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SE Greenway Will Meet Caltrans - Working Groups Take Shape!

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Southeast Greenway Message March 21, 2012

Thank you for attending Next Steps: Movin' On the Greenway last December. Our campaign has been quietly at work this winter, arranging meetings with the Santa Rosa City Council and Caltrans, and laying the groundwork for the working groups we discussed at the December 3rd meeting. We are in the process of forming the working groups and plan to call first meetings in late April/early May. For now, we have decided on the following groups: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Bike and Pedestrian Paths Critters, Creeks, Trees, Parks and Gardens Economic Development Neighborhood Interests and Development Greenway Infrastructure

Many of you signed up for one of these groups and we will be contacting you. However, the sign up sheet for our NEIGHBORHOOD working group got misplaced. Yes, what a bummer! If you signed up or now find yourself interested in participating in a working group devoted to exploring Neighborhood Interests and Development, please reply to this email, as we are going to rebuild that working group list. We also plan to convene a technical working group devoted to INFRASTRUCTURE - looking at things like the provision of lighting, parking, irrigation water, restrooms, relationships with existing roads and transit, etc. If you have technical skills that lend themselves to this area, we would like to hear from you as well. Now for a quick update! On Valentine's Day we made a brief presentation to the Santa Rosa City Council. To watch our presentation and the council's response, please check out the council meeting video by clicking here. In general, council members and staff are supportive of the greenway concept, but want to know how much staff time and resources will be required for next steps. We will go back to council with that information after we meet with

Caltrans. Our transportation consultant has arranged an initial meeting with Caltrans on Thursday, March 29th. Representatives from the SE Greenway Campaign will be joined by Assistant SR City Manager Jennifer Phillips, Public Works Director Rick Moshier, and a transportation planner from the Sonoma County Transportation Authority. At the meeting we will have the opportunity to get a reading on the Caltrans' officials openness to our concept plan, ask for permission to gain the access we need to apply for planning grants, and discuss ideas for disposition of the property. Stay tuned as we'll be sending out an e-newsletter update to all of our supporters after the meeting. Thanks for your ongoing support of the SE Greenway Campaign! We look forward to hearing from you. Linda Proulx and Thea Hensel, Co-Chairs
Santa Rosa Southeast Greenway Campaign P.O. Box 2980 Santa Rosa, CA 95405 Contact Linda at: or 707.538-7446 Contact Thea at: or 707.545-5281
The Southeast Greenway Campaign is a community-based effort to develop a vital urban greenway on the stretch of open space that links Spring Lake to Highway 12 at Farmers Lane.

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