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Murder mystery Announcer: Welcome to the first five minute mystery.

ACT I SFX Applause, cheering Reporter: Sir, one question. How does it feel to successfully complete your 25th concert? Vivek: It feels wonderful. Im thankful to the people who attended my concert this evening. It means a lot to me. Reporter: When do we see you on stage again? Vivek: Im travelling to Germany. Im back next month. Reporter: Hope to see you next month then and congratulations on the engagement. Vivek: Thank you. Voice: Are you joining us for dinner, Vivek? Vivek: No, Im tired. Ill go home. Silence SFX Auto. Vivek says Ille nilsi (stop here). Sound of gate opening and closing. Key in the lock. Door. Fridge door opening and closing. Pouring water in to glass. Phone rings Vivek: Yes, ma. Im home. Im just eating. Im fine. It was good. Yes, Ill come home tomorrow. Good night, ma. Cutlery. Chair scraping the floor. Running water. Coughing. Body falling to the floor. Silence

ACT II SFX Phone rings Mother: Vivek was supposed to come home for lunch but he didnt. Hes not answering his phone. Neighbor: Ill check and get back to you, aunty. Announcer: A quick break before that call. This show is sponsored by J&J. Ads Announcer: Were back and theres someone at the door. SFX Sound of bell ringing, knocking on the door, Neighbor calls out, Vivek? Vivek. Phone rings Constable: J P Nagar police station. Neighbor: I think theres something wrong. My neighbor hasnt answered his phone all day and the door is locked from inside. Constable: Whats the address sir? Neighbor: No. 58, St. Marys Apartment, Flat no. 232 Palace Road Constable: Well be there right away. Neighbor: Thank you SFX Police siren. News reporters. Reporter: Renowned flutist Vivek Iyer was found dead this afternoon. The call that alerted the police was made by a neighbor. The body has been taken for postmortem. Were awaiting results. 6 oclock news Reporter: Results just in. Flutist Vivek Iyer died of (details) poisoning. Nothing is known of the motive or who killed him or indeed if this is suicide or homicide. An investigation is in progress. Silence

SFX Phone rings Female voice: He refused to marry me. That made it slightly easier. I wouldnt let him marry that woman. His last performance, he played a poisoned melody. Music Haunting flute music fades

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