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Informative speech outline 3 major steps Hitler control Germany. 1) Control the government a.

Fired and killed anyone that could harm him i. He fired and killed the leaders of SA such as Ernst roehm, that had helped him took over the government once ago. He was aware that Roehm and the SA had the power to remove him. So, On 29th June, 1934. Hitler, accompanied by the Schutz Staffeinel (SS), arrived at Wiesse, where he personally arrested Ernst Roehm. During the next 24 hours 200 other senior SA officers were arrested on the way to Wiesse. Many were shot as soon as they were captured but Hitler decided to pardon Roehm because of his past services to the movement. Lastly he had to kill him after roehm doesnt want to commit suicide. ii. He also sacked his advisers persisted in disagreeing with him they were dismissed. Of the seventeen field-marshals only one managed to keep his post throughout the war. Thirty-six colonel-generals were also involved in advising Hitler during the Second World War. Of these, twenty-six were sacked or executed iii. Hitler decided that the leaders who plot the July Plot that they were plotting to bombard hitler during military conference. he said that they should have a slow death. They were hung with piano wire from meat-hooks. b. Took over the political party and police. i. General election 5th march 1933. He held a general election, appealing to the German people to give him a clear mandate. Only 44% of the people voted Nazi, which did not give him a majority in the Reichstag, so Hitler arrested the 81 Communist deputies (which did give him a majority). ii. Abduct 3 leaders. 1. Hitler took 3 big leaders of Bavarian govermentt into an adjoining room. Hitler told the men that he was to be the new leader of Germany and offered them posts in his new government. Aware that this would be an act of high treason, the three men were initially reluctant to agree to this offer. Hitler was furious and threatened to shoot them. iii. He also sacked the government police slowly and replace them with nazi minded police. gestapo c. Make his own law after becoming a dictator i. Enabling act 23rd march 1933. The Reichstag voted to give Hitler the power to make his own laws. Nazi stormtroopers stopped opposition deputies going in, and beat up anyone who dared to speak against it. The Enabling Act made Hitler the dictator of Germany, with power to do anything he liked - legally. ii. Banned political party 14th july 1933. The Law against the Formation of Parties declared the Nazi Party the only political party in Germany. All other parties were banned, and their leaders were put in prison or concentration camp.

2) Launch attack a. Attack on the jews, left wing politician i. Tens of thousands of Jews, Communists, Protestants, Jehovah's Witnesses, gypsies, homosexuals, alcoholics and prostitutes were arrested and sent to concentration camps for 'crimes' as small as writing anti-Nazi graffiti, possessing a banned book, or saying that business was bad. ii. During Crystal Night over 7,500 Jewish shops were destroyed and 400 synagogues were burnt down. Ninety-one Jews were killed and an estimated 20,000 were sent to concentration camps. iii. The opposition party leaders also were sent to concentration camp in order b. Hijack government with his own soldier stormtrooper (SA @ Sturm Abteilung) i. instructed to disrupt the meetings of political opponents and to protect Hitler from revenge attacks

c. Reichstag Fire - 27 Feb 1933 i. Attack on communism party after the Reichstag fire. ii. The Reichstag (the German Parliament) burned down. A Dutch Communist named van der Lubbe was caught red-handed with matches and fire-lighting materials. Hitler used it as an excuse to arrest many of his Communist opponents, and as a major platform in his election campaign of March 1933. The fire was so convenient that many people at the time claimed that the Nazis had burned it down, and then just blamed the Communists. Modern historians, however, tend to believe that van der Lubbe did cause the fire, and that Hitler just took advantage of it. 3) Influence citizens mind a. Propaganda. i. Treaty of Versailles.Remind person about the debt. German war guilt, german loss of land, german armed forces ii. Blame jews . Jews were responsible for everything he did not like, including modern art, pornography and prostitution. Hitler also alleged that the Jews had been responsible for losing the First World War. Hitler also claimed that Jews, who were only about 1% of the population, were slowly taking over the country. They were doing this by controlling the largest political party in Germany, many of the leading companies and several of the country's newspapers. The fact that Jews had achieved prominent positions in a democratic society was, according to Hitler, an argument against democracy: "a hundred blockheads do not equal one man in wisdom." iii. Hitler believed that the Jews were involved with Communists in a joint conspiracy to take over the world b. Effective speaker. Campaign i. he developed speech techniques that made him into such a persuasive orator. He always arrived late which helped to develop tension and a sense of expectation ii. The German soldiers who attended his lectures shared his sense of failure. They found his message that they were not to blame attractive. He told them that Germany had not been beaten on the battlefield but had been betrayed by Jews and Marxists who had preached revolution and undermined the war effort. iii. By the end of the speech the audience would be in a state of near hysteria and were willing to do whatever Hitler suggested. iv. the main reason why people were joining his party c. Hitler changed all policies of school education. He had been deeply influenced by his own history teacher, was fully aware that schools posed a potential threat to the dominant fascist ideology. i. Minister of Propaganda, Joseph Goebbels kept a close check on the information provided by newspapers, magazines, books, radio broadcasts, plays and films ii. They also print their own version school text books to replace the old text books iii. Teachers who were critical of Hitler's Germany were sacked and the rest were sent away to be trained to become good fascists. Members of the Nazi youth organizations such as the Hitler Youth, were also asked to report teachers who questioned fascism.

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