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The Bishops candle sticks

-Norman McKinnel (Thomas Nelson and Sons Ltd) Bishops candle sticks is a very touching play. It depicts true meaning of clergy. Unlike our present age, when one reads about very face of clergy, then this play may provide light to many readers. Norman McKinnel in his play presents a very kind hearted bishop and his self sacrificial nature. Bishop is not rich but shows generosity to all. He has donated everything except Candlesticks gifted by his dying mother. Her mother asked him to take good care of them and Bishop is attached to them. His sister Persome is very worldly as she understands manipulative politics of her times. She always tries hard to avoid unwanted guests whom she treats with disgust. She shows her displeasure to all right from their housemaid, Marie to any visitor! However, Bishop keeps on showering all with his kind heartedness. One cold night, a strange guest barges in. He is a fugitive who needs food and shelter for night. Bishop entertains him despite of his ill mannered and very dangerous behaviour.

He feeds him well and assures him of his utmost personal safety. Fugitive shows no remorse for his unwanted presence. He eyes on Candlesticks. He soon escapes with it. Alas! He is soon caught by cops who take him to Bishop for verification. Bishop reckons him as his friend and explains that he has gifted these candlesticks to him. Fugitive changes his heart and resolved to lead a good life. This play is about human values.It shows the depth of human goodness. It is set in France as it involves French sentences. It is also notable for its humour .One will be amused by lively banter of Persome and Marie. Former shows her dominating behaviour and latter shows servitude. One will find all the features of a good drama be it lively dialogues ,interesting characters or prevalent social conditions. McKinnel shows the kind hearted bishops, something that world looks to! However, in present age, it is a rarity to find one. Bishops candlesticks is highly recommended to all enjoy good plays.

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