Summary Table For Dr. Glasby's Neonate Maturity and Growth

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Summary Table for Dr.

Glasby’s Neonate Maturity and Growth Variations Lecture

Mature Premature (Preterm) Extreme Premature IUGR Macrosomic

Weight > 5 lbs < 5 lbs < 1000 g (2.2 lbs) < 3lbs > 10 lbs
Skin Mature (Thick & Flaky) ↑ proportion of lanugo Transparent & easily Mature (Thick & Flaky) ---
hair damaged
Ear cartilage Thick Soft --- Thick ---
Anti-gravity mm. Strong Weaker Very weak, head tilts to Good Weak, unable to overcome
one side gravity
Leg Position Normal Often “Frog Legged” Always “Frog Legged” --- ---
Movement Often & Coordinated Little & Uncoordinated Very little --- ---
Joints Normal Some joints flexible, Very flexible Flexible ---
some very flexible
Organs Mature Immature --- Well developed Underdeveloped
Respiratory Function Normal ↑ Risk for RDS --- • ↓ Risk for RDS ↑ Risk for RDS
• Chronic hypoxia and
hypercarbnia (↑CO2)
Body Proportions Normal Normal Distorted head and Lean: Big head & scrawny ---
extremities body
Nutrition Normal Feeding tube req’d --- Hypoglycemic (insufficient Hypoglycemic (↑ insulin
glycogen stores) levels)
Anomolies --- --- ↑ incidence neuro ↑ incidence neuro problems 10 fold greater risk for
problems anomalies
• ↑ chance of merconium asp. • Usually diabetic moms
Other --- --- --- • ↓ Heart Rate and BP • Persistant fetal circul.
• Not jaundiced • ↑ cardiac dysfunction
• Difficult Labor • ↑RBCs = red appearance
• Difficult Labor
Chance of Survival Great Good Low --- ---

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