Create VG

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multipath -l SHOWS mpath1 (350002ac000110385) [size=2000 GB][features="1 queue_if_no_path"][hwhandler="0"] \_ round-robin 0 [active] \_ 0:0:0:2 sdb 8:16 [active][ready] \_ 1:0:0:2 sdd

8:48 [active][ready] Pick the sdb

1. Formatting the luns (Or turning 'luns' into 'disks') The following procedure for complete 'disk/lun' usage for lvm fdisk /dev/sd* x # expert mode b # adjust starting block number 1 # choose partition 1 128 # set to 128, our stripe element size w # write the new partition 2. LVM Formatting the disks /usr/sbin/pvcreate -ff /dev/sd* 3. To check the new drives /sbin/pvscan 4.Vgcreate to create the volume group /usr/sbin/vgcreate star_xaoripbk1_EMC /dev/sd* /usr/sbin/vgcreate star_xaoripdb1_EMC /dev/sd* 5. List all the logical volume Groups (lvm2) /sbin/vgscan 6. Lvcreate to create the lvols in the volume group /usr/sbin/lvcreate -L 400G -n orabackup /dev/star_xaoripbk1_EMC /usr/sbin/lvcreate -L 350G -n oradata /dev/star_xaoripbk1_EMC 7. /usr/sbin/lvscan

Brocade zoning Storage is in place Server should see the storage .... may need a rescan..../ql-dynamic-tgt-lun-disc .sh (get the shell script on to the server) 1)Know How to copy the files. Add New Disk To Volume Manager?

Creating the partition: fdisk /dev/sd* x # expert mode b # adjust starting block number 1 # choose partition 1 128 # set to 128, our stripe element size w # write the new partition 2)RE: 5-Star migration, mdsxaorip, I have a few requirements I'd like to see adh ered to: - The LVM VG's you create using the three new EMC LUNs should follow our naming convention /oraunix: star_xaoripap1_EMC /orafiles: star_xaoripdb1_EMC /orabackup: star_xaoripbk1_EMC - The LV's you create should reflect the name of the mountpoint - When performing a cold copy, as we will here, please remount the current 3Par stuff elsewhere READ ONLY. For example, remount the 3Par /oraunix as /oraunix.3 par, and the EMC as /oraunix. - What is your cold copy method? Stuff I do depending on the nature of the sour ce FS: cd /d03.3par/ && rsync -avH . /d03 cd /d01.3par/ && find . -depth -pdumv /d01 /usr/sbin/pvcreate -ff /dev/

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