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COMMAND..AND CONTROL | SYSTEM MASTER PLAN (U) CLASSIFIED BY MULTIPLE SOURCES a PACOM HEADQUARTERS 2 eee REVIEWON Su v¥he 20)0 Copy pot L2 copies COMMANDER IN CHIEF PACIFIC SECRET CAMP H.M. SMITH, HAWAII 96861 C3SRO SerS139 25 March 1981 eee oe fegraded UNCLASSIFIED upon Removal of Enclosure To: Distribution PACOM Command and Control System Master Plan (1) PACOM Command and Control System Master Plan ~ 2. Enclosure (1) sets forth the concept, description and general guidance for the development of the command and control system required to effec- tively execute the conmand mission. It is viewed by this command as a dynamic plan that will be reviewed quarterly and updated as required to reflect new requirements, missions, and C2 issues. 2. This plan is submitted to the JCS for approval in accordance with Annex G, Volume 1, JCS Pub 19. 3. The PACOM Command and Control System Master Plan, enclosure (1) to CINCPAC Ser S78 of 29 February 1980, is hereby superseded and should be destroyed in accordance with applicable security regulations. JAMES M1. ROCKWELL Major General, USA Director for Command, Control, and Communications Systems cory no UNCLASS. IED UNCLASSIFIED c3sro Ser $139 26 March 1981 Distribution: JCS (50) CINCSAC (1) USCINCSO (1) CINCEUR ) USEUCOM_(WSEO-E) CINCLANT (2) ‘ ACC (1) USCINCRED (2) CINCAD (2) COMIPAC (1) OCA PAC: (2) PCA (1) CORWESTCOM (5 CINCPACFLT (2 CINCPACAF (2) COMUSJAPAN (6 COMUSKOREA (1 HQ DA (2) HQ USAF (2) cNo (3) OCA (2) NSA (2) DIA (2) AIR UNIVERSITY (AU/DAAS) (1) US NAVAL POSTGRADUATE SCHOOL (1) ARMED FORCES STAFF COLLEGE (1) CINCPACREP GUAM/TTPI (1) CINCPACREP PHILIPPINES (1) CINCPACREP AUSTRALIA (1) CINCPACREP ALEUTIAN ISLANDS (1) CINCPACREP THAILAND (1) q CINCPACREP INDIAN OCEAN a) CINCPACREP JSTPS/JSCS SAC (1) CINCPAC LNO TO COMAAC (1) COMMANDER, NAVAL ELECTRONICS SYSTEMS COMMAND (1) NCPAC (1) ARMY WAR COLLEGE (1) NATIONAL WAR COLLEGE (1) AIR FORCE SYSTEM COMMAND (1) AIR FORCE COMMUNICATIONS COMMAND (1) DARCOM (1) CINGMAC (1) CINCTAC (1) NAVAL WAR COLLEGE (1) ICAF (1) ARMY COMMAND AND GENERAL STAFF COLLEGE (1) USATRADOC (1) DNA (1) UNCLASSIFIED ) ) ) )

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