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Brand personalityA set of human characteristics that are attributed to a brand name.

A brand personality is something to which the consumer can relate, and an effective brand will increase its brand equity by having a consistent set of traits. Value Value are centrally held and enduring belief which guide action and make judgments in specific situations.value involve an individual judgement on what is right,good,desirable.

Brand beliefIt is cognitive response of attitude. It is in terms of the consumer belief about a brand and the characteristic they ascribeit. Brand evluatonIt can be said that it conforms to the definition of brand attitude which says it is a tendency to evaluate brands in a favourable or unfavourable.

Intention to buyBrand attitude influence to the buy means consumer tendency to act towards an object. Measuring buying intention helps in the development of a marketing strategy. Measurement of attitudeThurstone type of scale Likert scales Sementics differential Kellys repotry grid Thurstone- this scale is then presented to the respondent who will make his selection based on his choice of the statement. Its attitude score will be worked out based on the average or median scale of the statement. Semantic differential- this is successive allocation of concept to a point in the multidimensional in the spaceby selection from among a set of given scale semantic consist of several or many pairs of opposite adjective or phrase. Likert- the statement relating to the measurement of attitude is given to the respondent , who is then asked to check one of the five points given for a every statement. Repotory- this theory belief that people are fundamental inquisitive and will explore and explain the word using what he calls construct.

Group factorsFamily reference Social fator

Value-Value is the perceived gain composed of individual's emotional, mental and physical condition
plus various social, economic, cultural and environmental factors. On the quantitative side, value is the actual gain measured in terms of financial numbers, percentages.

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