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Project Guidelines

Course: Total Quality Management Supervisor: Anam Zafar Criteria

4-5 Group members Weightage: 10 percent ( 5 % report, 5 % presentation)

Three reports to be submitted Report 1

Choose a company-can be a product or service oriented If a company has multiple product lines, choose one of them and notify beforehand Observe a particular process Of the company using pictures/ videos or both Use tools such as flow chart diagram to represent the process Main purpose of this report is to study the complete process thoroughly

Report 2
Identify the defects that can occur due to the way the process is being conducted by the company Possible defects that can occur Major defects, ranking them in order of importance Reasons why they have occurred and justification of the defect that has been identified Relate the defect identified to theory that has been studied

Report 3
How can these defects get fixed? Which area should they rework? What is the estimate cost of fixing these defects? Comparison between cost of fixing the defect and benefits in terms of money, time, product quality

Must include all the explaination of the reports Adding a video of the process and explaining it is highly recommended Explaination of the tools that are used to identify and resolve these defects

A final report is required that is a compiled copy of all three reports. Contents of the report should be distributed amongst the group members and all the topics covered by a student should be mentioned. Members who have no work to their credit will be given a zero in the whole project. No copy paste is allowed. Marks will be deducted if this happens.

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