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There is one constant in Human history, and that is the search to place a name to 'that' which separates us from

our animal brethren; some inner proof that we indeed are superior. There is only one aspect of human nature that animals do not engage in; no, my dear Thomas it is not communication: animals do so also; and no not medicine: animals will lick a wound thus applying natural medicine; and no my dear, it is not religion by any stretch of the imagination; no, my dear it is Art: that centuries upon centuries quest to 'touch the self in other's' through 'curious faces on Easter Island, reindeer at the Spanish cave of Cueva de las Monedas, Chumash Native American pictographs stick figures on cave walls, or any other untold number diverse nameless works of art that propagate our history: this, this lonely reaching out to those passing, be they our neighbor, or from the seas, or from above, this silent scream, this silver tear, this mewing whimper... & in this

last last.. silent dawn, its operatic counterpart 12 hours later playing to a dark empty house, it will be arts sum total cascading millions whispers though-out the galaxies building to a crescendo: see us, hear us, read us...we, we stood on the shoulders of giants, we, we fought dragons, we, we were here! msc.

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