Mechanics of Solids - Student

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Mechanics of Solids [3 1 0 4] CIE 101 / 102 First Year B.E.


Mechanics of Solids

PART- I Mechanics of Rigid Bodies

PART- II Mechanics of Deformable Bodies


PART I Mechanics of Rigid Bodies 1. Resultant of concurrent and non-concurrent coplanar forces. 2. Equilibrium of concurrent and non-concurrent coplanar forces. 3. Centroid of plane areas 4. Moment of Inertia of plane areas 5. Kinetics: Newtons second law, DAlemberts principle, Work- Energy, and Impulse- Momentum principle. Mechanics of Deformable bodies


6. Simple stresses and strains 7. Statically indeterminate problems and thermal stresses 8. Stresses on inclined planes 9. Stresses due to fluid pressure in thin cylinders

Books for Reference 1.Engineering Mechanics, by Meriam & Craige, John Wiley & Sons. 2.Engineering Mechanics, by Irwing Shames, Prentice Hall of India. 3.Mechanics for Engineers, by Beer and Johnston, McGraw Hills Edition 4.Engineering Mechanics, by K.L. Kumar, Tata McGraw Hills Co. 5. Machanics of Materials, by E.P.Popov 6. Machanics of Materials, by E J Hearn 7. Strength of materials, by Beer and Johnston 8. Strength of materials, by F L Singer & Andrew Pytel 9. Strength of Materials, by B.S. Basavarajaiah & P. Mahadevappa 10. Strength of Materials, by Ramamruthum 11. Strength of Materials, by S S Bhavikatti



Mechanics of Rigid Bodies

INTRODUCTION Definition of Mechanics : In its broadest sense the term Mechanics may be defined as the Science which describes and predicts the conditions of rest or motion of bodies under the action of forces. This Course on Engineering Mechanics comprises of Mechanics of Rigid bodies and the sub-divisions that come under it.

Branches of Mechanics Engineering Mechanics Mechanics of Solids Deformable Bodies

Mechanics of Fluids

Rigid Bodies

Ideal Fluids

Viscous Fluids

Compres Fluids

Statics Dynamics

Theory of Theory of Plasticity Strength of Elasticity Materials



Concept of Rigid Body : It is defined as a definite amount of matter the parts of which are fixed in position relative to one another under the application of load. Actually solid bodies are never rigid; they deform under the action of applied forces. In those cases where this deformation is negligible compared to the size of the body, the body may be considered to be rigid.

Particle A body whose dimensions are negligible when compared to the distances involved in the discussion of its motion is called a Particle. For example, while studying the motion of sun and earth, they are considered as particles since their dimensions are small when compared with the distance between them.

Force It is that agent which causes or tends to cause, changes or tends to change the state of rest or of motion of a mass. A force is fully defined only when the following four characteristics are known: (i) Magnitude (ii) Direction (iii) Point of application (iv) Sense.

Force: characteristics of the force 100 kN are : (i) Magnitude = 100 kN (ii) Direction = at an inclination of 300 to the x-axis (iii) Point of application = at point A shown (iv) Sense = towards point A A 100 kN 300

Scalars and Vectors A quantity is said to be a scalar if it is completely defined by its magnitude alone. Example : Length, Area, and Time. A quantity is said to be a vector if it is completely defined only when its magnitude and direction are specified. Example : Force, Velocity, and Acceleration.

Principle of Transmissibility : It is stated as follows : The external effect of a force on a rigid body is the same for all points of application along its line of action. P A B P

For example, consider the above figure. The motion of the block will be the same if a force of magnitude P is applied as a push at A or as a pull at B. P O The same is true when the force is applied at a point O. P

1. RESULTANT OF COPLANAR FORCES Resultant, R : It is defined as that single force which can replace a set of forces, in a force system, and cause the same external effect.

F2 F1


R = F1 + F2 + F3 external effect on particle, A is same

Resultant of two forces acting at a point Parallelogram law of forces : If two forces acting at a point are represented in magnitude and direction by the two adjacent sides of a parallelogram, then the resultant of these two forces is represented in magnitude and direction by the diagonal of the parallelogram passing through the same point. B P2 O R P1 A C


B P2 O R P1 A

In the above figure, P1 and P2, represented by the sides OA and OB have R as their resultant represented by the diagonal OC of the parallelogram OACB. It can be shown that the magnitude of the resultant is given by: R = P12 + P22 + 2P1P2Cos Inclination of the resultant w.r.t. the force P1 is given by: = tan-1 [( P2 Sin ) / ( P1 + P2 Cos )]

Resultant of two forces acting at a point at right angle B P2 O R P1 C R P1 A

R = P1 + P 2 2

If = 900 , (two forces acting at a point are at right angle) B P2 O

tan =

P2 P1

Triangle law of forces

If two forces acting at a point can be represented both in magnitude and direction, by the two sides of a triangle taken in
tip to tail order, the third side of the triangle represents both in magnitude and direction the resultant force F, the sense of the same is defined by its tail at the tail of the first force and its tip at the tip of the second force.

Triangle law of forces

Let F1 and F2 be the two forces acting at a point A and is the included angle.
F1 R A = F2 F2 F1

Arrange the two forces as two sides of a triangle taken in tip to

tail order, the third side of the triangle represents both in magnitude and direction the resultant force R. the sense of the resultant force is defined by its tail at the tail of the first force and its tip at the tip of the second force.

Triangle law of forces F1 A = F2 R F1


R F1


F1 F2 R = = sin sin sin(180 )

(180 - - ) =

where and are the angles made by the resultant force with the force F1 and F2 respectively.

Component of a force :

Component of a force, in simple terms, is the effect of a force in a certain direction. A force can be split into infinite number of components along infinite directions.

Usually, a force is split into two mutually perpendicular components, one along the x-direction and the other along ydirection (generally horizontal and vertical, respectively).

Such components that are mutually perpendicular are called Rectangular Components.

The process of obtaining the components of a force is called Resolution of a force.

Rectangular component of a force F x

F x Fx


F x Fx


Consider a force F making an angle x with x-axis. Then the resolved part of the force F along x-axis is given by Fx = F cos x The resolved part of the force F along y-axis is given by Fy = F sin x

Oblique component of a force Let F1 and F2 be the oblique components of a force F. The components F1 and F2 can be found using the triangle law of forces.


F F1

F F1


O The resolved part of the force F along OM and ON can obtained by using the equation of a triangle. F1 / Sin = F2 / Sin = F / Sin(180 - - )

Sign Convention for force components:

y +ve x


The adjacent diagram gives the sign convention for force components, i.e., force components that are directed along positive x-direction are taken +ve for summation along the x-direction. Also force components that are directed along +ve y-direction are taken +ve for summation along the y-direction.

Classification of force system Force system

Coplanar Forces Concurrent Non-concurrent
Unlike parallel Like parallel Unlike parallel

Non-Coplanar Forces Concurrent Non-concurrent

Like parallel

A force that can replace a set of forces, in a force system, and cause the same external effect is called the Resultant.


Coplanar Non-concurrent Force System: This is the force system in which lines of action of individual forces lie in the same plane but act at different points of applications.

F1 F3 Fig. 1

F2 F5


F2 F3 F4

Fig. 2

1. Parallel Force System Lines of action of individual forces are parallel to each other. 2. Non-Parallel Force System Lines of action of the forces are not parallel to each other.

MOMENT OF A FORCE ABOUT AN AXIS The applied force can also tend to rotate the body about an axis in addition to motion. This rotational tendency is known as moment. Definition: Moment is the tendency of a force to make a rigid body to rotate about an axis. This is a vector quantity having both magnitude and direction.

MOMENT OF A FORCE ABOUT AN AXIS Moment Axis: This is the axis about which rotational tendency is determined. It is perpendicular to the plane comprising moment arm and line of action of the force (axis 0-0 in the figure) Moment Center: This is the position of axis on coplanar system. (A). Moment Arm: Perpendicular distance from the line of action of the force to moment center. Distance AB = d.

Magnitude of moment: It is computed as the product of the of the force and the perpendicular distance from the line of action to the point about which moment is computed. (Moment center). MA = Fd = Rotation effect because of the force F, about the point A (about an axis 0-0) Unit kN-m, N-mm etc.

Sense of moment: The sense is obtained by Right Hand Thumb rule. If the fingers of the right hand are curled in the direction of rotational tendency of the body, the extended thumb represents the sense of moment vector. For the purpose of additions, the moment direction may be considered by using a suitable sign convention such as +ve for counterclockwise and ve for clockwise rotations or viceversa.


Statement: The moment of a force about a moment center or axis is equal to the algebraic sum of the moments of its component forces about the same moment center (axis). P P sin P P cos d
d1 A d2 A

Moment of Force P about the Algebraic sum of Moments of = components of the Force P point A, about the point A, Pxd P cos x d1 + P sin x d2


Proof (by Scalar Formulation): Let R be the given force. P & Q are component forces of R. O is the moment center. p, r and q are moment arms from O of P, R and Q respectively. , and are the inclinations of P, R and Q respectively X axis. A R

r P p O X

We have, Ry = Py + Qy R Sin = P Sin + Q Sin ----(1) From le AOB, p/AO = Sin From le AOC, r/AO = Sin From le AOD, q/AO = Sin From (1), R (r/AO) = P (p/AO) + Q (q/AO) i.e., R r = P p + Q q Moment of resultant R about O = algebraic sum of moments of component forces P & Q about same moment center O. Ry

P q r

Qy Py A


COUPLE Two parallel, non collinear (separated by certain distance) forces that are equal in magnitude and opposite in direction form couple.

The algebraic summation of the two forces forming couple is zero. Hence, couple does not produce any translation and produces only rotation.

d F


Replace the force F acting at the point A to the point B


Apply two equal and opposite forces of same magnitude & direction as Force F at point B, so that external effect is unchanged




Of these three forces, two forces i.e., one at A and the other oppositely directed at B form a couple. Moment of this couple, M = F d. Third force at B is acting in the same direction as that at P. Thus, the force F acting at a point such as A in a rigid body can be moved to any other given point B, by adding a couple M. The moment of the couple is equal to moment of the force in its original position about B.


1. Concentrated Loads This is the load acting for very small length of the beam.

W kN

(also known as point load, Total load W is acting at one point ) 2. Uniformly distributed load This is the load acting for a considerable length of the beam with same intensity of w kN/m throughout its spread. Total intensity, W = w L (acts at L/2 from one end of the spread)

w kN/m

W = (w x L) kN L/2

3. Uniformly varying load This load acts for a considerable length of the beam with intensity varying linearly from 0 at one end to w kN/m to the other representing a triangular distribution. Total intensity of load = area of triangular spread of the load W = 1/2 w L. (acts at 2L/3 from Zero load end) 2/3 L

w kN/m L

1/3 L

1. Resultant of force system

Q1 A body of negligible weight, subjected to two forces F1= 1200N, and F2=400N acting along the vertical, and the horizontal respectively, is shown in figure. Find the component of each force parallel, and perpendicular to the plane. F1 = 1200 N

Y F2 = 400 N 4 3

Ans : F1X = -720 N, F1Y = -960N, F2X = 320N, F2Y = -240N

1. Resultant of force system

Q2. Determine the X and Y components of each of the forces shown in the figure. F2 = 390 N 12 5 40 F3 =400 N 30 F1 = 300 N Y X

(Ans : F1X = 259.81 N, F1Y= -150 N, F2X= -150N, F2Y= 360 N, F3X = -306.42 N, F3Y= -257.12N )

1. Resultant of force system

Q3. Obtain the resultant of the concurrent coplanar forces shown in the figure 600N 800N 20 40

30 200N (Ans: R = 522.67 N, = 68.43)

1. Resultant of force system

Q4. A disabled ship is pulled by means of two tug boats as shown in FIG. 4. If the resultant of the two forces T1 and T2 exerted by the ropes is a 300 N force acting parallel to the X direction, find : (a) Force exerted by each of the tug boats knowing = 30. (b) The value of such that the force of tugboat 2 is minimum, while that of 1 acts in the same direction. Find the corresponding force to be exerted by tugboat 2.

T2 20 R = 300 N X - direction

FIG. 4 T1 ( Ans: a. T1= 195.81 N, T2 = 133.94 N b. = 70, T1 = 281.91 N, T2(min) = 102.61 N )

1. Resultant of force system

Q5. An automobile which is disabled is pulled by two ropes as shown in the figure. Find the force P and resultant R, such that R is directed as shown in the figure.

P 20 40 R

Q = 5 kN (Ans: P = 9.4 kN , R = 12.66 kN)

1. Resultant of force system

Q6. A collar, which may slide on a vertical rod, is subjected to three forces as shown in figure. The direction of the force F may be varied Determine the direction of the force F, so that resultant of the three forces is horizontal, knowing that the magnitude of F is equal to (a) 2400 N, (b)1400N 1200 N 60 COLLAR ROD F 800 N

( Ans: a. = 41.81 ; b. The resultant cannot be horizontal.)

1. Resultant of force system

Q7. Determine the angle and the magnitude of the force Q such that the resultant of the three forces on the pole is vertically downwards and of magnitude 12 kN. Refer figure 8kN

5kN 30 Q

Fig. 7

(Ans: = 10.7 , Q = 9.479 kN )

1. Resultant of force system

Q8. Determine the resultant of the parallel coplanar force system shown in figure.

600 N 2000 N

60 10

30 60

1000 N 400 N

(Ans. R=800N towards left, d=627.5mm)

1. Resultant of force system

Q9. Four forces of magnitudes 10N, 20N, 30N and 40N acting respectively along the four sides of a square ABCD as shown in the figure. Determine the magnitude, direction and position of resultant w.r.t. A.

20N D 30N C a A a 40N B 10N

(Ans:R=28.28N, =45, x=1.77a)

1. Resultant of force system

Q10. Four parallel forces of magnitudes 100N, 150N, 25N and 200N acting at left end, 0.9m, 2.1m and 2.85m respectively from the left end of a horizontal bar of 2.85m. Determine the magnitude of resultant and also the distance of the resultant from the left end.

(Ans: R = 125 N, x = 3.06 m)

1. Resultant of force system

Q11. Reduce the given forces into a single force and a couple at A.

70.7 kN 200 kN 45 1.5m A 1m 80 N 30 100 N 30

(Ans:F=320kN, =14.48, M=284.8kNm)

1. Resultant of force system

Q12. Determine the resultant w.r.t. point A.

150 Nm 150 N 1.5m 3m 1.5m

100 N 500 N

(Ans: R = 450 kN, X = 7.5 kNm)




Definition:If a system of forces acting on a body, keeps the body in a state of rest or in a state of uniform motion along a straight line, then the system of forces is said to be in equilibrium. ALTERNATIVELY, if the resultant of the force system is zero, then, the force system is said to be in equilibrium.


Conditions for Equilibrium :

A coplanar concurrent force system will be in equilibrium if it satisfies the following two conditions: Fx = 0; and ii) Fy = 0


i.e. Algebraic sum of components of all the forces of the system, along two mutually perpendicular directions, is ZERO.

Graphical conditions for Equilibrium Triangle Law: If three forces are in equilibrium, then, they form a closed triangle when represented in a Tip to Tail arrangement, as shown in Fig 2.1
F1 F3

F2 Fig 2.1



Polygonal Law: If more than three forces are in equilibrium, then, they form a closed polygon when represented in a Tip to Tail arrangement, as shown in Fig. 2.2. F F4

F3 F4


F2 F1 F5 Fig 2.2



If a system of three forces is in equilibrium, then, each force of the system is proportional to sine of the angle between the other two forces (and constant of proportionality is the same for all the forces). Thus, with reference to Fig.2.3, we have,



F3 F1 F2 = = Sin Sin Sin


Fig. 2.3

Note: While using Lamis theorem, all the three forces should be either directed away or all directed towards the point of concurrence.


When a body is in equilibrium, it has neither translatory nor rotatory motion in any direction. Thus the resultant force R and the resultant couple M are both zero, and we have the equilibrium equations for two dimensional force system Fx = 0; Fy = 0 M = 0

These requirements are both necessary and sufficient conditions for equilibrium.


Space Diagram (SPD) : The sketch showing the physical conditions of the problem, like, the nature of supports provided; size, shape and location of various bodies; forces applied on the bodies, etc., is known as space diagram. eg, Fig 2.4 is a space diagram
Weight of sphere = 0.5 kN, Radius = 1m


Cable P = 2kN


Fig. 2.4 SPD

Free Body Diagram (FBD) : It is an isolated diagram of the body being analyzed (called free body), in which, the body is shown freed from all its supports and contacting bodies/surfaces. Instead of the supports and contacting bodies/surfaces, the reactive forces exerted by them on the free body is shown, along with all other applied forces.

A Few Guidelines for Drawing FBD 1) Tensile Force: It is a force trying to pull or extend the body. It is represented by a vector directed away from the body. 2) Compressive Force: It is force trying to push or contract the body. It is represented by a vector directed towards the body. 3) Reactions at smooth surfaces: The reactions of smooth surfaces, like walls, floors, Inclined planes, etc. will be normal to the surface and pointing towards the body. 4)Forces in Link rods/connecting rods: These forces will be acting along the axis of the rod, either towards or away from the body. (They are either compressive or tensile in nature). 5) Forces in Cables (Strings or Chords): These can only be tensile forces. Thus, these forces will be along the cable and directed away from the body.

Free Body Diagrams of the sphere shown in Fig. 2.4 T = Tension in the cable

P = 2kN

Rw = Reaction of the wall W = self weight of the sphere P = external load acting on the sphere


W=0.5kN Fig. 2.5 F B D of Sphere

Detach the sphere from all contacts and replace that with forces like: Cable contact is replaced by the force tension = T Contact with the smooth wall is replaced by the reaction Rw.

Supports: A structure is subjected to external forces and transfers these forces through the supports on to the foundation. Therefore the support reactions and the external forces together keep the structure in equilibrium. There are different types of supports. a) Roller Support b) Hinged or pinned support c) Fixed or built in support

Supports Types of Supports (a) Flexible cable ,belt ,chain, rope Action on body

T Force exerted by cable is always a tension away from the body in the direction of cable


(b) Smooth surfaces 900 F 900 F

Contact forces are normal to the surfaces


A (c) Roller support Contact force is normal to the surface on which the roller moves. The reaction will always be perpendicular to the plane of the roller . Roller support will offer only one independent reaction component. (Whose direction is known.)


(d) pinned Support / hinged support A


A Rv

This support does not allow any translatory movement of the rigid body. There will be two independent reaction components at the support. The resultant reaction can be resolved into two mutually perpendicular components. Or it can be shown as resultant reaction inclined at an angle with respect to a reference direction.


(e) Fixed or Built-in Support A



This type of support not only prevents the translatory movement of the rigid body, but also the rotation of the rigid body. Hence there will be 3 independent reaction components of forces. Hence there will be 3 unknown components of forces, two mutually perpendicular reactive force component and a reactive moment as shown in the figure.


A member which is subjected to predominantly transverse loads and supported in such a way that rigid body motion is prevented is known as beam. It is classified based on the support conditions. A beam generally supported by a hinge or roller at the ends having one span (distance between the support) is called as simply supported beam. A beam which is fixed at one end and free at another end is called as a cantilever beam. A


(a) Simply supported beam



(b) Cantilever beam


If one end or both ends of the beam project beyond the support it is known as overhanging beam.

(c) Overhanging beam (right overhang)

Statically determinate beam Using the equations of equilibrium given below, if all the reaction components can be found out, then the beam is a statically determinate beam

the equations of equilibrium Fx = 0; Fy = 0 M = 0

FRICTION Friction is defined as the contact resistance exerted by one body upon another body when one body moves or tends to move past another body. This force which opposes the movement or tendency of movement is known as frictional resistance or friction. Friction is due to the resistance offered by minute projections at the contact surfaces. Hence friction is the retarding force, always opposite to the direction of motion. Friction has both advantages & disadvantages. Disadvantages ---- Power loss, wear and tear etc. Advantages ---- Brakes, traction for vehicles etc.



F (Friction)

Hills & Vales

Magnified Surface

Frictional resistance is dependent on the amount of wedging action between the hills and vales of contact surfaces. The wedging action is dependent on the normal reaction N.


Frictional resistance has the remarkable property of adjusting itself in magnitude of force producing or tending to produce the motion so that the motion is prevented. When P = 0, F = 0 block under equilibrium When P increases, F also increases proportionately to maintain equilibrium. However there is a limit beyond which the magnitude of this friction cannot increase.


When the block is on the verge of motion(motion of the block is impending) F attains maximum possible value, which is termed as Limiting Friction. When the applied force is less than the limiting friction, the body remains at rest and such frictional resistance is called the static friction. Further if P is increased, the value of F decreases rapidly and then remains fairly a constant thereafter. However at high speeds it tends to decrease. This frictional resistance experienced by the body while in motion is known as Dynamic friction OR Kinetic Friction.


Sliding friction friction experienced when a body slides over another surface. Dynamic Friction

Rolling friction friction experienced by a body when it rolls over a surface.


W P Fmax N = R Fmax N

FN Fmax = N
Where Fmax = Limiting Friction N= Normal Reaction between the contact surfaces =Coefficient of friction

Note : Static friction varies from zero to a maximum value. Dynamic friction is fairly a constant.

Angle of Friction The angle between N & R depends on the value of F. This angle , between the resultant R and the normal reaction N is termed as angle of friction. As F increases, also increases and will reach to a maximum value of when F is Fmax (limiting friction) i.e. tan = (Fmax )/N = Angle is known as Angle of limiting Friction.




Angle of limiting friction is defined as the angle between the resultant reaction (of limiting friction and normal reaction) and the normal to the plane on which the motion of the body is impending.

Angle of repose When granular material is heaped, there exists a limit for the inclination of the surface. Beyond that angle, the grains start rolling down. This limiting angle upto which the grains repose (sleep) is called the angle of repose of the granular material.


Significance of Angle of repose: The angle that an inclined plane makes with the horizontal, when the body supported on the plane is on the verge of motion due to its self -weight is equal to the angle of repose. Angle of repose is numerically equal to Angle of limiting friction

Laws of dry friction


1. The magnitude of limiting friction bears a constant ratio to the normal reaction between the two surfaces. (Experimentally proved) 2. The force of friction is independent of the area of contact between the two surfaces. 3. For low velocities the total amount of friction that can be developed is practically independent of velocity. It is less than the frictional force corresponding to impending motion.


Q1. A 10kN roller rests on a smooth horizontal floor and is held by the bar AC as shown in Fig(1). Determine the magnitude and nature of the force in the bar AC and reaction from the floor under the action of the forces applied on the roller. [Ans:FAC=0.058 kN(T),R=14.98 kN] 7kN C A 300 Fig(1) 450 5kN



Q2. A 10 kN weight is suspended from a rope as shown in figure. Determine the magnitude and direction of the least force P required to pull the rope, so that, the weight is shifted horizontally by 0.5m. Also, determine, tension in the rope in its new position. [Ans: P= 2.43 kN, = 14.480 ; T= 9.7kN.]

2m 10kN P



Q3. Determine the value of P and the nature of the forces in the bars for equilibrium of the system shown in figure. [Ans: P = 3.04 kN, Forces in bars are Compressive.] 60 45 P

45 75 2kN



Q4. A cable fixed as shown in Fig. supports three loads. Determine the value of the load W and the inclination of the segment BC. [Ans: W=25kN, = 54.780]

A 30 B 60 C W

20 Loads are in kN




Q5. Find the reactions at A,B,C and D for the beam loaded as shown in the figure. (Ans.RA=RB =34kN;RC=28.84kN;
MC=-140kNm ; C=-33.69 )

12kN/m 4kN/m A

20 kN 4kN/m

12kN/m 30kN 4 3 C
1m 2m

B 40kNm









Q6. A uniform bar AB of weight 50N shown in the figure supports a load of 200N at its end. Determine the tension developed in the string and the force supported by the pin at B. (Ans. T=529.12N;RB=807.15N, B=64.6)

B A 200N

60 2.5m





Q7. Find the position of the hinged support (x),such that the reactions developed at the supports of the beam are equal.. (Ans.x=2m.) 10kN/m 15kN

18kN/m x


1.0m 0.6 1.4m




Q8. A right angled bar ABC hinged at A as shown in fig carries two loads W and 2W applied at B &C .Neglecting self weight of the bar find the angle made by AB with vertical (Ans: =18.44)


B W 0.5L C 2W



Q9. For the block shown in fig., determine the smallest force P required a) to start the block up the plane b) to prevent the block moving down the plane. Take = 0.20

[Ans.: (a) Pmin = 59.2N (b) Pmin = 23.7N (b) = 11.3o]

100N 25



Q10. A block of weight 2000 N is attached to a cord passing over a frictionless pulley and supporting a weight of 800N as shown in fig. If between the block and the plane is 0.35, determine the unknown force P for impending motion (a) to the right (b) to the left
[Ans.: (a) P = 132.8N (b) P = 1252N]


30 P




Q11. Determine value of angle to cause the motion of 500N block to impend down the plane, if for all contact surfaces is 0.30.

200N 500N =? [Ans.: = 28.4]



Q12. A horizontal bar 10m long and of negligible weight rests on rough inclines as shown in fig. If angle of friction is 15o, how close to B may the 200N force be applied before the motion impends.

100N A 2m 30

200N X=? B 60 [Ans.: x = 3.5m]



Q13. Determine the vertical force P required to drive the wedge B downwards in the arrangements shown in fig. Angle of friction for all contact surfaces is 12o.Weight of block A= 1600 N.

P B 20

[Ans.: P = 328.42N]



Q14. Determine the force P which is necessary to start the wedge to raise the block A weighing 1000N. Self weight of the wedge may be ignored. Take angle of friction, = 15o for all contact surfaces.

[Ans.: P = 1192N]

20 wedge



Q15. A ladder of weight 200N, 6m long is supported as shown in fig. If between the floor and the ladder is 0.5 & between the wall and the ladder is 0.25 and it supports a vertical load of 1000N, determine a) the least value of at which the ladder may be placed without slipping b) the reactions at A & B [Ans.: (a) = 56.3o (b) RA = 1193 N, RB = 550N]

1000N 5m



Q16. An uniform ladder of weight 250N is placed against a smooth vertical wall with its lower end 5m from the wall. between the ladder and the floor is 0.3. Show that the ladder remains in equilibrium in this position. What is the frictional resistance on the ladder at the point of contact between the ladder and the floor?
Smooth wall B 12m [Ans.: FA = 52 N] A



Q17. A ladder of length 5m weighing 500N is placed at 45o against a vertical wall. between the ladder and the wall is 0.20 & between ladder and ground is 0.50. If a man weighing 600N ascends the ladder, how high will he be when the ladder just slips. If a boy now stands on the bottom rung of the ladder, what must be his least weight so that the man can go to the top of the ladder. [Ans.: (a) x = 2.92m (b) Wboy = 458N]





Centre of gravity : of a body is the point at which the whole weight of the body may be assumed to be concentrated. A body is having only one center of gravity for all positions of the body. It is represented by CG. or simply G or C.



Consider a block of uniform thickness and having a uniform mass m. It is possible to support (hold) the block in stable position by a rod as shown in the figure provided rod must be positioned exactly at the point of intersection of the diagonals. Or the rod must be supported exactly below where the total weight of the block act.


The block can be supported from any position provided the support rod and the line of action of weight are in same line. This indicates that the whole weight of the block act through one point. This point is called as centre of gravity.

Centre of gravity is that point about which the summation of the first moments of the weights of the elements of the body is zero.

W x

W3 W2 W1 W4

To determine mathematically the location of the centre of gravity of any body, we apply the principle of moments to the parallel system of gravitational forces

X1 X2

The moment of the resultant gravitational force W, about any axis

the algebraic sum of the moments about the same axis of the gravitational forces dW acting on all infinitesimal elements of the body. Contd.

W x

dW3 dW2 dW1 dW4

X1 X2

x W = x dW

x W = dW1 x1 + dW2 x2 + dW3 x3 + ................dWn xn


W =





x = x- coordinate of centre of gravity

x dW x= W

Similarly, y and z coordinates of the centre of gravity are

y dW y= W

z dW z= W


CENTRE OF MASS With the substitution of W= m g and dW = g dm

(if g is assumed constant for all particles, then )

x dm x= m

y dm y= m

z dm z= m


Equation 2 is independent of g and therefore define a unique point in the body which is a function solely of the distribution of mass. This point is called the centre of mass and clearly coincides with the centre of gravity as long as the gravity field is treated as uniform and parallel

When speaking of an actual physical body, we use the term centre of mass. The term centroid is used when the calculation concerns a geometrical shape only. Calculation of centroid falls within three distinct categories, depending on whether we can model the shape of the body involved as a line, an area or a volume.

The centroid C of the Volume segment,

x dV x= V y dV y= V
z dV z= V

The centroid C of the line segment,

x dL x= L y dL y= L

z dL z= L

The centroid C of the Area segment, AREA: when the density , is constant and the body has a small constant thickness t, the body can be modeled as a surface area. The mass of an element becomes dm = t dA. If and t are constant over entire area, the coordinates of the centre of mass also becomes the coordinates of the centroid, C of the surface area and which may be written as

x dA x= , A

y =

y dA , A

z dA z= A


Centroid of Simple figures: using method of moment ( First moment of area) Centroid of an area may or may not lie on the area in question. It is a unique point for a given area regardless of the choice of the origin and the orientation of the axes about which we take the moment.

The coordinates of the centroid of the surface area about any axis can be calculated by using the equn. (A) x = (a1) x1 + (a2) x2 + (a3) x3 + .+(an) xn = First moment of area

Moment of Total area A about yaxis

Algebraic Sum of moment of elemental dA about the same axis

where (A = a1 + a2 + a3 + a4 + ..+ an)

AXIS of SYMMETRY: It is an axis w.r.t. which for an elementary area on one side of the axis , there is a corresponding elementary area on the other side of the axis (the first moment of these elementary areas about the axis balance each other) If an area has an axis of symmetry, then the centroid must lie on that axis. If an area has two axes of symmetry, then the centroid must lie at the point of intersection of these axes.


For example: The rectangular shown in the figure has two axis of symmetry, X-X and Y-Y. Therefore intersection of these two axes gives the centroid of the rectangle.

B/2 B/2
da da


da x = da x Moment of areas,da about y-axis cancel each other da x + da x = 0




C must lie on the axis of symmetry C must lie on the axis of symmetry

C must lie at the intersection of the axes of symmetry

To locate the centroid of simple rectangular area from first principles

To locate the centroid w.r.t. the base line x-x Let the distance of centroid from the base line x-x be y

D y X X

Then from the Principle of Moments

A y = y da
Moment of Total area A about x-axis = Sum of moment of elemental area dA about the same axis

Consider a elemental area dA at a distance y from the base line (x-x) Let the thickness of the element be dy Area of small element = dA = B .dy Moment of this elemental area about x-x axis x = (area) x (distance) = (B.dy) . (y)





Sum of Moment of all such elemental areas comprising the total area =

= y da
= B dy y
By = 2 0
2 D

BD 2 = 2

Then from the Principle of Moments

BD 2 Ay = 2
D y= 2

BD 2 y= 2A

BD 2 y= 2 BD


Similarly we can show

x Y x


A x = x da
x = B/2

= x (D dx )

Dx = 2 0

To locate the centroid of simple right angle triangular area from first principles

To locate the centroid w.r.t. the base line x-x. Let the distance of centroid from the base line x-x be y

Then from the Principle of Moments

A y = y da
Moment of Total area A about x-axis

Algebraic Sum of moment of elementary area dA about the same axis.


Consider a small elemental area dA at a distance y from the base line (x-x) Let the thickness of the element be dy Area of small element = dA = b .dy dy dA Moment of this small elemental area about xx axis = (area) x (distance) = (b.dy) . (y)

y x

Then from the Principle of Moments

A y = y da A y = b dy y
A y = B (H y ) dy y H da = b dy = B (H y ) dy H


B (H y ) H

y = H/3

H/3 H y


Similarly we can prove that x = B/3

A x = x da
da = h dx = H (B x ) dx B

A x = b dx x
A x = H (B x ) dx x B



H (B x ) B

x = B/3




The centroid of simple right angled triangle area from the base


B H/3

To locate the centroid of Semi Circular Area w.r.t. the diameter AB from first principles Consider a semicircle of radius R,
2 D A = area =

D = 2R

Let G be the centroid of the Semicircle, and y is its distance from the diameter AB.

dA = r d dr

Consider a small elemental area da, located at distance y from the diameter AB, Let r =radial distance of area da from centre of the semi circle.

da = r d dr
y = r sin
Moment of this elemental area about the diameter AB =

= r 2 sin dr d


Moment of all such elemental area da about the diameter AB

= r 2 sin dr.d

r = sin .d 3 O O

R3 = ([cos ]O ) 3
2.R 3 = 3

Then from the Principle of Moments

A y = y da

A y =



2 r sin dr.d

A y =
4R y= 3

2.R 3 3


x y

4R y= 3

Because of symmetry

x=0 R

To locate the centroid of Quarter Circular Area w.r.t. the boundary radial line AB from first principle

A y = y da

dr r d

A y =
y B


2 r sin dr.d

2 R

4R y= 3


Centroid of Quarter Circular Area w.r.t. the boundary radial lines

4R x= 3
y= 4R 3


4R y= 3

To locate the centroid of Circular Sector w.r.t. the y-axis shown from first principle



Consider a triangle of differential area = da =

= 1 base height 2

1 = R d R 2

Distance of the differential area da, from y-axis = xc =

2 = R cos 3


To locate the centroid of Circular Sector w.r.t. the y-axis shown from first principle Consider a triangle of differential area = da =
= 1 base height 2

1 = R d R 2

Distance of the differential area da, from y-axis = xc =

2 = R cos 3


Then from the Principle of Moments


1 2

R d R = R

A x = da xc

2 1 2 R x = R cos R d 3 2

2 R x = R 3 sin 3

2 R sin x= 3

2 R sin x= 3
For a semicircular area 2 = , if we use this value in the above formula we get

y =

4 R 3

To locate the centroid of area under the curve x = k y3 from x = 0 to x = a from first principle

Consider a vertical element of area da = y dx at a distance x from the y-axis. da To find x- coordinate,


A x = da x
At x = a, y = b, i.e. a = k b3, k = a/b3

A = y dx

Substituting y = (x/k)1/3 and k = a/b3

x ydx = xydx
0 0

x x x dx = x dx k k 0 0

1 3

1 3

3ab 3a b x= 4 7

4 x= a 7


To find y, Coordinate of centroid of the rectangular element is yc = y/2

A y = yc dA
y y ydx = ( ydx ) 2 0 0
a a


y = b( x/a)1/3

3ab 3ab 2 y= 4 10 2 y= b 5

EXERCISE PROBLEMS 3. Centroid of plane area

Problem No.1: Locate the centroid of the shaded area shown

10 50 10 40
Ans: x=12.5, y=17.5

EXERCISE PROBLEMS 3. Centroid of plane area

Problem No.2: Locate the centroid of the shaded area shown

500 1000 mm
D=600 r=600

300 300 500

1000 mm

Ans: x=474mm, y=474mm

EXERCISE PROBLEMS 3. Centroid of plane area

Problem No.3: Locate the centroid of the shaded area w.r.t. to the axes shown
y-axis 90 20 120 r=40 20 60 x-axis

Ans: x=34.4, y=40.3

EXERCISE PROBLEMS 3. Centroid of plane area

Problem No.4: Locate the centroid of the shaded area w.r.t. to the axes shown
y-axis 250 mm

20 10 380


200 mm

10 x-axis

Ans: x= -5mm, y=282mm

EXERCISE PROBLEMS 3. Centroid of plane area

Problem No.5 Locate the centroid of the shaded area w.r.t. to the axes shown
y 30 50

40 40 20 r=20 20 x

Ans:x =38.94, y=31.46

EXERCISE PROBLEMS 3. Centroid of plane area

Problem No.6 Locate the centroid of the shaded area w.r.t. to the axes shown


2.4 m r=0.6 1.0 1.0


1.5 1.5

Ans: x=0.817, y=0.24

EXERCISE PROBLEMS 3. Centroid of plane area

Problem No.7 Locate the centroid of the shaded area w.r.t. to the axes shown

Ans: x= -30.43, y= +9.58

EXERCISE PROBLEMS 3. Centroid of plane area

Problem No.8 Locate the centroid of the shaded area.


Ans: x= 0, y= 67.22(about base)

EXERCISE PROBLEMS 3. Centroid of plane area

Problem No.9 Locate the centroid of the shaded area w.r.t. to the base line.

Ans: x=5.9, y= 8.17

EXERCISE PROBLEMS 3. Centroid of plane area

Problem No.10 Locate the centroid of the shaded area w.r.t. to the axes shown

Ans: x=21.11, y= 21.11

EXERCISE PROBLEMS 3. Centroid of plane area

Problem No.11 Locate the centroid of the shaded area w.r.t. to the axes shown

Ans: x= y= 22.22

EXERCISE PROBLEMS 3. Centroid of plane area

Problem No.12 Locate the centroid of the shaded area w.r.t. to the axes shown
Y R=25 R=25


50 50 75

Ans: x= 24.33 y= 4.723


4. MOMENT OF INERTIA Moment of Inertia( Second moment area) The product of the elemental area and square of the perpendicular distance between the centroid of area and the axis of reference is the Moment of Inertia about the reference axis Iox= da1 y12 + da2 y22+ da3 y32+ -= da y2 Ioy = da1 x12 + da2 x22 + da3 x32+ ---= da x2

y x



Radius of Gyration
A r1 r2 r3 B Elemental area A

k k k B

Radius of gyration is defined as a constant distance of all elemental areas which have been rearranged with out altering the total moment of inertia.
IAB= da k2 + da k2 + ----------IAB = da k2 IAB= A k2 k=IAB/A

Polar moment of Inertia (Perpendicular Axes theorem) The moment of inertia of an area about an axis perpendicular to the plane of the area is called Polar Moment of Inertia and it is denoted by symbol Izz or J or Ip. The moment of inertia of an area in xy plane z. axis is Izz = Ip = J = r2dA = (x2 + y2) dA = x2dA + y2dA = Ixx +Iyy


Polar moment of Inertia (Perpendicular Axes theorem) Hence polar M.I. for an area w.r.t. an axis perpendicular to its plane of area is equal to the sum of the M.I. about any two mutually perpendicular axes in its plane, passing through the point of intersection of the polar axis and the area.

Parallel Axis Theorem

dA x
* G

d A B

Moment of inertia of any area about an axis AB is equal to the M.I. about parallel centroidal axis plus the product of the total area and square of the distance between the two axes.

IAB =dA (d +y)2 = dA (d2 + y2 + 2 d y) =dA. d2 +dA y2 + 2ddA y = dA. d2 +dA y2 + 2d. y dA In the above term (2d) is constant & y dA = 0 IAB = Ixx + A.d2

MOMENT OF INERTIA BY DIRECT INTEGRATION Moment of inertia of rectangular area about centroidal horizontal axis by direct integration M.I. about its horizontal centroidal axis :

I x x = dA y 2
D / 2

+D / 2

= ( B dy ) y x D / 2 BD 3 = 12

+D / 2

D/2 D y


Moment of Inertia of rectangular area about its base(about the line AB) using Parallel Axis Theorem IAB = IXX + A(d)2 Where d = D/2, the distance between axes xx and AB

=BD /12+(BD)(D/2) =BD3/12+BD3/4 =BD3/3

dy y


Moment of inertia of Triangular area about the base by direct integration



h x h/3 A


From similar triangles b/h = x/(h-y) x = b . (h-y)/h



h x h/3 A


IAB = dA.y2 = (x.dy)y2

Ixx =

h 0

(b . (h-y) y2.dy) /h

= b[ h (y3/3) y4/4 ]/h = bh3/12

Moment of inertia of Triangular area about the centroidal horizontal axis Using Parallel axis theorem . MI about any line(AB) = MI about cenroidal parallel axis + Ad2 IAB = Ixx + Ad2
h x A b Centroidal horizontal axis

Ixx = MI about centroidal axis x x IAB= MI about the Base line AB Ixx = IAB Ad2 = bh3/12 bh/2 . (h/3)2 = bh3/36




Moment of inertia of Circular area about the centroidal horizontal axis Ixx = dA . y2 = (x.d.dr) r2Sin2
0 0 R 2


R 2



0 0

x A


= r3 dr {(1- Cos2)/2} d



R 0

[/2 Sin2/4]

2 0

= R4/4[ - 0] = R4/4 IXX = R4/4 = D4/64

Moment of inertia of Semi-circular area about the Base & centroidal horizontal axis IAB = dA . y2 = (r.d.dr) r2Sin2
0 0 R 3 = r .dr Sin2 0 R = r3 0 0 0 R


dr (1- Cos2)/2) d [/2 Sin2/4]



= R4/4[/2 - 0] = R4/8 = (D4/32)

x 4R/3 A

x B


Moment of inertia of Semi-circular area about the centriodal horizontal axis using parallel axis theorem: IAB = Ixx + A(d)

Ixx = IAB A(d)2 = R4/8 Ixx = 0.11R4 R2/2 . (4R/3)2

Moment of inertia of Quarter-circular area about the base & centroidal horizontal axis IAB = ICD IAB = (r.d.dr). r2Sin2
0 0 R /2

= r3.dr Sin2 d
0 R 0 /2 0


x A C


= r3 dr (1- Cos2)/2) d

=[R4/4] [/2 (Sin2 )/4] = R4 (/16 0) = R4/16

/2 0

Moment of inertia about Centroidal axis, Ixx = IAB - Ad2 = R4/16 - R2. (0. 424R)2 = 0.055R4


1 x0 x h x0 x x0

Figure b d x0


-x 0 0


-y 0 0

I xx bd3/3

I yy -



x x0 bh3/36 h/3 x x0 4R/3 x0 x x0 4R/3 0.11R4 R4/8 R4/8 R4/4 R4/4 bh3/12 -



4 x0 x y



y0 y0







Q1. Determine the moment of inertia about the centroidal axes. 30mm 30mm


[Ans: Y = 27.69mm Ixx = 1.801 x 106mm4 Iyy = 1.855 x 106mm4]


Q2. Determine second moment of area about the centroidal horizontal and vertical axes. 300mm 300mm 200

200mm 900mm [Ans: X = 99.7mm from A, Y = 265 mm Ixx = 10.29 x 109mm4, Iyy = 16.97 x 109mm4]


Q3. Determine M.I. Of the built up section about the horizontal and vertical centroidal axes and the radii of gyration.

200mm 20 140mm 20 100mm

[Ans: Ixx = 45.54 x 106mm4, Iyy = 24.15 x 106mm4 rxx = 62.66mm, ryy = 45.63mm]



Q4. Determine the horizontal and vertical centroidal M.I. Of the shaded portion of the figure.


20 20



[Ans: X = 83.1mm Ixx = 2228.94 x 104mm4, Iyy = 4789.61 x 104mm4]


Q5. Determine the spacing of the symmetrically placed vertical blocks such that Ixx = Iyy for the shaded area.


400mm 200mm d 200mm 200mm

[Ans: d/2 = 223.9mm d=447.8mm]



Q6. Find the horizontal and vertical centroidal moment of inertia of the section shown in Fig. built up with R.S.J. (I-Section) 250 x 250 and two plates 400 x 16 mm each attached one to each. Properties of I section are Ixx = 7983.9 x 104mm4 Iyy = 2011.7 x 104mm4



Cross sectional area=6971mm2

160mm 4000mm
[Ans: Ixx = 30.653 x 107mm4, Iyy = 19.078 x 107mm4]


Q7. Find the horizontal and vertical centroidal moment of inertia of built up section shown in Figure. The section consists of 4 symmetrically placed ISA 60 x 60 with two plates 300 x 20 mm2.

Properties of ISA

Cross sectional area = 4400mm2 18.5mm 18.5mm

Ixx = Iyy ;Cxx = Cyy =18.5mm

200mm 20mm

[Ans: Ixx = 111.078 x 107mm4, Iyy = 39.574 x 107mm4]


Q8. The R.S. Channel section ISAIC 300 are placed back to back with required to keep them in place. Determine the clear distance d between them so that Ixx = Iyy for the composite section. Properties of ISMC300 C/S Area = 4564mm2 104mm4 X d [Ans: d = 183.1mm] Y


Ixx = 6362.6 x 104mm4 Iyy = 310.8 x Cyy = 23.6mm

X 380mm


Q9. Determine horizontal and vertical centroidal M.I. for the section shown in figure.

40mm 160mm 40mm 40mm 90mm

[Ans: Ixx = 2870.43 x 104mm4, Iyy = 521.64 x 104mm4]

5. Kinetics of rectilinear motion

5. Kinetics of rectilinear motion In this chapter we will be studying the relationship between forces on a body/particle and the accompanying motion
Newtons Second law of motion:

Newtons first and third law of motion were used extensively in the study of statics (the bodies at rest) whereas Newtons second law of motion is used extensively in the study of the kinetics.

Work done by force: Work done by a force is the product of the force and the distance moved by the point of application in the direction of the force. It is a scalar quantity.
F sin

F cos

F sin


F cos

Work done = (F cos ) s

X- component of force F moves through distance a S, S = displacement of force from A to B Unit: Nm ( Joule )

POWER:It is defined as the time rate of doing work. Power = work done /Time= (force distance) /Time = force velocity Unit: (Nm)/s = [watt] (kN m)/s = [kilo watt] 1 metric H.P=735.75 watts.

Energy:It is defined as the capacity to do work. It is a scalar quantity. Unit :- N m (Joule)

Momentum:Quantity of motion possessed by a body is called momentum. It is the product of mass and velocity. It is a vector quantity. Unit:- N s. Impulse of a Force:It is defined as the product of force and the time over which it acts. It is a vector quantity. Unit:- N s.

Newtons second law of motion. If the resultant force acting on a particle is not zero , the particle will have an acceleration proportional to the magnitude of the resultant force and its direction is along that of the resultant force. Fa F =Resultant of forces a = Acceleration of the particle. F = ma m= mass of the particle.

The constant value obtained for the ratio of the magnitude of the force and acceleration is characteristic of the particle and is denoted by m. Where m is mass of the particle Since m is a +ve scalar, the vectors of force Fand acceleration a have the same direction.

Units Force in Newtons (N) Acceleration in m/s2

N = 1 Kgm/s2

F2 F1 F3

e h t t n i an e a v ult o m s m e = l r l f i R w o y n d o Bo recti di

R = Resultant of forces F1,F2 and F3

Using the rectangular coordinate system we have components along axes as, Fx = max Fy = may Fz = maz where Fx ,Fy Fz and ax , ay ,az are rectangular components of resultant forces and accelerations respectively.

Newtons second law may also be expressed by considering a force vector of magnitude ma but of sense opposite to that of the acceleration. This vector is denoted by (ma)rev. The subscript indicates that the sense of acceleration has been reversed and is called the inertia force vector.

ov m l l i w t y an d t B o sul re

n i e

d e h

ti c e ir


ce r Fo a ia t m r e = In R

F2 F1 F3
R = Resultant of forces F1,F2 and F3

F2 F1 F3


e c m or = F R tia = F Iner

F1 F3

If the inertia force vector is added to the forces acting on the particle we obtain a system of forces whose resultant is zero.

Resultant of forces F1,F2, F3 and Inertia force = 0

F1 + F2 + F3 + ma = 0
The particle may thus be considered to be in equilibrium. (THIS IS DYNAMIC EQUILIBRIUM)

It was pointed out by DAlembert (Alembert, Jean le Rond d (1717-1783), French mathematician and philosopher) that problems of kinetics can be solved by using the principles of statics only (the equations of equilibrium) by considering an inertia force in a direction directly opposite to the acceleration in addition to the real forces acting on the system DAlemberts principle states that When different forces act on a system such that it is in motion with an acceleration in a particular direction, the vectorial sum of all the forces acting on the system including the inertia force (ma taken in the opposite direction to the direction of the acceleration) is zero.

The problem under consideration may be solved by using the method developed earlier in statics. The particle is said to be in dynamic equilibrium. If Fx = 0 Fy= 0 Fz = 0 This principle is known as DAlemberts principle including inertia force vector

Work-Energy relation for translation From Newtons second law of motion F=ma = Also


a = dv/dt =( dv/dt) ( ds/ds) = v dv/ds substituting in (1)

F = m v dv/ds F ds = m v dv ------------------(2) Let the initial velocity be u and the final velocity after it moves through a distance s be v

Integrating both sides, we get

F ds = m v dv
0 u

v2 v F s = (m ) 2 u 1 2 2 ( ) F s m v u = 2
Therefore work done by a system of forces acting on a body while causing a displacement is equal to the change in kinetic energy of the body during the displacement.

Impulse-momentum relationship F=ma F = m (v - u)/t = (mv mu)/t Force = Rate of change of momentum F t = mv mu Impulse = final momentum Initial momentum The component of the resultant linear impulse along any direction is equal to change in the component of momentum in that direction.


Q1. Blocks A and B of mass 10 kg and 30 kg respectively are connected by an inextensible cord passing over a smooth pulley as shown in Fig. Determine the velocity of the system 4 sec. after starting from rest. Assume coefficient of friction =0.3 for all surfaces in contact.



Ans: v=13.6m/s



A tram car weighs 150kN. The tractive resistance being 1% of the weight of car. What power will be required to move the car at uniform speed of 20 kmph

(i) Up an incline 1 in 300 (ii) (ii) Down an incline 1 in 250. Take efficiency 75%.
Ans: Pull = 2 kN

a) Output power=11.12kW


Q3. Two masses of 5 kg and 3 kg rest on two smooth inclined plane, each of inclination 30 and are connected by a string passing over a common apex. Find the velocity of 3 kg mass after 2 sec when released from rest. Find the distance it will cover before changing direction of motion, if 5kg mass is cut off after two sec of its release from rest.

5kg 30
V = 4.45 m/s s = 0.61 m

3kg 30


Q4. A locomotive weighing 900 kN pulls a train of 10 coaches each weighing 300 kN at 72 Kmph on a level track against a resistance of 7 N/kN. If the rear 4 coaches get snapped from the train, find the speed of the engine and the remaining coaches after 120 secs. Assume no change in resistance and draw bar pull. Find also distance traveled by detached coaches before coming to rest.




V = 23.66 m/s s = 2.9 km


Q5. Find the tension in the cord supporting body C in Fig. below. The pulleys are frictionless and of negligible weight.

A C 150 kN B 450 kN 300 kN

Assume all blocks moving either downward or upward and accordingly draw FBD 0=aA +2aB +cC

Ans : T=211.72 kN


Q6. Two blocks A and B are released from rest on a 30o inclined plane with horizontal, when they are 20m apart. The coefficient of friction under the upper block is 0.2 and that under lower block is 0.4. compute the time elapsed until the block touch. After they touch and move as a unit what will be the constant forces between them.

(Ans : t = 4.85 s, contact force=8.65 N)


Q7. An elevator cage of a mine shaft weighing 8kN when empty is lifted or lowered by means of rope. Once a man weighing 600N entered it and lowered at uniform acceleratin such that when a distance of 187.5 m was covered, the velocity of the cage was 25m/s. Determine the tension in the cable and force exerted by man on the floor of the cage.

(Ans: T=7139 N and R=498 N)


Q8. A small block starts from rest at point a and slides down the inclined plane. At what distance along the horizontal will it travel before coming to rest . Take k=0.3 [Ans :s=6m ]


A 3 4 B s C


Q9. The system starts from rest in the position shown . How much further will block A move up the incline after block B hits the ground . assume the pulley to be frictionless and massless and is 0.2 .WA=1000N, WB=2000N. [ Answer s =1.27m]

A 4 3 B 3m


Q10. A 1500Kg automobile travels at a uniform rate of 50kmph to 75kmph . During the entire motion, the automobile is traveling on a level horizontal road and rolling resistance is 2 % of weight of automobile . Find (i) maximum power developed (ii) power required to maintain a constant speed of 75kmph.
[ ANSWER: power developed = 6.131KN]


Q11. Two bodies A and B weighing 2000N and 5200N are connected as shown in the figure . find the further distance moved by block a after the block B hits Wall. =0.2 .[ Answer s=1.34m]

A 5 12 B


Q12. A spring is used to stop 60kg package which is sliding on a horizontal surface . the spring has a constant k = 20kN/m and is held by cable such that it is initially compressed at 120mm. knowing that the package has a velocity of 2.5m/s in position shown and maximum additional displacement of spring is 40mm . Determine the coefficient of kinetic friction between package and surface. (Answer k=0.2) 2.5 m/s




Q13. The system shown in figure has a rightward velocity of 4m/s, just before force P is applied. Determine the value of P that will give a leftward velocity of 6m/s in a time interval of 20sec. Take = 0.2 & assume ideal pulley. [Answer P=645.41N] P 1000N



Q14. A locomotive of weight 500kN pulls a train of weight of 2500kN. The tractive resistance, due to friction is 10N/kN. The train can go with a maximum speed of 27kmph on a grade of 1in100. Determine (a) Power of the locomotive. (b) Maximum speed it can attain on a straight level track with the tractive resistance remaining same. [Answer (a) Power= 450kN (b) v=15m/s] Q15. A wagon weighing 400kN starts from rest, runs 30m down a 1% grade & strikes a post. If the rolling resistance of the track is 5N/kN, find the velocity of the wagon when it strikes the post. If the impact is to be cushioned by means of one bumper string, which compresses 1mm per 20 kN weight, determine how much the bumper spring will be compressed. [Answer v=1.716m/s, x=77.5mm]


Q16. A train whose weight is 20kN moves at the rate of 60kmph. After brakes are applied, it is brought to rest in 500m. Find the force exerted, assuming it to be uniform a) Use work-energy relation b) Use DAlemberts equation.

Ans: F = 5.663 kN


Q17. The blocks A and B having weights 100 N and 300 N start from rest. The horizontal plane and the pulleys are frictionless. Determine the acceleration and the tension in the string.
Frictionless pulley

A string

Frictionless pulley

Ans: aA=8.403m/s2 aB=4.201 m/s2 T= 85.71 N


Q18. The blocks A and B having weights 100 N and 300 N start from rest. The horizontal plane and the pulleys are frictionless. Determine the velocity of block B after 0.5 seconds and the tension in the string. Use impulsemomentum relation.
Frictionless pulley

A string

Frictionless pulley B


Q19. The blocks A and B having weights 100 N and 300 N start from rest when a load of 100 N is applied on the block A as shown in the figure. The horizontal plane and the pulleys are frictionless. Determine the acceleration and the tension in the string.

100 N

Frictionless pulley


Frictionless pulley B


Q20. Two blocks A and B are connected as shown in the figure. At the instant of their release if the block A, which is on smooth horizontal plane has a left ward velocity of 2 m/s, what would be its velocity 5 seconds after their release. The blocks A and B weigh 100 N and 300 N respectively.
Frictionless pulley

A string

Frictionless pulley B


Q21. An engine weighing 500 kN drags carriages weighing 1500kN up an incline of 1 in 100 against a resistance of 5N/kN starting from rest. It attains a velocity of 36 kmph (10m/s) in 1 km distance with a constant draw bar pull supplied by the engine. What is the power required for the same ? What is the tension developed in the link connecting the engine and carriages? 1500N 500N P 100 1

Ans: Pull=40.19kN, power=401kW, T=30.15kN


Q22. what velocity the block A will attain after 2 seconds starting from rest? Take = 0.2. WA = 1500N, WB = 2000N. Use impulse-momentum relation.

A 3

3 4

PART - II Mechanics of Deformable Bodies


6. Simple stresses and strains 7. Statically indeterminate problems and thermal stresses 8. Stresses on inclined planes 9. Stresses due to fluid pressure in thin cylinders

6. Simple stresses and strains

The subject strength of materials deals with the relations between externally applied loads and their internal effects on bodies. The bodies are no longer assumed to be rigid and the deformations, however small, are of major interest The subject, strength of materials or mechanics of materials involves analytical methods for determining the strength , stiffness (deformation characteristics), and stability of various load carrying members. Alternatively the subject may be called the mechanics of solids.

GENERAL CONCEPTS STRESS No engineering material is perfectly rigid and hence, when a material is subjected to external load, it undergoes deformation. While undergoing deformation, the particles of the material offer a resisting force (internal force). When this resisting force equals applied load the equilibrium condition exists and hence the deformation stops. These internal forces maintain the externally applied forces in equilibrium.


The internal force resisting the deformation per unit area is called as stress or intensity of stress.

Stress = internal resisting force / resisting cross sectional area

R = A

STRESS SI unit for stress N/m2 also designated as a pascal (Pa) Pa = N/m2 kilopascal, 1kPa = 1000 N/m2 megapascal, 1 MPa = 1106 N/m2 = 1106 N/(106mm2) = 1N/mm2 1 MPa = 1 N/mm2 gigapascal, 1GPa = 1109 N/m2 = 1103 MPa = 1103 N/mm2



Consider a uniform bar of cross sectional area A, subjected to a tensile force P. Consider a section AB normal to the direction of force P Let R is the total resisting force acting on the cross section AB. Then for equilibrium condition,

R=P Then from the definition of stress, normal stress = = R/A = P/A


= Normal Stress

AXIAL LOADING NORMAL STRESS Direct or Normal Stress: Intensity of resisting force perpendicular to or normal to the section is called the normal stress. Normal stress may be tensile or compressive


Tensile stress: stresses that cause pulling on the surface of the section, (particles of the materials tend to pull apart causing extension in the direction of force) Compressive stress: stresses that cause pushing on the surface of the section, (particles of the materials tend to push together causing shortening in the direction of force)

STRESS The resultant of the internal forces for an axially loaded member is normal to a section cut perpendicular to the member axis. The force intensity on that section is defined as the normal stress.

F = lim A0 A

P ave = A

STRAIN STRAIN : when a load acts on the material it will undergo deformation. Strain is a measure of deformation produced by the application of external forces. If a bar is subjected to a direct load, and hence a stress, the bar will changes in length. If the bar has an original length L and change in length by an amount L, the linear strain produced is defined as, L Change in length = = Linear strain, Original length L Strain is a dimensionless quantity.

Linear Strain

P = = stress A

2P P = = 2A A

= normal strain

P A 2 = = 2L L

STRESS-STRAIN DIAGRAM In order to compare the strength of various materials it is necessary to carry out some standard form of test to establish their relative properties. One such test is the standard tensile test in which a circular bar of uniform cross section is subjected to a gradually increasing tensile load until failure occurs. Measurement of change in length over a selected gauge length of the bar are recorded throughout the loading operation by means of extensometers. A graph of load verses extension or stress against strain is drawn as shown in figure.


Proportionality limit

Typical tensile test curve for mild steel


Typical tensile test curve for mild steel showing upper yield point and lower yield point and also the elastic range and plastic range

Stress-strain Diagram Limit of Proportionality : From the origin O to a point called proportionality limit the stress strain diagram is a straight line. That is stress is proportional to strain. Hence proportional limit is the maximum stress up to which the stress strain relationship is a straight line and material behaves elastically. From this we deduce the well known relation, first postulated by Robert Hooke, that stress is proportional to strain. Beyond this point, the stress is no longer proportional to strain

PP P = = Load at proportionality limit A Original cross sectional area

Stress-strain Diagram Elastic limit: It is the stress beyond which the material will not return to its original shape when unloaded but will retain a permanent deformation called permanent set. For most practical purposes it can often be assumed that points corresponding proportional limit and elastic limit coincide. Beyond the elastic limit plastic deformation occurs and strains are not totally recoverable. There will be thus some permanent deformation when load is removed.

PE Load at proportional limit E = = A Original cross sectional area

Stress-strain Diagram Yield point: It is the point at which there is an appreciable elongation or yielding of the material without any corresponding increase of load.

PY Y = = A

Load at yield point Original cross sectional area

Ultimate strength: It is the stress corresponding to maximum load recorded during the test. It is stress corresponding to maximum ordinate in the stress-strain graph.

P U = U = A

Maximum load taken by the material Original cross sectional area

Stress-strain Diagram Rupture strength (Nominal Breaking stress): It is the stress at failure. For most ductile material including structural steel breaking stress is somewhat lower than ultimate strength because the rupture strength is computed by dividing the rupture load (Breaking load) by the original cross sectional area.

PB B = = A

load at breaking (failure) Original cross sectional area load at breaking (failure) Actual cross sectional area

True breaking stress =

Stress-strain Diagram After yield point the graph becomes much more shallow and covers a much greater portion of the strain axis than the elastic range. The capacity of a material to allow these large plastic deformations is a measure of ductility of the material Ductile Materials: The capacity of a material to allow large extension i.e. the ability to be drawn out plastically is termed as its ductility. Material with high ductility are termed ductile material. Example: Low carbon steel, mild steel, gold, silver, aluminum

Stress-strain Diagram

A measure of ductility is obtained by measurements of the percentage elongation or percentage reduction in area, defined as, increase in gauge length (up to fracture) 100 = original gauge length Percentage elongation Reduction in cross sectional area of necked portion (at fracture)

Percentage reduction in = area original area


Cup and cone fracture for a Ductile Material

Stress-strain Diagram Brittle Materials : A brittle material is one which exhibits relatively small extensions before fracture so that plastic region of the tensile test graph is much reduced. Example: steel with higher carbon content, cast iron, concrete, brick

Stress-strain diagram for a typical brittle material

HOOKES LAW Hookes Law For all practical purposes, up to certain limit the relationship between normal stress and linear strain may be said to be linear for all materials stress () strain () stress () constant strain () = Thomas Young introduced a constant of proportionality that came to be known as Youngs modulus. stress () E strain () = = Youngs Modulus or Modulus of Elasticity

HOOKES LAW Youngs Modulus is defined as the ratio of normal stress to linear strain within the proportionality limit. stress () = E = strain ()


The value of the Youngs modulus is a definite property of a material From the experiments, it is known that strain is always a very small quantity, hence E must be large. For Mild steel, E = 200GPa = 2105MPa = 2105N/mm2

Deformations Under Axial Loading From Hookes Law:

= E =
E =


From the definition of strain:

L Equating and solving for the deformation, PL = AE

With variations in loading, crosssection or material properties, Pi Li = i Ai Ei

Consider an element of length, x at a distance x from A



Diameter at x, = d1

L = d1 + k x

(d d ) + 2 1 x


d2 c/s area at x,
2 d1 =

(d1 + kx )2

Change in length over a length dx is Change in length over a length L is

Wdx PL = = 2 AE dx (d1 + kx ) E 4 L Wdx = 0 (d + kx )2 E 1 4

Consider an element of length, x at a distance x from A Change in length over a length L is

L Wdx = 0 (d + kx )2 E 1 4 dt W L k = 0 (t )2 E 4

Put d1+kx = t, Then k dx = dt


4W t 4W = = Ek 1 0 Ek
2 +1

4W 1 = t 0 Ek

1 ( d + kx ) 1 0

4WL WL = Ed1d 2 d1d 2 E 4

Derive an expression for the total extension of the tapered bar AB of rectangular cross section and uniform thickness, as shown in the figure, when subjected to an axial tensile load ,W. W B L b

d1 b



d1 b

W A x dx B

d2 b

Consider an element of length, x at a distance x from A depth at x,

= d1 +

L = d1 + k x

(d 2 d1 ) x

c/s area at x, = (d1 + kx )b

Change in length over a length dx is

Wdx PL = = AE dx (d1 + kx )b E

Change in length over a length L is

Wdx (d + kx )b E 1

P (log e d 2 log e d1 ) = b E k
2.302 P L (log d 2 log d1 ) = b E (d 2 d1 )

Derive an expression for the total extension produced by self weight of a uniform bar, when the bar is suspended vertically.

Diameter d

dx x

P1 = weight of the bar below element the section, = volume specific weight dx = ( d2/4) x P1 = A x

Diameter d

Extension of the element due to weight of the bar below that,

P1 dx ( A x ) dx PL = = = AE AE AE dx

Hence the total extension entire bar


( A x )dx x L2 = = AE 2E 0 2E

The above expression can also be written as

A ( AL ) L 1 PL = = = 2E A 2 AE 2 AE


Where, P = (AL) = total weight of the bar

SHEAR STRESS Consider a block or portion of a material shown in Fig.(a) subjected to a set of equal and opposite forces P. then there is a tendency for one layer of the material to slide over another to produce the form failure as shown in Fig.(b) P P P P R Fig. b Fig. c R

Fig. a

The resisting force developed by any plane ( or section) of the block will be parallel to the surface as shown in Fig.(c). The resisting forces acting parallel to the surface per unit area is called as shear stress.

Shear stress () =

Shear resistance Area resisting shear

P = A

This shear stress will always be tangential to the area on which it acts

Shear strain
If block ABCD subjected to shearing stress as shown in Fig.(d), then it undergoes deformation. The shape will not remain rectangular, it changes into the form shown in Fig.(e), as AB'C'D. B' C' C C B B

Fig. d

Fig. e


Fig. e

Shear strain is defined as C' the change in angle between two line element which are originally right angles to one another.

BB shear strain = = tan AB

The angle of deformation

is then termed as shear strain

The angle of deformation is measured in radians and hence is non-dimensional.

SHEAR MODULUS For materials within the proportionality limit the shear strain is proportional to the shear stress. Hence the ratio of shear stress to shear strain is a constant within the proportionality limit. Shear Modulus Shear stress () or = G = = constant Shear strain () Modulus of Rigidity

The value of the modulus of rigidity is a definite property of a material For Mild steel, G= 80GPa = 80,000MPa = 80,000N/mm2

example: Shearing Stress Forces P and P are applied transversely to the member AB. Corresponding internal forces act in the plane of section C and are called shearing forces. The resultant of the internal shear force distribution is defined as the shear of the section and is equal to the load P. The corresponding average shear stress is,
ave =

The shear stress distribution cannot be assumed to be uniform.

State of simple shear

Consider an element ABCD in a strained material subjected to shear stress, as shown in the figure A B

Force on the face AB = P = AB t Where, t is the thickness of the element. Force on the face DC is also equal to P

State of simple shear Now consider the equilibrium of the element. (i.e., Fx = 0, Fy = 0, M = 0.) For the force diagram shown, Fx = 0, & Fy = 0, But M = 0 The element is subjected force to a clockwise moment P AD = ( AB t) AD D P C A P B

But, as the element is actually in equilibrium, there must be another pair of forces say P' acting on faces AD and BC, such that they produce a anticlockwise moment equal to ( P AD )

State of simple shear P ' AB = P AD = ( AB t) AD ----- (1) If 1 is the intensity of the shear stress on the faces AD and BC, then P ' can be written as, P ' = ' AD t Equn.(1) can be written as '


P' P


( ' AD t ) AB = ( AB t) AD ----- (1) ' =

State of simple shear Thus in a strained material a shear stress is always accompanied by a balancing shear of same intensity at right angles to itself. This balancing shear is called complementary shear.

The shear and the complementary shear together constitute a state of simple shear



Direct stress due to pure shear Consider a square element of side a subjected to shear stress as shown in the Fig.(a). Let the thickness of the square be unity. A

a a Fig.(a).

a a Fig.(b).

Fig.(b) shows the deformed shape of the element. The length of diagonal DB increases, indicating that it is subjected to tensile stress. Similarly the length of diagonal AC decreases indicating that compressive stress.

Direct stress due to pure shear Now consider the section, ADC of the element, Fig.(c). X

n a a

a a

( 2 )a


Resolving the forces in n direction, i.e., in the X-direction shown

For equilibrium

Fx = 0

2 a 1 2( a cos 45)

n =

Direct stress due to pure shear Therefore the intensity of normal tensile stress developed on plane BD is numerically equal to the intensity of shear stress.

Similarly it can be proved that the intensity of compressive stress developed on plane AC is numerically equal to the intensity of shear stress.

POISSONS RATIO Poissons Ratio: Consider the rectangular bar shown in Fig.(a) subjected to a tensile load. Under the action of this load the bar will increase in length by an amount L giving a longitudinal strain in the bar of l l =


POISSONS RATIO The bar will also exhibit, reduction in dimension laterally, i.e. its breadth and depth will both reduce. These change in lateral dimension is measured as strains in the lateral direction as given below. b d lat = = b d The associated lateral strains will be equal and are of opposite sense to the longitudinal strain. Provided the load on the material is retained within the elastic range the ratio of the lateral and longitudinal strains will always be constant. This ratio is termed Poissons ratio ()
( d ) d = POISSONS RATIO = l Longitudinal strain l

Lateral strain

( b ) b OR l l

Poissons Ratio =

For most engineering metals the value of lies between 0.25 and 0.33 y Lz P Lx z Poissons Ratio Lateral strain Strain in the direction of load applied
l y = ly
l z

In general

Ly P x

l x


OR = l x



Poissons Ratio =
In general Px

Lz Ly Px

Strain in Y-direction =

Strain in X-direction = x

l x


l y

l x

Strain in Z-direction = z

l z

l x

Load applied in Y-direction y




x Py

Poissons Ratio

Lateral strain Strain in the direction of load applied

l x =

l y


l z


OR = l y



Strain in X-direction = x

l x

l y

Load applied in Z-direction y



x z Pz Lateral strain Strain in the direction of load applied


l x =

Poissons Ratio

l z


l y



l z



Strain in X-direction = x

l x

l z

Load applied in X & Y direction y



Ly Px

Strain in X-direction = x x





Strain in Y-direction = y



Strain in Z-direction = z






General case: Strain in X-direction = x




x =
y x z




Strain in Y-direction = y

E Strain in Z-direction = z y x z z =

y =



z x

Bulk Modulus Bulk Modulus A body subjected to three mutually perpendicular equal direct stresses undergoes volumetric change without distortion of shape. If V is the original volume and dV is the change in volume, then dV/V is called volumetric strain. A body subjected to three mutually perpendicular equal direct stresses then the ratio of stress to volumetric strain is called Bulk Modulus. = Bulk modulus, K dV V

Relationship between volumetric strain and linear strain Consider a cube of side 1unit, subjected to three mutually perpendicular direct stresses as shown in the figure. Relative to the unstressed state, the change in volume per unit volume is
dV = 1 (1 + x )(1 + y )(1 + z ) = 1 1 + x + y + z 1 = x +y +z = change in volume per unit volume

Relationship between volumetric strain and linear strain

Volumetric strain
dV = x +y +z V
y x = z E E E
y x z + E E E

y x z + E E E

1 2 ( x + y + z ) = E

For element subjected to uniform hydrostatic pressure,

x =y =z =
dV 1 2 ( x + y + z ) = V E dV 1 2 (3 ) = V E


dV V

E K= = bulk modulus 3(1 2 ) or E = 3K (1 - 2 )

Relationship between youngs modulus of elasticity (E) and modulus of rigidity (G) :A1 A H


B1 B

a C

Consider a square element ABCD of side a subjected to pure shear . DA'B'C is the deformed shape due to shear . Drop a perpendicular AH to diagonal A'C. Strain in the diagonal AC = /E (- /E) [ n= ] = /E [ 1 + ] -----------(1) Strain along the diagonal AC=(A'CAC)/AC=(A'CCH)/AC=A'H/AC

In le AA'H Cos 45 = A'H/AA' A'H= AA' 1/2 AC = 2 AD ( AC = AD2 +AD2) Strain along the diagonal AC = AA'/ (2 2 AD)=/2 ----(2) Modulus of rigidity = G = / = /G Substituting in (2) Strain along the diagonal AC = /2G -----------(3) Equating (1) & (3) /2G = /E[1+] E=2G(1+ )

Relationship between E, G, and K:We have E = 2G( 1+ ) -----------(1) E = 3K( 1-2) -----------(2) Equating (1) & (2) 2G( 1+ ) =3K( 1- 2) 2G + 2G=3K- 6K = (3K- 2G) /(2G +6K) Substituting in (1) E = 2G[ 1+(3K 2G)/ (2G+6K)] E = 18GK/( 2G+6K) E = 9GK/(G+3K)

Working stress: It is obvious that one cannot take risk of loading a member to its ultimate strength, in practice. The maximum stress to which the material of a member is subjected to in practice is called working stress. This value should be well within the elastic limit in elastic design method. Factor of safety: Because of uncertainty of loading conditions, design procedure, production methods, etc., designers generally introduce a factor of safety into their design, defined as follows

Factor of safety = Maximum stress or Yield stress (or proof stress) Allowable working Allowable working stress stress

Malleability: A property closely related to ductility, which defines a materials ability to be hammered out in to thin sheets Homogeneous: A material which has a uniform structure throughout without any flaws or discontinuities. Isotropic: If a material exhibits uniform properties throughout in all directions ,it is said to be isotropic. Anisotropic: If a material does not exhibit uniform properties throughout in all directions ,it is said to be anisotropic or nonisotropic.

Exercise Problems Q1. An aluminum tube is rigidly fastened between a brass rod and steel rod. Axial loads are applied as indicated in the figure. Determine the stresses in each material and total deformation. Take Ea=70GPa, Eb=100GPa, Es=200GPa



brass 500mm




aluminum 600mm

steel 700mm


Ans: b=28.57MPa, a=5MPa, s=12.5MPa, l = - 0.142mm


A 2.4m long steel bar has uniform diameter of 40mm for a length of 1.2m and in the next 0.6m of its length its diameter gradually reduces to D mm and for remaining 0.6m of its length diameter remains the same as shown in the figure. When a load of 200kN is applied to this bar extension observed is equal to 2.59mm. Determine the diameter D of the bar. Take E =200GPa 200kN
1000mm 500mm 500mm


= 40mm = D mm

Q3. The diameter of a specimen is found to reduce by 0.004mm when it is subjected to a tensile force of 19kN. The initial diameter of the specimen was 20mm. Taking modulus of rigidity as 40GPa determine the value of E and Ans: E=110GPa, =0.36 Q.4 A circular bar of brass is to be loaded by a shear load of 30kN. Determine the necessary diameter of the bars (a) in single shear (b) in double shear, if the shear stress in material must not exceed 50MPa. Ans: 27.6, 19.5mm

Q.5 Determine the largest weight W that can be supported by the two wires shown. Stresses in wires AB and AC are not to exceed 100MPa and 150MPa respectively. The cross sectional areas of the two wires are 400mm2 for AB and 200mm2 for AC. Ans: 33.4kN B 300 A 450 C

Q.6 A homogeneous rigid bar of weight 1500N carries a 2000N load as shown. The bar is supported by a pin at B and a 10mm diameter cable CD. Determine the stress in the cable D Ans: 87.53MPa

A 3m 2000 N

C 3m

Q.7. A stepped bar with three different cross-sectional areas, is fixed at one end and loaded as shown in the figure. Determine the stress and deformation in each portions. Also find the net change in the length of the bar. Take E = 200GPa
300mm2 20kN 450mm2 250mm2 40kN 10kN




Ans: -33.33, -120, 22.2MPa, -0.042, -0.192, 0.03mm, -0.204mm


a) b) c)

The coupling shown in figure is constructed from steel of rectangular cross-section and is designed to transmit a tensile force of 50kN. If the bolt is of 15mm diameter calculate: The shear stress in the bolt; The direct stress in the plate; The direct stress in the forked end of the coupling.

Ans: a)141.5MPa, b)166.7MPa, c)83.3MPa

Q.9 The maximum safe compressive stress in a hardened steel punch is limited to 1000MPa, and the punch is used to pierce circular holes in mild steel plate 20mm thick. If the ultimate shearing stress is 312.5MPa, calculate the smallest diameter of hole that can be pierced. Ans: 25mm Q.10 A rectangular bar of 250mm long is 75mm wide and 25mm thick. It is loaded with an axial tensile load of 200kN, together with a normal compressive force of 2000kN on face 75mm250mm and a tensile force 400kN on face 25mm250mm. Calculate the change in length, breadth, thickness and volume. Take E = 200GPa & =0.3 Ans: 0.15,0.024,0.0197mm, 60mm3

Q.11 A piece of 180mm long by 30mm square is in compression under a load of 90kN as shown in the figure. If the modulus of elasticity of the material is 120GPa and Poissons ratio is 0.25, find the change in the length if all lateral strain is prevented by the application of uniform lateral external pressure of suitable intensity. 90kN
30 180


Ans: 0.125mm

Q.12 Define the terms: stress, strain, elastic limit, proportionality limit, yield stress, ultimate stress, proof stress, true stress, factor of safety, Youngs modulus, modulus of rigidity, bulk modulus, Poisson's ratio, Q.13 Draw a typical stress-strain diagram for mild steel rod under tension and mark the salient points. Q.14 Diameter of a bar of length L varies from D1 at one end to D2 at the other end. Find the extension of the bar under the axial load P Q.15 Derive the relationship between Youngs modulus and modulus of rigidity.

Q.16 Derive the relationship between Youngs modulus and Bulk modulus. Q.17 A flat plate of thickness t tapers uniformly from a width b1at one end to b2 at the other end, in a length of L units. Determine the extension of the plate due to a pull P. Q.18 Find the extension of a conical rod due to its own weight when suspended vertically with its base at the top. Q.19 Prove that a material subjected to pure shear in two perpendicular planes has a diagonal tension and compression of same magnitude at 45o to the planes of shear.


For a given material E=1.1105N/mm2& G=0.43105N/mm2 .Find bulk modulus & lateral contraction of round bar of 40mm diameter & 2.5m length when stretched by 2.5mm.

ANS: K=83.33Gpa, Lateral contraction=0.011mm Q.21 The modulus of rigidity of a material is 0.8105N/mm2 , when 6mm6mm bar of this material subjected to an axial pull of 3600N.It was found that the lateral dimension of the bar is changed to 5.9991mm5.9991mm. Find & E. ANS: =0.31, E= 210Gpa.


STATICALLY INDETERMINATE MEMBERS Structure for which equilibrium equations are sufficient to obtain the solution are classified as statically determinate. But for some combination of members subjected to axial loads, the solution cannot be obtained by merely using equilibrium equations. The structural problems with number of unknowns greater than the number independent equilibrium equations are called statically indeterminate. The following equations are required to solve the problems on statically indeterminate structure. 1) Equilibrium equations based on free body diagram of the structure or part of the structure. 2) Equations based on geometric relations regarding elastic deformations, produced by the loads.


Material(2) Material(1)



W A compound bar is one which is made of two or more than two materials rigidly fixed, so that they sustain together an externally applied load. In such cases (i) Change in length in all the materials are same. (ii) Applied load is equal to sum of the loads carried by

(dL)1 = (dL)2 (1/ E1)L1 = (2 /E2)L2 1 = 2 ( E1/E2)(L1/L2) E1/E2 is called modular ratio Total load = load carried by material (1) + load carried by material(2) W = 1 A1 + 2 A2 (2) (1)

From Equation (1) & (2) 1 and 2 can be calculated

Temperature Stress


L Any material is capable of expanding or contracting freely due to rise or fall in temperature. If it is subjected to rise in temperature of TC, it expands freely by an amount TL as shown in figure. Where is the coefficient of linear expansion, TC = rise in temperature and L = original length.

From the above figure it is seen that B shifts to B' by an amount TL. If this expansion is to be prevented a compressive force is required at B'. Temperature strain = TL/(L + TL) TL/L= T Temperature stress = TE Hence the temperature strain is the ratio of expansion or contraction prevented to its original length. If a gap is provided for expansion then Temperature strain = (TL ) / L Temperature stress = [(TL )/L] E

Temperature stress in compound bars:Material(1) Material(2)


x P1

(dL)2 (dL)1 P2 2TL

x When a compound bar is subjected to change in temperature, both the materials will experience stresses of opposite nature. Compressive force on material (1) = tensile force on material (2) load) 1A1 = 2A2 (there is no external 1=( 2A2)/A1 (1)

As the two bars are connected together, the actual position of the bars will be at XX. 1TL (dL)1 = 2TL + (dL)2 1TL (1 / E1) L =2TL + (2 / E2) L T (1 / E1) = 2T + 2 / E2 --------------------------(2) From (1) and (2) magnitude of 1 and 2 can be found out.

Actual expansion in material (1) = actual expansion in material (2)

Exercise problems Q.1 A circular concrete pillar consists of six steel rods of 22mm diameter each reinforced into it. Determine the diameter of pillar required when it has to carry a load of 1000kN. Take allowable stresses for steel & concrete as 140Mpa & 8Mpa respectively. The modular ratio is 15 ANS: D=344.3mm

Q.2 Determine the stresses & deformation induced in Bronze & steel as shown in figure. Given As=1000mm2, Ab=600mm2, Es= 200Gpa, Eb= 83Gpa ANS: ( b=55Mpa, s=93.5Mpa, dLs=dLb=0.093mm)





Q..3 A cart wheel of 1.2m diameter is to be provided with steel tyre. Assume the wheel to be rigid. If the stress in steel does not exceed 140MPa, calculate minimum diameter of steel tyre & minimum temperature to which it should be heated before on to the wheel. ANS: d=1199.16mm T=58.330C Q.4 A brass rod 20mm diameter enclosed in a steel tube of 25mm internal diameter & 10mm thick. The bar & the tube are initially 2m long & rigidly fastened at both the ends. The temperature is raised from 200C to 800C. Find the stresses in both the materials.

If the composite bar is then subjected to an axial pull of 50kN, find the total stress. Es=200GPa, Eb=80GPa, s=1210-6/0C, b=1910-6/0C. ANS: b=8.81N/mm2 ( C ) , s=47.99N/mm2( T )



The state of stress on any plane in a strained body is said to be Compound Stress, if, both Normal and Shear stresses are acting on that plane. For, example, the state of stress on any vertical plane of a beam subjected to transverse loads will, in general, be a Compound Stress. In actual practice the state of Compound Stress is of more common occurrence than Simple state of stress. In a compound state of stress, the normal and shear stress may have a greater magnitude on some planes which are inclined (or, Oblique) to the given stress plane.

Hence in compound state of stresses it is necessary to find the following (i) The normal and shear stress on a plane which is inclined (Oblique) to the given stress plane; (ii) The inclination of max. and min. normal stress planes and values of the normal stress (max. / min.) on them; (iii) The inclination of max. shear stress planes and the values of the shear stress (max.) on them.


Consider an element ABCD subjected to a state of compound stress as shown in the Fig. Let: C x Normal Stress in x- direction x y Normal Stress in y- direction D Shear Stresses in x & y directions Angle made by inclined plane AE wrt vertical Normal Stress on inclined plane Shear Stress on inclined plane
y E B

(i) Normal & Shear stress on plane inclined (Oblique) to given stress plane:

Normal Stress, , and Shear stress, , on inclined plane are given by:
x + y = 2 x y + 2

cos 2 + sin 2 (1)

sin 2 cos 2 ( 2 )

(ii) The inclination of max. and min. normal stress planes and the values of the normal stress (max. / min.) on them Let, P be the inclination of the plane of max. or min. normal stress and P be the value of the max. or min. normal stress on that plane, then, from Eqn. (1): x + y x y P = + cos 2 P + sin 2 P - - - (1)
2 2

Thus, the condition for max. or min. normal stress to occur on a d P =0 For P to be max. or min., plane is, shear stress on that d plane should be zero. x y ( 2 sin 2 P ) + (2 cos 2 P ) = 0 These planes on which shear 2 stress is zero and the normal x y stress on them being either the 2 (sin 2 P ) (cos 2 P ) = 0 max. or the min. are called = 0 PRINCIPAL PLANES.

From, P = 0, we have, x y ( ) ( ) = = sin 2 cos 2 0 tan 2 - - - (3) P P P 2 x y 2

The above Eqn. (3), gives two values for P, which differ by 900. Thus, there are two mutually perpendicular Principal planes, on which there are only normal stresses, shear stress being zero on them. On one of them, the value of the normal stress is the max.; it is called the Major Principal plane, the max. normal stress on it is called the Major Principal Stress. On the other principal plane, the value of the normal stress is the min.; it is called the Minor Principal plane, the min. normal stress on it is called the Minor Principal Stress.

From tan 2 P =

x y 2

, we get,

] 2+


y /2


(x-y)/ 2

sin 2 P =

( X Y ) + 2 ( X Y ) / 2 ( X Y ) + 2

cos 2 P =

Substituting for sin 2P and cos 2P in Eqn. (1), and simplifying, we get the equation for principal stresses as:
P =

+ 2

x 2


The above equation (4) gives two values for principal stresses. The numerically max. of the two values (+ ve or ve) is the Major Principal Stress, (Major or Max); The numerically min. (+ ve or ve) is the Minor Principal Stress (Minor or Min).

(iii) Inclination of max. shear stress planes, Max. shear stress Equation. Let, S be the inclination of the plane of max. or min. shear stress and S be the value of the max. or min. shear stress on that plane, then, from Eqn. (2):

sin 2 S cos 2 S


d For S to be max. or min., S = 0 d S x y 2 (2 cos 2 S ) ( 2 sin 2 S ) = 0 x y 2 - - - (5) tan 2 S = NOTE : We have tan2 P tan 2 S = 1

Eqn. (5) gives two values for S, which differ by 900. Thus, there are two mutually perpendicular planes, on which shear stress are max.; numerically equal but opposite in sense. The planes of Max. Shear stresses are inclined at 450 to the Principal planes.

2] 2 +

x y 2 From tan 2 S =

y )/


(x-y)/ 2

cos 2 s =

, we get,


sin 2 S =

( x y ) + 2 ( x y )/ 2 ( x y ) + 2

Substituting for sin 2S and cos 2S in Eqn. (2), we get the equation for Max. shear stresses as:
max . =
max . x y 2
2 2

Major Minor = 2

(6 )

The above equation (6) gives two values for Max. shear stresses, which are numerically equal but opposite in sense.


x Normal Stress in x- direction y Normal Stress in y- direction

Shear Stresses in x & y directions

Angle made by inclined plane wrt vertical Normal Stress on inclined plane AE

Shear Stress on inclined plane AE

P Inclination of Principal planes P Principal stresses S Inclination of Max. shear stress planes [S = P + 450].

All the parameters are shown in their +ve sense in the Fig. Normal stresses, Tensile stresses +ve. Shear Stresses, , in x direction & Inclined Plane Clockwise +ve. Shear Stresses, , in y direction Anti-Clockwise +ve. Angle, measured w r t vertical, Anti-Clockwise +ve.

Exercise Problems:
Q.1 The principal stresses at a point in a strained material are 80 MPa(C) and 40 MPa(T). Find the normal, tangential and resultant stress on a plane inclined at 50o to the major principal plane. [Ans: - 9.58MPa, -59MPa].

Q.2 The stresses in a strained material is as shown in Fig. Find the normal and shear stresses on plane inclined at 30o to the horizontal. Also determine the intensity and position of the plane upon which there is only shear stress. Sketch the plane.
60MPa 90 MPa


Ans: = 22.5MPa, = 64.95MPa. Pure shear plane = 0, = 39.23o w.r.t. horizontal. pure = 73.48MPa.

Q.3 A plane element is subjected to the system of stresses as shown in Fig. Determine (i) the principal stresses and inclination of their planes (ii) maximum shearing stresses and inclination of their planes. Represent your answers in neat sketches.

160 MPa 80 MPa 200 MPa

Ans: 1 = 262.46MPa, 2 = 97.54MPa. p = 37.98 or 127.98 with horizontal tmax = 82.46, s = 82.98 or 172.98 with horizontal

Q.4 At a point in a structural member subjected to stresses as shown in fig. determine the principal stresses and the maximum shear stress. Also determine and sketch planes on which these stresses act. 80 [Ans:131.23, 48.77, 37.98o, 127.98o 41.23, 7o, 970 , Angles w.r.t. horizontal] 100

4 0 Q.5 At a point in a material under stress, the intensity of resultant stress on a certain plane is 60 MPa, directed outwards and inclined at 30o to the normal of that plane. The stress on the plane at right angles to this has a normal stress component of 40 Mpa (T). Find (i) the principal stresses and inclination of their planes, (ii) the maximum shear stresses and inclination of their planes . [Ans: 76.57MPa, 15.39MPa, 39.36o , 129.36o and 30.59 MPa, 84.36o , 174.36o, Angles w.r.t. horizontal]

9. Stresses due to fluid pressure in thin cylinders

INTRODUCTION: In many engineering applications, cylinders are frequently used for transporting or storing of liquids, gases or fluids. Eg: Pipes, Boilers, storage tanks etc. These cylinders are subjected to fluid pressures. When a cylinder is subjected to internal pressure, at any point on the cylinder wall, three types of stresses are induced on three mutually perpendicular planes. They are, 1. Hoop or Circumferential Stress (C) This is directed along the tangent to the circumference and tensile in nature. Thus, there will be increase in diameter.

2. Longitudinal Stress (L) This stress is directed along the length of the cylinder. This is also tensile in nature and tends to increase the length.

3. Radial pressure ( r) It is compressive in nature. Its magnitude is equal to fluid pressure on the inside wall and zero on the outer wall if it is open to atmosphere.

C p C

L p

L p L r

1. Hoop /Circumferential Stress (C)

2. Longitudinal Stress (L)


3. Radial Stress (r)


Element on the cylinder wall subjected to these three stresses

A cylinder or spherical shell is considered to be thin when the metal thickness is small compared to internal diameter. i. e., when the wall thickness, t is equal to or less than d/20, where d is the internal diameter of the cylinder or shell, we consider the cylinder or shell to be thin, otherwise thick. Magnitude of radial pressure is very small compared to other two stresses in case of thin cylinders and hence neglected.

pd Circumferential stress, c = ........................(1) 2 t

pd Longitudin al stress, L = ...................( 2) 4 t

Maximum Shear stress, max = (c- L) / 2 max = ( p x d) / (8 x t) Where p = internal fluid pressure d= internal diameter,

t = thickness of the wall




L=(pd)/(4t) A point on the surface of thin cylinder is subjected to biaxial stress system, (Hoop stress and Longitudinal stress) mutually perpendicular to each other, as shown in the figure. The strains due to these stresses i.e., circumferential and longitudinal are obtained by applying Hookes law and Poissons theory for elastic materials.

Circumferential strain, C : C L L L = 2 C = E E E E L = (2 ) E





d pd C = = (2 )................................(3) d 4 t E

Longitudinal strain, L : C L (2 L ) L L = = (1 2 ) L = E E E E E
i.e., l pd L = = (1 2 )................................(4) L 4 t E



2 C=(pd)/(2t C=(pd)/(2t) We have volume, V = d L. 4 2 dV = d dL + L 2 d dd L=(pd)/(4t) 4 4 2 d dL + L 2 d dd dv 4 dL dd 4 = = + 2 2 V L d d L 4 pd pd dV = (1 2 ) + 2 (2 ) = +2 L C V 4 t E 4 t E dv pd i.e., = (5 4 ).................(5) V 4 t E

JOINT EFFICIENCY The cylindrical shells like boilers are having two types of joints namely Longitudinal and Circumferential joints. Due to the holes for rivets, the net area of cross section decreases and hence the stresses increase. If the efficiencies of these joints are known, the stresses can be calculated as follows. Let L=Efficiency of Longitudinal joint and C=Efficiency of Circumferential joint. Circumferential stress is given by,

pd C = 2 t L


Longitudinal stress is given by,

pd L = .......... ...(2) 4tC

Note: In longitudinal joint, the circumferential stress is developed and in circumferential joint, longitudinal stress is developed.

Exercise Problems
Q.1 Calculate the circumferential and longitudinal strains for a boiler of 1000mm diameter when it is subjected to an internal pressure of 1MPa. The wall thickness is such that the safe maximum tensile stress in the boiler material is 35 MPa. Take E=200GPa and = 0.25. (Ans: C=0.0001531, L=0.00004375) Q.2 A water main 1m in diameter contains water at a pressure head of 120m. Find the thickness of the metal if the working stress in the pipe metal is 30 MPa. Take unit weight of water = 10 kN/m3. (Ans: t=20mm)

Q.3 A gravity main 2m in diameter and 15mm in thickness. It is subjected to an internal fluid pressure of 1.5 MPa. Calculate the hoop and longitudinal stresses induced in the pipe material. If a factor of safety 4 was used in the design, what is the ultimate tensile stress in the pipe material? (Ans: C=100 MPa, L=50 MPa, U=400 MPa) Q.4 At a point in a thin cylinder subjected to internal fluid pressure, the value of hoop strain is 60010-4 (tensile). Compute hoop and longitudinal stresses. How much is the percentage change in the volume of the cylinder? Take E=200GPa and = 0.2857. (Ans: C=140 MPa, L=70 MPa, %age change=0.135%.)

Q.5 A cylindrical tank of 750mm internal diameter and 1.5m long is to be filled with an oil of specific weight 7.85 kN/m3 under a pressure head of 365 m. If the longitudinal joint efficiency is 75% and circumferential joint efficiency is 40%, find the thickness of the tank required. Also calculate the error of calculation in the quantity of oil in the tank if the volumetric strain of the tank is neglected. Take permissible tensile stress as 120 MPa, E=200GPa and = 0.3 for the tank material. (Ans: t=12 mm, error=0.085%.)

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