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Web 2.0 and the English Language Arts Curriculum

Technology Implementation for the 21st Century Teacher

Katherine Hathcock Georgia Southern University 2/28/2012

Web 2.0 and the English Language Arts Curriculum

Table of Contents
AgendaPage 2 Pre Assessment..Page 3 Overview of Web 2.0Page 4 Types of Web 2.0 ToolsPage 5 VokiPage 6 Discussion Notes on VokiPage 7 Post AssessmentPage 8 Presentation Evaluation..Page 9 Special Thanks/Bibliography..Page 10

Georgia Southern University | Web 2.0

Web 2.0 and the English Language Arts Curriculum

Agenda Item
Pre-Assessment: Content Overview of Web 2.0- Powerpoint Presentation Voki Voki pros and cons discussion Post-Assessment:Content Post-Assessment: Presentation

Time Frame
5 min 10 min 20 min 5 min 2 min 2 min

Georgia Southern University | Web 2.0

Web 2.0 and the English Language Arts Curriculum

Pre-Assessment: Content
Rate yourself as to how each of these statements apply to you 1. I am able to use the internet on a regular basis in my classroom 2. I am familiar with Web 2.0 tools 3. I am able to use technology as a way for my students to complete assignments 4. I am able to use technology as a way to differentiate my instruction 5. I am able to use technology as a way to present lessons/activities to my students 6. I am able to use technology as a way to encourage my students to be innovative and creative. 7. I am able to use technology as a way to encourage my students to be reflective on their performance. Describes me very much Describes me somewhat Undecided Describes me very little Describes me not at all

Georgia Southern University | Web 2.0

Web 2.0 and the English Language Arts Curriculum

Overview of Web 2.0

The use of the internet has changed from a resource from which we gather information to a resource that offers a more interactive experience. Nowadays, the internet provides Web 2.0 tools that can be utilized in order to better serve learners and make the learning experience more engaging and motivating for our 21st century students. According to and, Web 2.0 is a tool in which students and teachers can have an interactive experience through features such as wikis, social networking, and blogs. Simply put, Web 2.0 is an open communication with an emphasis on Webbased communities of users, and more open sharing of information ( As teachers, we can utilize these Web 2.0 tools in order to improve accountability for students and lean more towards the role of facilitator. Additionally, we can make learning more engaging and motivate learners who are apprehensive and in some cases, apathetic.

Georgia Southern University | Web 2.0

Web 2.0 and the English Language Arts Curriculum

Types of Web 2.0 Tools:







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Web 2.0 and the English Language Arts Curriculum


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Georgia Southern University | Web 2.0

Web 2.0 and the English Language Arts Curriculum

Discussion Notes on Voki

What are the pros and cons of using Voki for your students?

Georgia Southern University | Web 2.0

Web 2.0 and the English Language Arts Curriculum

Post Assessment: Content

Please choose the response that most adequately reflects your opinion 1. I am able to use the internet on a regular basis in my classroom Describes me very much Describes me somewhat Undecided Describes me very little Describes me not at all

2. I am familiar with
Web 2.0 tools

3. I am able to use
technology as a way for my students to complete assignments

4. I am able to use
technology as a way to differentiate my instruction

5. I am able to use
technology as a way to present lessons/activities to my students

6. I am able to use
technology as a way to encourage my students to be innovative and creative.

7. I am able to use
technology as a way to encourage my students to be reflective on their performance.

Georgia Southern University | Web 2.0

Web 2.0 and the English Language Arts Curriculum

Presentation Evaluation
Please rate each aspect of the presentation by circling the number on a 1-5 scale (5 being the highest) that represents the effectiveness.

Each section of the workshop to be rated

1. Definition of Web 2.0 2. Web 2.0 Tools 3. Voki Demonstration 4. Voki Lesson Ideas 5. Powerpoint Delivery 6. Workbook

Most effective 5

Effective 4

Neutral 3

Somewhat 2

Not at all 1

5 5

4 4

3 3

2 2

1 1

Georgia Southern University | Web 2.0

Web 2.0 and the English Language Arts Curriculum


Special Thanks/ Bibliography

Special thanks to the Lakeside High School English Department for their patience and support throughout this workshop. Your participation is greatly appreciated.

Sources used: (n.d.) Web 2.0 (2008). Retrieved from

Web 2.0 (n.d.). Dictionary.coms 21st Century Lexicon. (2012). Retrieved from 2.0

Webopedia (n.d.). Web 2.0 (2012). Webopedia: Everything you need to know is right here. Retrieved from

Georgia Southern University | Web 2.0

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