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Alba Lorente Latorre Grupo 372 27.March.



In the past, people were consuming food not the best way, because everything we eat is determined by the customs and personal habits. Our health varies greatly depending on our nutrition, it is the main component of food and thus can enter pure enough fiber for us to stay and not suffer any disease. Of a poor diet, there may be some diseases such as: obesity, which is given by the consumption of sugars, fats, alcohol, and not sports. Another disease caused by poor nutrition may be cancer, occurs mainly by consumption of smoked foods, oils that are used more than once, and not eat food with fiber. Currently, people who do not consume adequate nutrients have very low health, caused by excess or deficiency of food. It is important to know the different kinds of nutrients (carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, fats, proteins and water), the body needs, and consume daily to build and maintain healthy bodily function. To choose the right way every one of the foods we eat, we must learn to know very well the nutrients and what does each one of them in the human body.

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