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Describe a picture. What can you see in the picture?

The picture that Im going to describe is a photogram from a very famous classic film. It isnt a colorful picture: its in black and white colors because the year when it was filmed is 1931. We can see two persons: one of they, on the right, is a women who was opposite to the direction of the camera. Maybe she is a pretty and attractive. In the other hand, we can see Charles Chaplin (one of the better film director, performer and producer). His face is very expressive. Hes looking at the woman face and saying with the look: You are precious and you are looking me! Im nervous and excited! This character has some characteristic elements: his hat, his moustache, his dress his look definitively. In more, he had on his right hand a very important object in the film. Its the object that the girl usually sells, but that previously she has given him, without know who is he. Its a very beautiful history summary in a picture.

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