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Presented by Rajat Sethi

Introduction to PLC
Product Life cycle refers to the time period between

the launch of a product into the market till it is finally withdrawn. In a nutshell, it is an odyssey from new and innovative to old and outdated.

Stages in PLC

Introduction Stage
Tangible Product
High cost per customer as

Intangible Product
Comparatively lower cost per

cost of production, storage and inventory is involved.

Economies of Scale have to be

taken care of to keep the cost low. Promotion is mainly through Advertisements.

customer as the cost of production, storage and inventory is not involved. No need to bother about Economies of Scale.
Promotion is mainly through

Word-of-mouth publicity and recommendations.

Postmortem Stage
Tangible Product
Manufacturing and Primary

Intangible Product
Services are rarely affected by

activities are greatly affected by Postmortem. E.g. Landscaping of sites by firms engaged in strip mining is mandatory in Germany.


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