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Graphic Design Final Exam

1. Choose a picture from the Internet that youd like to edit using at least 4 of the skills from the list below. 2. Copy and paste this original picture into the appropriate space in the Table on Page 2 of this document. Resize it if necessary. 3. Now put that picture into PhotoShop and edit it using at least 4 of the skills below. (Check out the rubric below these requirements for more information.) Altering the text on a path Altering the path on objects Adding glowing lines (like with the line dancer) Glass, ice, or snow effect on text Fireworks, Fire, & Explosions Clipping Masks Cartooning Filters on a selection (not the entire image) Wrapping a photo over the skin (like we did with the American Flag project) Dispertion Effect Vanishing Point Filter to add perspective (how we put logos on the carboard box) Changing colors of items using Hue/Saturation 4. Save your image (which can be no taller than 350 pixels and no wider than 500 pixels) for Web and Devices & Insert it into the correct spot on the table on page 2 of this document. 5. Now use the table and list out the 4 skills you used on this file and then on the right side explain how you used each item. 6. Delete this first page off of the file and SynchronEyes this Word document back to me and leave it called Graphic Design Final.

Original Photo Present 1 skill used Wrote about 1 skill used 2nd skill used Wrote about 2nd skill used 3rd skill used Wrote about 3rd skill used 4th skill used Wrote about 4th skill used Quality of work Image resized to no taller than 350 pixels and no wider than 500 pixels Deleted first page of this documents Named test document correctly 5 15 5 15 5 15 5 15 5 10 3 1 1

Points Possible


Extra Credit: Additional skill used & written about

Up to 20 extra credit

Graphic Design Final Exam

Original Photo Edited Photo

Documentation: Skills I Used (from bulleted list on page 1)

1.Clipping mask 2.glowing lines 3.flames 4.altering text on a path.

What I changed/added using this skill

I made the man look like he is exploding in flames. Gave glowing line like hands. Created flames on the right curtain. Altered ice and fire text.

Extra Credit Skills Used


What I changed or added using Extra Credit Skills

I changed left curtain to ice.

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