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UNIT I Meaning of Research - Objectives of Research - Types of Research, Why Research, Significance & Status of Research in Computer Science. Major Research areas of Computer Science, Steps in Research: Having grounding in Computer Science, Major Journals & Publication in Computer Science. UNIT II Identification, selection & Formulation of research problem, Hypothesis formulation, Developing a research proposal, Planning your research, The wider community, Resources and Tools, How engineering research differs from scientific research, The role of empirical studies. UNIT III Multivariate analysis Correlation Analysis Correlation coefficient- Rank correlation- Auto correlation Factor Analysis Terminologies Principal Component Method - Cluster analysis Concept of clustering Similarity measures Clustering techniques Hierarchical clustering algorithm. UNIT IV Algorithmic Research - Problems, Types of problems- Types of solution procedures/ AlgorithmSteps of development of algorithm- Steps of algorithmic research.
UNIT V Searching for scientific papers - Writing and presentation of a research paper for a conference or journal -Review and opposition of engineering/scientific research papers - Writing a good thesis: Research report writing-Converting your research thesis into a monograph - Research education, the research society and research policy- Typesetting in LATEX.

REFERENCE 1. Research Methodology By R Panneerselvam, PHI (2007) 2. Research Methods By Francis C. Dane, Brooks/ Cole Publishing Company, California. 3. Basic of Qualitative Research (3rd Edition) By Juliet Corbin & Anselm Strauss, Sage Publications (2008) 4. The Nature of Research: Inquiry in Academic Context By Angela Brew, Routledge Falmer (2001) 5. Research Methods By Ram Ahuja, Rawat Publications (2001) 6. Digital Typography using LATEX By A. Syropoulous, Springer (2002)

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