Organic Chemistry Notes

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Organic Chemistry Notes


Introductory organic chemistry

About organic chemistry

Organic chemistry is now defined as the study of carbon based molecules (except simple ones). Carbon can form single, double, triple or even quadruple bonds with other molecules which arise to complex molecules This quality of carbon allows life to exist Inorganic chemistry is the study of all of the rest of the 91 elements and the compounds they form

Ideas of organic molecules have changed over the ages Jons Jacob Berzelius (1807) split organic chemicals to those that burn/char and inorganic into those that melt Later on, chemists believed organic molecules could only be synthesized in the laboratory Freidrich Wohler (1828) synthesized organic molecule outside of living organism.

Carbon can make lots of products and molecules such as : enzymes, oil, plastics, foodstuffs, pesticide, wool, drugs and more Many drugs are organic compounds that were originated from organic sources such as plants or animals.

Hazard and risk in organic chemistry (1)

Hazard is the potential something has to do harm. This is an absolute value. For example, some chemicals have the chance of burning, poisoning or being corrosive. Risk is the actual chance that something will actually cause harm. Risk is affecting by various reasons such as level of exposure, volumes of chemicals, safety measures and more

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