sack. He divided the rest of the gold coins evenly into five sets, but one coin was left. He added the extra coin to one set and hid that for himself. He went back to sleep. Charlie woke up (without knowing what had happened) after Dilbert. His attention also was drawn to the sack. He divided the rest of the gold coins evenly into five sets, but one coin was left. He added the extra coin to one set and hid that for himself. He went back to sleep.

Stuart woke up (without knowing what had happened) after Charlie. His attention also was drawn to the sack. He divided the rest of the gold coins evenly into five sets, but one coin was left. He added the extra coin to one set and hid that for himself. He went back to sleep. When they all awoke in the morning, they determined to divide the rest of the gold coins evenly into 5 sets. Each of them got a set. Again one coin was left. How they resolved the fate of the last gold coin is a story in itself. But can you find out the number of gold coins each person got so far? 3. Replace all the asterisks with numbers so that the division makes sense. * * 8 * * * * *|* * * * * * * * * * * ----------* * * * * * * -------------* * * * * * * * -----------0

4. Grandpa Willard says he knows how to make the best applesauce in town. So he's down at the Half-Off Dale's Deli telling his pals about it, and pretty soon there's a big argument over which apples and which ingredients make the best applesauce. At one point Dale had to ask them to be quiet as they were scaring off the other customers. So, using the following clues, see if you can which apples and which key ingredients go with which grandpa. The ingredients that begin with a capital letter are varieties of apples (eg: Yellow Transparent, Gravenstein) and the others are flavors (eg: lemon, cinnamon). Cooper hates Northern Spy apples and horseradish. Neither Smith nor Ted would allow lemon in his applesauce. McGee uses twice as many apples as John Willard. Neither Dick nor Cooper likes almond.

- Neil and Cooper can't stand Granny Smith apples. - The one using almond extract, not Rod or McGee, uses 1 lb. apples. - Grandpa John uses 0.5 lb. more apples than Grandpa Frandsen. - The grandpa using 2.5 lbs. does not care for cinnamon. - The one using three teaspoons of horse radish also uses Northern Spy apples. - The grandpa using brown sugar (2 c) uses 1.5 lbs more apples than the one using Granny Smith apples. - Ted and Cooper both disdain Yellow Transparents. - Neil likes Northern Spy apples. He uses three times as many as the one who uses almond extract. - Delicious apples and brown sugar go together, claims Rod. - Grandpa Smith uses 4 oz. of flavoring with his Gravenstein sauce, 3 oz. more than Ted. (Hint: There are only 5 grandpas present, including Grandpa Willard.)

5. A square birthday cake measures 12 inches by 12 inches and is 6 inches high. Three children wish to share the cake equally. But simply dividing the cake into three pieces isn't good enough; the cake has chocolate frosting on all sides except the bottom, and each child wants to have the same amount of chocolate frosting as well as the same amount of cake. Since there is a rose made of icing in the center of the top of the cake, and the birthday boy wants the entire rose, no cut may pass through or touch where the rose is. How will you divide the cake?

6. The diagram shows a 4 x 5 grid with some filled cells. Find the numbers in the remaining cells according to the following rules:

a) Each number can only take values from 1 to 5. There are 4 such full sets(1-5). b) Sum of each row is same. c) Sum of each column is same. d) Adjacent numbers cannot be the same.

7. An alien ship has invaded earth and has taken humans as prisoners. They are put in numerous circular cells suspended by some mechanism. The cell is being filled by a poisonous gas which will kill them slowly, but surely. The wall of the cell, which is a cylinder, has four push buttons placed symmetrically. the push buttons have two states ,"on" or "off". But the occupants would not come to know, by any means, what state the push button is presently in. The prisoners would be free if the push buttons are all in the same state, i.e. all "on" or all "off". The prisoners are allowed to press any button any number of times in a bid to get free. But the problem is after every wrong "try", the wall of the cell will spin for 30 seconds and come to a halt. This ensures the prisoners have no way of telling which buttons they tried. A "try" consists of 1,2,3 or all four of the buttons being pushed simultaneously. When a button is pushed, its state changes, i.e. on becomes off and vice versa. Tell whether they will be able to get out of the cell within 5 minutes (the time within which the deadly gas will surely kill everyone). Support your answer with suitable explanation.

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