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Prakruti Pariksha / Examining Individual Constitution

Name : Age : Date :

For each characteristic as given in the first column, encircle the best fitting description as given in Vata, Pitta or Kapha column. Characteristi c
Body Frame Body weight Skin Hair Teeth Eyes Appetite Preferred Taste Thirst Elimination, frequency Physical activity Mind Emotional temperament Faith Memory Dreams Sleep Speech Tongue Nails Thin Low Dry, rough, cool Dry, easy to break, broken ends Protruded, big & crooked, gums emaciated, cavities Small, dull, dry Variable, scanty Salty, sour, sweet Variable Dry, hard, constipated Very active Restless, active, anxiety, confusion, worry, nervous Fearful, insecure, unpredictable, moody Changeable Quick to understand / perceive, quick to forget Fearful, flying, jumping, running Scanty, interrupted Fast Cracked, impression of teeth, black-to-brown, trembling Brittle, longitudinal striations, dry, crooked Thready, feeble, moves like a snake

Moderate Moderate


Thick, strong Overweight Thick, oily, cool, pale, white Thick, oily, wavy, dark or light Strong, white Big, attractive, thick eyelashes Slow but steady Pungent, bitter, astringent Scanty Thick, oily, heavy, slow Lethargic Calm, slow, lethargy, dullness Calm, greedy, attached, depression, likable Steady Slow but prolonged Watery, river, ocean, lake, swimming, romantic Heavy, prolonged Slow, monotonous White coated Thick, strong, soft, very shiny, bump at the end Broad, slow, moves like a swan

Soft, oily, warm, fair, sensitive Soft, oily, early grey, tendency towards baldness Moderate in size, soft gums, yellowish Sharp, shiny, penetrating Good, excessive, unbearable Sweet, bitter, astringent Excessive Soft, oily, loose Moderate Aggressive, intelligent, critical, analytical Aggressive, irritable, anger, impatience, jealous Passionate about faith, tendency towards fanatism Sharp Fiery, anger, violence, war Little but sound Sharp and cutting Red, yellow or green coating Soft, pink, tender, slightly glistering Moderate, lumping like a frog

Pulse Prakruti Vata -

Pitta -

Kapha -


Nimesh Shah

From Ayurveda, The science of self-healing by DR Vasant Lad, Chapter III.

Nimesh Shah

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