Power Reading by Rick Ostrov

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a) Rick Ostrov’s 4 POWER “This is a really great course! Reading, absorbing and using the wisdom in Power Reading will open all the other books in the world to you!” — Mark Victor Hansen, Co-creator of Chicken Soup for the Soul® “As a teacher, parent and librarian with 20 years of experience, I highly ¢ VE ye recommend Power Reading. I have doubled the amount of books I can = read and review.” — S. Mertens, Librarian “This course definitely works! I have significantly increased my reading speed 432 : i and comprehension. My concentration has also improved.” — Dr. A. Satello, M.D. Read what students, parents, educators and business professionals have to say about Power Reading: My speed has more than doubled, my comprehension has increased and my test scores have improved. S. Trio, Student Idoubled my speed and improved my comprehension. I es- pecially gained from the ways of handling books, magazines and journals. I recommend this course fo others. R. Herr, Dentist Power Reading has improved my reading and study com- prehension. Tests are much easier. I recommend this course to any- one. G. Beasley, Student Ireally enjoyed the Power Reading course. It has improved my comprehension and speed immensely. I now have these skills under my belt and can use my time more efficiently. It has helped me with my classes and grades. Thanks again! D. Kawasawa, Student We are so proud of the progress of our son’s improvement since he took the Power Reading course. Kenny has improved in all of his classes at school since he took the course. Thanks for all the help and thanks for the confidence you have given Kenny. Mr and Mrs. P. Terry, Parents Tcan read faster with excellent comprehension and Irecom- mend this course to everyone. D. Wein, Commercial Pilot Amazing! I think this course is amazing because I have in- creased so much in my speed, I can read a book almost twice as fast and I have more comprehension now. M. Carson, Student It has improved my reading skills — both speed and com- prehension— and has provided me with information on more effi- cient reading methods. The course is very satisfying. J. Padilla, Bank Executive 5 Stars! A Winner! A must buy! It is one of the best gifts I have ever received. A Reviewer from Amazon.com I Highly Recommend It! Asa teacher, parent and librarian with 20 years of experience in libraries, I highly recommend Power Reading and want to let li- brarians, teachers, parents and students know about this valuable reading and research resource and opportunity. I personally have experienced a reading speed increase of more than 65%. And, Ihave doubled the amount of books I can read and review! Professionals as well as students will benefit from the 30-day course that is logically laid out with 10 minutes a day of reading and 5 minutes of practice using materials from the reader’s school or work. Just think what a difference even fifteen minutes a day of effective reading could do! Then add to it the techniques for reading different types of materials, better comprehension and retention and study. Chapter 25 includes the best explanation of research I have ever read. And the CD really helps! What makes Power Reading better than its competition is that it includes much more than just speedreading techniques. For ex- ample, it concentrates on comprehension improvement first. Most importantly, it hopes to educate our young people and citizens to read and understand more to help them make a difference in our world. Power Reading works and I highly recommend it! S. Mertens, Librarian Thanks Mr. Ostrov, I needed that! Most of the really important stuff we learn, we learn through reading. When I got to the Power Reading website I almost filtered it out because it came close to the “Too good to be true” filter. But I read the testimonials and the thought process behind the methods used and decided to give ita try. can honestly say my filter process has never worked better. I think the thing I like most about Power Reading is the fact that it allows me to blast through the daily newspaper or the Wall Street Journal and winnow out the “parsley and chives” and get to the “meat and potatoes” without spending my whole day on it. For me this is truly the best of both worlds, “Speed and Comprehen- sion” when I need it and “Slow and Deliberate” when I want it. Thanks Mr. Ostrov, I needed that! Chuck Gorth, UAW Education Specialist, Corporate University, International Truck and Engine Corporation

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